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Key Stage 2 Reading Workshop
Tuesday 1st April 2014
Mr Burnett
Aims for our workshop:
• to share with you how we teach
reading in Key Stage Two
• to give you ideas about how to
support your child with reading at
Reading is a passport to the world
‘Through reading, pupils have a chance to develop culturally,
emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature,
especially plays a key role in such development. Reading also
enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on
what they already know.’ Purpose of study, National Curriculum for English 2014
The new National Curriculum places reading
for pleasure at the heart of the English
curriculum. Alongside the expectation that
every school teaches children to read well,
schools will be expected to develop a love of
reading in every child.
‘The national curriculum for English aims
to ensure that all pupils:
• read easily, fluently and with good understanding
• develop the habit of reading widely and often, both
for pleasure and information
• acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of
grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for
reading, writing and spoken language
• appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage’
National Curriculum for English 2014
Learning to Read
Teaching Reading
• word reading
•comprehension (both listening
and reading)
Word Reading
‘Skilled word reading involves both the speedy working out of the
pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy
recognition of familiar printed words. Underpinning both is the
understanding that the letters on the page represent the sounds in spoken
words. This is why phonics should be emphasised in the early teaching of
reading to beginners (i.e. unskilled readers) when they start school.’
National Curriculum for English 2014
Reading Strategies
~ phonic skills
~ sight vocabulary
~ picture cues-remember that the story is in the text
and not the pictures
~ use of context
~ grammatical awareness
Emphasis in new curriculum of re-reading books to
build up confidence and fluency.
Reading to Learn
The emphasis in Key Stage Two
reading shifts from decoding words
in Key Stage One to understanding
what they have read, interpreting
what they read and responding to
what they have read.
Key areas of Reading
Assessment Focuses
~ Direct retrieval of information
~ Inference and deduction
~ Structure and organisation
~ Use of language
~ Purpose and viewpoint
Direct retrieval of information
This requires children to scan the text for key words
and phrases in order to find the answers.
This is the easiest question type as it’s always possible
to find the answer directly from the text.
Help your child by using questions such
What is the title of the story?
What is the main point in the story?
What are the names of the main characters?
Which words describe the main character?
Which words are used to describe the…?
Inference and Deduction
Inference questions can be difficult because
they ask the child to deduce or infer
something about the text. Answers should
always be based on what is suggested or
Help your child by asking them questions
such as…
What makes you think that?
What is you favourite part? Why?
What does this tell you about what …..was thinking?
Why is …… important in the story?
How do you think the character was feeling?
Structure and Organisation
This relates to the layout of a text, including
grammatical and presentational features, it
usually refers to non-fiction texts.
Help your child by asking questions such as…
What kind of story is this? How do you know? What
will it be like? What can we expect from a book of
this type?
How are the beginning and ending similar?
Why have these words been made to stand out?
What are the subheadings for?
How do the arrows help you find the information?
Use of Language
These types of questions may ask children to find
words with a similar meaning or to explain why the
writer has chosen to use a particular word or phrase.
They may ask the reader to interpret a
metaphor/simile or explain how the writer has
created a particular atmosphere.
Help your child by asking questions such as…
Which words rhyme in this poem?
What adjectives have been used to describe….?
Why do you think the author used the word…… to
What does the word scrambled tell us about the way
the character got dressed?
By writing the line in this way, what effect has the
author created?
Purpose and Viewpoint
This relates to the way a child
might respond to a text by
evaluating and expressing their
When asking your child whether they liked the book they
have read and which characters they liked or disliked,
always ask for reasons why. Include other questions such
• What, in your opinion, was the most exciting part of
the story?
• Can you think of a different ending?
• Why do you think the author chose this setting for
this story?
• What makes this a successful story? Could it be
• What effect did it have on you?
An extract from
‘Tom and the Sea Caves’
As he reached the rocky part of the beach, he clambered over
the sea-splashed rocks, covered in spiky limpets. He climbed first
one rock, then another, then another.
The rest of the beach was hidden behind the grey jagged edge
of the rocks. Tom paused. He stood beside an even larger rock.
On one side was the sea, looking a little greyer and more
threatening than before. On the other, was the rocky cliff face,
with waves splashing against it.
Why do you think the author chose this title?
Who is the main character?
How do you think the main character is feeling?
What adjectives have been used to describe the rocks?
Why do you think the author chose this setting?
Reading in
Partners and
Individual reading
Children will read once per fortnight to an adult in
school. This might be the class teacher, a teaching
assistant or a parent helper.
Children who are finding reading more difficult will
be a priority reader and will receive extra reading
time with an adult in school.
Children will be able to change their reading books
daily if they want to.
We recommend that they read to you at home for 10
minutes every day.
We have lots of lovely new books in school!
Guided reading
The teacher works with a small group of children
who are at the same developmental stage of
reading. The teacher selects a text that provides just
the right balance of support and challenge. The
teacher reminds the children to use a range of
reading strategies. The teacher uses questioning and
other strategies to develop comprehension.
‘The more you read, the more
things you will know. The
more you learn, the more
places you’ll go’.
Dr Seuss
“A reader lives a thousand lives before
he dies. The man who never reads lives
only one.”
George R.R. Martin
“If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time
(or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”
― Stephen King
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”
― Joseph Addison