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Agenda Message: Social Studies SWA Map Quiz on Friday, September 2nd.
Review countries, bodies of water, & rivers. Social Studies Progress
Reports go home August 31st.
Standard: Physical & Political Features of SWA.
Essential Question for Monday August 29th: What life sustaining natural
resource is distributed unequally in SWA?
Warm-up: What two bodies of water does the Suez Canal connect?
Today We Will:
1. Turn-in last weeks E.Q.’s & Warm-ups
2. Complete labeling and coloring of SWA Map
3. Natural Resources of SWA
E.Q’s & Warm-Up Answers
E.Q. Answer for Monday August 24th:
Fresh Water.
Only Turkey & Iraq have enough fresh water to meet
their people’s needs. All other countries in SWA are
struggling to find enough water for their people.
Warm-up: The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean
Sea & the Red Sea.
The Middle East Today:
Standard: G5 Locate selected features in SW Asia
Jordan River
Gaza Strip
Suez Canal
Strait of
Arabian Sea
Suez Canal
Completed by the British in 1869
The Tigris & Euphrates
River System
”Land Between the Two Rivers”
Marsh Arabs, So. Iraq
Dead Sea: Lowest Point on
Earth2,300’ below sea level
Rub al-Khali: Saudi Arabia
“The Empty Quarter”
Standard: G6 Discuss environmental issues
across Southwest Asia.
-Water is a natural resource that is unevenly distributed in
Southwest Asia.
-Turkey and Iraq have plenty of water for farming communities.
(Tigris and Euphrates)
-Some countries share a water source like Jordan, Israel and Syria
(Jordan River)
-Saudi Arabia has almost no water.
-Irrigation has become necessary for those who want to farm and
raise animals.
-Using wells taps into fossil water (water that has been
underground for centuries)
-Saudi Arabia and Israel have developed systems of drip irrigation
that measure out how much water each plant receives.
Agenda Message: SWA Geography Quiz is Friday. Know your
geography, countries, & bodies of water. Study your maps of SWA.
Standard: Describe the impact of location, climate, physical geography,
and distribution of natural resources on population distribution.
Essential Question for Tuesday August 30th:
What are the major environmental problems in SWA?
What narrow waterway connects the Persian Gulf & the Arabian Sea?
Today We Will:
1. Review for SWA Geography Quiz
2. Water & Soil Pollution
E.Q. Answers for Tuesday August 30th:
Environmental problems in SWA have to do with water and soil
pollution. They are related based on the use of chemical
fertilizers in farming. A third problem is the building of dams for
irrigation and production of hydro-electric power (electricity).
The Strait of Hormuz
Desalination (the process of removing salt and other
chemicals from seawater) is very expensive and
requires complex technology.
Water pollution is a growing problem. Many farmers are
using chemical fertilizers, which have contaminated
water supplies through runoff water. This has
increased the salt level found in soil, eventually
making it impossible to farm.
The building of dams to produce hydroelectric power
has become a source of conflict. This is because it
greatly reduces the amount of water available to
other countries located downstream.
Agenda Message: Except for 5th period Social Studies Progress
Reports are not available today due to technical problems. Grade
Book is up to date and available for review of your current grades.
Standard: Describe the impact of location, climate, physical geography,
and distribution of natural resources on population distribution.
Essential Question for Wednesday August 31st: Where do people tend to
live throughout SWA?
Warm-up: What two countries have an abundant fresh water supply?
Today We Will:
1. Review SWA geography for Quiz Friday
2. Population distribution and the impact of climate, geography and natural
resources in SWA
E.Q’s & Warm-Up Answers
E.Q. Answer for Tuesday August 30th: People tend to
live where the weather is not too hot and not too cold.
They also tend to live where there is a good supply of
fresh water.
Turkey & Iraq because the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers
both start in Turkey and both run through Iraq before
they empty into the Persian Gulf.
Middle East: Climate Regions
Middle East: Population Density
Desert Nomads
Desert Nomads:
People who live in the desert roaming from place to place
(Oasis to Oasis) in search of water and grazing for their
animals (camels and goats).
Desert nomads earn a living by selling their camels and
goats and hand made goods such as rugs, and metal
Desert Oases: Water at a
Agenda Message: SWA Map Quiz is scheduled for tomorrow. Social
Studies Progress Reports go home today. Return with Parent Signature
Friday and receive a homework grade of “100”.
Standard: Describe the impact of location, climate, physical geography, and
distribution of natural resources on population distribution.
Essential Question for Thursday September 1st: What percent of the world’s
oil supply is found in SWA?
Warm-up: Where do people tend to live?
Today We Will:
1.Finish labeling & coloring our maps of SWA
2. Population distribution/Oil distribution
E.Q’s & Warm-Up Answers
E.Q. Answer for Thursday September 1st:
50% of the world’s oil reserves are found in SWA.
People tend to live where the temperatures are Moderate
(Moderate means temperatures that are not too hot or too
cold) and where there is an abundant supply of fresh water.
Standard: G7 Explain the impact of location, climate, physical
characteristics, distribution of natural resources and
population distribution on SW Asia
Oil and Natural Gas
The two most “valuable” natural resources found in SW Asia are
oil and natural gas .
These resources were discovered in the 1900s and United
States and European companies controlled the drilling and
Over ½ of the world’s known oil reserves are found in this area
of the world.
World Oil Reserves
Saudi Oil Fields & Refineries
Standard: G7 Explain the impact of location, climate,
physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources
and population distribution on SW Asia
Countries in SWA that have oil have become
incredibly rich (especially oil rich nations
surrounding the Persian Gulf). As a result their
people, once poor, now enjoy a high standard of
The countries without oil in SWA have remained
poor and have had a much harder time improving
living conditions for their people.
Persian Gulf Oil Exports (2003)
Standard: G7 Explain the impact of location, climate,
physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources
and population distribution on SW Asia
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries- OPEC
was created in the 1960s and is made up of the
world’s oil-rich countries from SWA, Africa (Nigeria),
and South America (Venezuela & Brazil).
OPEC’s goal is to control the production & price of oil
in the world’s markets.
Leading U. S. Oil Suppliers
The U. S. imports 30% of its oil needs from the Middle East.
Agenda Message: SWA Geography Quiz is TODAY!! Today is the last day
to turn in Late, Missing or Incomplete work before District-wide Progress
Reports on September 7th. E.Q.’s & Warm-Ups for this week are due Tues.
September 6th.
Standard: Describe the impact of location, climate, physical geography, and
distribution of natural resources on population distribution.
Essential Question for Friday, September 2nd: Why was the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) created?
Warm Up:
Name the two leading exporter of Oil to the United States from SWA.
Today We Will:
1. SWA Geography Quiz
E.Q’s & Warm-Up Answers
Essential Question for Answers for Friday September 2nd:
OPEC was created for two reasons;
1.To control the production of oil, and
2.To control the price of oil in the world market.
Saudi Arabia and Iraq
Geography Quiz Extra Credit
14. Describe in your own words what the
Arabian Peninsula looks like.