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Creatures In Utero
1. All mammals begin the same in the womb. It's just a matter of time
before each species develops its defining characteristics. Dolphins,
for example, develop tiny leg-like limb buds during their first month
in the womb, but the buds vanish within two weeks, and the animals
swim in amniotic fluid for the next 11 months of gestation. Scientists
say that little trick of evolution is a sign that the highly intelligent
mammals descended from dog-like land creatures.
2. Speaking of one of history's most successful mammals, dogs'
characteristic panting begins in the fetus just weeks before birth.
That behavior helps the dog regulate its own body temperature in
the absence of ample sweat glands.
3. And the elephant, Earth's largest terrestrial mammal, begins to
develop unusual lungs at month 4 of a 22-month pregnancy that will
allow the animal to breathe through its trunk when crossing rivers as
an adult. Scientists think that could link the mammal to an
evolutionary past as an aquatic animal.
Scientists used advanced ultrasound technology, called 4D (for four dimensions),
to capture three-dimensional images of the animals inside the womb. (The
ultrasound transmits high-frequency sound waves to a region of the body, which
then return echoes to produce pictures of the fetus.) Unlike traditional ultrasound
imagery, 4D images depict the length, width and depth of the fetus in multiple
shots over a period of time.
To get an ultrasound of the dog, a veterinarian cuts back some of its fur and
applies a water-soluble gel, just like with an ultrasound of a human. The vet then
moves a transducer over the dog's stomach in circular fashion while it's still
awake. The process could confirm a pregnancy within 12 days after conception,
but it takes between 25 to 30 days to detect the number of pups.
A dolphin ultrasound is likely the easiest to pull off. A dolphin can be trained to
float on its side before the procedure. Once ready, the vet will run the transducer
over the dolphin's body for the probe. The technology detects a dolphin
pregnancy about four months into gestation.
Enjoy the amazing pictures of creatures in utero.
Cheetah Fetus
Creatures In Utero
Chihuahua Fetus
Cow Fetus
Dog Fetus
Dolphin Fetus
Elephant Fetus
Kitten Fetus
Lion Cub Fetus
Penguin Fetus
Polar Bear Fetus
Shark Fetus
Shark Fetus
Snake Fetus