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NFS meets Data Bases
Alan Halverson
[email protected]
Babis Samios
[email protected]
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin, Madison
This work develops a UNIX file system API that
talks to a relational database in the backend. All
file system data and meta-data are stored in the
database. The API is used as the intermediate
layer between the database and a user-level NFS
server. As a result, the database file-system is
accessible to any NFS client in a transparent to the
client manner.
Due to client-server model
employed by the DBMS the system provides a
flexible 3-tier architecture. Our results show that a
reasonable implementation of such a system is
possible. The most crucial factor leading to viable
performance is the use of sever-side caching
between the database and the NFS server. Also
important is the choice of the database schema and
the combination of the chunk size used for storing
the actual data in the database, and the message
size used by the NFS client to transmit the data
1. Introduction
Most file systems guarantee only limited
consistency of user data and do not provide solid
data semantics. On the other hand, database
research has focused on both these issues during
the past decades.
Major DBMSs provide
mechanisms to ensure data consistency and
efficient crash recovery, such as transactional
semantics and write-ahead logging. They also
offer a very wide range of both simple and
elaborate data primitives, allowing the user to
conveniently describe, store and query almost any
kind of data-set.
In this work we take advantage of available
database technology in order to build a file system
that is more reliable than conventional file systems.
This idea is not new. The Inversion File System
\cite{inv93} introduced by Olson in 1993, was
built on top of the Postgres database, providing the
above mentioned features, along with a few others
like fine grained time travel and user-defined types
and functions for files. The main drawback of that
system was relative performance to a UNIX file
system (ULTRIX 4.2 NFS). 10 years after the
Inversion File System was introduced we decided
to revisit some of the performance issues raised in
the 93 paper, in the presence of both modern
software and hardware.
One of our primary design goals was to provide
transparent access to the database file system. We
decided that a highly portable way to do that would
be to hide our system behind an NFS server. This
ensures almost global availability since the NFS
clients is a built-in component of most UNIX-like
operating systems.
A final design goal of the system was to provide
maximum flexibility in terms of the physical
location that the various systems components
reside. By using NFS we ensure that the end user
can connect remotely to the NFS server. In order
to provide flexibility on the other end of our
system as well, i.e. the connection between the
NFS server and the database, we chose to use a
client-server DBMS.
Our initial results indicated that the system was
more than an order of magnitude slower than a
system where the same NFS server was used on
top of the native UNIX file system. We decided to
include a number of additional mechanisms in our
system to improve performance. The mechanism
that proved more effective was a caching layer
located between the NFS server and the database.
More specifically, the caching of file meta-data
and naming entries at that level proved extremely
beneficial. In the presence of server-side caching
the I/O performance of our system was in the same
order of magnitude with that of NFS on top of the
native file system, proving our system viable with
respect to performance.
implementation and we will refer to it in the
remaining of the paper as Data Base File System
(DBFS). We will now examine each one of those
components in more detail.
3.1 DBMS
2. Related Work
To our knowledge, the only attempt to implement a
file system on top of a data base is that of the
Inversion file system. Inversion is built on top of
Postgres. It provides transactions and fine-grained
time travel as well as fast recovery. Other features
of the system are typing of user files and powerful
query support on system data and meta-data.
Inversion provides a set of interface routines to
create, open, close, read, write and seek on files.
The tables in the database schema used are as
The system naming information that describe
the structure of the directory hierarchy is
stored in a table called naming.
File meta-data are stored in the fileatt table.
For every file in the system there is a separate
table, called inv<inumber>, where inumber is
the (unique) i-node number of the file. It is in
those tables that the actual data are stored,
chopped in tuples of 8KB.
What Inversion does not provide is transparency.
It requires programmers to link a special library in
order to access Inversion file data. Our main goal
was to be able to provide the users with a fully
functional file system on top of a database in a
totally transparent way. This meant that all the file
system API routines had to be re-implemented and
not only a small subset of them as was done for the
Inversion file system.
3. Infrastructure
There are three main components in the system,
the Data Base Management System (DBMS), the
NFS server and the layer that abridges the first
The latter is the main part of our
In choosing the DBMS to use we had a wide
variety of options. Since one of the main goal of
this work was to revisit the Inversion file system
results we decided to use Postgres \cite{Postgres}.
Postgres is a shareware, open source database
system. It provides many useful features but we
will only refer to those important in the context of
our work. Postgres employs the client-server
model that allows the realization of the 3-tier
In brief, the way the client/server model is
implemented in Postgres is the following: A server
process that manages the database files accepts
connections from database clients and performs
database operations on behalf of the clients. The
communication between the server and the client
goes through a socket so that both local and remote
(over the network) connections can be established.
When the client and the server are in different
hosts they communicate over a TCP/IP network
The server can accept multiple
connections from clients and uses the process per
connection model to do so.
One characteristic of Postgres is that performance
is expected to deteriorate gradually under write
intensive workloads (i.e. workloads that include
many inserts, deletes and updates). The reason for
the performance degradation is the fragmentation
resulting from tuples that were made obsolete after
either a delete or an update. Under a typical file
system workload that creation, deletion and
updates of files are very common and frequent this
could result to a significant performance penalty
over time.
A way to alleviate the impact of deletes and
updates in Postgres is to use the VACUUM SQL
command. This operation removes expired rows,
reclaims unused space and moves tuples across
blocks in an attempt to compact tables to the
minimum number of disk blocks. We will further
investigate the effect of VACUUM in section
In order to store the data for an arbitrary file in
Postgres we had to use the binary type that
Postgres provides for the table attributes.
Although Postgres is able to store binary data in a
database table, it does not accept binary data as
part of a query. Instead, it provides an escaping
routine to turn the data to ASCII before including
it in the query.
Escaping the data has a
considerably high overhead since it can potentially
increase the size of the data transferred from the
NFS server to the database by a factor of four, thus
hurting performance significantly.
3.2 NFS Sever
The main issue in choosing which NFS server to
use was the choice between a kernel or a user
space implementation. The kernel option had the
advantages that such an implementation is included
in the Linux kernels and supports NFS v3. The
drawback was that, as with any kernel code, it is
difficult to debug. The main reason we did not
choose such an implementation, though, was that
the user library provided by Postgres could only be
linked from user space.
Consequently we chose to use a user space NFS
server, and specifically UNFSD \cite{UNFSD}.
The downside of that was that UNFSD only
supports NFS v2. A feature of UNFSD that proved
extremely valuable to us was that it provided an
easy and straightforward way to re-link the
application with a different implementation of the
file system API. This was done just by changing a
header file.
3.3 DBFS
The choice of a client/server DBMS and the use of
NFS as the bridge between the end user of the file
system and actual file system stored in the
database, allows a 3-tier architecture shown in
figure 1.
NFS Client
NFS Client
UNFSD Server
Postgres Client
Postgres Server
Postgres Server
Figure 1: 3-tier Architecture
The main part of our work focused on the DBFS
layer. We first had to chose a convenient database
schema for our purposes. Given the schema of our
choice, we then had to implement a version of the
file system API routines that communicates with
the database and issues the required queries to
accomplish the desired functions.
After the
routines were implemented the system was fully
functional. The final step was to add a number of
optimizations to enhance performance. In the
following we address all the above issues in detail
3.3.1 Database Schema
The first schema we used was very similar to the
one used in the Inversion file system, as described
in section \ref{sec:Inversion}. We call this the
inversion schema. The exact format of the naming
and fileatt tables, representing the directory
hierarchy and the file meta-data respectively, is the
following :
In the above tables attributes in bold indicate the
primary keys. The inode and parent_inode
fields in the naming table are both foreign keys,
referencing the inode field of the fileatt table.
The fileatt table entries are identical to those of a
stat entry in a UNIX file system.
The actual file data are stored in a different table
for each file. The name of the table for a file with
inode number inumber will be inv<inumber>,
exactly as in the inversion file system. The format
of such a table is the following:
The file data are chopped up in chunks and for
each new chunk a new tuple is added to the table.
We made the chunk size tunable in order to get a
sense of the effect it has in performance. The type
of the chunk_data field is bytea which
indicates binary data.
One of our concerns with regard to the inversion
schema was that of the table creation and deletion
overheads. Previous studies \cite{Baker?} have
shown that the average life time of a file in a
typical file system workload is very small. This
implies that under the inversion schema tables
would be created and dropped very frequently.
Since these operations have a high cost,
performance could be degraded due to the design
choice of having one table per file.
We performed experiments to validate the above
argument and found that, as we expected, the
penalty for the table creations and deletions was
indeed high (see section \ref{sec:schema
comparison} for the exact numbers). As a result
we decided to try a different approach concerning
the part of the schema relevant to actual file data.
Specifically, we chose to experiment with the other
end of the spectrum regarding the number of tables
used for file data, that being a single common table
for all the files in the system.
The second schema which we will refer to as the
single table schema uses the naming and fileatt
tables in exactly the same way with the inversion
schema. The actual file data are stored in a single
table for all files. We call this table allfiles and its
format is shown below:
An extra field is needed, relative to the table
format used in the inversion table for file data, to
indicate which chunks belong to which file. Using
this kind of schema there are no table creations and
deletions, so the overheads of these operations are
avoided. On the other hand writing and reading on
that table, when it grows in size, could prove to be
We address that issue in section
\ref{sec:schema comparison}.
3.3.2 New File System API
Once the schema was set up in the database, we
had to implement an appropriate API that would
translate the requests received by the NSF server to
the corresponding database operations. All the
implementation was done in C. The total code
written for all the routines was a little more than
2000 lines of code. Two versions of that code
were developed for the two different database
schemas used, but the differences between them
were small.
Our implementation is independent from NFS in
the most part. Since it is a full file system API, it
could potentially be used by any application
assuming the standard UNIX file system API.
There are some points, though, were the presence
of the NFS server affected our implementation and
allowed us to make certain simplifications. For
example, we were not required to keep file offsets
across multiple read or write request. The reason
is that due to the statelessness of the NFS server,
the NFS client, at every new read or write request
issued by the end-user first opens the file setting
the offset to the start of the file, then does an lseek
to the appropriate offset and then does the actual
read or write operations.
As an illustrative example of our implementation
we outline the implementation of the write routine
in figure 2.
ssize_t write(int fd, void *buf, size_t n)
start_chunk = fd->offset/CHUNKSIZE
end_chunk = (fd->offset+n-1)/CHUNKSIZE
produce and escape chunk_data
for(chunk = start_chunk to end_chunk)
SELECT the chunk from <file_table>
if(found) UPDATE in <file_table>
else INSERT in <file_table>
command that should be issued is INSERT. We
could overcome this problem without fetching the
actual chunk data but just by polling the database
to determine whether the chunk exists or not.
There are many cases where fetching the actual
chunk data if found in the database is necessary.
These are the cases where only a part of a certain
chunk needs to be written. In those cases, the old
chunk data is retrieved, the part that has to be
changed is substituted with the new data and the
updated chunk is sent back to the database.
In addition to the actual data reads and writes, two
more database updates must be issued to keep the
file system meta-data up to date. Specifically, the
size of the file might need to be modified if the
write caused the file to grow and also the ctime and
mtime of the appropriate tuple in the fileatt table
must be set to the time that the write occurred.
Finally, the atime field of the tuple corresponding
to the parent directory of the file that was written
must also be set to the time the write happened.
UPDATE file metadata(size,ctime,mtime)
in fileatt
UPDATE parent dir metadata (atime) in
return number of bytes written
Figure 2: write pseudo-code
A final point to make is that all the modifications
to the database (and, effectively, to the file system)
which are required for the write request are issued
inside a transaction block. This guarantees all-ornothing semantics for all the actions described
above. This is different from a conventional file
system where if, for example, a crash was to occur
after the writing of the actual data but before the
update of the system meta-data, the file system
would end up being in an inconsistent state.
3.3.3 Optimizations for Performance
There are several interesting points regarding the
write routine. As already mentioned Postgres does
not accept binary data as part of an SQL query.
This is why actual file data had to be escaped to
ASCII before being sent over to the database. The
escaping was done using the escaping method that
Postgres provides exactly for that purpose.
Another point is that we cannot simply write a
chunk to the database before checking if it already
exists or not. There are multiple reasons for this.
The first reason is that if the chunk already exists
we have to issue an UPDATE command to the
appropriate file table whereas if it doesn’t exist the
With all file system API routines in place we had a
fully functional file system accessible via NFS.
Initial comparisons with the native UNIX file
system accessed also via NFS indicated very poor
performance of our system. As an example
reading and writing was slower by an order of
This did not satisfy our initial
performance goal which was to stay in the same
order of magnitude with NFS over the native file
system for basic file system operations.
Consequently, we applied several optimizations to
our system to make it faster.
There were two main directions towards which we
worked to improve system performance. The most
important was to avoid as many as possible roundtrips to the database since that was clearly the
bottleneck of the system. The second was to find
a more efficient way to deal with the ASCII data
requirement of Postgres than the very costly native
Postgres escaping method.
Towards the first goal, the main optimization we
employed was the use of server-side caching. The
client side buffer cache was already known to
improve performance so we decided to follow a
similar approach on the DBFS layer, i.e. between
the NFS server and the database. We observed that
a very high percentage of the requests issued to the
database were directed to the file system metadata.
These requests were mainly generated when the
server received requests with full path inputs that
had to be resolved. A break down of the number
of calls for each routine in our system indicated
that the most heavily used routine was the one that
performed path resolution. We call the latter
inode_of_rightmost and is outlined in figure 3.
int inode_of_rightmost(const char *path)
pinode = root_inode
while(more elements in path)
cur = name of next element
SELECT mode FROM fileatt WHERE
inode = cur
if(mode != dir) return -1
SELECT inode FROM fileatt WHERE
filename = cur AND
parent_inode = pinode
pinode = inode
return inode
Figure 3: inode_of_rightmost pseudo-code
The above routine is called by the most of the file
system API routines, including stat. It receives a
full path as an input and returns the inode of the
rightmost element in the path. It breaks the path
into its components and traverses the directory
hierarchy represented in the naming table to
retrieve the inode number of one element at a time.
For each element but the rightmost it queries the
fileatt table to make sure the entry is a directory.
The number of round-trips to the database is twice
the number of elements in the input path.
Given the heavy usage of the fileatt and naming
tables resulting mainly from the numerous calls to
inode_of_rightmost, it was evident that the
presence of memory caches to hold entries from
those two tables was bound to significantly cut
down on database round-trips. The two caches
were implemented as infinitely growing
hashtables. No bounds on size were applied due to
the very small size of such entries (approximately
40 bytes each). In the rest of the paper we will
refer to those two caches as the stat cache and the
naming cache.
Next, we decided to employ a third cache to hold
chunks of actual data, aiming to cut down on
round-trips to the database resulting from read and
write operations. This cache was implemented as a
pair of linked lists, one to keep the buffered chunks
and the other to keep track of the free buffers. In
contrary with the other two caches the size of the
buffer cache had to be restricted due to the large
size of its entries (typical buffer size is 8KB). We
made the size tunable and the replacement policy
used is LRU. The effect of all three caches in
Our final concern was to alleviate the degradation
in performance resulting from the inflation of the
data transferred to the database on write operations
due to the necessary conversion of binary data to
ASCII. In order to reduce the overhead, instead of
using the native Postgres escaping function, we
employed a base64 encoding mechanism. Using
this type of encoding the size of data increases
only by a factor of 4/3 instead of a worst case of 4
that can occur with the escape mechanism. We
further investigate the impact of the encoding in
performance in section \ref{sec:base64}.
This section presents experimental results which
validate the viability of our approach;
All experiments were executed on a dual 1 GHz
PIII PC running RedHat Linux 8.0. The machine
we booted using the uniprocessor 2.4.18-14 Linux
kernel to remove any side effects of the two
processors. The machine has 1GB of SDRAM,
and a single 30GB 7200 RPM IDE hard drive we
All tests were run with local NFS mounts.
Although this causes some CPU contention
between the NFS client and server, it does serve to
remove the physical network between two
machines as a variable.
For our first experiment, we desired to understand
how the choice of the database schema would
affect performance. For each schema, we wrote 50
and 500 files. For each quantity of files, we varied
the size of each file, using 8KB, 80KB, and
800KB. For each combination of file quantity and
size, we measured the total time to write the files,
read a random block from each file, and delete all
of the files. Figure 1 shows how the total
performance of the file system varies based on the
database schema.
Of course, this is not a complete analysis of the
effects the schema has on performance, but we can
draw a couple of conclusions here. The first is
relatively obvious from the graph. As the size of
files increases, it becomes more and more costly to
use a single table to store the data for all files. You
see this trend for for both 50 and 500 files here,
and clearly the penalty is large once each of the
files in 800KB in size. However, the vast majority
of files in a typical filesystem are still small. The
cost of table creation is quite high relative to the
cost to write the data of a small file – see the data
for the 50 files/8KB each case in Figure 1 as an
We could get the best of both worlds by adopting a
hybrid approach. We could use a single table to
store all files less than a certain size, but for any
file which exceeds that threshold we create a
dedicated table for it. We would incur some cost
when a write() operation causes a file to cross this
threshold, but on the whole this would give us the
best performance.
For the remainder of our experiments, we have
chosen the one table schema. The largest file
written by any of the experiments is 3.6 MB, but
when this occurs only one such file exists, keeping
the total number of chunks under 500.
Execution Time (secs)
4. Experiments
One Table
Many Tables
50 files/8
KB each files/80 files/800 files/8
files/80 files/800
KB each KB each KB each KB each KB each
File Quantity/Size
Figure 1 - The effects of database schema on
performance. When the size of each file is small, the
best performance is achieved by using a single table
to store all chunks. As the size of each file increases,
the cost of writing chunks begins to dominate the one
table schema, and the many table schema’s
performance is preferred.
As mentioned in an earlier section, we noticed
performance problems related to large numbers of
file creations and deletions. To quantify the extent
of this problem, we present the results in Figure 2.
For this experiment, we measured the wall time
necessary to copy a 3.6MB file into our filesystem,
20 times in a sequence.
After each copy
completes, the file is deleted; the time to delete the
file is not included in the measurement, however.
We performed this test twice, once issuing the
PostgreSQL command “VACUUM ALL;”
between each copy, and again without the vacuum
No Vacuum
With Vacuum
Our measurements clearly indicate that utilizing
the VACUUM command frequently provides
steady performance. Without using VACUUM,
however, we see that the time it takes to copy a file
into the system has almost doubled by the 20th
copy event in the sequence. We consider this
result to be an artifact of PostgreSQL’s decision to
use a log-structured writing policy. As data is
written to and deleted from the database,
subsequent write performance is hindered by its
maintenance of disk blocks which must be
reclaimed later. Due to this result, all subsequent
tests utilize the VACUUM ALL command on the
database just prior to beginning the timing of the
Now that we understand some of the factors that
affect the performance of our system, we can
present some overall performance results. We
have chosen a standard NFS benchmark suite
called Connectathon for this purpose. The basic
tests in Connectathon perform the following
 File/dir create - create 155 files 62 directories
5 levels deep
 File/dir remove - remove 155 files 62
directories 5 levels deep
 Lookups - 500 getcwd and stat calls
 Get/set attr - 1000 chmods and stats on 10 files
 Read/write - write/read 1048576 byte file 10
Figure 2 - Effectiveness of the PostgreSQL
VACUUM ALL command. Regular usage of the
VACUUM command allows consistent performance
results, while neglecting to use the command results
in steadily decreasing performance results.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Copy 3.6 MB file - sequence number
Execution Time (Normalized to Native)
Execution time (secs)
 readdir - read 20500 entries, 200 files
 link/rename - 200 renames and links on 10
 symlink/readlink - 400 symlinks and readlinks
on 10 files
Figure 3 - Connectathon basic tests performance,
normalized to the performance of the native file
system. We show results for each test, and within
each test for each of zero or more caches enabled.
The caches are: Stat Cache (SC), Naming Cache
(NC), and Buffer Cache (BC). For the Lookups test,
the missing bars for SC+NC and BC+SC+NC signify
that our performance as equal to that of the native
file system.
We show results for our system running these tests
in Figure 3. Our performance on the read/write
test is reasonable – just slightly more than 5 times
worse than the native file system for the cases with
SC+NC turned on. On the Lookups test, we
achieve equal performance with the native file
system when the stat cache and naming cache are
enabled. For this test, there is no reason for us to
communicate with the database.
You will notice that there is almost no benefit to
enabling the buffer cache. This is in large part due
to good NFS client caching – most of the time,
they don’t even call the NFS server read method.
We do see some benefit in the symlink/readlink
test. Our implementation of readlink uses the
buffer cache to hold the symlink target path, and
the NFS client does not cache symlinks, so we see
buffer cache hits.
Another factor for read and write performance of
large files is the coincidence of the block size we
use for storing the file (“chunk size”) and the
buffer size utilized by the NFS client for each read
or write request (“write size”). Choosing these
sizes is a tradeoff between the typical file size and
an efficient transfer size. We decided to test the
effects of various combinations of these two
variables. Version 2 of NFS supports a maximum
read and write size of 8KB, and so we limit our
investigation to chunk sizes and write sizes at this
amount or smaller. The results of this experiment
can be found in Figure 4.
1K Chunk
2K Chunk
4K Chunk
8K Chunk
Execution time (secs)
the socket. Further, the data stored in PostgreSQL
is of equivalently larger size that the binary data
would be.
Table 1 - Overhead of ASCII-only communication
with PostgreSQL
Time (ms)
Base time to write 8KB
of data to PostgreSQL
Time to encode 8KB
binary to base64
Time to write additional
8/3 KB data
Total time to write
base64 encoded data
+ 0.19
+ 0.63
NFS write size (bytes)
Figure 4 - Coincidence of Chunk Size and Write
Size, and their effect on performance of copying a
the 3.6 MB file into our filesystem.
The results of this experiment are interesting in a
few ways. As you might expect, when both the
chunk size and the write size are the full 8KB, we
see the best performance. An extension of this
fact, though, is that for any given write size, the
best performance is achieved when the chunk size
is the same. For example, if the NFS write size is
2KB, we see the best performance for a 2KB
chunk size. Also of note is that the 8KB chunk
size is subpar for all write sizes except the 8KB
write size. All other experiments use the 8KB
chunk size with an 8KB write size.
One shortcoming of the communication protocol
provided by PostgreSQL is a lack of support for
binary updatable cursors. The implication is that
we must send base64 text encoded equivalents of
the binary chunks of data given to us via the NFS
write method.
This carries with it a two
performance penalties. First, we must spend time
for each write and read encoding and decoding the
binary data to and from ASCII. Secondly, these
encodings require more space than their binary
equivalent, and so we must send more data through
In Table 1, we show the measured costs of these
two overheads. The price paid for this method of
writing is an additional 26.7% of the base 8KB
write time. So, for our best case result in figure 4
of writing a 3.6 MB file in 4.334 seconds, 0.914
seconds of this is directly attributable to this