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U. Pattanayak and Narayanan, V., ?Intersection Cuts for Convex Mixed Integer Programs from
Translated Cones?, SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP17). Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2017.
M. K. Gupta, Hemachandra, N., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Optimal revenue management in two
class pre-emptive delay dependent Markovian queues?, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol.
45, pp. 31 - 54, 2017.
N. Rangaraj, Vidyadhar, R., and Agrawal, A., ?Simulation of Mix-traffic Railway Networks
carrying Semi high speed passenger trains and High axle load freight trains?, IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. Mumbai, 2017.
M. Sharma and Mahajan, A., ?Automatic Reformulation of Convex Mixed-Integer Non-Linear
Program?, SPJIMR-POMS India Chapter Conference on Big Data Analytics for Optimising
Supply Chains. Mumbai, India, 2016.
J. Venkateswaran, Paul, S., Vidyadhar, R., Solanki, C. S., and Narayanan, N. C., ?Empirical
Studies of New Product Diffusion Under Uncertainty?, IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2016.
N. Hemachandra, Tripathi, S., and Patil, K., ?Equilibrium Sets of Some G/M/1 Queues (with
more examples)?, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 2016.
S. Paul and Venkateswaran, J., ?Inventory Management in Response to an Unfolding
Epidemic?, The 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Delft,
Netherlands, 2016.
U. Pattanayak and Narayanan, V., ?Local Polyhedrality of Integer Hulls of Strictly Convex
Sets?, SIAM Discrete Mathematics Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2016.
U. Pattanayak and Narayanan, V., ?Local Polyhedrality of Integer Hulls of Strictly Convex
Sets?, Mixed-Integer Programming Workshop. Miami, Florida, USA, 2016.
J. Venkateswaran and Paul, S., ?Modeling New Product Diffusion under Uncertainty?, The
34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Delft, Netherlands, 2016.
A. Patel, Venkateswaran, J., and Mathew, T. V., ?Real-time adaptive signal controller for
non-lane following heterogeneous road traffic?, 8th International Conference on Communication
Systems and Networks (COMSNETS). 2016.
P. Kulkarni and Venkateswaran, J., ?Simulation and Optimisation Based Approach for Job
Shop Scheduling Problems?, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management. 2016.
S. Paul and Das, D., ?Studying Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain: A System Dynamics
Approach?, SPJIMR-POMS India Chapter Conference on Big Data Analytics for Optimising
Supply Chains. Mumbai, India, 2016.
S. Memon, Rai, V., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Triangulation Studies and Data Analysis to
Understand Causes of Product Failure?, SPJIMR-POMS India Chapter Conference on Big Data
Analytics for Optimising Supply Chains. Mumbai, India, 2016.
Manu K. Gupta and Hemachandra, N., ?On 2-moment completeness of non pre-emptive, non
anticipative work conserving scheduling policies in some single class queues?, Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2015 13th International
Symposium on. pp. 267 - 274, 2015.
P. Palkar and Mahajan, A., ?A Branch-and-Estimate heuristic procedure for solving nonconvex
integer optimization problems?, Workshop on Parallel Computing and Optimization (PCO),
IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). 2015.
V. V. Singh and Hemachandra, N., ?A Characterization of Stationary Nash Equilibria of Single
Controller Constrained Stochastic Games?, International Game Theory Review, 2015.
Manu K. Gupta and Hemachandra, N., ?On a conservation law and the achievable region for
waiting time tail probabilities in 2-class M/G/1 queueing systems?, Modeling and Optimization
in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2015 13th International Symposium on. pp.
131 - 138, 2015.
A. Thomas, Krishnamoorthy, M., Singh, G., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Coordination in a
multiple producers-distributor supply chain and the value of information?, International Journal
of Production Economics, vol. 167, pp. 63?73, 2015.
A. Thomas, Krishnamoorthy, M., Venkateswaran, J., and Singh, G., ?Decentralised
decision-making in a multi-party supply chain?, International Journal of Production Research,
vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 405-435, 2015.
G. Sen, Krishnamoorthy, M., Rangaraj, N., and Narayanan, V., ?Facility location models to
locate data in information networks: a literature review?, Annals of Operations Research, pp.
1-36, 2015.
K. Kulkarni and Venkateswaran, J., ?Hybrid approach using simulation-based optimisation?,
Journal of Simulation, pp. 1?13, 2015.
L. Sathishkumar and Venkateswaran, J., ?Impact of input data parameter uncertainty on
simulation-based decision making?, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering
and Engineering Management (IEEM). 2015.
S. Paul and Venkateswaran, J., ?Impact of production-inventory control on the dynamics of
epidemics?, The 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2015.
S. Narayanaswami and Rangaraj, N., ?A MAS architecture for dynamic, realtime rescheduling
and learning applied to railway transportation?, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, no. 5,
pp. 2638?2656, 2015.
N. Sawal, Venkateswaran, J., Solanki, C. S., and Narayanan, N. C., ?Million Solar Urja Lamp
Programme: A Supply Chain Experience?, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2015). 2015.
J. Venkateswaran, ?Operations Experience in Large Scale Dissemination of Technology
Solutions in Rural India?, 28th Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India
(ORSI) and International Conference. Bhubaneswar, India, 2015.
A. Patel, Venkateswaran, J., and Mathew, T. V., ?Optimal Signal Control for Pre-timed
Signalized Junctions with Uncertain Traffic: Simulation based Optimization Approach?, Winter
Simulation Conference. Huntington Beach, California, USA, 2015.
P. Mayekar, Venkateswaran, J., Manu K. Gupta,, and Hemachandra, N., ?Performance analysis
and decomposition results for some dynamic priority schemes in 2-class queues?, Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2015 13th International
Symposium on. IEEE, 2015.
Veeraruna Kavitha and K, M. V. Rao, ?Performance Analysis of Serve on the Move Wireless
LANs?, International Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks
(SPASWIN) , 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc
and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2015. 2015.
A. Kumar, Veeraruna Kavitha,, and Hemachandra, N., ?Power constrained DTNs: Risk
MDP-LP approach?, Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks
(WiOpt), 2015 13th International Symposium on. pp. 154 - 160, 2015.
A. Kumar, Veeraruna Kavitha,, and Hemachandra, N., ?Power Constrained DTNs: Risk
MDP-LP Approach?, International Workshop on Device-to-Device Communications (D2D),
13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless
Networks, WiOpt 2015. 2015.
J. Venkateswaran, ?Scheduling of Alumina Shipments in a Supply Chain Network?, XIX
Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management. IIM Kolkata, 2015.
N. Hemachandra and Sahu, P., ?Some Aspects of Estimators for Variance of Normally
Distributed Data?, in Handbook of Research on Organizational Transformations through Big
Data Analytics, Hershey, USA: IGI Global, 2015, p. 355 -- 379.
N. R. Dayama, Krishnamoorthy, M., Ernst, A. T., Narayanan, V., and Rangaraj, N.,
?Approaches for solving the container stacking problem with route distance minimization and
stack rearrangement considerations?. 2014.
V. V. Singh and Hemachandra, N., ?A characterization of stationary Nash equilibria of
constrained stochastic games with independent state processes?, Operations Research Letters,
vol. 42, pp. 48 - 52, 2014.
A. Ghatak and Iyengar, S., ?Corruption Breeds Corruption?, Studies in Microeconomics, vol. 2,
pp. 121-132, 2014.
R. Santuka, Mahajan, A., and Rangaraj, N., ?Cutting stock problem with set-up cost?,
OPTSUM 2014. JDA Software India, Hyderabad, India, 2014.
J. N. Tripathi, Mahajan, A., Mukherjee, J., Nagpal, R. K., Malik, R., and Gupta, N.,
?Decoupling Network Optimization in High Speed Systems by Mixed-Integer Programming?,
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
G. Sen, Krishnamoorthy, M., Rangaraj, N., and Narayanan, V., ?Exact approaches for static
data segment allocation problem in an information network?, Computers & Operations Research
, 2014.
R. Vanga, Venkateswaran, J., and Rangaraj, N., ?Facility Location Models for Pallet Supply
Chain with end-of-life tracking?, Joint International Symposium on CIE?44 and IMSS?14. pp.
558-571, 2014.
K. Kulkarni and Venkateswaran, J., ?Iterative Simulation and Optimization Approach for Job
Shop Scheduling?, vol. 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. IEEE Press, pp. 1620-1631, 2014.
Manu K. Gupta, Hemachandra, N., and Venkateswaran, J., ?On mean waiting time completeness
and equivalence of EDD and HOL-PJ dynamic priority schemes in 2-class M/G/1 queue?, 8th
International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (ValueTools) ,
Bratislava, Slovakia. 2014.
A. Mahajan, ?MINOTAUR Framework: New Developments and an Application?, SIAM
Conference on Optimization 2014. San Diego, USA, 2014.
S. K. Kumar and Subash Babu, A., ?Modeling and Analysis of Rural Supply Chain using
Simulation Approach?, International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering
Applications. College of Engineeing Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India, 2014.
K. S. Mallikarjuna Rao, ?Nonzero-sum games as distributed games?, Studies in
Microeconomics, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 27-34, 2014.
A. Rawal, Veeraruna Kavitha,, and Manu K. Gupta, ?Optimal Surplus Capacity Utilization in
Polling Systems via Fluid Models?, 12th International Symposium on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt). Hammamet, Tunisia, 2014.
T. R. Singh and Rangaraj, N., ?Optimization based framework for transforming automotive
configurations for production planning?, 16th International Configuration Workshop, vol. 1220 .
pp. 31-38, 2014.
A. Thomas, Venkateswaran, J., Singh, G., and Krishnamoorthy, M., ?A Resource Constrained
Scheduling Problem with Multiple Independent Producers and a Single Linking Constraint: A
Coal Supply Chain Example?, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 236, no. 3, pp.
946-957, 2014.
M. Punjabi, Awate, P. G., Gajbhiye, R. K., Soman, S. A., and Prasad, K., ?Short Term Portfolio
Optimization for Load Serving Entity considering Multiple Exchanges and Ramping
Constraints?, The Fifth Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2014).
Washington, D.C., 2014.
S. phatak, Venkateswaran, J., Pandey, G., Sabnis, S., and Pingle, A., ?Simulation based
optimization using PSO in manufacturing flow problems: A case study?, Winter Simulation
Conference (WSC). pp. 2136 - 2146 , 2014.
A. Mahajan, ?Solving convex MINLPs using Minotaur: Presolving, cuts and more?,
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming 2014. CMU, Pittsburgh, USA, 2014.
P. Saini, ?Tighter formulation for line planning with minimal transfers?, Second International
Confererence on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications. Anna University, Chennai,
D. K. Verma, Hemachandra, N., Narahari, Y., and Tew, J. D., ?Winner Determination in
Multi-unit Procurement Auctions with Volume Discount Bids and Lead Time Constraints?, in
Applications of Multi-Criteria and Game Theory Approaches, Springer London, 2014, pp.
V. V. Singh, Hemachandra, N., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?Blackwell optimality in
stochastic games?, International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 1340025, 2013.
A. Ghosh and Narayanan, V., ?Characterizations of semidefinite representable sets?,
International Symposium on Applied Optimization and Game Theory Models, 2013. Indian
Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre, 2013.
V. Narayanan and Sharma, K., ?Design of Survivable Communication Networks?, International
Symposium on Applied Optimization and Game Theory Models, 2013. Indian Statistical
Institute, Delhi Centre, 2013.
A. Thomas, Singh, G., Krishnamoorthy, M., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Distributed optimisation
method for multi-resource constrained scheduling in coal supply chains?, International Journal of
Production Research, vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 2740-2759, 2013.
D. Hingu, Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., and Shaiju, A. J., ?Evolutionary Games and Replicator
Dynamics?, in Advances in PDE Modeling and Computation, Ane Publications, 2013, pp. 251 262.
V. Narayanan, ?Facial Structure and Representation of Integer Hulls of Convex Sets?, Integer
Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2013, vol. 7801. Springer, Valparaiso,
Chile, pp. 302-313, 2013.
Veeraruna Kavitha, Hemachandra, N., and Das, D., ?Fairness via priority scheduling?, 51st
Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing . University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Allerton Retreat Center, USA, pp. 138-145, 2013.
T. R. Singh and Rangaraj, N., ?Generation of predictive configurations for production
planning?, 15th International Configuration Workshop. Vienna, Austria, pp. 79-86, 2013.
K. Kulkarni and Venkateswaran, J., ?Hybrid Simulation and Optimization Approach to the
Scheduling Problem?, International Simulation Conference of India. IIT Madras, Chennai, 2013.
S. K. Kumar and Subash Babu, A., ?Mapping structural relationships among the critical factors
of rural supply chains?, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, vol. 16, no.
4, pp. 399 - 425, 2013.
Veeraruna Kavitha and Combes, R., ?Mixed polling with rerouting and applications?,
Performance Evaluation, vol. 70, pp. 1001 - 1027, 2013.
P. Belotti, Kirches, C., Leyffer, S., Linderoth, J., Luedtke, J., and Mahajan, A., ?Mixed-integer
nonlinear optimization?, Acta Numerica, vol. 22, pp. 1-131, 2013.
N. Hemachandra, ?A model for equilibrium in some firm-market interactions?, International
Symposium on Applied Optimization and Game Theory Models, 2013. Indian Statistical
Institute, Delhi Centre, 2013.
S. Narayanaswami and Rangaraj, N., ?Modelling Disruptions and Resolving Conflicts
Optimally in a Railway Schedule?, Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 64, no. 1, pp.
469-481, 2013.
A. Ghosh and Narayanan, V., ?New sufficient conditions for semidefinite representability of
convex sets?, International Conference on Operations Research for Data Analytics & Decision
Analysis . University of Kashmir, India, 2013.
Veeraruna Kavitha, Bodas, T., and Manjunath, D., ?On-Demand OFDMA: Control, Fairness and
Non-Cooperation?, 11th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc,
and Wireless Networks (WiOpt). Japan, pp. 224-231, 2013.
R. Vanga, Manu K. Gupta,, and Venkateswaran, J., ?Performance Evaluation of Bat Algorithm
to Solve Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization Problems?, International Simulation
Conference of India. IIT Madras, Chennai, 2013.
S. K. Kumar and Subash Babu, A., ?Prospecting rural supply chain management using a
structured approach?, International Journal of Procurement Management, vol. 6, no. 3, pp.
255-279, 2013.
Veeraruna Kavitha, Capdevielle, V., and Manu K. Gupta, ?Small Cell Networks: Speed Based
Power Allocation?, 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing . University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Allerton Retreat Center, Monticello,
Illinois, pp. 1380-1387, 2013.
K. C. Vanam and Hemachandra, N., ?Some Excess-Based Solutions For Cooperative Games
With Transferable Utility?, International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 1340029, 2013.
V. V. Singh and Hemachandra, N., ?Some More Results on Blackwell-Nash Equilibrium in
Stochastic Games?, IIT Bombay, 2013.
K. S. Mallikarjuna Rao and Shaiju, A. J., ?SOME REMARKS ON EVOLUTIONARY
STABILITY IN MATRIX GAMES?, International Game Theory Review, p. 1340024, 2013.
N. R. Dayama, Krishnamoorthy, M., Rangaraj, N., and Narayanan, V., ?Algorithms and
solution techniques for multiple cranes? scheduling problem at cargo container trans-shipment
terminals?, International Conference on Optimization, Computing and Business Analytics .
Allied Publishers, Kolkata, India, pp. 42-47, 2012.
A. Mahajan, Leyffer, S., and Kirches, C., ?Algorithms for solving convex MINLPs with
MINOTAUR?, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. 2012.
Veeraruna Kavitha, ?Analysis of Hybrid Polling Systems via Discretization?, Lectures on
Probability and Stochastic Processes VII. Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, 2012.
N. R. Dayama and Kulkarni, K., ?Approaches and Mathematical Models for Robust Solutions
to Optimization Problems with Stochastic Problem Data Instances?, Combinatorial Algorithms,
vol. 7643. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, IWOCA 2012, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil,
Tamil Nadu, pp. 76-80, 2012.
A. Ghatak, ?Bribery - A Game Theoretic Approach?, International Conference on Game
Theory, Operations Research and their Applications . ISI Chennai, 2012.
A. Ghatak, ?Bribery Games - Does Differential Treatment Help??, International Conference on
Optimization, Computing and Business Analytics . Allied Publishers, Kolkata, India, pp.
120-123, 2012.
T. R. Singh, Rangaraj, N., Schuette, A., and Schlange, C., ?Calculation of products virtual
configurations sets for variety management?, XVI Annual International Conference of SOM.
New Delhi, India, 2012.
V. V. Singh, Hemachandra, N., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?A Computational study of a
stochastic game based pollution tax model?, International Conference on Game Theory,
Operations Research and their Applications. ISI Chennai, 2012.
T. R. Singh, Schlange, C., Rangaraj, N., and Schuette, A., ?Customer order healing: translating
products from past to future?, International Conference on Optimization Modelling and
Applications (OPTIMA-2012). University of Delhi, Delhi, 2012.
A. Ghatak, Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., and Shaiju, A. J., ?Evolutionary Stability Against Multiple
Mutations?, Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 376-384, 2012.
M. K. Ghosh and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?Existence of value in stochastic differential games
of mixed type?, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 895 - 905, 2012.
S. Narayanaswami and Rangaraj, N., ?A Framework for Dynamic Decision Making Applied in
Transportation Scheduling?, International Journal of Operational Research, vol. 15, no. 4, pp.
448-465, 2012.
S. K. Kumar and Subash Babu, A., ?An integrated method using AHP, DEA and GP for
evaluating supply sources?, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, vol.
11, no. 2, pp. 123-150, 2012.
D. Damayyawar and Rangaraj, N., ?Inventory Planning and Management of a Cold Storage
Facility for Grapes?, XVI Annual International Conference of SOM. New Delhi, India, 2012.
J. Venkateswaran and Joy, J., ?Managing Impact of Epidemics: Epidemic Preparedness and
Volunteer Staff Hiring?, International Conference on Optimization Modelling and Applications
(OPTIMA-2012) . University of Delhi, Delhi, 2012.
T. R. Singh and Rangaraj, N., ?Managing product variety through customer choice modelling?,
Third Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference. Indian Institute of Management
Bangalore, Bangalore, 2012.
S. Narayanaswami and Rangaraj, N., ?Modelling disruptions and resolving conflicts optimally
in a railway schedule?, Computers & Industrial Engineering, p. -, 2012.
J. Methani, Venkateswaran, J., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?Modified Multilevel Monte
Carlo method for Pricing Options?, International Simulation Conference of India. IIT
Bombay, India, 2012.
N. Darapaneni, Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., and Venkateswaran, J., ?A Multi-level Monte-Carlo
approach to the simulation of multidimensional SDEs?, International Simulation Conference of
India. 2012.
A. S. Verma and Rangaraj, N., ?A New Heuristic for Car Selection in Automotive Paint Shop
Scheduling?, International Conference on Optimization Modelling and Applications (OPTIMA
2012). University of Delhi, Delhi, 2012.
Veeraruna Kavitha and Sharma, V., ?Optimal MSE Solution for a Decision Feedback
Equalizer?, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012.
K. R. Vemu, Bhatnagar, S., and Hemachandra, N., ?Optimal multi-layered congestion based
pricing schemes for enhanced QoS?, Computer Networks, vol. 56, pp. 1249 - 1262, 2012.
Manu K. Gupta, Hemachandra, N., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Optimal pricing and pre-emptive
scheduling in exponential server with two classes of customers?, International Conference on
Optimization, Computing and Business Analytics . Allied Publishers, Kolkata, India, pp.
103-108, 2012.
A. Nandakumar, Ernst, A. T., Krishnamoorthy, M., Rangaraj, N., and Narayanan, V., ?The
Personnel Task Scheduling Problem with Variable Finish Times?, International Conference on
Optimization, Computing and Business Analytics . Allied Publishers, Kolkata, India, pp.
115-119, 2012.
S. K. Kumar and Subash Babu, A., ?The perspectives and practices of business process
outsourcing in Indian industries: a survey and analysis?, International Journal of Indian Culture
and Business Management, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 184-207, 2012.
D. Shelar, Agrawal, P., Rangaraj, N., and Ranade, A., ?Simulation of multiple line rail
sections?, International Simulation Conference of India. IIT Bombay, 2012.
A. Thomas, Krishnamoorthy, M., Singh, G., and Venkateswaran, J., ?A Single Machine
Scheduling Problem with Partial Information Sharing?, International Conference on
Optimization, Computing and Business Analytics. Allied Publishers, Kolkata, India, pp. 98-102,
S. Hansuwa, Rangaraj, N., and Pandey, R., ?Some Practical Variants of the Vehicle Routing
Problem?, International Conference on Optimization Modelling and Applications
(OPTIMA-2012). University of Delhi, Delhi, 2012.
V. Narayanan, ?Some properties of integer hulls of convex sets?, 21st International
Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Berlin, 2012.
A. Ghatak and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?Spatial Games and Evolutionary Stability against
Multiple Mutations?, Fifteenth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications.
ISDG, Bysice, Czech Republic, 2012.
V. V. Singh, Hemachandra, N., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?An SQP Based Algorithm for
Computing Nash Equilibrium of Stochastic Games?, International Conference on Optimization
Modelling and Applications (OPTIMA-2012). University of Delhi, Delhi, 2012.
K. Kulkarni and Venkateswaran, J., ?Stochastic Job Shop Scheduling using Hybrid Simulation
and Optimization Approaches?, International Simulation Conference of India. Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, 2012.
T. R. Singh, Rangaraj, N., Schuette, A., and Schlange, C., ?Calculation of constructible set of
valid configurations for product variety management?, International Conference on Operations
Research 2011 Zurich. Zurich Switzerland, 2011.
A. Thomas, Singh, G., Krishnamoorthy, M., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Collaborative resource
constrained scheduling : A coal industry example?, 19th Triennial Conference of the
International Federation of Operational Research Societies. Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
A. Thomas, Krishnamoorthy, M., Singh, G., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Collaborative Services
Provision in Production-Logistics-Scheduling: A Coal Industry Example?, 2nd International
Conference on Services in Emerging Markets ICSEM 2011. Service Research and Innovation
Institute (SRII), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, 2011.
V. V. Singh and Hemachandra, N., ?Constrained Stochastic Games with independent state
processes: A Mathematical Programming Approach?, 8th International ISDG Workshop. Padua,
Italy, 2011.
D. Bijulal, Venkateswaran, J., and Hemachandra, N., ?Impact of Control Parameters on
Bullwhip Measure of Production-Inventory Systems?, 2011 International Conference on
Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management. IIT Kharagpur, India, 2011.
A. Atamtürk and Narayanan, V., ?Lifting for conic mixed-integer programming?, Mathematical
Programming, vol. 126, no. 2, pp. 351-363, 2011.
D. More and Subash Babu, A., ?Managing supply chain flexibility using an integrated approach
of classifying, structuring and impact assessment?, International Journal of Services and
Operations Management, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 46-75, 2011.
J. Venkateswaran and Sharma, V., ?Production planning using hybrid optimization-simulation
based approach?, INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop. Montreal, Canada, 2011.
S. Narayanaswami and Rangaraj, N., ?Scheduling and Rescheduling of Railway Operations: A
Review and Expository Analysis?, Technology Operation Management, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.
102-122, 2011.
K. Kulkarni and Venkateswaran, J., ?Scheduling in stochastic job shops using hybrid
simulation and optimization approaches?, INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop.
Montreal, Canada, 2011.
D. Bijulal, Venkateswaran, J., and Hemachandra, N., ?Service Levels, System Cost and
Stability of Production-Inventory Control Systems,?, International Journal of Production
Research, vol. 49, no. 23, pp. 7085-7105, 2011.
J. Venkateswaran, Margabandu, K., Bijulal, D., and Hemachandra, N., ?Simulation-based
Analysis of Service Levels in Stable Production-Inventory Systems?, 29th International
Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Washington D.C., U.S.A, 2011.
S. Bhatnagar, Hemachandra, N., and Mishra, V., ?Stochastic approximation algorithms for
constrained optimization via simulation?, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer
Simulation, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 15:1-15:22, 2011.
C. Naha and Venkateswaran, J., ?Agent based Simulation Games for Analysis of Supply Chain
Processes?, 14th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management.
Mumbai, India, 2010.
R. Gopalakrishnan and Rangaraj, N., ?Capacity management on long-distance passenger trains
of Indian Railways?, Interfaces, vol. 40, pp. 291-302, 2010.
A. Atamtürk and Narayanan, V., ?Conic mixed-integer rounding cuts?, Mathematical
Programming, vol. 122, pp. 1-20, 2010.
D. More and Subash Babu, A., ?Dependency analysis approach for managing supply chain
flexibility?, International Journal of Procurement Management , vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 105-144. ,
S. Narayanaswami, Dynamic and Realtime Rescheduling Models: An Empirical Analysis from
Railway Transportation. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010.
A. Aryan and Venkateswaran, J., ?Investiagtions on the use of chance constraints in Aggregtate
Production Planning?, 43rd Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India
(ORSI 2010). Madurai, India, 2010.
D. More and Subash Babu, A., ?Investigation of supply chain flexibility using a forced field
analysis- a case study?, XIV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations
Management. NITIE, Mumbai, India. , 2010.
M. S. S. Rao, Soman, S. A., Chitkara, P., Gajbhiye, R. K., Hemachandra, N., and Menezes, B.
L., ?Min-max fair power flow tracing for transmission system usage cost allocation: A large
system perspective?, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, pp. 1457-1468, 2010.
S. Sinha, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Pricing surplus server capacity for mean
waiting time sensitive customers?, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 205, pp.
159-171, 2010.
K. Iyer and Hemachandra, N., ?Sensitivity analysis and optimal ultimately stationary
deterministic policies in some constrained discounted cost models?, Mathematical Methods of
Operations Research, vol. 71, pp. 401-425, 2010.
V. K. B. Reddy and Venkateswaran, J., ?Analysis of Output Data in Distributed Simulation?,
Proceedings of 2009 INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop. University of
Warwick, UK, pp. 18-22, 2009.
D. More and Subash Babu, A., ?Analysis of the dynamics between supply chain flexibility and
key management ratios?, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, vol. 3, pp.
199-227, 2009.
M. K. Ghosh, Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., and Sheetal, D., ?Differential Game of Mixed Type with
Control and Stopping Times?, NoDEA : Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, vol.
16, pp. 143 - 158, 2009.
A. K. Garg, Venkateswaran, J., and Son, Y. - J., ?Generic interface specifications for
integrating distributed discrete-event simulation models?, Journal of Simulation, vol. 3, pp.
114-128, 2009.
Y. Narahari, Hemachandra, N., Srivastava, N. K., Kulkarni, D., and Tew, J. D., ?Incentive
compatible mechanisms for decentralised supply chain formation?, International Journal of
Operational Research, vol. 6, pp. 27-53, 2009.
B. Vignesh, Venkateswaran, J., Patil, M., and Padalkar, M., ?Manpower Planning in ITES
Supply Chain?, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference of Indian Subcontinent Decision
Sciences Institute (ISDSI). IIT Bombay, India, pp. 12-22, 2009.
R. K. Gautam, Hemachandra, N., Narahari, Y., Prakash, H., Kulkarni, D., and Tew, J. D.,
?Optimal auctions for multi-unit procurement with volume discount bids?, International Journal
of Operational Research, vol. 6, pp. 70-91, 2009.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Robust supply-chain planning using multi-resolution hybrid
models: Experimental study?, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, vol. 29, pp.
417-427, 2009.
P. Jain, Rangaraj, N., Pandey, R., Rafi, H., and Ravibabu, M., ?Route generation for
multi-modal Traffic Assignment using k-shortest paths?, XIII Annual Conference of the Society
of Operations Management (ACSOM2009-OM13), IIT Madras. IIT-Madras, 2009.
D. Bijulal, Venkateswaran, J., and Hemachandra, N., ?Stability analysis of closed-loop supply
chains?, Triennial Conference of Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies APORS 2009. Jaipur, 2009.
D. Bijulal, Venkateswaran, J., and Hemachandra, N., ?Stability considerations and service level
measures in production-inventory systems: A simulation study?, 2009 IEEE International
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2009. Bangalore, pp. 489-494,
N. Hemachandra, ?A stochastic game based model for pollution tax?, Workshop on Operations
Research and Data Analytics. IBM and ISB at GLAMS Center, Indian School of Business,
Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 2009.
A. Atamtürk and Narayanan, V., ?The submodular knapsack polytope?, Discrete Optimization,
vol. 6, pp. 333 - 344, 2009.
D. More and Subash Babu, A., ?Supply chain flexibility: A state-of-the-art survey?,
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, vol. 5, pp. 29-65, 2009.
N. Rangaraj, Raghuram, G., and Srinivasan, M. M., Supply Chain Management for
Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. Noida, INDIA: Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
A. Maheswari and Venkateswaran, J., ?Web Services based Distributed Simulation for Supply
Chain Analysis?, Proceedings of International Conference on Latest Trends in Simulation
Modeling and Analysis. NITC, Calicut, India, 2009.
P. Dangeti and Venkateswaran, J., ?Application of Simulation in Performance Analysis of a
Cellular Manufacturing System?, National Conference on Management Science and Practice.
ORSI, IIM Ahmedabad, India, 2008.
D. More, Subash Babu, A., and Hemachandra, N., ?Business excellence through supply chain
flexibility in Indian industries: an investigative study?, International Journal of Business
Excellence, vol. 1, pp. 9-31, 2008.
D. Bijulal and Venkateswaran, J., ?Closed-Loop Supply Chain Stability under Different
Production-Inventory Policies?, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the System
Dynamics Society. Athens, Greece, 2008.
V. Mariappan, Subash Babu, A., and Hemachandra, N., ?Collaborative maintenance decisions
for manufacturing facilities?, International Journal of Preventive maintenance, Special Issue on
Reliability and Condition-based Maintenance, vol. 4, pp. 225-232, 2008.
S. Srinivas, Hemachandra, N., and Narahari, Y., ?A core and Shapley value analysis of
cooperative bidding in sponsored search auctions?, Managing Complexity in a Distributed World
2008 (MCDES 2008). IISc Centenary Conference of the Division of Electrical Sciences, 2008.
S. Sinha, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Logistics contracts to increase supply chain
effectiveness - An illustration of a two-way penalty contract?, International Journal of Logistics
Systems and Management, vol. 4, pp. 313-337, 2008.
A. Singh and Venkateswaran, J., ?Measure of bullwhip effect in case of generalized demand
process modeled as moving average MA (q) time series?, 12th Annual International Conference
of the Society of Operations Management. IIT Kanpur, India, 2008.
S. Sinha, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?A model for service level based pricing of
shared resources at container depots?, Second International Conference on Transporation System
Studies (ICOTSS). Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, Mumbai, pp. 67-77, 2008.
S. George and Rangaraj, N., ?A performance benchmarking study of Indian Railway zones?,
Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 15, pp. 599-617, 2008.
D. More and Subash Babu, A., ?Perspective, practice and future of supply chain flexibility?,
International Journal of Business Excellence, vol. 1 , no. 3, pp. 302-336., 2008.
A. Atamtürk and Narayanan, V., ?Polymatroids and mean-risk minimization in discrete
optimization?, Operations Research Letters, vol. 36, pp. 618 - 622, 2008.
V. Sharma and Venkateswaran, J., ?Production Planning Approach in finite-capacity
environment?, 12th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management.
IIT Kanpur, India, 2008.
R. Bharill and Rangaraj, N., ?Revenue management in railway operations: A study of the
Rajdhani Express, Indian Railways?, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol.
42, pp. 1195 - 1207, 2008.
S. Narayanaswami, Rangaraj, N., and Venkateswaran, J., ?SPARReS: Sequence Preserving
Algorithm for Railway Rescheduling?, 2nd International Conference in Information Systems,
Technology and Management (ICISTM - 08). IMT, Dubai, 2008.
S. Tammineni and Venkateswaran, J., ?Advanced Look-ahead Based Approach (ALBA) for
distributed simulation of supply chains?, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2007). Singapore, pp. 1838-1842, 2007.
V. Mishra, Bhatnagar, S., and Hemachandra, N., ?Discrete parameter simulation optimization
algorithms with applications to admission control with dependent service times?, Proceedings of
the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. New Orleans, LA, pp. 2986-2991, 2007.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Effect of information update frequency on the stability of
production-inventory control systems?, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 106,
pp. 171-190, 2007.
Y. - J. Son and Venkateswaran, J., ?Hierarchical supply chain planning architecture for
integrated analysis of stability and performance?, International Journal of Simulation and
Process Modelling, vol. 3, pp. 153-169, 2007.
D. More and Subash Babu, A., ?Identification of stimuli, enablers and inhibitors of supply
chain flexibility and an analysis of their dynamics?, Proceedings of the National Conference on
Business Optimization wave-2007. NITIE, Powai, India., 2007.
A. Mittal and Hemachandra, N., ?Learning algorithms for finite horizon constrained Markov
decision processes?, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 3, pp. 429-444,
K. R. Vemu, Bhatnagar, S., and Hemachandra, N., ?Link route pricing for enhanced QoS?,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. New Orleans, LA, pp. 1504-1509,
S. George and Rangaraj, N., ?New organisational competences for supply chain management: a
study in the Indian context?, International Journal of Value Chain Management, vol. 1, pp.
205-222(18), 2007.
R. K. Gautam, Hemachandra, N., Narahari, Y., and Prakash, H., ?Optimal auctions for
multi-unit procurement with volume discount bids?, Proceedings - The 9th IEEE International
Conference on E-Commerce Technology; The 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise
Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services, CEC/EEE 2007. Tokyo, pp. 21-28, 2007.
K. R. Vemu, Bhatnagar, S., and Hemachandra, N., ?An optimal weighted-average congestion
based pricing scheme for enhanced QoS?, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including
subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 4882
LNCS, pp. 135-145, 2007.
M. S. Gharote, Hemachandra, N., and Rangaraj, N., ?Periodic Review for Reverse Logistics
with Remanufacturing, Stocking and Disposal?, Technology, Operations and Management, vol.
1, pp. 30-44, 2007.
N. Hemachandra, ?Sensitivity analysis and related results for some dynamic decision models?,
International Conference on Stochastic Processes and Applications. IISc Mathematics Initiative
(IMI), IISc., Bangalore, 2007.
S. U. Raju, Chaoji, A., Singh, V. K., Venkateswaran, J., and Date, A. W., ?System Dynamics
Modelling of Rural Region in India: Evaluation of Technology Alternatives?, National
Conference on System Dynamics. IPE, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad, INDIA, 2007.
R. Krishnamurthy Iyer and Hemachandra, N., ?Ultimately stationary deterministic strategies for
stochastic games?, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Control and
Otptimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS2007). Bangalore, 2007.
M. K. Ghosh and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?Zero-sum stochastic games with stopping and
control?, Operations Research Letters, vol. 35, pp. 799-804, 2007.
S. Sinha, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Analysis of a transportation contract in a supply
chain?, 2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition. Orlando, FL, 2006.
N. Hemachandra and Cheriyan, V., ?Bounds for Covariances and Variances of Truncated
Random Variables?, 2006.
C. Desai and Rangaraj, N., ?Dynamic Balancing of Inventories in Retail Supply Chains?,
INFORMS-2006. Honk Kong, 2006.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Effects of information synchronization frequency on the
stability of supply chains?, 2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition. Orlando, FL, 2006.
V. Pydah, Venkateswaran, J., and Caprihan, R., ?Fuzzy-periodic review policy for inventory
management in supply chains?, 2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition. Orlando, FL, 2006.
J. Venkateswaran, Son, Y. - J., Jones, A. T., and Min, J., ?A Hybrid Simulation Approach to
planning in a VMI Supply Chain?, International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling,
vol. 2(3/4), pp. 133-149, 2006.
R. Gokhale, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Impact of Signal Failures on Capacity and
Timetabling in Suburban Operations Management?, INFORMS-2006. Honk Kong, 2006.
N. Rangaraj, ?Implication of the Zonal and Divisional Jurisdictions of the Indian Railway
organization on their Operations?, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay,
P. Mittal and Venkateswaran, J., ?Life period based Collection and Inspection Model in Closed
Loop Supply Chains?, 10th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations
Management. IIM Ahmedabad, India, 2006.
N. Rangaraj, Hemachandra, N., Saroop, A., Sehgal, S., and Ravikumar, K., ?Product Variety
Management?, 10th Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management.
IIM, Ahmedabad, 2006.
N. Rangaraj, Sohoni, M., Puniya, P., and Garg, J., ?Rake Linking for Suburban Train Services?,
Opsearch, vol. 43, 2006.
J. Venkateswaran and Hasti, C., ?Stability of Production-Inventory Control Systems
Considering Inventory Shortages?, Proceedings of 10th Annual International Conference of the
Society of Operations Management. IIM Ahmedabad, INDIA, 2006.
G. Singla and Rangaraj, N., ?Supply Chain Decisions and Double Marginalization?, 10th
Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management. IIM, Ahmedabad, 2006.
N. Rangaraj, ?An analysis of cyclic timetables for suburban railway services?, Abhivyakti,
Journal of the Railway Staff College, Vadodara, 2005.
S. Dekhane, Rangaraj, N., Hemachandra, N., Patil, M., and Padalkar, M., ?The Counter Bid
Problem?, International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Infrastructure
Development in Conjunction with the 2005 Annual Convention of Operational Research Society
of India, ICORAID-2005-ORSI. Bangalore, 2005.
A. Rathore, Balaraman, B., Zhao, X., Venkateswaran, J., Son, Y. - J., and Wysk, R. A.,
?Development and benchmarking of an epoch time synchronization method for distributed
simulation?, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 24, pp. 69-78, 2005.
A. Rathore, Balaraman, B., Zhao, X., Baek, S. K., Venkateswaran, J., Son, Y. - J., and Wysk,
R. A., ?Development and benchmarking of an epoch time synchronization method for distributed
simulation?, IIE Annual Conference and Exposition 2005. Atlanta, GA, 2005.
M. K. Ghosh, Suresh Kumar, K., Nandakumaran, A. K., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S.,
?Differential games of fixed duration in the framework of relaxed strategies?, Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems, vol. 13, pp. 251 - 273, 2005.
M. K. Ghosh and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?Differential games with ergodic payoff?, SIAM
Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 43, pp. 2020-2035, 2005.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Hybrid system dynamic - Discrete event simulation-based
architecture for hierarchical production planning?, International Journal of Production Research,
vol. 43, pp. 4397-4429, 2005.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Information synchronization effects on the stability of
collaborative supply chain?, Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, vol. 2005. Orlando,
FL, pp. 1668-1676, 2005.
J. Venkateswaran, Zhao, X., and Son, Y. - J., ?Integrated performance and stability analysis for
VMI supply chains using multi-resolution hybrid models?, IIE Annual Conference and
Exposition 2005. Atlanta, GA, 2005.
X. Zhao, Venkateswaran, J., and Son, Y. - J., ?Modeling human operator decision-making in
manufacturing systems using BDI agent paradigm?, IIE Annual Conference and Exposition
2005. Atlanta, GA, 2005.
N. Rangaraj, ?Modelling in e-Business and Supply Chain Management?, Workshop on
Frontiers of e-Business, organised by GM India Science Labs. Bangalore, 2005.
V. Narayanan and Rangaraj, N., ?A network-based representation of track layouts in railway
stations?, IEOR, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2005.
M. Jafferali, Venkateswaran, J., and Son, Y. - J., ?Performance Comparison of Search-based
Simulation Optimization Algorithms for Manufacturing System Operations Scheduling?,
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling, vol. 1(1/2), pp. 58-71, 2005.
N. Rangaraj, ?Performance measures and the role of contracts in logistics and supply chain
management?, I-SCAN - Indian Supply Chain Analytic Network, Publication of the CII Institute
of Logistics, Chennai, vol. 1. 2005.
A. Chande, Dhekane, S., Hemachandra, N., and Rangaraj, N., ?Perishable inventory
management and dynamic pricing using RFID technology?, Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in
Engineering Sciences, vol. 30. pp. 445-462, 2005.
T. A. Bahill, Baldwin, D. G., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Predicting a Baseball's Path?, American
Scientist, vol. 93(3), 2005.
J. Venkateswaran, Son, Y. - J., Jones, A. T., and Min, J., ?Production and Distribution Planning
for Dynamic Supply Chains?, Proceedings of the 2005 Advances in Production Management
Systems. Rockville, MD, USA, 2005.
S. Sinha, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Study of a two-way transportation contract?,
Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Operations Research for Development
ICORD-V. Jamshedpur, India, 2005.
G. Raghuram and Rangaraj, N., ?Synthesis paper on Strengthening Policy Reforms for
Transport Development in India?, Policy Retreat and Dissemination Workshop on Strengthening
Policy Reforms for Transport Development in India, sponsored by Asian Development Bank and
Dept of Economic Affairs, Delhi, vol. 2005, 2005.
G. Raghuram and Rangaraj, N., ?Systems perspectives on Inland Water Transport?,
Proceedings of VISION 2020, The Strategic Role of Operational Research, 37th Annual
Convention of the O.R.Society of India. Allied Publishers, New Delhi, Ahmedabad, 2005.
N. Rangaraj and Raghuram, G., ?Viability of Inland Water Transport in India?, Policy Retreat
and Dissemination Workshop on Strengthening Policy Reforms for Transport Development in
India, sponsored by Asian Development Bank and Dept of Economic Affairs, Delhi. 2005.
K. Raghupathi, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Bid estimation in Combinatorial
Auctions?, 8th Annual international conference of the Society of Operations Management.
NITIE, Mumbai, 2004.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Design and development of a prototype distributed
simulation for evaluation of supply chains?, International Journal of Industrial Engineering :
Theory Applications and Practice, vol. 11, pp. 151-160, 2004.
R. Tandra, Hemachandra, N., and Manjunath, D., ?DiffServ node with join minimum cost
queue policy and multiclass traffic?, Performance Evaluation, vol. 55, pp. 69-91, 2004.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Distributed and hybrid simulations for manufacturing
systems and integrated enterprise?, IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition 2004. Houston, TX,
pp. 177-182, 2004.
A. Chande, Hemachandra, N., and Rangaraj, N., ?Fixed Life Perishable Inventory Problem and
Approximation under Price Promotion?, 2004.
J. Venkateswaran, Son, Y. - J., and Jones, A. T., ?Hierarchical production planning using a
hybrid system dynamic-discrete event simulation architecture?, Proceedings - Winter Simulation
Conference, vol. 2. Washington, DC, pp. 1094-1102, 2004.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Impact of modelling approximations in supply chain
analysis - An experimental study?, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 42, pp.
2971-2992, 2004.
A. Chande, Dekhane, S., Hemachandra, N., and Rangaraj, N., ?Inventory Control of Perishable
Items using RFID Technology?, 8th Annual international conference of the Society of
Operations Management. NITIE, Mumbai, 2004.
R. Tandra, Hemachandra, N., and Manjunath, D., ?Join minimum cost queue for multiclass
customers: Stability and performance bounds?, Probability in the Engineering and Informational
Sciences, vol. 18, pp. 445-472, 2004.
M. S. Gharote, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Periodic Review Inventory Policies for a
Hybrid Production System with Stocking and Disposal Options?, ISL-2004 (International
Symposium on Logistics). IIM, Bangalore, 2004.
A. Chande, Dhekane, S., Hemachandra, N., and Rangaraj, N., ?Perishable Inventory
Management and RFID Technology?, Supply Chain Management in Global Enterprises. NITIE,
Mumbai, 2004.
N. Rangaraj, ?An analysis of Operations, Mode Choice, Pricing and Network Economics of
Container Movement"?, International Workshop on IT-Enabled Manufacturing, Logistics and
Supply Chain Management. Bangalore, 2003.
Y. - J. Son, Misra, S., and Venkateswaran, J., ?Architecture and Time Synchronization
Mechanisms for Integration of Supply Chain Simulations?, Proceedings of The University
Synergy Program (USP) International Conference. Dearborn, MI, USA, 2003.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Development and Investigation of a Simulation-based Test
bed for Supply Chain Coordination?, Proceedings of the Annual Industrial Engineering Research
Conference. Portland, USA, 2003.
A. K. Nandakumaran, Rajesh, M., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?An example in the
homogenization of a degenerate elliptic equation?, Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 36, pp. 187-201,
S. Misra, Venkateswaran, J., and Son, Y. - J., ?Framework for Adaptive Time Synchronization
Method for Integration of Distributed, Heterogeneous, Supply Chain Simulations?, Proceedings
of The American Society of Engineering Management Conference. St Louis, USA, 2003.
J. Venkateswaran, Zhao, X., and Son, Y. - J., ?Intelligent Shop Floor Scheduling Method
Considering Real-time Status, Disturbances, and Performance Metrics?, Proceedings of The
International Conference of Industrial Engineering. Las Vegas, USA, 2003.
J. Moorkanat, Awate, P. G., and Rangaraj, N., ?Optimizing loading policies at a bottleneck
facility in a refrigerator manufacturing plant with random rejects in assembly line?, International
Journal of Production Economics, vol. 84, pp. 319-334, 2003.
N. Hemachandra and Eedupuganti, S. K., ?Performance analysis and buffer allocations in some
open assembly systems?, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 30, pp. 695-704, 2003.
M. K. Ghosh and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?A probabilistic approach to second order
variational inequalities with bilateral constraints?, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of
Sciences: Mathematical Sciences, vol. 113, pp. 431-442, 2003.
N. Hemachandra and Balaji, J., ?Robustness of (s,S) Policies in Inventory Systems?, Invited
talk at Proceedings of IT-MLS 2003, IISc Bangalore. Bangalore, 2003.
N. Rangaraj, Ranade, A., Moudgalya, K., Konda, C., Johri, M., and Naik, R., ?Simulator for
Line Capacity Planning?, Sixth Asia Pacific Operations Research Society. Delhi, 2003.
J. Moorkanat, Awate, P. G., and Rangaraj, N., ?Some new heuristic algorithms for dynamic
capacitated lotsizing for convergent-divergent production flow networks with setup times?,
Opsearch, vol. 40, 2003.
K. Chandrasekhar, Dave, N., Hemachandra, N., and Rangaraj, N., ?Timing of Discount Offers
for Perishable Inventories?, Sixth Asia Pacific Operations Research Society. Delhi, 2003.
M. K. Ghosh, Nandakumaran, A. K., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?A zero sum differential
game in Hilbert space?, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 283, pp.
167-179, 2003.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Analysis of Supply Chain Dynamics using Distributed
Simulation?, Proceedings of the Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Orlando,
USA, 2002.
D. Manjunath, Goel, A., and Hemachandra, N., ?DiffServ node with join minimum cost queue
policy: Analysis with multiclass traffic?, Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications
Conference, vol. 3. Taipei, pp. 2573-2577, 2002.
N. Rangaraj and Viswanadham, N., ?An example of a supply chain involving multimodal
containerised transport?, National Conference on Transportation Systems. Delhi, 2002.
J. Venkateswaran, Son, Y. - J., and Kulvatunyou, B., ?Investigation of influence of modeling
fidelities on supply chain dynamics?, Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, vol. 2. San
Diego, CA, pp. 1183-1191, 2002.
V. Mariappan, Hemachandra, N., and Subash Babu, A., ?Optimal preventive maintenance
oplicy using GRG algorithm?, International Conference on Operations Research for
Development, ICCORD. Chennai, 2002.
M. Madan, Vijayakumar, P., Venkateswaran, J., and Son, Y. - J., ?Real-time Adaptive Shop
Floor Control System: using Simulation, Dispatching Rules, and Direct Search Algorithm?,
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Technical Meeting Society of Engineering Science. University
Park, USA, 2002.
J. Venkateswaran, Jafferali, M. Y. K., and Son, Y. - J., ?Distributed simulation: An enabling
technology for the evaluation of virtual enterprises?, Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings,
vol. 2. Arlington, VA, pp. 856-862, 2001.
J. Venkateswaran and Son, Y. - J., ?Distributed Simulation for the Integration of Globally
Dispersed Enterprises: A Prototype?, Proceedings of the International Conference of Industrial
Engineering. San Francisco, USA, 2001.
Y. - J. Son, Venkateswaran, J., Yaseen, K., and Mopidevi, R., ?Initial research on schedule
interface with shop floor control system?, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 2. Tucson, AZ, pp. 1282-1287, 2001.
N. Rangaraj and Sohoni, M., ?Meeting transport demands on a network: costs of loaded and
empty movements and of waiting?. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay
(2001), also technical report at The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific, National University of
Singapore, 2001.
N. Rangaraj and Viswanadham, N., ?Multimodal containerised transport for export and import
through Western India - a supply chain perspective?. Industrial Engineering and Operations
Research, IIT Bombay (2001), also technical report at The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific,
National University of Singapore, 2001.
N. Rangaraj and Srivastava, A. K., ?Network capacity planning and operational control in
Indian Railways?, National Connectivity Vision: Surface Transportation and Communication.
Indian National Academy of Engineering, Hyderabad, 2001.
M. K. Ghosh, Nandakumaran, A. K., Suresh Kumar, K., and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. S., ?A note
on stochastic minimax principle?, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, vol. 9, pp. 105
- 112, 2001.
N. Rangaraj and Srivastava, A. K., ?Some IT imperatives for Indian Railways in a supply chain
management environment?, National Connectivity Vision: Surface Transportation and
Communication. Indian National Academy of Engineering, Hyderabad, 2001.
J. Venkateswaran, Manmohan, M., and Son, Y. - J., ?Virtual Manufacturing - Online Control of
Shop Floor Operations?, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Production Research.
Prague, Czech Republic, 2001.
M. M. Akarte, Surendra, N. V., Ravi, B., and Rangaraj, N., ?Web based Casting Supplier
Evaluation using Analytic Hierarchy Process?, Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol.
52, 2001.
N. Rangaraj, Banerjee, B., and Raghuram, G., ?Konkan Railway Corporation Limited?,
Vikalpa, vol. 25. p. 89, 2000.
N. Rangaraj and Raghuram, G., Logistics and Supply Chain Management : Cases and
Concepts. New Delhi: Macmillan, 2000.
N. Hemachandra and Narahari, Y., ?A mathematical programming approach to optimal
markovian switching of poisson arrival streams to queueing systems?, Queueing Systems, vol.
36, pp. 443-461, 2000.
N. Rangaraj, Pandey, R., and Khare, A., ?National Automobiles Company ?, Asian Case
Research Journal, vol. 4, ACRJ vol. 2000.
K. Raghupathi, Rangaraj, N., and Hemachandra, N., ?Quantitative models for capacity planning
in transport systems?, ORSI Annual Convention. Ahmedabad, Mumbai, 2000.
N. Rangaraj, Pandey, R., and Patil, R., ?Super Gauge Limited ?. 2000.
N. Rangaraj and Pandey, R., ?Girish Harnesses Limited ?. 1999.
G. Raghuram and Rangaraj, N., ?Logistics to Supply Chain Management: The Imperative
Evolution?, Asian Journal of Transport, vol. Annual, 1999.
N. Rangaraj, ?White Line Limited ?. 1999.
N. Rangaraj, Shenoy, M., and Kamath, M. V., ?Application of Constraint Logic Programming
to Commuter Train Timetabling?, Australian Workshop on Constraints, held in conjunction with
the Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Griffith University, Brisbane,
Australia, 1998.
J. Humphrey, Kaplinsky, R., and Saraph, P. V., Corporate Restructuring : Crompton Greaves
and the Challenge of Globalisation. Sage Publications, 1998.
N. Rangaraj, ?Indian Electrical Motors Limited ?. 1998.
N. Rangaraj and Jakate, D., ?Quality Confectionery Limited?. 1998.
N. Rangaraj and Mrug, J., ?A decision support system for rake linking and related operational
decisions?. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay, National University of
Singapore, 1997.
N. Rangaraj, ?A note on section scheduling?, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research,
IIT Bombay, 1997.
Y. Narahari and Hemachandra, N., ?On the optimality of exhaustive service policies in
multiclass queueing systems with modulated arrivals and switchovers?, Sadhana, vol. 22, pp.
69-82, 1997.
Y. Narahari, Hemachandra, N., and Gaur, M. S., ?Transient analysis of multiclass
manufacturing systems with priority scheduling?, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 24,
pp. 387-398, 1997.
V. Paranjpe, Awate, P. G., and Rangaraj, N., ?Dynamic loading policy at a bottleneck facility
feeding multiple component lines converging at a refrigerator assembly line, with random
rejections at various points?, ORSI Annual Convention. Mumbai, 1996.
N. Rangaraj and Kamath, M. V., ?Dynamic operational policies for the Bombay suburban rail
transportation system?, Journal of Transport Management, vol. 20, 1996.
Y. Narahari and Hemachandra, N., ?A linear programming approach to optimal scheduling in a
stochastic manufacturing system?, Proceedings of the International Conference on Agile
Manufacturing. Bangalore, 1996.
N. Rangaraj, ?Node capacity and terminal management on Indian Railways?, IT Tracks for IR
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N. Rangaraj, ?Timetabling strategies for suburban railway operations?, IT Tracks for IR
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N. Rangaraj and Paes, E., ?Applications of simulated annealing to media planning?, ORSI
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N. Rangaraj and Kamath, M. V., ?Demand-sensitive schedule generation for an urban mass
transportation system?. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay, National
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S. U. Raju, Rangaraj, N., and Date, A. W., ?The influence of development perspectives on the
choice of technology?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 48, pp. 27 - 43, 1995.
Y. Narahari and Hemachandra, N., ?Non-stationary models of manufacturing systems:
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N. Rangaraj and Suresh, J. R., ?Decision support for crew scheduling in urban transport?,
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N. Rangaraj, Raghuram, G., and Kamath, M. V., ?Are passengers on Indian Railways paying
their way? Parts I and II?, Railway Fare and Freight Committee (Seminars and studies), Ministry
of Railways, Govt of India, vol. 1993, 1993.
J. R. Suresh and Rangaraj, N., ?Crew Scheduling for urban bus operations?, ORSI Annual
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G. Raghuram, Rangaraj, N., and Kamath, M. V., ?Network based pricing for passenger services
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N. Rangaraj and Paes, E., ?A systematic and quantitative view of capacity estimation and
enhancement of the Indian Railway network?, ORSI Annual Convention. Bhubhaneswar, 1993.
S. - P. Han, Pang, J. - S., and Rangaraj, N., ?Globally Convergent Newton Methods for
Nonsmooth Equations?, Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 17, pp. pp. 586-607, 1992.
J. - S. Pang, Han, S. - P., and Rangaraj, N., ?Minimization of Locally Lipschitzian Functions?,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, vol. 1, pp. 57-82, 1991.
J. Venkateswaran, ?Scheduling of Alumina Shipments in a Supply Chain Network?, XIX
Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management. IIM Kolkata.
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