Download Summary of Minutes WNY Physically Challenged Youth Sports

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Summary of Minutes WNY Physically Challenged Youth Sports
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Location: Northtown Center at Amherst
1.0 Members Present – David Henry, Mike Eberhard, Dave Miller, Jeff Cutler, Matthew Murray, Mason
Newbold, Judy Newbold, Mary Willis, John Cutler and Josh Heim. Also in attendance Dan Murray and
Mary Cutler.
Members Not Present – Christina Henry, Eric Sauers, Terrie Kothe, Sue Bryant, and Kevin Ball
2.0 Approval of Minutes - Motion to Approve November 2016 Minutes 1st- Dave Miller 2nd - John
Cutler. November 2016 Minutes Approved.
3.0 - Treasure's Report - Dave Miller provided handouts concerning the state of Financial affairs within
WNY Physically Challenged youth sports. He stated that he is researching a possible CD for the
organizations savings account. Motion to approve the Report - 1st Judy Newbold 2nd Josh Heim
Treasurers report approved.
4.0 – Tim Hortons Back Yard Classic – To be held 3/4 & 3/5. 20 teams registered to date including 4 girl
teams. Two planning meetings held so far with a third following this meeting. All are welcome to stay.
72 volunteers needed. All sled teams are expected to volunteer. 50/50 raffle each day. In addition to
normal attendance we are expecting to attract 2000. Each day will be 8am to 3pm. Volunteers will be
needed from 7am to 4pm. Sabre Tooth from 12 to 2 each day and Dave Allen will sing the National
Anthem. Chinese Auction will be held with 10 high end prizes. Dave Miller asked for board
authorization for $1,000 to purchase Chinese Auction items. Judy Newbold made the motion. Mike
Eberhard 2nd the motion. All in favor. Approved. Further details involving event were shared. Coaches
do not schedule any games or practices 3/4 & 3/5.
5.0 – Williamsville North High School had class projects and Matt Henry’s class raised $125 in donations
for BSSH. Judy Newbold to send a thank you note. Matt Murray to put something on the BSSH website.
They will also be scrimmaging with the Intermediate Gold Team.
6.0 – Ralph Wilson grant has been submitted and confirmed received. Thank you to Dave Miller and
Matt Murray for your hard work.
7.0 – Sweatshirts and hats for our annual banquet, need sizes for both, coaches to fill out and return
form asap.
8.0 – Weeknight ice is posted on our website, please encourage players to attend. We will need to
decide if it’s worth it for next year. May look at shorter schedule next year and advertise more.
9.0 – Meeting was held with Buffalo Sabres, Rich Durello and Harold Kothe. They are looking at five
organizations to focus on and we are one of them. Donation would be $100,000 over the next five years
($20,000 per year) with no restrictions on dollars. Sabre Tooth can be requested for any of our events.
10.0 – Intermediate Blue Team for this year has been challenging with scheduling games etc. Looking at
possible tournament play similar to MAGLA for next year or joining the Founders League.
11.0 – Senior Team will be looking at something different for their season next year outside of OSHA.
Canadians will not be allowed to play a club game two weeks prior to tournament games. They will
need to gauge for competition. Considering NESHL ($8,000 reg fee and they will fund raise half) or
something similar to MAGLA, 5 league weekends along with the Sled Classic and Disabled Festival. The
next OSHA meeting is next Friday. Senior Team to let Eric Sauer know if they want anything addressed.
12.0 – There will most likely be a coaching shortage for 2017-2018 season. Organization will look for
more parental involvement. Coaching clinics sometimes include sled. Also, look at previous players
and/or coaches to step up and help. Need to approach this from a marketing perspective, some ideas
discussed were discount for registration fee if parent coaches, paying coaches expenses and reach out
to USA Hockey for assistance in marketing/recruiting of coaches.
13.0 – NESHL Tournament being held in Cherry Blossom, Washington, DC, May 12th – 14th, this is
Mother’s Day so it’s up in the air as to whether our Senior Team will play. Registration fee is $500 but
there are cash prizes so you may win that back. Senior team may pull up prospective players for
experience at that level of play.
14.0 – Harbor Center Cup is being held 2/3 to 2/5. Shirts and lunch provided. Dan Murray/We Care is
taking care of transportation to and from the airport.
15.0 - Insurance is $272 per year which is a small increase from last year and we will have the same
policy. Jeff Cutler made a motion to approve. John Cutler seconded the motion. All in favor. Approved.
16.0 – Frank Albert from Performance Hockey approached Dave Miller regarding involvement in
tournaments and performance training. Frank would like to see BSSH involved in Sled Invitational 4/27
to 4/30 at the North Town Center.
17.0 – Norm Page/Labatt’s Pond Hockey is working to have a sled game 2/18, Saturday afternoon for an
18.0 – Sympathy card was sent to the Bryant Family and a donation was made to St. Jude in lieu of
flowers. Judy Newbold to be reimbursed.
19.0 - Motion to adjourn – 1st John Cutler. 2nd Matt Murray. Meeting adjourned. Next Meeting:
Thursday, March 2nd 7:30 pm at Northtown Center at Amherst.