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Consulta: subjectFacets:"ข้าวกล้องงอก"
Registros recuperados: 13
Data/hora: 09/06/2017 07:50:19
กิจกรรมต้ านอนุมูลอิสระและปริมาณสารประกอบฟี นอลิกทั้งหมดในข้ าวกล้ อง ข้ าวกล้องงอก และข้ าวฮางงอกของข้ าวไทยบางสายพันธุ์
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Paweena Rattanasena; Prapassorn Bussaman.
Tipo: Collection
Palavras-chave: Antioxidant; Phenolic compound; Brown rice; Pre-germinated brown rice; Pre-germinated rice; Rough rice;
Pre-germinated rough rice; Thai rice cultivars; สารต้านอนุมูลอิสระ; สารประกอบฟี นอลิก; ข้าวกล้อง; ข้าวกล้องงอก; ข้าวงอก; ข้าวฮาง; ข้าวฮางงอก; ข้าวสายพันธุ์ไทย.
Ano: 2012
การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบกลุ่มสาร Acylated steryl glucosides ในข้ าวกล้องและข้ าวกล้อง และความสัมพันธ์ กบั สีของข้ าว
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Pakinee Akkaravessapong; Suganya Wongpornchai; Sunanta Wongpiyachon; Kitsada Pitija; Angsutorn Wasusun;
Panawan Suttiarporn.
Acylated Steryl Glucosides (ASGs) are unsaponified matters that are ubiquitously distributed in edible plant sources, for example
barley, maize and brown rice. ASGs in pre-germinated brown rice have reported to improve insulin activity and blood glucose
control mechanisms in the diabetic condition through the activation of insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and increasing of
IGF-1 production. Recently, the medical studies confirm that dietary intake of brown and pre-germinated brown rice is useful for
alleviating symptoms of both diabetes and pre-diabetes. To improve the functional dietary intake of Thai rice, identification of
ASGs in seven varieties, namely: Khao Dawk Mali 105, PTT1, RD31, Sang Yod, RD6, Niaw Dam Chum Pae and Niaw Dam
Maw, brown and...
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Acylated steryl glucosides; Rice varieties; Sterol; Free fatty acid; White rice; Red rice; Brown rice;
Pre-germinated brown rice; ASGs; Blood glucose control; Nutritive value; Chemical composition; Color; ข้าวกล้อง; ข้าวกล้องงอก; ข้าวขาว;
ข้าวต่างสี ; สารต้านอนุมูลอิสระ; การควบคุมระดับน้ าตาล; กรดไขมันอิสระ; สเตอรอล; โครงสร้างทางเคมี ; การวิเคราะห์องค์ประกอบทางเคมี ; คุณค่าทางโภชนาการ; สารสี; พันธุ์ฺข้าว.
Ano: 2013
การเปรียบเทียบกลุ่มสาร Acylated Steryl Glucosides ในข้าวกล้องและข้ าวกล้องงอก และความสัมพันธ์ กบั สีของข้ าว
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Pakinee Akkaravessapong; Angsutorn Wasusun; Suganya Wongpornchai; Sunanta Wongpiyachon.
Acylated Steryl Glucosides (ASGs) are unsaponified matters distributed ubiquitously in edible plant sources including brown rice.
ASGs in pre-germinated brown rice have reported to improve insulin activity and blood glucose control mechanisms in the
diabetic condition through the activation and increasing of insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) production. Alleviating symptoms
of both diabetes and pre-diabetes of dietary intake of brown and pre-germinated brown rice has well known. To improve the
functional dietary intake of Thai rice, identification of ASGs in seven varieties, namely: Khao Dawk Mali 105, PTT1, RD31,
Sangyod, RD6, Niaw Dam Chum Pae and Niaw Dam Maw, brown and pre-germinated were carried out. Firstly, extracted sample
of brown and...
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Thai rice varieties; Acylated steryl glucosides (ASGs); Sterol; Free fatty acid; White rice; Pigmented Rice;
Brown rice; Pre-germinated brown rice; ข้าวไทย; สเตอรอล; กรดไขมันอิสระ; ข้าวขาว; ข้าวต่างสี ; ข้าวกล้อง; ข้าวกล้องงอก; พันธุ์; โภชนบาบัด.
Ano: 2013
การใช้ ประโยชน์ ข้าวกล้ องจากข้ าวเปลือกเริ่มงอกและข้ าวนึ่งกล้ องจากข้ าวเปลือกเริ่มงอกสาหรับผลิตข้ าวผัดน้าพริกกะปิ แช่ เยือกแข็ง
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Praopen Rattanadee; Onanong Naivikul.
This study aimed to obtain better texture of brown rice from San-pah-tawng 1 (SPT 1; amylose content=6.06%) by using a
pre-germination and parboiled processes. Paddy was soaked in water at 30 °C for 8 h, and then incubated at 30 °C with 85%
humidity until embryonic growth length was0.5-1.0 mm and 60-70% germination. Pre-germination time of SPT 1 was 36 h.
Parboiled and unparboiled from pre-germinated paddy were dried and dehusked to obtain parboiled pre-germinated brown rice
(PPGBR) and pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR). Chemical properties of PPGBR and PGBR flours from SPT 1 showed
significantly (p LT = 0.05) higher content of reducing sugars (416.14-422.07 mg/100g), protein (8.09-8.13), fat (4.06-4.37%), and
total phenolic compounds (43.87-106.45 mg...
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Pre-germinated brown rice; Germinated rice; Parboiled rice; Fried rice; Frozen fried rice; ข้าวกล้องงอก; ข้าวงอก; ข้าวนึ่ง;
ข้าวผัด; ข้าวผัดแช่แข็ง; พันธุ์สันป่ าตอง 1; การทดสอบคุณภาพทางประสาทสัมผัส .
Ano: 2012
ข้ าวกล้องงอกมีฤทธิ์ต้านอาการซึมเศร้ าในแบบจาลองภาวะซึมเศร้ าในสัตว์ทดลอง
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Benjamard Thavitee; Sutisa Thanoi; Samur Thanoi.
The alteration of GABA levels has been involved in psychiatric disorders. Several studies have shown the pre-germinated brown
rice (PGBR), that is a brown rice (BR) induced slight germination by soaking in the water, contains abundant of nutrients than BR
especially GABA. However, there are few studies examining the effects of PGBR on brain functions. Therefore, the aim of the
present study was to determine the effect of PGBR using Oryza sativa var. glutinosa on the depressive behavior in a rat model of
depression using forced swimming test. Animals were divided into five groups; stress control group was treated with distilled
water, fluoxetine group was treated with fluoxetine antidepressant and PGBR I, II and III groups were treated with PGBR 1, 3 and
Tipo: Collection
Palavras-chave: Pre germinated brown rice; Anti depressant; Force swimming test; Gamma aminobutyric acid; Fluoxetine; Rat
model; SSRI (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor); Treatment of depression; ข้าวกล้องงอก; อาการซึ มเศร้า; การทดสอบ force swimming;
ยาต้านอาการซึ มเศร้า; สัตว์ทดลอง; ยากลุ่ม SSRI; สารกาบา; กรดแกมมาอะมโนบิวทาริ ก; หนู ; สัตว์ทดลอง.
Ano: 2012
ความสัมพันธ์ ของฤทธิ์ต้านอนุมูลอิสระกับปริมาณ Tocopherol และ gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) ในข้ าวกล้องและข้ าวกล้องงอก
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Pakinee Akkaravessapong; Suganya Wongpornchai; Sunanta Wongpiyachon; Kitsada Pitija; Angsutorn Wasusun;
Panawan Suttiarporn.
Rice contains several kinds of bio-functional components. In this study, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and Tocopherol, or Vitamin
E were identified and their relationships to antioxidant activity using DPPH assay of both brown and pre germinated Thai rice
varieties were studied. GABA are one of the two inhibitory neurotransmitters which make the neuron resistant to stimulation by
excitatory neurotransmitters and inhibitor of some cancer cells activity whereas Tocopherol, or Vitamin E, which acts as
antioxidant and improve blood cholesterol. Identification of GABA and Tocopherol in both brown and pre-germinated brown rice
grown from different locations were conducted in eleven varieties, namely: Khao Dawk Mali 105, PTT1, CN1, RD31, Sang yod,
RD6, Hom...
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Antioxidant activity; Rice varieties; Tocopherol; DPPH assay; Brown rice; Pre-germinated brown rice; GABA;
Gamma aminobutyric acid; Vitamin e; Nutritive value; Chemical composition; High performance liquid chromatography; HPLC;
ฤทธิ์ตา้ นอนุมูลอิสระ; กาบา; โทโคฟี รอล; พันธุ์ขา้ ว; ข้าวกล้อง; ข้าวกล้องงอก; วิตามินอี; โครงสร้างทางเคมี ; การวิเคราะห์องค์ประกอบทางเคมี ; คุณค่าทางโภชนาการ.
Ano: 2013
ความสัมพันธ์ ของฤทธิ์ต้านอนุมูลอิสระกับปริมาณ tocopherol และ gamma aminobutyric acid ในข้ าวกล้องและข้ าวกล้องงอก
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Pakinee Akkaravessapong; Angsutorn Wasusun; Suganya Wongpornchai.
Rice contains several kinds of bio-functional components. In this study, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and tocopherol, or Vitamin
E were identified and their relationships to antioxidant activity using DPPH assay of both brown and pre germinated Thai rice
were studied. GABA, one of the two inhibitory neurotransmitters that make the neuron resistant to stimulation by excitatory
neurotransmitters and inhibitor of some cancer cells activity. Tocopherols, or Vitamin E, are natural antioxidants which help
improve blood cholesterol. Identification of GABA and tocopherol in both brown and pre-germinated brown rice grown from
different locations were conducted in eleven varieties, namely: Khao Dawk Mali 105, PTT1, CNT1, RD31, Sang Yod, RD6, Hom
Kradang-nga, Niaw Dam...
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Anti oxidant activity; GABA; Tocopherol; DPPH assay; Brown rice; Pre-germinated brown rice; ข้าวกล้อง;
ข้าวกล้องงอก; กาบา; โทโคฟี รอล; ฤทธิ์ตา้ นอนุมูลอิสระ.
Ano: 2013
ค่ากลูโคสที่ถูกย่อยเร็วและค่ากลูโคสที่ถูกย่ อยช้ าในข้ าวและความสั มพันธ์ กบั คุณสมบัติทางเคมีของแป้ ง
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Angsutorn Wasusun; Sunanta Wongpiyachon; Kanya Cheauphan; Watcharee Sukviwat; Pranee Maneenin; Supannikar
Rapidly available glucose (RAG) and slowly available glucose (SAG) have been used for classify quality of dietary carbohydrates
which affect glucose absorption in gastrointestinal tract. RAG and SAG has also normally used for primary study of the glycemic
index (GI) which is studied by measuring human blood glucose level. RAG indicates the glucose released from the food after 20
min from digestion process which is likely absorbed in the Duodenum and influence blood glucose and insulin levels. Meanwhile,
SAG indicates the glucose released after a further 100 min which is likely absorbed in the Jejunum and Ileum. In this study, the
suitable methodologies of RAG and SAG were studied and identification of RAG, SAG in 43 varieties of milled rice, brown rice
Tipo: Collection
Palavras-chave: Carbohydrates; Rapidly available glucose Slowly available glucose Pre-germinated brown rice Brown rice
คาร์โบไฮเดรต; ค่ากลูโคสที่ถูกย่อยเร็ ว; ค่ากลูโคสที่ถูกย่อยช้า; ข้าวกล้องงอก; ข้าวกล้อง.
Ano: 2015
ค่าดัชนีน้าตาลในข้ าวกล้องและข้ าวกล้ องงอก
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Pakinee Akkaravessapong; Sunanta Wongpiyachon; Kunya Cheaupan; Watcharee Sukviwat; Pranee Maneenin;
Angsutorn Wasusun; Sriwatana Songchitsomboon.
Glycemic index (GI) is the indexing of the glycemic response of available carbohydrate from food. GI is measured by blood
glucose levels over 2 hours after took food compared with same amount of carbohydrate. Depend on GI, Food can be classified
into 3 types which are High- (GI≥70), medium- (GI= 56-69) and low-glycemic-index (GI≤55). The recent studies already shown
that consumption of Low-glycemic-index can decrease risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colon and breast
cancer. In this study, Identification of GI in 3 varieties of pre-germinated brown rice and 1 variety of brown rice, namely: Khao
Dawk Mali 105, RD6 and Sang Yod were carried out. To determine the effect of different foods on the blood glucose and Insulin,
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Glycemic index; Insulin; Diabetes; Pre-germinated brown rice; Brown rice; ข้าวกล้อง; ข้าวกล้องงอก; โรคเบาหวาน; อินซูลิน;
ค่าดัชนีน้ าตาล.
Ano: 2014
ดัชนีนา้ ตาลในข้ าวกล้องและข้ าวกล้ องงอกของข้ าว 4 พันธุ์
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Sunanta Wongpiyachon; Sriwatana Songchitsomboon; Kunya Cheaupan; Watcharee Sukviwat; Pranee Maneenin;
Angsutorn Wasusun.
Glycemic index (GI) is the indexing of the glycemic response of available carbohydrate from food. GI is measured by blood
glucose levels over 2 hours after taking food compared with same amount of carbohydrate. Depend on GI, Food can be classified
into 3 types which are high (GI ≥ 70), medium (GI = 56 - 69) and low (GI ≤ 55). The recent studies already shown that regular
consumption of low-glycemic index food have beneficial effect on blood glucose control and reduce risk factors to complication
of type 2 diabetes. In this study, Identification of GI in 4 rice varieties; Khao Dawk Mali 105 (KDML105), Pathumthani 1 (PTT1)
- low amylose rice, Khao Tah Haeng 17 (KTH 17)-intermediate amylose rice and Jek Chuey 1 (JC 1) - high amylose rice has been
Tipo: Collection
Palavras-chave: Brown rice; Pre-germinated brown rice; Glycemic index; Insulin; Diabetes; ข้าวกล้อง; ข้าวกล้องงอก; ค่าดัชนีน้ าตาล; อินซูลิน;
Ano: 2015
ผลของข้ าวกล้ องงอกในการป้ องกันโรคหัวใจและโรคหลอดเลือด
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Suntree Phetdee; Wanpen Laosripaiboon; Worakij Cherdchutham; Thaweesak Songserm.
Alternative health care using phytotherapy has become increasingly popular due to its positive effects discovered in recent
medicinal studies. There are many herb, grain and fruit are used to maintain health and prevent diseases. Grain, in particular
germinated brown rice, has been found to contain an active phytochemical such as phytic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C and GABA to
treat central nervous system diseases. However, there is no evidence that germinated brown rice is used in coronary heart diseases
which remains the major cause of death worldwide. From experimental usage, shows promise as an effective antiatherosclerotic,
antihypertensive, antidiabetic as well as having cholesterol-lowering effects. In this study, germinated brown rice has been
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Germinated brown rice; Coronary heart disease; ข้าวกล้องงอก; โรคหลอดเลือดหัวใจ; การบาบัดโรค; สารต้านอนุมูลอิสระ.
Ano: 2012
ผลของระยะเวลาในการงอกและอุณหภูมิอบแห้ งต่ อสมบัติเนื้อสัมผัสและคุณภาพของข้ าวกล้ องงอก
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Thatchapol Chungchareon; Somkiat Prachayawarakorn; Somchart Soponronnarit.
Germinated paddy (GP) has higher active components and better textural property than brown rice. Germination time and drying
temperature are very important parameter to GP quality since the microstructure of starch granules is modified during germination
and this might affect the drying characteristics and the dried GP quality. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the
effect of germination time and drying temperature on the changes in the drying kinetics and qualities of GP. Experimental results
showed that the extending germination time provided lower hardness of cooked GP and higher GABA content but did not affect
the number of fissured kernels and the drying characteristics. The drying temperatures significantly affected the number of...
Tipo: PhysicalObject
Palavras-chave: Germinated brown rice; Grain drying; Grain texture; Rice; Germination time; Drying temperature; GABA rice;
Fluidized bed; Germinated paddy; Drying characteristic; ข้าวกล้องงอก; การอบแห้ง; สมบัติทางด้านเนื้อสัมผัส; จลนศาฺ่ สตร์การอบแห้ง; ฟลูอิไดซ์เบด;
Ano: 2012
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Chana Srisompan; Yotsaporn Tansomrot; Sukwittaya Pasopa; Waraporn Boonprakom; Ekasith Sakulku.
Udon Thani Rice Research Centre had conducted the 5 Royal Development projects at Nong Bua Lam Phu province in 2014; i.e.
the “Pid Thong Lang Phra” project, the “Mobile Agricultural clinic” under the patronage of HRH Crown Prince Maha
Vajiralongkorn, and the “Family Love-bonding” project. The main objective of the activities conducted under these royal
development projects was to set up the learning center for farmers in the communities about subjects on good seed quality
production technology, appropriated cultural practices, and product development for value-added of the rice products. Farmers in
the community can adopt these technologies to improve their production efficiencies, which will ultimately help strengthening the
family institution in...
Tipo: Collection
Palavras-chave: Royal Development Project; Rice; Processing; Nong Bua Lam Phu province; GABA rice; โครงการพระราชดาริ ; ข้าว;
การแปรรู ป; จังหวัดหนองบัวลาภู; ข้าวกล้องงอก.
Ano: 2015
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