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Data/hora: 09/06/2017 07:38:15
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental; Embrapa Amazônia Oriental; Embrapa Arroz e Feijão;
Embrapa Cerrados; Embrapa Meio Norte / UEP-Parnaíba; Embrapa Meio-Norte;
Embrapa Rondônia; Embrapa Roraima; Embrapa Semiárido; Embrapa Soja; Embrapa
Data corrente: 04/10/1993
Data da última atualização: 14/01/2008
Autoria: GUIMARÃES, C. M.
Afiliação: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão.
Título: Effects of soil moisture and atmospheric conditions on the water status of soybean plants
(Glycine max (L.) Merrill).
Ano de publicação: 1979
Fonte/Imprenta: 1979.
Páginas: 90 f.
Idioma: Inglês
Notas: Thesis (Master of Science) - Faculty of Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.
Conteúdo: Two experiments were conducted in the field to study the effects of soil moisture and
atmospheric conditions on the water status of soybeans. Leaf diffusive resistance at
midday, and leaf water potential early in the morning and at midday were correlated with
soil moisture and atmospheric parameters. The atmospheric parameters studied were:
solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, pan evaporation and maximum air
temperature. In addition leaf temperatures were correlated with leaf diffusive resistance.
Atmospheric conditions explained the variations in leaf diffusive resistance and leaf water
potential of non-stressed plants better than in the stressed plants. Water status of
nonstressed plants in 1977 were explained better than in 1978. Probably factors associated
with limited volume of soil, and different soil structure inside the soil containers used in
1978 were the reason for those variations of results. The highest yields were obtained
from plants not stressed during the entire season. Treatments A (water stress initiated
during the flowering), B (water stress initiated during early pod formation), and C (water
stress initiated during later pod filling) reduced seed yield 73%, 70% and 44%,
respectively. The weight of 100 seeds produced by soybean plants of treatments A and the
control were the same. However, the seeds on plants of treatments B and C were
significantly smaller. Stress applied during the late pod filling stage produced the smallest
seeds. Information obtained from this experiment illustrated two points: (1) the
importance of studying plant water status under natural environmental conditions, and (2)
water stress during late pod filling is more deleterious on soybean yield than water stress
imposed at any other stage.
Palavras-Chave: Agua; Agua do solo; Atmosfera; Atmosphere; Atmospheric condition; Atmospheric
conditions; Balanco de agua; Balanço hídrico; Clima; Climate; Condicao atmosferica;
Condicoes atmosfericas; Efeito; Estresse hidrico; Evapotranspiração; Glycine max;
Manejo de agua; Meteorological elements; Metereological elements; Plant; Plant weater
relations; Planta; Potencial; Potencial hidrico; Potential; Relacao agua-planta; Soil; Soil
water; Soil water content; Soil water potential; Soja; Solo; Solos; Soybean; Soybeans;
Stress; Temperatura; Umidade; Umidade do solo; Umidity; Water; Water balance; Water
Thesagro: Água do solo; Atmosfera; Balanço hídrico; Retenção de água no solo; Soja.
Thesaurus NAL: Soil water retention; Soybeans.
Categoria do assunto: -P Recursos Naturais, Ciências Ambientais e da Terra
Registro original: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão (CNPAF)
Exemplares: CNPAF - (1327-1) - UPC - TS - -- - T 068/79 - GUI - 1979.00068 - DIS
CNPSO - (35282-1) - ADD - TS - PP - 72/1979 - - 72/1979 - DIS
CNPT - (30614-1) - ADD - TS - -- - TS-1034 - - 1034 - DIS
CPAA - (5354-1) - ADD - TS - PP - T047/1979 - - 2000.0004 - DIS
CPAC - (16550-1) - ADD - TS - -- - T061/79 - GUI - T061/79 - DIS
CPAF-RO - (4531-1) - ADD - TS - -- - T-03/79 - GUI - T-03/79 - DIS
CPAF-RR - (4378-1) - ADD - TS - -- - T 397/79 - GUI - - 2001.00397 - DIS
CPAMN - (8993-1) - ADD - TS - -- - 74/79 - - 1979.00074 - DIS
CPAMN-UEPP - (5507-1) - ADD - TS - PP - TS 003/1979 - - TS003/1979 - DIS
CPATSA - (24616-1) - ADD - TS - -- - 67/1979 - - 1979.00067 - DIS
CPATU - (31807-1) - ADD - TS - -- - 1979/050 - GUI - 1979/050 - DIS
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