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B.A. Degree
Requirements for Major in Philosophy, Pre-Law Track
*Thirty semester hours including the following:
I. Pre-Law Track Core
A. Philosophy Core (9 hours)
PHI 1306
PHI 3310
PHI 3312
Introduction to Logic (or Phil 4345)
History of Philosophy: Classical Philosophy
History of Philosophy: Modern European Philosophy
B. Legal, Moral and Political Philosophy (Choose 9 hours)
PHI 2310
PHI 3301
PHI 4318
PHI 4361
PHI 4360
Law, Science and Society
Moral Philosophy
Philosophy of Law
Social Philosophy
Contemporary Ethical Theory
II. Electives (Choose 9-12 hours from the following courses in consultation with advisor)
PHI 1307
PHI 1308
PHI 1321
PHI 2305
PHI 2370
PHI 3305
PHI 3320
PHI 4345
PHI 4311
PHI 4314
PHI 4321
PHI 4324
PHI 4335
PHI 4341
PHI 4342
PHI 4353
PHI 4363
PHI 4379
PHI 4385
PHI 4V99
Critical Thinking (or Phil 1306)
Introductory Topics in Ethics
Introductory Topics in Philosophy
Philosophy and Religion
Business Ethics
British Philosophy and Culture
Philosophical Issues in Feminism
Symbolic Logic
History of Philosophy: Patristic and Medieval
Philosophy in Literature
Philosophical Problems in Contemporary Culture
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Contemporary American Philosophy
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy and Medicine
Islam and Democracy (cross-listed CHS 4365)
Religious Ethics in a Liberal Democracy (cross-listed CHS & PSC 4379)
Special Topics in Philosophy
III. Interdisciplinary Course (May choose 3 hours from the following in consultation with
advisor, if only 9 hours of philosophy electives chosen from II).
BL 3305
Legal Environment of Business
BL 4302
BL 4303
BL 4310
CCS 3372
CHS 2304
CSS 3307
ECO 4318
JOU 4389
PSC 3353
PSC 3363
PSC 3373
PSC 3339
PSC 4303
PSC 4305
PSC 4321
PSC 4361
PSC 4381
PSC 4383
REL 3309
REL 3392
REL 3394
REL 4390
REL 4395
Commercial Law
Employment Law
Law, Justice and Community
Church-State Separation and Religious Liberty
Legal Communications
Law and Economics
Law and Ethics and Journalism
American Political Thought
Western Political Thought: Classical and Medievel
Western Political Thought: Modern
Law and Religion in the United States
International Human Rights
International Law
Administrative Law
American Constitutional Law I
American Constitutional Law II
Contemporary Political Thought
Christian Ethics
The Christian Faith and Business Ethics
War and Peace in the Christian Tradition
Contemporary Christian Ethical Theory
*Requirements for a major in philosophy include:
1. Three hours of logic: Either Phil 1306 (Introduction to Logic), Phil 1307 (Critical Thinking) or
Phil 4345 (Intermediate Logic)
2. Six hours in history of philosophy: Both Phil 3310 (Classical Philosophy) and Phil 3312
(Modern Philosophy)
3. Six hours at 4000 in philosophy
4. Fifteen hours of electives in philosophy or twelve in philosophy and three hours from
interdisciplinary courses listed at (III).
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