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Microbiome Ltd.
The perfect DNA test for Chlamydia
trachomatis (CT) infections
Paul H.M. Savelkoul, Arnold Catsburg & Servaas A. Morré
The disease
* C. trachomatis: most prevalent sexually transmitted disease (STD)
* 80% asymptomatic in women: mostly undetected & untreated
* Untreated CT: ectopic pregnancy & tubal infertility
* Treatment: easy 100% effective antibiotic treatment
The commercial potential
* 60.000 CT infections in the Netherlands
* Up to 18% prevalence in high risk populations
* Multi million annual tests market world-wide
* 12 Dutch hospitals already use our test in
home-brew format
* Dutch CT screening initiated 16 April 2008.
* Extension to other STDs in progress
The principle
- No false negatives
Isolate DNA out
of clinical specimen
Perform patented
test result
- 10 x more sensitive (test patented)
- New internal control (patented)
- Monitoring all test steps
Add patented
internal control
- Suited for every human specimen
Impact for society
Rapid, sensitive, controlled detection enables early
Name company: Microbiome Ltd.
Origin: Spin-off company VU University Medical Center
treatment of C. trachomatis infections.
Company profile:
(Medical) Microbiological detection,
typing and laboratory consultancy
Transmission of the infection among the population and
severe complications like tubal infertility and adverse
Directors & CEOs: Prof.dr. PHM Savelkoul & Dr. SA Morré
E-mail: [email protected] & [email protected]
Date of invention in 2007: 26 March 2007
pregnancy outcome will be reduced.
Chlamydia test patent:
CE certification:
end of 2008
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