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Policy 6: Healthcare
The Cure of all Diseases
Are we truly interested in preventing diseases, rather than just to find some medical reasons or
ways to put in remission diseases that could be eliminated, if we have enough care to understand
their origins? The origins of all diseases take place in the human structure (anatomy), triggering
defects because of the lack of willingness to live, which also triggers the purpose of existence
only to survive rather than live happily.
The high cost of healthcare is due to not taking care of our health! We have a plan, for
everyone’s healing from the continuous burden of diseases. Healing begins in a desire to live,
triggered by hope.
The value of the family will be understood as the strength and foundation in cutting health
care costs, diminishing criminality, giving a break to the environment and re-kindling
personal dreams.
As a Nation, we will become healthy again. Again, healing begins in a desire to live, triggered
by hope. We will provide instructions for how to really care for one another. Caring takes its
roots in love. In the Canada that we offer, as fear and lack of hope diminishes, the immune
system of individuals will become replenished.
The Spirit of caring that begins in the home will spread into healthcare facilities themselves
where everyone involved in the practice of healing and caring, be they nurses, doctors,
healthcare aids, paramedics and all others, will continue the ‘practice’ of caring in the various
healthcare settings to continue to truly heal rather than just dispense drugs and treatments by
bringing to life the oath they take. Their flame of caring will inspire hope in the remaining sick
and despairing members of society, rekindling in them the embers of hope dampened by
uncaring until now.
Becoming healthy at lower costs
The PPP has a very specific agenda: one to scrutinize the over-expenditure of departments
that increase the cost of operation and bring no revenue to the nation. For example, our
politicians are telling us that everything will get worse: from healthcare, to crime prevention, to
terrorism and now if we logically look at these statements, if everybody ends up sick there are
less people paying taxes, increasing the cost of healthcare. In such, it is putting pressure on the
next generation who will only be working to maintain a system where no healing is truly taking
The sick, the terminally ill, the despairing, the addicted, the mentally ill, will decrease in
numbers due to the effects of personal caring and the restructuring within homes and
People’s Political Power of Canada Policies: Healthcare
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communities. As a result, health care costs will greatly diminish and health care benefits will
greatly increase. As our society continues to age, benefits and revenues to the country will
continue to increase, as the costs of caring for the ill and aging will actually decrease, through
caring. We will see Health Care departments becoming assets, rather than liabilities as we
reduce healthcare costs by 50% in three years.
Healthcare affects Everyone
Healthcare affects all of us, whether we are sick or not. It is our ‘care’ to care. As more and
more people become ‘sick’ the healthy members will need to work more and more to meet the
needs of the growing number of sick and will eventually become sick themselves as more and
more money will be needed through taxation to meet the growing health demands. How long
before all of us are working for survival only and we become sick ourselves? Then what?
The cycle must be broken. We can see the effects that ‘not caring’ has as our society becomes
more and more reliant on the healthcare system. It requires more than medication and hospital
beds to address our growing health issues. For people to truly heal they require living proof that
someone cares beginning by our own government who must begin by seeing Canada as a family.
Our government must pass laws that do not penalize the family but that enrich our families by
bringing relief and hope of a better future to all people: mothers, fathers, children and seniors.
And imagine how balanced and healthy we will all be when we recognize everyone cares.
Imagine the hope we can bring to those who may have lost it when we find ways to care for one
another enough to want to make their dreams of a better life come true (become reality).
Restoring Balance by Eliminating Stress
There is a direct relationship between stress and all diseases. The proof is that physicians
always recommend ‘reducing stress’ as an important step in overcoming illness and disease.
They even enforce ‘no visitors’ in the case of some of their patients or restrict ‘visiting times’ in
hospitals to prevent fatigue, and stress which could interfere with a person’s recovery.
A calm environment is necessary for inner balance to be maintained and a physician has the
power to reduce or eliminate any factors that disturb our peace. Politicians can learn from this
by eliminating all the stressors that deprive us of a balanced life by ensuring a balanced climate
in the home and in the environment.
For example, the government can be much more rigorous in anti-smoking, drinking and
gambling legislation which negatively affects the physical and psychological health of
individuals, their families and society in general.
It is time the government becomes involved in the rehabilitation of the nation instead of
viewing these dangerous addictives as money-making ventures. Consider the aftermath? How
much is spent yearly on cancer treatments, on psychiatry, on social agencies to clean up after the
mess has been made? The government makes one dollar on liquor taxes or lottery ticket sales and
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then spends two dollars in an attempt to deal with the personal and social problems they helped
to cause. The government in power uses these addictives in their money-making schemes leaving
the fall-out to the next government in office to pay for the clean-up. Then the next government
does the same. And so the cycle continues with no real change and no real healing. And every
year, health costs rise and take their toll.
Health and the Environment
We all know there is a link between health and the environment. A toxic environment
equals a wealth of health problems that ends up costing the taxpayer their income, their health
and their future. We must stop paying into the pockets of corporations and multi-nationals. We
must stop selling-out our resources to foreign interests who have no interest in our greatest asset:
our people.
We will enforce laws that protect the families of Canada. In making sound decisions to
protect the people of Canada, the environment will be protected as well. The security of our
health depends on a comprehensive plan that includes good decisions made to protect our
citizens and our environment. In caring for one we care for the other as each has its role in the
We offer a plan to minimize health costs by keeping the environment clean. Many accords
have been signed and many promises of ‘a clean environment’ have been made and still
pollution is worse every year and we see the price people pay with an increase in asthma and
emphysema, many forms of cancer and other diseases.
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107 Marion Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2H 0T2 Canada
Telephone: (204) 233-6087 - Fax: (204) 415-9875
Toll Free: 1-855-3-GO-4-PPP (346-4777)
E-mail: [email protected]
Anna-Maria Everett – Leader
Shirley Roulette – President
Eileen Roulette – Vice-President
Ann Marie Nemis – Secretary-Treasurer
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