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“History of
Thought” Game
3 pts. Darwin
collected many
organisms from these
volcanic islands off
the coast of South
3 pts. Choose one
answer: Darwin noted
that fossils in South
America more closely
resembled a) fossils
from the same era in
Europe or b) fossils of
other organisms now
living in South
3 pts. Where did
Wallace do his most
significant work?
3 pts. What is the title
and publication date
of Darwin’s most
3 pts. Darwin
acquired his degree in
the field of _____?
4 pts. Who believed
in uniformitarianism—
an off-shoot of
gradualism in which it
was theorized that all
earth processes
occurred at a fixed
rate over time?
4 pts. Who believed
in gradualism, in
which it was theorized
that geological
features were formed
by the weathering of
the lithosphere over a
long period of time?
4 pts. Who developed
a nearly identical
theory of natural
selection around the
same time as Darwin?
4 pts. Who purported
that populations have
the potential to grow
exponentially due to
the high reproductive
potential of all
4pts. Who believed in
the concept of
acquired inheritance,
that the use of a trait
allows that trait to
develop over time and
be passed on to one’s
4 pts. Name the two
most widely accepted
ideas that Darwin had
to overcome in order
to promote his ideas
about natural
4 pts. Name three
main ideas of the
creationist viewpoint
that differ from the
evolutionist viewpoint.
5 pts. How long did it
take the groundshaking
ideas proposed by
Darwin and Wallace to
become widely accepted
by the scientific
5 pts. Who created
the binomial
classification system
for organisms that is
still in use today?
6 pts. Darwin noted
that plants and
animals of South
American temperate
regions more closely
resembled plants and
animals from _____
rather than those
found in the same
climate of _____.
6 pts. What was
Cuvier’s belief called,
in which periodic
natural disasters
wiped out large
groups of organisms
that were eventually
replaced by
organisms from
another region?
6 pts. Name two
reasons the
publication of Origin of
the Species
succeeded in
changing the direction
of scientific thought
when other proposals
by other men had
6 pts. Name the
approximate years
which Darwin’s and
Wallace’s main thesis
ideas were recorded
on paper
6 pts. Who developed
paleontology when he
realized that the order
and layers of rocks
could be used to
determine the relative
ages of fossilized
6 pts. Name two of
the five scientists from
the 1940s credited
with bringing together
taxonomy and the
biology of specific
organisms to create
the “Modern
6 pts. Give Darwin’s
age at each of the
following points in his
life: a) going to
college b) setting sail
on the Beagle c)
publishing his book.
6 pts. Who believed
in the view of nature
that assumed
organisms were fixed
and not evolving and
could be placed on a
ladder of increasing
“Origin of Life and
the Fossil Record”
3 pts. Which
taxonomic group
listed is the oldest:
Fungi, Bacteria,
Plants, Animals?
3pts. Approximately
how old is the earth,
according to geologic
3 pts. Approximately
when did life on earth
first appear in the
geologic record?
4 pts. What are
4 pts. Name one of
the energy sources
thought to drive the
anabolic reactions of
the first molecules of
4 pts. What molecule
was most likely the
first hereditary
material—DNA, RNA
or proteins?
4 pts. A reducing
atmosphere would
cause ______
reactions while an
oxidizing atmosphere
would cause ______
4 pts. What is the
two-word term for life
being created from
non-living things?
4 pts. What is the
term for the theory
that living things only
come from other living
things? (biogenesis)
5 pts. According to
the most recent
hypothesis, what
would the first organic
monomers have
5 pts. Name two
things that are “lifelike”
that protobionts
can do
5 pts. What were the
first multicellular
5 pts. When did the
first eukaryotes
5 pts. In what two
places in our solar
system are scientists
looking for evidence
of life (past or
5 pts. Describe two
traits of the planet
earth during it first 1
billion years?
5 pts. Animals emerged
in the Precambrian era,
but species richness
occurred in which era?
6 pts. In which period
did plants, fungi and
animals appear,
according to the fossil
6 pts. Besides the
reducing atmosphere
hypothesis, name two
other ways or places in
which the first organic
molecules are
speculated to have
6 pts. Name the two
men who independently
came up with the
reducing atmosphere
6 pts. Describe two
traits of the earth
between 3.5-2.0 bya?
6 pts. Name the two
scientists to simulate
the conditions on
earth as it might have
been 4 bya, in order
to see if they could
produce organic
molecules from
inorganic substances.
6 pts. Describe a
circumstance in which
organic monomers
may have formed
polymers without the
use of enzymes and
cellular components.
“Processes of
Evolution” Game
3 pts. According to the
biological species
concept, what is a
3 pts. What is the term
that means the evolution
of a new species?
3 pts. Those organisms
who are more fit to
survive are more likely
to reproduce. True or
3 pts. Whatever trait
is advantageous
today will be
advantageous in the
future as well. True or
3 pts. Acquired
characteristics can be
inherited. True or
4 pts. Animal
husbandry and
cultivated plants are
examples of what type
of selection?
4 pts. Natural
selection occurs at
what level – the
individual, population,
ecosystem or
3 pts. A trait must allow
an organism to be
stronger, faster or
otherwise more able in
order for it to be called
an advantageous
adaptation. True or
4 pts. Name two
ways the fossil record
conflicts with the
creationist concept.
3 pts. Organisms will
evolve into better,
stronger, more
intelligent or more
complex organisms
over time. True or
4 pts. Darwin’s theory of
natural selection lacked
a critical piece of
support, which was
supplied by the work of
what man: Malthus,
Lyell, Wallace, Mendel,
Lamarck, or Hutton?
4 pts. Two closely
related species share a
common ___.
4 pts. Name two
hypotheses that
Darwin incorporated
from Hutton and Lyell.
5 pts. Name the species
concept that defines a
species in terms of its
5 pts. Give the term for
similarities in genes or
structures inherited from
a common ancestor.
4 pts. What fact of
nature, pointed out by
Malthus, is responsible
for the struggle for
existence among
5 pts. What term is used
when a taxonomic group
branches out to fill a
new niche, speciating in
the process?
5 pts. What is the name
for a structure with no
apparent function, that
exists simply because it
was passed down from
an ancestor?
4 pts. The idea that
speciation occurs in
relatively fast spurts
over time rather than by
steady, accumulated
change over a long
period of time is
4 pts. What do we call
the process that results
in the evolution of a new
taxonomic group?
5 pts. Name two types
of species for which the
biological species
concept is inaccurate or
does not apply.
5 pts. Name the species
concept that defines a
species as a set of
organisms with a unique
genetic history.
5 pts. Name the species
concept that defines a
species according to its
physical characteristics.
5 pts. Name two
prezygotic barriers that
impede mating between
similar but distinct
5 pts. Name the term
that describes a change
in the growth rate genes
that allows sexual
maturity in a juvenile
body form.
5 pts. What is the name
for the class of genes
that controls the
placement and spatial
organization of the body
5 pts. What is the term
for the type of speciation
that occurs when a
population is
5 pts. What is the
term for the type of
speciation that occurs
when populations
diverge due to
biologic factors?
5 pts. Environmental
obstacles do not cause
adaptation; ____ is
already present in the
population and allows
adaptation to occur over
5 pts. What were the
two main points in
Darwin’s book?
5 pts. What is the term
for the geographic
distribution of organisms
in which it was proven
that organisms located
closer to one another on
earth are more similar
than organisms that are
located away from each
5 pts. What phrase did
Darwin use that has the
same meaning as
6 pts. Give an example
of a genotype or a
phenotype that could be
detrimental in one
environment and
advantageous in
6 pts. Name two
types of postzygotic
barriers that prevent
two species from
merging through
6 pts. Describe one
observable example
of evolutionary
survival of the fittest.
6 pts. What is the
term for evolution that
arises from a change
in morphology due to
allometric growth?
6 pts. Give one
example of a complex
organ or mechanism
that has evolved in
small steps over time.
6 pts. What is the
term for the growth
that causes huge
differences in limbs,
skulls and other parts
of the body and that
can occur by
changing only a few
genes that control the
rate of growth of an
embryo, fetus,
juvenile or
6 pts. Name a
molecular homology
that is common in all
Genetics” Game
3 pts. Mutations in an
organism’s heritable
DNA (their gametes)
is likely or unlikely to
be beneficial?
3 pts. What happens
to populations when
they do not meet all 5
criteria of HardyWeinberg equilibrium?
3 pts. How do fast
generation rates (such
as those for bacteria)
correlate with mutation
3 pts. Most mutations
alter protein synthesis.
True or false?
4 pts. What is the term
that means the total
aggregate of genes in a
population at any given
4 pts. What is the only
source of new alleles?
4 pts. What is the key
difference between
microevolution and
4 pts. What term is used
when a small population
colonizes a new habitat,
limiting the genetic
variation in that
4 pts. What is the term
for the effect disasters,
earthquakes, floods or
storms have when they
wipe out a significant
portion of the
population, leaving only
a small portion of the
4 pts. Name the
mechanism that allows
populations to adapt to
their environment over
4 pts. What do you call a
localized group of
4 pts. What type of
natural selection
favors variants of
opposite extremes in
a population, splitting
the population into
two morphs?
4 pts. What type of
selection favors the
most common morph,
culling extreme
morphs from either
end of the spectrum
and thus limiting the
phenotypic variation in
a population?
4 pts. How often are
natural populations in
4 pts. What type of
natural selection
favors variants of one
extreme and thereby
shifts the overall
makeup of a
4 pts. What term is
used to describe
genetic exchange
caused by migration
of organisms or the
gametes of
4 pts. What do we
call small changes in
gene frequencies from
generation to
4 pts. What is the
type of selection that
occurs between a
male and female of a
species regarding
mate choice?
4 pts. What
mechanism accounts
for a change in a
population’s allele
frequency due to
5 pts. Name the type
of natural selection
that occurs when
competition is very
intense, such that the
members of a
population must divide
the niche and its
resources among
5 pts. Name the type
of selection that
occurs most often in
unchanging conditions
5 pts. Name the term
that describes the
physical differences
between two sexes.
5 pts. What type of
characteristics vary
along a continuum
(such as height) within
a population and are
controlled by 2+ gene
5 pts. What is
competition between
members of the same
sex within the same
species called?
5 pts. Describe the
relationship between
“p” and “q” if they
represent the
frequency of two
alleles at a single
locus that displays
simple Mendelian
5 pts. What is the
equilibrium equation?
5 pts. What theorem
describes a nonevolving
gene pool?
5 pts. What term is
used to describe a
population in which 2
or more distinct
morphs are
represented in high
enough frequencies to
be noticeable?
5 pts. What do you
call the differences in
phenotype caused by
changes along a
geographic axis like
altitude or longitude?
5 pts. Selection only
acts on: genotype,
phenotype, the entire
genome, each allele
or the entire gene
5 pts. How is sexual
reproduction an
advantage over
asexual reproduction?
5 pts. What do you
call differences
between gene pools
of physically
6 pts. Describe 2
qualities or
characteristics that
would make one
organism more “fit”
than another
6 pts. Name the type
of selection that most
commonly occurs
during periods of
environmental change
or when members of a
population migrate to
a new habitat with
new conditions.
6 pts. Name two
mechanisms that
prevent natural selection
from eliminating
unfavorable genotypes.
6 pts. A population
has two alleles, B and
b. If the frequency of
B=0.8, what is the
frequency of b?
6 pts. In a population
that is in HardyWeinberg equilibrium,
16% of the individuals
show the recessive
phenotype. What is
the frequency of the
dominant allele in the
6 pts. What are the
five conditions
necessary to meet
6 pts. Survival of the
fittest is usually a
passive competition
between individuals
rather than a physical
competition. Give an
example of this
passive competition.
6 pts. How much
nucleotide diversity
exists between two
6 pts. Name one
reason that natural
selection does not
create the most
perfect organism
(faster, smarter, more
complex...) over time.
6 pts. How much gene
diversity exists between
two humans?
6 pts. Two alleles, B
and b, exist in a
population where B
has the frequency of
0.7. What is the
frequency of
heterozygotes if the
population is in HardyWeinberg equilibrium?