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Health 11 ~ Fall 2014
L. Milke
1. Angela is a 21-year-old smoker and at greater risk than a non-smoker for what type of cancer?
a. Bladder
b. Larynx
c. Kidney
d. All of the above
2. Jolene’s grandmother died of a disease in which the air sacs in the lungs were destroyed,
impairing her ability to breathe. What disease did her grandmother die from?
a. Chronic bronchitis
b. Pneumonia
c. Influenza
d. Emphysema
3. Leroy uses a tobacco in the form of a dry or moist powder that he places inside his cheek.
This is called
a. A ‘quid’
b. Snuff
c. Dip
d. Chewing tobacco
4. Which statement summarizes what happens when particulate matter condenses in the lungs?
a. It interacts with carbon monoxide.
b. It converts to benzopyrene.
c. It converts to nicotine.
d. It forms tar.
5. Which of the following statements about nicotine is true?
a. It is mildly addictive.
b. It is a CNS stimulant.
c. It causes a drop in blood pressure.
d. It decreases production of adrenaline.
6. Which of the following is the effect that carbon monoxide has on the body?
a. It impairs the cilia’s cleansing function.
b. It diminishes the oxygen-carrying capacity of the circulatory system.
c. It diminishes hormone production.
d. Both B and C.
7. Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include all of the following EXCEPT
a. Vomiting
b. Delirium tremens
c. Restlessness
d. Irritability
8. Which nicotine replacement product does not require a prescription?
a. Nicotine nasal spray
b. Nicotine inhaler
c. Nicotine patch
d. Nicotine pill
9. A disease associated with smoking in which alveoli are destroyed is known as
a. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
b. Emphysema.
c. Chronic hepatitis.
e. Chronic bronchitis.
Shade in “A” if True or “B” if False.
10. Nicotine increases the levels of the hormone adrenaline.
11. Smoking results in more annual deaths than all other illicit drugs combined.
12. The arteries of a 40-year-old smoker look like arteries of a 50-year-old non-smoker.
MATCH the best answer.
13. Cigarettes with eugenol.
a. Chewing tobacco
b. Bidis
c. Snuff
d. Clove cigarettes
14. Powdered tobacco.
a. Chewing tobacco
b. Bidis
c. Snuff
d. Clove cigarettes
15. Hand-rolled, flavored cigarettes.
a. Chewing tobacco
b. Bidis
c. Snuff
d. Clove cigarettes
16. Causes leukoplakia.
a. Chewing tobacco
b. Bidis
c. Snuff
d. Clove cigarettes
17. Decreases oxygen capacity.
a. Tar
b. Pairings
c. Carbon Monoxide
d. Nicotine
18. Causes addiction.
a. Tar
b. Pairings
c. Carbon Monoxide
d. Nicotine
19. Environmental trigger.
a. Tar
b. Pairings
c. Carbon Monoxide
d. Nicotine
20. Causes cancer.
a. Tar
b. Pairings
c. Carbon Monoxide
d. Nicotine