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Government and the Economy
Economic Goals, Policy and Effects
Complete the InQuizitive exercises for Chapter 16 as you work through this outline.
Economic Management
Laissez faire
Economic management and infrastructure
• Macroeconomic conditions and the individual
The activist federal government
Government efficacy
Public perceptions
Market failures and public goods
A definition of public goods is on page 644 in We the People. The following link has a
definition of market failures:
How do these two relate to each other?
Economic Policy
What are the commonly held goals of economic management? Read pages 643-651 in We the
People and to understand why each of these goals is a “good thing.”
Economic growth
GDP includes government purchases and net exports (GDP = C+I_G_NExports)
US historical average is 3.5%
Low unemployment
Price stability
Positive balance of payments
Minimizing negative externalities
Supporting key economic sectors
How do fiscal policy and monetary policy differ, and who has responsibility over these (pages
660-669 in We the People)?
Fiscal policy
Monetary policy (The Federal Reserve Board)
Read about the first three of the following perspectives on economic management in pages 652654 in We the People. A quick description of industrial policy awaits here:
Be prepared to describe each perspective in a sentence or two.
Supply siders
Industrial policy advocates
Federal fiscal policy
Spending levels
Spending priorities
What are the largest spending items in the federal budget (Figures 16.6 and 16.7 on pages 668669 in We the People)? Do any items seem missing?
Where does the federal government get the money to fund its budget (Figure 16.4 in We the
People, page 663)?
The tax system
Budget deficits
The national debt
Subsidizing business
Public ownership
Cash subsidies
Loan guarantees
Tax incentives
• Progressive era
• New Deal era
• New social regulation
• Deregulation
The future
Who influences economic policy?
Governmental actors
• The President
• Congress
• The Federal Reserve Board
Societal actors
• Interest groups
• Public opinion
• Political parties
How do unemployment and inflation affect society differently? Think of whom is affected, and
how intensely. This article gives good perspective: