* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
The Political Process Relevant Standards of Learning CE.5 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the political process at the local, state, and national levels of government by a) describing the functions of political parties; b) comparing the similarities and differences of political parties; c) analyzing campaigns for elective office, with emphasis on the role of the media; d) examining the role of campaign contributions and costs; e) describing voter registration and participation; f) describing the role of the Electoral College in the election of the President and Vice President. CE.9 The student will demonstrate knowledge of how public policy is made at the local, state, and national levels of government by a) examining the impact of the media on public opinion and public policy. Student Objectives • Describe the function of political parties. (CE.5a) • Compare and contrast political parties. (CE.5b) • Analyze the role of the media in campaigns and public policymaking. (CE.5c, CE.9a) • Examine the role of campaign contributions and costs. (CE.5d) • Describe voter registration and participation. (CE.5e) • Describe the Electoral College system. (CE.5f) List four functions of political parties 1. Recruit and nominate candidates 2. Educate the electorate about campaign issues 3. Help candidates win elections 4. Monitor the actions of officeholders (watchdog role) Name the two major political parties of the United States Democrat Republican List four similarities between the two major political parties 1. Organized to win elections 2. Want to influence public policy 3. Reflect both liberal and conservative views 4. Appeal to the political center How can you find out what position a political party takes on issues? Party platform (a listing of a party’s positions on various issues) AND Campaigns List two ways that third parties differ from the two major parties 1. They introduce new ideas and press for particular issues 2. They often revolve around a political personality (e. g. Theodore Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party) Name four strategies for evaluating political candidates 1. 2. 3. 4. Separating fact from opinion Detecting bias Evaluating sources Identifying propaganda List four ways that the media plays a role in the political process 1. Identifying candidates 2. Emphasizing selected issues 3. Writing editorials and creating political cartoons 4. Broadcasting different points of view List five effects of rising campaign costs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Requires extensive fund-raising Limits opportunities to run for public office Gives an advantage to wealthy individuals Encourages the development of PACs Gives special interest groups increased influence What is the name for recent attempts to control the rising cost of campaigns? Campaign finance reform Who can vote in primary and general elections? Only registered voters What are the qualifications to vote in Virginia? • U. S. citizen • Resident of Virginia • 18 years of age by day of general election What is the time limit on registration in Virginia? Registration is closed 22 days before elections Name three factors influencing whether or not a person will vote 1. Education 2. Age 3. Income * There is a direct relationship between these factors and the likelihood that a person will vote. List three reasons why citizens fail to vote 1. Lack of interest 2. Failure to register 3. A mistaken feeling that one vote doesn’t make a difference Describe the Electoral College process The slate of electors for each state is chosen by popular vote. The electors then meet to vote for President and Vice President. The winner of the popular vote in each state receives ALL of the electoral votes for that state. The number of electors for each state is based on the state’s Congressional representation. Virginia has 13 electoral votes at stake. The winner-take-all process favors a two-party system.