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Ancestors of Olaf Vermundsson
Generation No. 1
1. Olaf Vermundsson, born 391. He was the son of 2. Vermund Frodason.
Generation No. 2
2. Vermund Frodason, born 369 in Denmark. He was the son of 4. Frodi Havarsson.
Child of Vermund Frodason is:
i. Olaf Vermundsson, born 391.
Generation No. 3
4. Frodi Havarsson, born 347. He was the son of 8. Haver Fridleifsson.
Child of Frodi Havarsson is:
i. Vermund Frodason, born 369 in Denmark.
Generation No. 4
8. Haver Fridleifsson, born 325. He was the son of 16. Frideif Frodason.
Child of Haver Fridleifsson is:
i. Frodi Havarsson, born 347.
Generation No. 5
16. Frideif Frodason, born 303. He was the son of 32. King Frodi Fridleifsson.
Child of Frideif Frodason is:
i. Haver Fridleifsson, born 325.
Generation No. 6
32. King Frodi Fridleifsson, born 281. He was the son of 64. King Friedleif Skjoldsson.
Notes for King Frodi Fridleifsson:
** King of the Danes
Child of King Frodi Fridleifsson is:
i. Frideif Frodason, born 303.
Generation No. 7
64. King Friedleif Skjoldsson, born 259 in Hleithra, Denmark. He was the son of 128. King Skjold and 129. Gefion.
Notes for King Friedleif Skjoldsson:
** King of the Danes
Child of King Friedleif Skjoldsson is:
i. King Frodi Fridleifsson, born 281.
Generation No. 8
128. King Skjold, born 237. He was the son of 256. King Woden and 257. Frigg. He married 129. Gefion 258.
129. Gefion, born 241.
Notes for King Skjold:
** King of Danes
More About Skjold and Gefion:
Marriage: 258
Child of Skjold and Gefion is:
i. King Friedleif Skjoldsson, born 259 in Hleithra, Denmark.
Generation No. 9
256. King Woden, born 215 in Asia; died 300. He was the son of 512. Frithuwald and 513. Beltsea. He married 257.
257. Frigg, born Bet. 210 - 232 in Asgard, Asia; died Bet. 253 - 319. She was the daughter of 514. Cadwalladr.
Notes for King Woden:
** King of Saxons
Children of Woden and Frigg are:
i. King Skjold, born 237; married Gefion 258.
ii. King Witte I, died 350.
Notes for King Witte I:
** King of Saxons
Bealdeagus, born 243.
King Saeming, born 239.
Notes for King Saeming:
** King of the Norse
Generation No. 10
512. Frithuwald, born Abt. 190 in Asgard, Asia; died Bet. 223 - 283. He was the son of 1024. Frealaf. He married
513. Beltsea.
513. Beltsea, born Aft. 194 in Asgard, Asia.
Child of Frithuwald and Beltsea is:
i. King Woden, born 215 in Asia; died 300; married Frigg.
514. Cadwalladr, born Abt. 189. He was the son of 1028. King Lucius Mawr and 1029. Gladys.
Child of Cadwalladr is:
i. Frigg, born Bet. 210 - 232 in Asgard, Asia; died Bet. 253 - 319; married King Woden.
Generation No. 11
1024. Frealaf, born Abt. 160. He was the son of 2048. Frithuwulf.
Child of Frealaf is:
i. Frithuwald, born Abt. 190 in Asgard, Asia; died Bet. 223 - 283; married Beltsea.
1028. King Lucius Mawr, died Abt. 181. He married 1029. Gladys.
1029. Gladys She was the daughter of 2059. Eurgen.
Notes for King Lucius Mawr:
** King of Britons
Child of Lucius Mawr and Gladys is:
i. Cadwalladr, born Abt. 189.
Generation No. 12
2048. Frithuwulf He was the son of 4096. Finn.
Child of Frithuwulf is:
i. Frealaf, born Abt. 160.
2059. Eurgen She was the daughter of 4118. King Meric and 4119. Princess Julia.
Child of Eurgen is:
i. Gladys, married King Lucius Mawr.
Generation No. 13
4096. Finn, born Abt. 130 in Asgard. He was the son of 8192. Godwulf.
Child of Finn is:
i. Frithuwulf.
4118. King Meric, born in born bet 65-80 AD. He was the son of 8236. King Arviraqus and 8237. Genuissa Claudia.
He married 4119. Princess Julia.
4119. Princess Julia, born in born abt 60 AD. She was the daughter of 8238. King Prasutagus and 8239. Queen
Notes for King Meric:
** King of Siluria
Notes for Princess Julia:
** Princess of the Icenians
Child of Meric and Julia is:
i. Eurgen.
Generation No. 14
8192. Godwulf He was the son of 16384. Prince Jat.
Child of Godwulf is:
i. Finn, born Abt. 130 in Asgard.
8236. King Arviraqus, born in born abt 15 AD; died in died abt 74 AD. He was the son of 16472. King Cymbeline. He
married 8237. Genuissa Claudia.
8237. Genuissa Claudia, died in died abt 50 AD. She was the daughter of 16474. Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero
Germanicus and 16475. unknown.
Notes for King Arviraqus:
** King of Siluria
Notes for Genuissa Claudia:
** Modern English translation of the above passage, as given in Geoffey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain,
trans. Lewis Thorpe (London: 1966), p. 121:
He (Claudius) therefore proposed peace to him (Arvirargus), promising to give him his own daughter, if only he would
recognize that the kingdom of Britain was under the sway of Rome. His nobles persuaded Arvirargus to abandon his plans for
battle and to accept the proposals of Claudius. Their argument was that it could be no disgrace for him to submit to the
Romans, since they were the acknowledged overlords of the whole world. Arvirargus was swayed by these arguments and by
others of a similar nature. He accepted their advice and submitted to Claudius. Claudius soon sent to Rome for his daughter.
With the help of Arvirargus he subdued the Orkneys and the other islands in that neighbourhood.
At the end of that winter the messengers returned with Claudius' daughter and handed her over to her father. The girl's
name was Genvissa (= Genuissa). Her beauty was such that everyone who saw her was filled with admiration. Once she had
been united with him in lawful marriage, she inflamed the King with such burning passion that he preferred her company to
anything else in the world. As a result of this Arvirargus made up his mind to give some special mark of distinction to the
place where he had married her. He suggested to Claudius that the two of them should found there a city which should
perpetuate in times to come the memory of so happy a marriage. Claudius agreed and ordered a town to be built which should
be called Kaerglou or Gloucester. Down to our own day it retains its site on the bank of the Severn, between Wales and
Loegria. Some, however, say that it took its name from Duke Gloius, whom Claudius fathered in that city and to whom he
granted control of the duchy of the Welsh after Arvirargus.
Child of Arviraqus and Genuissa Claudia is:
i. King Meric, born in born bet 65-80 AD; married (1) Princess Julia; married (2) Penardun.
8238. King Prasutagus, died in died abt 60 AD. He married 8239. Queen Boudicca.
8239. Queen Boudicca, born in born bef 45 AD; died in died abt 60 AD. She was the daughter of 16478.
Mandubratius and 16479. Queen Anne Arimathea.
Notes for King Prasutagus:
** King of the Iceni
** He is best known as the husband of Boudica
Notes for Queen Boudicca:
** Queen of the Icenians
** was a queen of the Iceni tribe of what is now known as East Anglia in England, who led an uprising of the
tribes against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire.
Children of Prasutagus and Boudicca are:
i. Princess Julia, born in born abt 60 AD; married King Meric.
ii. Stradwaul
Generation No. 15
16384. Prince Jat He was the son of 32768. Taetwa.
Notes for Prince Jat:
** Prince & eponym of the Goths
** progenitor of ancient Germanic Kings (in tradition)
Child of Prince Jat is:
i. Godwulf.
16472. King Cymbeline, born in born abt 25 BC; died in died abt 17 AD. He was the son of 32944. King Tenuantius.
Notes for King Cymbeline:
** King of the Silures
Child of King Cymbeline is:
i. King Arviraqus, born in born abt 15 AD; died in died abt 74 AD; married Genuissa Claudia.
16474. Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus, born in born 01 Aug 10 BC at Lugundum Lyons, Gaul, France; died
in died 13 Oct 54 BC. He was the son of 32948. General Nero Claudius Drusus and 32949. Antonia Minor. He married
16475. unknown.
16475. unknown
Notes for Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus:
** Emperor of Rome
Child of Tiberius Germanicus and unknown is:
i. Genuissa Claudia, died in died abt 50 AD; married King Arviraqus.
16478. Mandubratius He was the son of 32956. King Lud. He married 16479. Queen Anne Arimathea.
16479. Queen Anne Arimathea, born in born abt 130 BC.
Notes for Queen Anne Arimathea:
** Queen of the Ancient British Royal Family
Child of Mandubratius and Anne Arimathea is:
i. Queen Boudicca, born in born bef 45 AD; died in died abt 60 AD; married King Prasutagus.
Generation No. 16
32768. Taetwa He was the son of 65536. King Beaw.
Child of Taetwa is:
i. Prince Jat.
32944. King Tenuantius, born in born abt 59 BC; died in died abt 26 BC. He was the son of 32956. King Lud.
Notes for King Tenuantius:
** King of Britain
Child of King Tenuantius is:
i. King Cymbeline, born in born abt 25 BC; died in died abt 17 AD.
32948. General Nero Claudius Drusus, born in born 14 Jan 38 BC; died in died 14 Sep 9 AD. He was the son of
65896. Tiberius Claudius Nero Pontiff and 65897. Livia Drusilla. He married 32949. Antonia Minor.
32949. Antonia Minor, born in born abt 36 BC; died in died abt 37 AD. She was the daughter of 65898. Triumvir
Marcus Antonius and 65899. Octavia Minor.
Notes for General Nero Claudius Drusus:
** Governor of Gaul
Children of Nero Drusus and Antonia Minor are:
i. Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus, born in born 01 Aug 10 BC at Lugundum Lyons, Gaul, France;
died in died 13 Oct 54 BC; married (1) unknown; married (2) Valeria Messalina in 3rd wife; married (3)
Plautia Urgulanilla in 1st wife; married (4) Aelia Paetina in 2nd wife; married (5) Julia Agrippina Minor in
4th wife.
ii. Livilla
iii. Claudius
32956. King Lud, born in born abt 79 BC, Wales; died in died abt 18 BC, Wales. He was the son of 65912. King Beli
and 65913. Danu verch Mathonwy.
Notes for King Lud:
** King of the Britons, King of Wales
Children of King Lud are:
i. Mandubratius, married Queen Anne Arimathea.
ii. King Tenuantius, born in born abt 59 BC; died in died abt 26 BC.
Notes for King Tenuantius:
** King of Britain
iii. King Aballac
Notes for King Aballac:
** King of Wales
Generation No. 17
65536. King Beaw He was the son of 131072. King Sceldwa.
Notes for King Beaw:
** King of Denmark
Child of King Beaw is:
i. Taetwa.
65896. Tiberius Claudius Nero Pontiff, born in born abt 63 BC; died in born abt 33 BC. He was the son of 131792.
Drusus Claudius Nero. He married 65897. Livia Drusilla.
65897. Livia Drusilla, born in born abt 30 Jan 58 BC; died in died abt 29 AD. She was the daughter of 131794.
Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus and 131795. Audifia.
Children of Tiberius Pontiff and Livia Drusilla are:
i. General Nero Claudius Drusus, born in born 14 Jan 38 BC; died in died 14 Sep 9 AD; married Antonia Minor.
ii. Germanicus Julius Caesar, married (1) Vipsania Agrippina; married (2) Julia Agrippina in married abt 11 BC;
born in born abt 39 BC.
More About Germanicus Caesar and Julia Agrippina:
Marriage: married abt 11 BC
65898. Triumvir Marcus Antonius, born in born abt 82 BC, Rome, Roman Republic; died in died abt 40 BC, Alexandria,
Ptolemaic Kingdom. He was the son of 131796. Marcus Antonius Creticus and 131797. Julia Antonia. He married 65899.
Octavia Minor in 4th wife, married abt Oct 40 BC.
65899. Octavia Minor, born in born abt 69 BC, Nola, Italy; died in died abt 10 BC. She was the daughter of 131798.
Governor Gaius Octavius and 131799. Atia Balba Caesonia.
Notes for Triumvir Marcus Antonius:
** Triumvir of Rome (Roman policitian), General
More About Marcus Antonius and Octavia Minor:
Marriage: 4th wife, married abt Oct 40 BC
Children of Marcus Antonius and Octavia Minor are:
i. Antonia Minor, born in born abt 36 BC; died in died abt 37 AD; married General Nero Claudius Drusus.
ii. Antonia Major
65912. King Beli, born in born abt 99 BC, Wales; died in born abt 72 BC, Wales. He was the son of 131824. King
Manogan Ap Eneid. He married 65913. Danu verch Mathonwy.
65913. Danu verch Mathonwy
Notes for King Beli:
** Druid King of Britons
Child of Beli and Danu Mathonwy is:
i. King Lud, born in born abt 79 BC, Wales; died in died abt 18 BC, Wales.
Generation No. 18
131072. King Sceldwa He was the son of 262144. King Heremod.
Notes for King Sceldwa:
** King of Denmark
Child of King Sceldwa is:
i. King Beaw.
131792. Drusus Claudius Nero He was the son of 263584. Tiberius Claudius Nero.
Child of Drusus Claudius Nero is:
i. Tiberius Claudius Nero Pontiff, born in born abt 63 BC; died in born abt 33 BC; married Livia Drusilla.
131794. Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus He was the son of 263588. Marcus Livius Drusus. He married 131795.
131795. Audifia She was the daughter of 263590. Marcus Aufidius Lurco.
Notes for Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus:
** born as Appius Claudius Pulcher
** changed his name to Marcus Livius Drusus, in honour of his adoptive father.
** Praetor
Children of Marcus Claudianus and Audifia are:
i. Livia Drusilla, born in born abt 30 Jan 58 BC; died in died abt 29 AD; married (1) Emperor Gaius Octavius
Caesar; married (2) Tiberius Claudius Nero Pontiff.
ii. Marcus Livius Drusus
131796. Marcus Antonius Creticus He was the son of 263592. Marcus Antonius Orator. He married 131797. Julia
131797. Julia Antonia, born in born abt 104BC; died in died aft 39 BC. She was the daughter of 263594. Lucius
Julius III Caesar.
Notes for Marcus Antonius Creticus:
** Roman policitian, Praetor
Children of Marcus Creticus and Julia Antonia are:
i. Triumvir Marcus Antonius, born in born abt 82 BC, Rome, Roman Republic; died in died abt 40 BC,
Alexandria, Ptolemaic Kingdom; married (1) Octavia Minor in 4th wife, married abt Oct 40 BC; married (2)
Queen Cleopatra VII; married (3) Fulvia.
ii. Gaius Antonius
iii. Lucius Antonius
131798. Governor Gaius Octavius, born in born 23 Sep 63 BC, Rome; died in died abt 14 AD, Nola, Italia. He married
131799. Atia Balba Caesonia.
131799. Atia Balba Caesonia, born in born abt 85 BC; died in died abt 43 BC. She was the daughter of 263598.
Marcus Atius Balbus and 263599. Julia Caesaris.
Notes for Governor Gaius Octavius:
** Governor of Macedonia
Children of Gaius Octavius and Atia Caesonia are:
i. Octavia Minor, born in born abt 69 BC, Nola, Italy; died in died abt 10 BC; married (1) Triumvir Marcus
Antonius in 4th wife, married abt Oct 40 BC; married (2) Gaius Claudius Marcellus Minor in married abt 54
ii. Emperor Gaius Octavius Caesar, born in 23 Sep 63 BC, Ox Heads on Palatine Hill; died in 19 Aug 14 AD;
married (1) Scribonia; married (2) Livia Drusilla; born in born abt 30 Jan 58 BC; died in died abt 29 AD;
married (3) Clodia Pulchra.
Notes for Emperor Gaius Octavius Caesar:
** Emperor of Rome
** plebian, but gained patrician status when he was adopted by Julius Caesar
131824. King Manogan Ap Eneid, born in born abt 130 BC, Wales; died in died abt 92 BC,. He was the son of 263648.
King Eneid Ap Cerwydr.
Notes for King Manogan Ap Eneid:
** King of Britons
** related to parents by adoption
Child of King Manogan Ap Eneid is:
i. King Beli, born in born abt 99 BC, Wales; died in born abt 72 BC, Wales; married Danu verch Mathonwy.
Generation No. 19
262144. King Heremod He was the son of 524288. Itermon.
Notes for King Heremod:
** King of Denmark
Child of King Heremod is:
131072 i. King Sceldwa.
263584. Tiberius Claudius Nero He was the son of 527168. Appius Claudius Caecus.
Child of Tiberius Claudius Nero is:
131792 i. Drusus Claudius Nero.
263588. Marcus Livius Drusus
Notes for Marcus Livius Drusus:
** Tribune
** adopted father to Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus
Child of Marcus Livius Drusus is:
131794 i. Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, married Audifia.
263590. Marcus Aufidius Lurco
Notes for Marcus Aufidius Lurco:
** Roman magistrate
** a member of the gens Aufidius, a Roman family of the Plebs status
Child of Marcus Aufidius Lurco is:
131795 i. Audifia, married Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus.
263592. Marcus Antonius Orator, died in died 87 BC.
Notes for Marcus Antonius Orator:
** was a Roman politician of the Antonius family and one of the most distinguished Roman orators of his time. He started his
cursus honorum as quaestor in 113 BC and in 102 BC he was elected praetor with proconsular powers for the province of
Child of Marcus Antonius Orator is:
131796 i. Marcus Antonius Creticus, married Julia Antonia.
263594. Lucius Julius III Caesar, born in born abt 135 BC; died in died 87 BC. He was the son of 527188. Lucius
Julius II Caesar and 527189. Poppilia.
Notes for Lucius Julius III Caesar:
** was involved in the downfall of tribune of Lucius Appuleius Saturninus in 100 BC and became praetor in 94 BC without
being a quaestor and aedile first. Later he became Macedonian Governor. Lucius became consul in 90 BC.
Child of Lucius Julius III Caesar is:
131797 i. Julia Antonia, born in born abt 104BC; died in died aft 39 BC; married Marcus Antonius Creticus.
263598. Marcus Atius Balbus, born in born abt 105 BC; died in died abt 51 BC. He was the son of 527196. Marcus
Atius Balbus and 527197. Pompeia. He married 263599. Julia Caesaris.
263599. Julia Caesaris She was the daughter of 527198. Senator Gaius Julius III Caesar and 527199. Aurelia
Notes for Marcus Atius Balbus:
** Praetor
Children of Marcus Balbus and Julia Caesaris are:
131799 i. Atia Balba Caesonia, born in born abt 85 BC; died in died abt 43 BC; married (1) Governor Gaius Octavius;
married (2) Marcius Philippus.
ii. Atia Balba Prima
iii. Atia Balba Tertia
263648. King Eneid Ap Cerwydr, born in Wales. He was the son of 527296. Cerwyd Ap Crydon.
Notes for King Eneid Ap Cerwydr:
** King of Britons, King fo Druid
Child of King Eneid Ap Cerwydr is:
131824 i. King Manogan Ap Eneid, born in born abt 130 BC, Wales; died in died abt 92 BC,.
Generation No. 20
524288. Itermon He was the son of 1048576. Hathra.
Child of Itermon is:
262144 i. King Heremod.
527168. Appius Claudius Caecus He was the son of 1054336. Gaius Claudius Crassus.
Notes for Appius Claudius Caecus:
** Roman politician from a wealthy patrician family, and was a Dictator
Child of Appius Claudius Caecus is:
263584 i. Tiberius Claudius Nero.
527188. Lucius Julius II Caesar He was the son of 1054376. Sextus Julius II Caesar. He married 527189.
527189. Poppilia
Notes for Poppilia:
** The Popilii Laenates was the name of an ancient Roman Plebs family, who lived during the era of the
Roman Republic. The Popilii were known for their cruel and arrogant nature. The gens name Popilii is of
Etruscan origin. Poppilia or Poppillia was the name given to the women of the Popilius Laenas family.
Child of Lucius Caesar and Poppilia is:
263594 i. Lucius Julius III Caesar, born in born abt 135 BC; died in died 87 BC.
527196. Marcus Atius Balbus, born in born abt 148 BC; died in died abt 87 BC. He married 527197. Pompeia.
527197. Pompeia She was the daughter of 1054394. Sextus Pompeius and 1054395. Lucilia.
Child of Marcus Balbus and Pompeia is:
263598 i. Marcus Atius Balbus, born in born abt 105 BC; died in died abt 51 BC; married Julia Caesaris.
527198. Senator Gaius Julius III Caesar, born in born abt 140 BC; died in died abt 85 BC. He was the son of
1054396. Gaius Julius II Caesar and 1054397. Marcia Regia. He married 527199. Aurelia Cotta.
527199. Aurelia Cotta
Notes for Senator Gaius Julius III Caesar:
** Roman Senator
Children of Gaius Caesar and Aurelia Cotta are:
263599 i. Julia Caesaris, married Marcus Atius Balbus.
ii. Emperor Julius Caesar, born in 12 Jul 100 BC, Suburba, Rome; died in 15 Mar 44 BC, Curia of Pompey, Rome;
married Queen Cleopatra VII; born in Jan 69 BC; died in 12 Aug 30 BC, Alexandria.
Notes for Queen Cleopatra VII:
** Queen of Egypt
527296. Cerwyd Ap Crydon, born in Wales. He was the son of 1054592. King Crydon ap Dyfnarth.
Child of Cerwyd Ap Crydon is:
263648 i. King Eneid Ap Cerwydr, born in Wales.
Generation No. 21
1048576. Hathra He was the son of 2097152. Hwala.
Child of Hathra is:
524288 i. Itermon.
1054336. Gaius Claudius Crassus
Notes for Gaius Claudius Crassus:
** Dictator
Child of Gaius Claudius Crassus is:
527168 i. Appius Claudius Caecus.
1054376. Sextus Julius II Caesar He was the son of 2108752. Sextus Julias I Caesar.
Child of Sextus Julius II Caesar is:
527188 i. Lucius Julius II Caesar, married Poppilia.
1054394. Sextus Pompeius He married 1054395. Lucilia.
1054395. Lucilia, born in Sessa Aurunca.
Children of Sextus Pompeius and Lucilia are:
527197 i. Pompeia, married Marcus Atius Balbus.
ii. Sextus Pompeius, born in Picenum.
iii. Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo, born in Picenum; died in died abt 87 BC.
1054396. Gaius Julius II Caesar, died in Pisae, Italy. He was the son of 2108792. Gaius Julius I Caesar. He
married 1054397. Marcia Regia.
1054397. Marcia Regia She was the daughter of 2108794. Quintus Marcius Rex.
Notes for Gaius Julius II Caesar:
** conqueror of Gaul, dictator
Children of Gaius
527198 i.
Caesar and Marcia Regia are:
Senator Gaius Julius III Caesar, born in born abt 140 BC; died in died abt 85 BC; married Aurelia Cotta.
Sextus Julius III Caesar
Julia Caesaris
1054592. King Crydon ap Dyfnarth He was the son of 2109184. King Dyfnarth ap Prydain.
Notes for King Crydon ap Dyfnarth:
** King of Cornwall
Child of King Crydon ap Dyfnarth is:
527296 i. Cerwyd Ap Crydon, born in Wales.
Generation No. 22
2097152. Hwala He was the son of 4194304. Bedwig.
Children of Hwala are:
1048576 i. Hathra.
ii. King Berik, born in born abt 160 BC.
Notes for King Berik:
** King of the Goths
2108752. Sextus Julias I Caesar He was the son of 4217504. Lucius Julias I Caesar.
Notes for Sextus Julias I Caesar:
** was a military tribune under Lucius Aemilius Paullus and a governor of Liguria.
Children of Sextus Julias I Caesar are:
i. Gaius Julius I Caesar
Notes for Gaius Julius I Caesar:
** Praetor in 166 BC under the nomen Lucius
1054376 ii. Sextus Julius II Caesar.
2108792. Gaius Julius I Caesar He was the son of 2108752. Sextus Julias I Caesar.
Notes for Gaius Julius I Caesar:
** Praetor in 166 BC under the nomen Lucius
Child of Gaius Julius I Caesar is:
1054396 i. Gaius Julius II Caesar, died in Pisae, Italy; married Marcia Regia.
2108794. Quintus Marcius Rex
Notes for Quintus Marcius Rex:
** was a member of the Marcii Reges, the family founded by the Roman King Ancus Marcius. His father as praetor in 144 BC
built the Aqua Marcia aqueduct, the longest aqueduct of ancient Rome. The aqueduct was known for its water purity and its
cold temperature.
Child of Quintus Marcius Rex is:
1054397 i. Marcia Regia, married Gaius Julius II Caesar.
2109184. King Dyfnarth ap Prydain He was the son of 4218368. King Prydain ap Aedd Mawr.
Notes for King Dyfnarth ap Prydain:
** King of Cornwall
Child of King Dyfnarth ap Prydain is:
1054592 i. King Crydon ap Dyfnarth.
Generation No. 23
4194304. Bedwig He was the son of 8388608. Seskef.
Child of Bedwig is:
2097152 i. Hwala.
4217504. Lucius Julias I Caesar He was the son of 8435008. Numerius Julias Caesar.
Child of Lucius Julias I Caesar is:
2108752 i. Sextus Julias I Caesar.
4218368. King Prydain ap Aedd Mawr He was the son of 8436736. King Aedd Mawr ap Antonius.
Notes for King Prydain ap Aedd Mawr:
** King of Cornwall
Child of King Prydain ap Aedd Mawr is:
2109184 i. King Dyfnarth ap Prydain.
Generation No. 24
8388608. Seskef He was the son of 16777216. Maji Modasson.
Child of Seskef is:
4194304 i. Bedwig.
8435008. Numerius Julias Caesar He was the son of 16870016. Lucius Julius II Libo.
Child of Numerius Julias Caesar is:
4217504 i. Lucius Julias I Caesar.
8436736. King Aedd Mawr ap Antonius He was the son of 16873472. King Antonius ap Seisy II.
Notes for King Aedd Mawr ap Antonius:
** King of Cornwall
Child of King Aedd Mawr ap Antonius is:
4218368 i. King Prydain ap Aedd Mawr.
Generation No. 25
16777216. Maji Modasson He was the son of 33554432. Moda Vingenersson.
Child of Maji Modasson is:
8388608 i. Seskef.
16870016. Lucius Julius II Libo He was the son of 33740032. Lucius Julius I Libo.
Child of Lucius Julius II Libo is:
8435008 i. Numerius Julias Caesar.
16873472. King Antonius ap Seisy II, died in died abt 721 BC. He was the son of 33746944. King Sissillius.
Notes for King Antonius ap Seisy II:
** King of Britain
Child of King Antonius ap Seisy II is:
8436736 i. King Aedd Mawr ap Antonius.
Generation No. 26
33554432. Moda Vingenersson He was the son of 67108864. Vingener Vingethorsson.
Child of Moda Vingenersson is:
16777216 i. Maji Modasson.
33740032. Lucius Julius I Libo
Child of Lucius Julius I Libo is:
16870016 i. Lucius Julius II Libo.
33746944. King Sissillius He was the son of 67493888. King Girgustius.
Notes for King Sissillius:
** King of Britain
Child of King Sissillius is:
16873472 i. King Antonius ap Seisy II, died in died abt 721 BC.
Generation No. 27
67108864. Vingener Vingethorsson He was the son of 134217728. Vingethor Einridisson.
Child of Vingener Vingethorsson is:
33554432i. Moda Vingenersson.
67493888. King Girgustius, died in died abt 735 BC. He was the son of 134987776. King Rhiwallon.
Notes for King Girgustius:
** King of Britain
Child of King Girgustius is:
33746944i. King Sissillius.
Generation No. 28
134217728. Vingethor Einridisson He was the son of 268435456. Einridi Loridesson.
Child of Vingethor Einridisson is:
67108864 i. Vingener Vingethorsson.
134987776. King Rhiwallon, died in died abt 750 BC. He was the son of 269975552. King Cunedda.
Notes for King Rhiwallon:
** King of Britain
Child of King Rhiwallon is:
67493888i. King Girgustius, died in died abt 735 BC.
Generation No. 29
268435456. Einridi Loridesson He was the son of 536870912. Loridi Trorsson.
Child of Einridi Loridesson is:
134217728i. Vingethor Einridisson.
269975552. King Cunedda, died in died abt 772 BC. He was the son of 539951104. Duke Henwyn and 539951105.
Rhagaw Verch Llyr.
Notes for King Cunedda:
** King of Britain
Child of King Cunedda is:
134987776i. King Rhiwallon, died in died abt 750 BC.
Generation No. 30
536870912. Loridi Trorsson He was the son of 1073741824. King Thor and 1073741825. Sibil.
Child of Loridi Trorsson is:
268435456 i. Einridi Loridesson.
539951104. Duke Henwyn He was the son of 1079902208. Duke Bleiddud. He married 539951105. Rhagaw Verch
539951105. Rhagaw Verch Llyr She was the daughter of 1079902210. King Llyr.
Notes for Duke Henwyn:
** Duke of Cambria & Cornwall
Child of Henwyn and Rhagaw Llyr is:
269975552 i. King Cunedda, died in died abt 772 BC.
Generation No. 31
1073741824. King Thor He was the son of 2147483648. King Memnon and 2147483649. Troana Iluim. He married
1073741825. Sibil.
1073741825. Sibil
Notes for King Thor:
** King of Thrace
Child of Thor and Sibil is:
536870912i. Loridi Trorsson.
1079902208. Duke Bleiddud He was the son of 2159804416. Duke Asser.
Notes for Duke Bleiddud:
** Duke of Cambria & Cornwall
Child of Duke Bleiddud is:
539951104i. Duke Henwyn, married Rhagaw Verch Llyr.
1079902210. King Llyr
Notes for King Llyr:
** King of Britain
Child of King Llyr is:
539951105i. Rhagaw Verch Llyr, married Duke Henwyn.
Generation No. 32
2147483648. King Memnon, died in died abt 1183 BC. He was the son of 4294967296. Tithonius and 4294967297.
Eos. He married 2147483649. Troana Iluim.
2147483649. Troana Iluim She was the daughter of 4294967298. High King Priam Podarces and 4294967299.
Queen Hecuba.
Notes for King Memnon:
** King of Ethiopia
Child of Memnon and Troana Iluim is:
1073741824 i. King Thor, married Sibil.
2159804416. Duke Asser He was the son of 4319608832. Duke Cyngen.
Notes for Duke Asser:
** Duke of Cambria & Cornwall
Child of Duke Asser is:
1079902208 i. Duke Bleiddud.
Generation No. 33
4294967296. Tithonius, died in died abt 1237 BC. He was the son of 8589934592. King Laomedan and 8589934593.
Strymo. He married 4294967297. Eos.
4294967297. Eos
Child of Tithonius and Eos is:
2147483648 i. King Memnon, died in died abt 1183 BC; married Troana Iluim.
4294967298. High King Priam Podarces, born in born abt 1255 BC, Troy; died in died abt 1183 BC, Troy. He was the
son of 8589934592. King Laomedan and 8589934597. Leucippe. He married 4294967299. Queen Hecuba.
4294967299. Queen Hecuba, born in Phrygia. She was the daughter of 8589934598. King Dymas and 8589934599.
Notes for High King Priam Podarces:
** High King of Troy ** last King of Troy
** defeated by Agamemnon, killed by Pyrrhus, son of Achilles
Children of Priam Podarces and Hecuba are:
i. King Helenus, married unknown.
Notes for King Helenus:
** King of Scythians, King of Epirus
** twin
Notes for unknown:
** speculation due to Dim I Nticoudis
ii. Hector
Notes for Hector:
** According to the author of the Iliad, Hector does not approve of war between the Greeks and the
Trojans. Observing Paris avoiding combat with Menelaus, he upbraids him with having brought trouble on
his whole country and now refusing to fight.
iii. Paris
Notes for Paris:
** Probably the best-known was his elopement with Helen, queen of Sparta, this being one of the
immediate causes of the Trojan War. Later in the war, he fatally wounds Achilles in the heel with an arrow,
as foretold by Achilles's mother, Thetis.
iv. Cassandra
Notes for Cassandra:
** twin
Princess Creusa, married King Aeneas; died in died abt 1175 BC.
Notes for Princess Creusa:
** Princess of Troy
Notes for King Aeneas:
** King of Latium
Troana Iluim, married King Memnon.
4319608832. Duke Cyngen He was the son of 8639217664. Duke Dufnwachen.
Notes for Duke Cyngen:
** Duke Cambria & Cornwall
Child of Duke Cyngen is:
2159804416 i. Duke Asser.
Generation No. 34
8589934592. King Laomedan, born in born abt 1285 BC, Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1235 BC,
Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He was the son of 17179869184. King Ilus and 17179869185. Eurydice. He married
8589934593. Strymo.
8589934593. Strymo
Notes for King Laomedan:
** King of Troy
** Laomedon was known as the king, for his arrogance and impiety and who refused to honors his promises.
More About King Laomedan:
Burial: died abt 1237 BC
Child of Laomedan and Strymo is:
4294967296 i. Tithonius, died in died abt 1237 BC; married Eos.
Children of Laomedan and Leucippe are:
4294967298 i. High King Priam Podarces, born in born abt 1255 BC, Troy; died in died abt 1183 BC, Troy; married (1)
Queen Hecuba; married (2) Arisbe.
ii. Astyoche
iii. Lampus
iv. Hicetaon
v. Clytius
vi. Cilla
vii. Proclia
viii. Aethilla
ix. Hesione
8589934592. King Laomedan, born in born abt 1285 BC, Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1235 BC,
Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He was the son of 17179869184. King Ilus and 17179869185. Eurydice. He married
8589934597. Leucippe.
8589934597. Leucippe
Notes for King Laomedan:
** King of Troy
** Laomedon was known as the king, for his arrogance and impiety and who refused to honors his promises.
More About King Laomedan:
Burial: died abt 1237 BC
Child of Laomedan and Strymo is:
4294967296 i. Tithonius, died in died abt 1237 BC; married Eos.
Children of Laomedan and Leucippe are:
4294967298 i. High King Priam Podarces, born in born abt 1255 BC, Troy; died in died abt 1183 BC, Troy; married (1)
Queen Hecuba; married (2) Arisbe.
ii. Astyoche
iii. Lampus
iv. Hicetaon
v. Clytius
vi. Cilla
vii. Proclia
viii. Aethilla
ix. Hesione
8589934598. King Dymas He married 8589934599. Eunoe.
8589934599. Eunoe
Notes for King Dymas:
** King of Phyrgia
Child of Dymas and Eunoe is:
4294967299 i. Queen Hecuba, born in Phrygia; married High King Priam Podarces.
8639217664. Duke Dufnwachen He was the son of 17278435328. Duke Gorbonian.
Notes for Duke Dufnwachen:
** Duke of Cambria & Cornwall
Child of Duke Dufnwachen is:
4319608832 i. Duke Cyngen.
Generation No. 35
17179869184. King Ilus, born in born abt 1315 BC, Dardania, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1279 BC,
Ilium/Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He was the son of 34359738368. King Tros and 34359738369. Queen Callirhoe.
He married 17179869185. Eurydice.
17179869185. Eurydice
Notes for King Ilus:
** King of Troy
More About King Ilus:
Burial: died abt 1282 BC
Children of Ilus and Eurydice are:
8589934592 i. King Laomedan, born in born abt 1285 BC, Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1235 BC,
Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; married (1) Strymo; married (2) Leucippe.
ii. Themiste, married Capys.
iii. Telecleia
17278435328. Duke Gorbonian He was the son of 34556870656. Camber ap Brutus.
Notes for Duke Gorbonian:
** Duke of Cambria & Cornwall
Child of Duke Gorbonian is:
8639217664 i. Duke Dufnwachen.
Generation No. 36
34359738368. King Tros, born in born abt 1344 BC, Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1328 BC, Dardania,
Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He was the son of 68719476736. King Erichthonius and 68719476737. Astyoche. He married
34359738369. Queen Callirhoe.
34359738369. Queen Callirhoe, born in Troy. She was the daughter of 68719476738. Scamandrus and
68719476739. Idaea.
Notes for King Tros:
** King of Acadia
** He gave his name to the land and to the people living in th Troad (Trojans)
Children of Tros and Callirhoe are:
17179869184 i. King Ilus, born in born abt 1315 BC, Dardania, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1279 BC,
Ilium/Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; married Eurydice.
ii. Ganymedes
iii. Assaracus
34556870656. Camber ap Brutus He was the son of 69113741312. King Brutus and 69113741313. Ignoge.
Child of Camber ap Brutus is:
17278435328 i.
Duke Gorbonian.
Generation No. 37
68719476736. King Erichthonius, born in born abt 1374 BC, Troy, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1386 BC, Dardania,
Phrygia, Asia Minor. He was the son of 137438953472. King Dardanus and 137438953473. Princess Batea. He married
68719476737. Astyoche.
68719476737. Astyoche She was the daughter of 137438953474. Simoeis.
Notes for King Erichthonius:
** King of Arcadia, King of Athens
Child of Erichthonius and Astyoche is:
34359738368 i.
King Tros, born in born abt 1344 BC, Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1328 BC,
Dardania, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor; married Queen Callirhoe.
68719476738. Scamandrus, born in Troy. He was the son of 137438953476. Corybas. He married 68719476739.
68719476739. Idaea
Children of Scamandrus and Idaea are:
34359738369 i.
Queen Callirhoe, born in Troy; married King Tros.
ii. King Teucer
Notes for King Teucer:
** King of Troad
69113741312. King Brutus, died in died abt 1091 BC. He was the son of 138227482624. Prince Silvius Hisicion
d'Italia. He married 69113741313. Ignoge.
69113741313. Ignoge She was the daughter of 138227482626. Pandrasus.
Notes for King Brutus:
** King of Britain
Child of Brutus and Ignoge is:
34556870656 i.
Camber ap Brutus.
Generation No. 38
137438953472. King Dardanus, born in born abt 1320 BC, Judea, Canaan; died in died abt 1414 BC, Ramses, Goshen,
Egypt. He was the son of 274877906944. King Zerah and 274877906945. Electra. He married 137438953473. Princess
137438953473. Princess Batea She was the daughter of 274877906946. King Teucer.
Notes for King Dardanus:
** King of Acadia
** Dardanus fled from Arcadia across the sea to Samothrace. When that island was visited by a flood, he crossed over to
the Troad, a region surrounding Troy in Asia Minor. Being hospitably received by Teucer (ruler of Phrygia), he married
Teucer's daughter Bateia and became the founder of the royal house of Troy.
Notes for Princess Batea:
** Princess fo Teucri
** was a figure in Greek mythology said to be the daughter or (less commonly) the aunt of King Teucer,
ruler of a tribe known as the Teucrians (Teucri).
Children of Dardanus and Batea are:
68719476736 i.
King Erichthonius, born in born abt 1374 BC, Troy, Asia Minor; died in died abt 1386 BC,
Dardania, Phrygia, Asia Minor; married Astyoche.
ii. Ilus
iii. Idaea
137438953474. Simoeis
Child of Simoeis is:
68719476737 i.
Astyoche, married King Erichthonius.
137438953476. Corybas
Child of Corybas is:
68719476738 i.
Scamandrus, born in Troy; married Idaea.
138227482624. Prince Silvius Hisicion d'Italia He was the son of 276454965248. King Iulus Ascanius.
Notes for Prince Silvius Hisicion d'Italia:
** Prince of Alba Longa
Child of Prince Silvius Hisicion d'Italia is:
69113741312 i. King Brutus, died in died abt 1091 BC; married Ignoge.
138227482626. Pandrasus
Child of Pandrasus is:
69113741313 i. Ignoge, married King Brutus.
Generation No. 39
274877906944. King Zerah, born in Hebron, Canann, Palestine; died in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt. He was the son of
549755813888. King Judah Ben Israel and 549755813889. Tamar. He married 274877906945. Electra.
274877906945. Electra, born in Hebron Canann, Palestine. She was the daughter of 549755813890. Atlas Epher
Kittim and 549755813891. Pleione.
Notes for King Zerah:
** King of Dardania
** Sealing rebelled against his brother Pharez and fled Egypt
Children of Zerah and Electra are:
King Dardanus, born in born abt 1320 BC, Judea, Canaan; died in died abt 1414 BC,
Ramses, Goshen, Egypt; married (1) Princess Batea; married (2) Chryse.
ii. Zimri
iii. Etahn
iv. Heman, born in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt.
v. Calcol, born in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt.
274877906946. King Teucer He was the son of 68719476738. Scamandrus and 68719476739. Idaea.
Notes for King Teucer:
** King of Troad
Child of King Teucer is:
Princess Batea, married King Dardanus.
276454965248. King Iulus Ascanius, died in died abt 1137 BC. He was the son of 552909930496. King Aeneas and
552909930497. Princess Creusa.
Notes for King Iulus Ascanius:
** King of Alba Longa
Child of King Iulus Ascanius is:
Prince Silvius Hisicion d'Italia.
Generation No. 40
549755813888. King Judah Ben Israel, born in born abt 1805 BC; died in died abt 1676 BC. He married
549755813889. Tamar.
549755813889. Tamar
Notes for King Judah Ben Israel:
** King of Goshen
Children of Judah Israel and Tamar are:
King Zerah, born in Hebron, Canann, Palestine; died in Rameses, Goshen, Egypt;
married Electra.
ii. Pharez, born in born abt 1738 BC, Hebron, Canann, Palestine; died in died abt 1638 BC, Rameses, Goshen
Notes for Pharez:
** twin
549755813890. Atlas Epher Kittim He married 549755813891. Pleione.
549755813891. Pleione
Child of Atlas Kittim and Pleione is:
Electra, born in Hebron Canann, Palestine; married King Zerah.
552909930496. King Aeneas, died in died abt 1175 BC. He was the son of 1105819860992. Fetjuir and
1105819860993. Anchisa. He married 552909930497. Princess Creusa.
552909930497. Princess Creusa She was the daughter of 4294967298. High King Priam Podarces and
4294967299. Queen Hecuba.
Notes for King Aeneas:
** King of Latium
Notes for Princess Creusa:
** Princess of Troy
Child of Aeneas and Creusa is:
King Iulus Ascanius, died in died abt 1137 BC.
Generation No. 41
1105819860992. Fetjuir He married 1105819860993. Anchisa.
1105819860993. Anchisa, died in died abt 1180 BC. She was the daughter of 2211639721986. Capys and
2211639721987. Themiste.
Child of Fetjuir and Anchisa is:
King Aeneas, died in died abt 1175 BC; married (1) Princess Creusa; married (2) Lavinia.
Generation No. 42
2211639721986. Capys He was the son of 4423279443972. Assaracus. He married 2211639721987. Themiste.
2211639721987. Themiste She was the daughter of 17179869184. King Ilus and 17179869185. Eurydice.
Child of Capys and Themiste is:
Anchisa, died in died abt 1180 BC; married Fetjuir.
Generation No. 43
4423279443972. Assaracus He was the son of 34359738368. King Tros and 34359738369. Queen Callirhoe.
Child of Assaracus is:
Capys, married Themiste.
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