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When can you remember going one day
without seeing someone use tobacco?
Tobacco is socially accepted and advertised
more than ever
 Where is one place you do not see tobacco
 ________________
Although tobacco use has decreased from 26%
to 22 %, it is still an ongoing issue
Why do you think tobacco use is still so
common today
Do you think it is impossible to have a tobacco
free society
Most people chose not to smoke for one simple
reason their __________
We have all learned from an early age the
negative affects that comes with tobacco
Tobacco use can affect athletes, musicians or
even some types of job, which turns people
away from using the product
There are many other reasons to not use tobacco
Bad odor on your clothes and hair
Poor complexion
Discolored teeth, fingers and fingernails
Bone loss around your teeth, tooth decay, receded gums
Sore throat
Impaired sense of smell and taste
Even more detrimental to your body…..
• ______________________
• ______________________
• ______________________
Family and Friends
 Parents, bothers, sisters or even guardians can
serve as role models, teaching you about the
negative affects of tobacco use
 Most people start smoking in their teenage
years; meaning your friends can easily
influence you to smoke or not to smoke
Anti-tobacco Advertising
 Most anti tobacco ads are aimed at
___________, as they are they targeted
costumers for smoking
With tobacco use being a very big health issue,
more and more advertisement are being put in
place, promoting anti-tobacco use
Tobacco Advertising Movement
 Tobacco companies are no longer allowed to put
 These companies are also required to help pay for
anti-smoking education
 Now more than ever, lawsuits are being taken out
against tobacco companies making people aware
of the associated health complications when using
The strongest factors that have lead people to
start smoking are:
Social pressures
These social pressure seem to outweigh any
health factors
Even though people know the dangers that
come with smoking, why do they continue to
Family Members
 Like alcohol, environmental factors can lead to
 __________________________________________
 Tobacco use becomes a familiar behavior to
 Parents are happy when they smoke, so why wouldn’t
they be?
Family Members
 Kids may also see tobacco use as a sign of
• How many of you imitated your parents by
smoking candy cigarettes or pretzel cigars?
• How many of you imitated your parents by
putting gum in your mouth to look like chewing
These environmental factors can cause
children to use tobacco
Friends who use Tobacco
 Just like your parents, if your friends use
tobacco, you are more likely to as well
 It helps the person feel a part of the group
 Kids find it hard to use refusal skills
 Just like alcohol its availability to kids under
the legal age is a main reason why most kids
Friends who use Tobacco
In a study of high school seniors, only 5% of
those who smoked believed they would still be
smoking two years after graduation. In fact,
75% were still smoking eight years later.
1/3 to 1/2 of young people who try cigarettes
go on to be daily smokers.
Tobacco Advertising
 Who are the targeted customers for tobacco
 For the past 30 years TV advertisement for
tobacco has been banned
 That does not mean tobacco companies have not found
other ways to get their product out to the public
Although the government has created ad’s
against tobacco use, tobacco companies are
spending even more money to promote their
The first time someone inhales tobacco the experience
can be unpleasant
Everyone's experience can be different but some of the
similar symptoms for first time smokers are:
These symptoms can cause the experience to be so
traumatizing, the person may never smoke again
For others not so much
With every puff of a cigarette, pipe or cigar, do
you know how many chemicals your are
inhaling into your body? Do you know how
many of those chemical are harmful to your
 Over _________ different types of chemicals inhaled
with each puff
 At least __________ of these chemicals are known to be
Carbon monoxide
Car exhaust
Bug sprays
Material to make roads
Rat poison
Cleaning product
hydrogen cyanide
Gas chamber poison
To preserve dead bodies
 A dark, sticky mixture of chemicals that is
formed when tobacco is burned
 Tar can cause the smokers fingers and teeth to
turn brown/yellow
 Not only does tar stick to your teeth and
fingers, it also sticks to the cells of your
respiratory system
 _________________________________________________
 Tar in tobacco contains many chemicals
 ____ of them are known to be carcinogenic
 A carcinogen is something that causes cancer.
Lung, mouth and throat cancer are all caused
by the inhalation of tar
Carbon Monoxide
 Poisonous, colorless, order less gas found in
cigarette smoke
 People may be connect carbon monoxide with
 People try to kill themselves by leaving the car running
in closed and confined areas
 Oxygen carrying molecules in red blood cells
When you inhale carbon monoxide, what are
you not inhaling?
 The more carbon monoxide present in the blood the
less oxygen
Carbon Monoxide
The heart works hard, but nothing is being
Why do smokers experience shortness of
 Because their blood contains to little oxygen to function
 What drug in tobacco acts as a stimulant and
causes addiction
 Nicotine
Stimulant is a drug that speeds up the activities
of the CNS, the heart and other organs
 Do you remember what type of drug slows down the
Nicotine and Addiction
 When in its pure form, nicotine is one of the
strongest poisons known
If taken in large amounts, it can paralyze
breathing muscles, which can lead to death
Why does this not happen to smokers?
 Smokers are only taking in smaller amounts
How nicotine affects the body
 _________________________________________________
 Shortly after entering your bloodstream it reaches your
 This is when chemical changes start to occur
 Your heart beats faster
 Skin temperature drops
 Blood pressure rises
Nicotine constricts your blood vessels, which allows
less blood flow to the hands and feet
Affects on the body:
 Changes brain-wave patterns
Respiratory System
 Allows harmful particles to settle in the air passages
 Causes hack coughing
 Shortness of breath
Cardiovascular System
 Increase heart rate, blood pressure, volume of blood per beat,
coronary blood flow, blood flow to skeletal muscles
 Activates sympathetic nervous system
 Decreases response level for some reflexes
Endocrine System
 Stimulates release of several hormones from adrenal glands
 Decrease levels of hormone involved in preventing blood clotting
One can become addicted to nicotine very quickly
Once addicted, going without nicotine can cause
Withdrawal symptoms:
 Headache
 Irritability
 Increased coughing
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 A general feeling of sickness
 Craving for tobacco
Not only can withdrawals cause physical
symptoms but a person can also suffer from
psychological withdrawals when they stop
 Feel emotional and uncomfortable with out nicotine
 Rely on tobacco to relieve themselves from stressful
 Become dependant on the drug
Tobacco not only enters the body through
cigars, pipes or cigarettes, but it can also be
absorbed through smokeless tobacco
 Tobacco that is chewed of sniffed through the nose
Is smokeless tobacco safer?
 No, most of the same chemicals found in tobacco smoke
are in smokeless tobacco, including nicotine
Chewing Tobacco:
 poor quality tobacco leaves mixed with
molasses or honey and placed between the
cheek and gums
 The nicotine enters the blood stream through
membranes of the mouth
 finely ground tobacco that may be held
between the lower lip and teeth or sniffed
through the nose
 How much nicotine do you think 1 can of snuff
 It has as much nicotine as 60 cigarettes
The nicotine enters the body though the mouth
or nose
Once in your body the nicotine has the same
affect, regardless if it was smoked, snuffed or
Why do most teens not worry about how
harmful tobacco can be?
Tobacco users increase their chances of
How many people do you think die each year
because of tobacco use?
 _______________
How many people do you think die each day
because of tobacco use?
 _______________
Smoking problems kill 1 in 5 people
Despite the governments many attempts to
stop tobacco use, people still continue to use
 Government now requires tobacco products to have
warning labels on them
Cardiovascular diseases
 Over 115,000 tobacco users die each year
because of cardiovascular diseases
 Statistics for those who smoke compared to
those who do not:
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
After learning about how carbon monoxide
and tar, you should not be surprised by these
Cardiovascular Disease
 The chemicals force the heart to overwork to try and
deliver the oxygen throughout the body
 Blood vessels weaken because the amount of pressure
that is put on them, which causes high blood pressure
 Nicotine produces a fatty material which can build up
on the cell walls
 This can lead to build up, which can cause the vessels
to become blocked or even break
 Once this happens the smoker is at risk of heart attack.
 If a vessel in the brain breaks or becomes blocked it
could lead to a stroke.
Respiratory disease
Hack or dry coughing from smoking can be a
sign of serious respiratory damage
What causes this cough?
 Because the tar paralyses the cilia, foreign materials
build up and your lungs and your bodies tries to cough
to clean your body
What is chronic bronchitis?
Chronic bronchitis is a
chronic inflammatory
condition in the lungs that
causes the respiratory
passages to be swollen and
irritated, increases the mucus
production and may damage
the lungs. The symptoms are
coughing and breathlessness,
which will get worse over
the years.
The definition of chronic
bronchitis is chronic cough
or mucus reproduction for at
least three months in two
successive years when other
causes have been excluded.
Effects the alveoli
Is a breathing disorder in which the small air
sacs in the lungs lose their ability to expand
and contract
The smokers cough weakens the walls of the
alveoli, therefore the lungs can not take in
enough oxygen which leads to breathlessness.
Uncontrolled cell growth that invades the
surrounding tissues and destroys it.
What is the most deadliest form of cancer?
 Lung cancer
______of lung cancer deaths are related to
Which cancer do most women die from?
 Lung cancer
Not only are you susceptible to lung cancer,
but also: mouth, throat, stomach cancer.
It is the tar in the `cigarettes which contain the
carcinogenic “cancer causing” substances
Cigarette tars contain some of the most
carcinogenic chemicals known to man.
Not only are these chemicals being painted
into the lung, but smoker are also constantly
painting them up on their lips, tongue, larynx,
swallowing some and thus painting it in the
esophagus and throughout the digestive tract.
Smokers have increased incidents of cancer in
all of these exposed sites.
Smokeless tobacco users are more at risk for
Oral cancer
The tobacco juices irritate sensitive tissues or
your mouth, lips, and throat
Those who use chew or snuff are more likely
than smokers to develop mouth sores and are
50% more likely than non smokers to develop
oral cancer
Pregnant women are “breathing for 2”
Many of the harmful chemicals you are inhaling are
being passed through to the unborn
Affects it has on the unborn:
 Increases heart rate
 Reduces oxygen supply
 Slows cell growth
 Weigh 6oz less
Women who smoke are more likely to have premature
births, miscarriages and still-births
Nursing mothers can also pass the nicotine to their
child from their milk
Poorer health than non smokers
Colds, allergies, gum disease, influenza, pneumonia,
constant runny noses, sore throats and headaches are
more common in tobacco users
Salt in smokeless tobacco can lead to high blood
pressure, while sugar in chewing tobacco can lead
tooth loss and cavities
Smokeless tobacco increases your chances for ulcers in
the lining of your stomach
Fires are also something smokers have to be concerned
 Fires caused by careless smokers kill about 3,000 people a year
Smoke enters the air from two sources:
 _________________: smokers inhale into their lungs and
the exhale into the air. The lungs and cigarette filter
most of the chemicals produced
 __________________: goes directly into the air from
burning tobacco. This smoke has not been filtered
through the lungs or from the cigarette
Passive smokers (____________________)
breath in this sidestream smoke
 They are being exposed to higher concentrations of
harmful chemicals
2x more tar and nicotine in sidestream smoke
3x more carbon monoxide in sidestream smoke
Causes bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma
Long term exposure increases your risk of
heart disease and lung cancer
Federal and state laws have been implemented
prohibiting people from smoking in public
places and public workplaces
Where else do you see smoking prohibited?
 Hotels, car rentals, hospitals, health care facilities,
buses, plans and trains
Why do you think work places are prohibiting
 Prohibiting smoking leads to better health amongst
their emplyees
There are many myths about tobacco that
people falsely believe in
 Smoking low levels of tar or nicotine is safer
 Smokeless tobacco is safer
 Herbal cigarettes are safer
Not knowing the truth about these myths can
be harmful to your health
50 million people smoke in the US
 9 out of 10 say they want to quit
Breaking the habit is extremely hard, cutting
nicotine out of your diet can be difficult
Why is it beneficial to stop smoking
 Blood pressure and pulse rate decrease
 Cilia grows back
 Raspy voice and cough go away
 Sense of smell and taste get stronger
 Feel confident
Quitting is not impossible
The experience can be different for everyone
 Some can quit “cold turkey”
 Others take classes, seeking counseling
 Stop by reducing their usage over time
A strong commitment to quitting will be
DO NOT get discouraged if your first attempt
is not successful
 It only means you did not choose the right method
 The toughest times are the 1st couple of weeks
Trying to overcome the addiction on your own
may not work for everyone
There are other options available
 Obtain booklets or pamphlets
 Get information from various health organization such
as American Lung Association, American Cancer
 These organization will send information or even guest
 See your doctor
Two products nicotine gums and patch may be
able to help those who are physically
Nicotine Gum: chewing gum containing
nicotine that allows a person to quit smoking
tobacco without experiencing withdrawal
Nicotine Patch: designed to reduce a smokers
craving for cigarettes. Each patch provides 24
hr nicotine supply
Tobacco is the single most preventable cause of
death and illness
Choosing to abstain will help you to lead a
healthy lifestyle, but will not guarantee it
Not smoking can help others to stay away as
Once you start you have 2 options
1. Stop smoking and start the road to recovery
2. Continue to smoke and risk various type of health