Download Awesome God - Wisdom 6-7 - Palma Sola Community Church

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October 30. 2016
Page 6
Back To The Basics
The Wisdom Of An Awesome God
Intro: Genesis 3:1-5.
Notice the phrase that Satan uses to deceive Eve with. “And the serpent said unto the woman,
Ye shall not surely die (that’s a lie - John 8:44). For God doth know that in the day ye eat
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, (the eyes of her soul) and ye shall be as god, knowing
good and evil.”
Eve saw that the tree was “to be desired to make one wise”. Now think about this! Adam and
Eve were enjoying a close personal, gracious, and loving relationship on a daily basis with the
One Who is Wisdom. They are in communion with the greatest source, and the only source of
true wisdom that ever existed, or will ever exist. There wasn’t a famine of wisdom in the garden.
So what kind of wisdom captured the awe of her soul? The awe of self!
Note: We through the disobedience of Adam and Eve have inherited the same self-centered
soul, the awe of self. Every soul is born after their kind. That’s the creative principle of God, and
it is demonstrated in Adam and Eve’s first two children after their fall into sin, Cain and Abel
(Genesis 4:1-8). -- Romans 5:12; I Corinthians 15:22.
Lucifer, the Shining One, Satan, was taken with his own beauty, and he lost his awe of God, his
fear of the LORD, the creator of his being and beauty, and the awe of self took over.
(Ezekiel 28:17); Isaiah 14:12-14.
Satan was offering her autonomous wisdom, meaning, that if she ate the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, she could be an independent being like God. She would no longer
need to rely on God; she would be equal with God the creator of her life. The awe of an
independent self, with her own wisdom, (how great she would be), replaced her fearful awe and
reverence for God.
Has the awe of self, personal self-esteem, (I should be recognized and appreciated),
replaced our awe of God? It can be seen in our attitude toward family, toward an occupation,
in some self accomplishment, in a talent, etc. If anything has our attention more than the LORD,
then our awe of God, and love for God, has been replaced. Do other people realize that the
Lord is really your life? That He is the most important One?
I. We have an awesome God. He is eternal. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He has always
been there. He is omnipresent. “Omni” is a Latin word meaning “all”. This is not a Biblical word,
but it’s meaning in describing the character of God, who is “the Spirit”, is expressed in Scripture.
God personally fills the scene everywhere. Even “the heavens declare the Glory of God”.
Psalm 19:1-6; John 17:24.
October 30. 2016
Page 7
Back To The Basics
The Wisdom Of An Awesome God
II. He knows every single molecule in all the universe. He is all knowing. He is unending
intelligence. He knows all the inhabitants of the earth. That’s being omniscient.
Isaiah 44:6-8; 48:9-13; Psalm 147:4-5; 33:13-15.
III. In order for God to make the universe, He had to be greater than the universe. He’s all
powerful. He is the absolute and universal sovereign, the Almighty. That’s being omnipotent. -Genesis 35:10-11; Exodus 6:1-3; Isaiah 40:25-26, 28-31.
IV. Look and listen to what King Solomon had to say about God when he built the Temple,
remembering Solomon’s request for wisdom, (II Chronicles 1:9-12), that God granted him.
I Kings 8:22-23, 26-27; II Chronicles 2:4-6.
The Bottom Line: With a God like this, there is an important question to be answered. Psalm
8:1-4a; Ephesians 1:3-6.
Note: This Psalm is called one of the nature Psalms because it speaks of the glory of God to be
seen nature (Cf. Psalms 19, 29, 65, 104). There are four subjects in this Psalm 8:
1. The awesome glory of God. -- Verse 1.
2. The children recognizing that Jesus is the Son of David, the Messiah. -- Verse 2; Matthew
3. That the Lord would honor mortal man by visiting him, and that the Lord intended for man to
have dominion over all His works. Man was His crowning creation. -- Verse 4a. , 6-8.
(Cf. Genesis 1:26-28).
4. That the Lord would visit the son of man is a Messianic reference to the Son of God.
Verse 4b. ; Hebrews 2:5-9.
Note: In the first Gospel, the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is often called the Son of man, or calls
Himself “the Son of man”.
Matthew 8:20 ; 9:6 ; 10:23 ; 11:19 ; 12:8 ; 12:32 ; 13:41; 16:13 ; 16:27-28 ; 17:9 ; etc.