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FSM 217 (FN 326) DO
Copyrighted May 1992, by Family Services, Zurich, Switzerland
Prophecies of Protection & Deliverance from Our Enemies' Attacks--Part Three
--Compiled from Prophecies from Our Family around the World
At least portions of this FSM should be read by all adults, Teens & JETTs.
Fear Thou Not, for I Am with Thee!
God Is in Control!
Our Angelic Helpers!
Fight the Good Fight of Faith!
Prophecies about Our Lawyers
Bible Stories Come to Life!
More on the Importance of Prayer! 13
"Fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee, I will help thee,
yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. As I have promised that these persecutions &
troublous times shall come, have I not also promised that I will keep you in these times?--That I will protect you, &
that all things shall work together for good to them that love the Lord. If you follow close to Me I shall keep you &
protect you in all your ways, & your enemies shall fall at your side & at your right hand, & ye shall see the
destruction of the wicked. Ye shall see the destruction of the wicked ones & your enemies that fight against you.
"I am in all of this; it is a purging so that My precious children may be strengthened in their convictions for
the trouble that is yet ahead--for the times that are yet to come, when your faith shall be tested. But these times will
strengthen your faith, ye shall see Me win mighty victories against your enemies; & when the days grow darker &
darker, ye shall have more faith to stand upon My Word & upon My promises & to trust in Me.
"For I shall keep you & your little ones. I shall keep your children, & I have promised that they shall even
speak with the enemies in the gate when they shall come against you. They too are being strengthened in My Word.
Your children too are being raised up to fight for Me & to stand up for Me & to bring many unto Me.
"These promises have been given unto you & unto your children, so go forth in the Spirit, with My Word,
& pour it out to the people, & strengthen each other with it, & strengthen your children with My Word & My
promises. Stand on them! Cherish them! Keep them in your hearts, for ye shall need them! And ye now will see Me
perform the things that I have promised for you, & ye shall know that they are always there for you to hold on to.
"Ye shall see all these things come to pass, ye shall see these people that you have prayed against this day
fall, & nothing that they have said against My children, none of it shall prosper. They are filling their cup of iniquity
to the full, & they shall be damned & cursed & judged for all the things that they are trying to bring against My
precious children, whom I love."
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. I will give you the
words of wisdom, & this is the victory that overcometh the World, even your faith."
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. For we wrestle not
against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this World,
against spiritual wickedness in high places. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper."
I got how there is a force field around us, & the Devil was trying to attack us & trying to get to us, but he couldn't
get to us, because there was a bubble of protection around us. The Lord will take care of His Own & they can't touch
us. Anyone who touches one of the anointed is touching the apple of His eye, & He's just going to blast them! They
couldn't even touch us.
"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper. For I am the Lord thy God & I will strengthen thee, I
will uphold thee, I will help thee in time of trouble. It is a righteous thing for Me to tribulate them that would
tribulate you. For I am the Lord your God & ye are My children, so fear not, for I shall do the things that ye have
asked & even more so, for she is Mine & the child is Mine & the brother is Mine & I care for My Own. For ye
indeed are a chosen generation & a royal priesthood, & he that would touch you is touching the apple of Mine eye,
& I need but to blink & all the enemies shall fall. For I am the Lord your God & I am a powerful God above all else.
So fear not that little punk Satan, but merely rebuke him in the Name of Jesus!"
"Fear not, for this is My flock, & I have given unto them eternal life, neither shall any man pluck one of
My little ones out of My hand. For I am a jealous God. I will strengthen thee, I will uphold thee with the right hand
of My righteousness. I will destroy all them that come against thee. Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not
dismayed, for I am thy God."
I got the verse for the baby, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power & of love & of a
sound mind," as we were praying for his spirit to be protected in that atmosphere.
"Fear not, for I the Lord your God shall fight for you, & ye shall hold your peace. Vengeance is Mine, I
will repay. I will smite & afflict. `Abhorred of God' shall be her name (Pearl's mother), & they that look at her shall
narrowly see her & say, `Is this the one who did make the Earth to tremble, who made the nations to shake?'
"For my little one had fainted unless she had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the
living. But she is small. Add your faith to hers & believe for her. Fight for her, & I will add My faith to hers & I will
add My wisdom to hers & I will add My Spirit unto her spirit, a Spirit that is not her spirit will I add unto her. And
My judgment shall come forth as the noonday, & My righteousness as the bright sun, & she shall dwell in the house
of the Lord forever."
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. I am with thee to
deliver thee. Great peace have they which love Thy law & nothing shall offend them. Faith is the victory that
overcomes the World.
"God is our refuge & strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the Earth
be removed & though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though the waters thereof roar & be
troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much. As I was with Moses, so shall I be with thee. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."
"Have I not said that he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of Mine eye? For they that offend one of these
little ones, it would be better that a millstone would be hung around their necks & they be cast into the depths of the
sea. I am angry with the wicked every day, saith the Lord. I will curse them that curse you, & I will destroy them
that seek to destroy you. For they are but brute beasts, created to be destroyed.
"I will deliver My children. I will protect My little ones. For they are Mine! If I do not care for My Own, I
am worse than an infidel. They are My children.
"Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will help thee, yea I will strengthen
thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. Do not fear, do not doubt for I am with thee, &
I will deliver thee, saith the Lord."
"He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of Mine eye. Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. Is
this not to show the perfidy & the evil & wickedness of thine enemies? That they may be exposed? That I may have
My perfect Will & destroy them that trouble thee, & tribulate them that tribulate thee? I shall rise on thy behalf. I
shall expose them, I shall destroy them. Fear not, for I am with thee, & I shall deliver thee, saith the Lord.
"And to him that overcometh, will I grant to be a pillar in the temple of my God. He shall go forth no more!
For I have called unto this time these ones to be tested in the fires, that they may come forth as gold. This is My
time, this is My hour. Be not cast down, this is their trying time, this is their testing time, but behold, they shall
come forth.
"Unto them that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise. I will smite the Enemy, I will turn down
the devices of the wicked. For the Enemy shall cry, `Aha Aha,' but I shall come forth & smite them. The Lord shall
break the teeth of the wicked. Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor His ear heavy that it
cannot hear. Behold, I have heard thy cry, I have heard thy groanings, I will answer thee.
"Be not terrified as though this one has great power. For his time is but short. He shall be brought down to
nought. Behold, the pride, the perfidy of the wicked, shall be brought to dust! But I shall bring forth this little one."
"I am the Lord thy God, I shall never leave thee nor forsake thee. When the Enemy comes in like a flood, I
shall raise a standard against him, & My Word shall go before Me to prepare the way. I shall keep thee in the way
that thou shalt go, I will guide thee with Mine eye. Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give
you the Kingdom. All these things must needs come to pass, then know ye that the End is nigh, even at the gates.
"For I shall keep thee & guide thee through the straight & narrow path. Fear not, neither be dismayed, for
have I not said I shall care for My Own? But this is a purging, to make thee white for the End. Draw nigh to Me & I
will draw nigh to thee. I will keep thee in the way that thou dost go. So fear not, fear not, I say, but draw nigh to Me
& I will draw nigh to thee."
"Fear not, for I am with thee, be not afraid for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee,
yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. For a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand
at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you, not as the World
giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, trust in Me even as I have trusted in
My Father."
"For the Lord, the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting & His Truth endureth to all generations. Ask Me
of things to come, concerning My sons & concerning the works of My hands, command ye Me. For where two or
three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.
"Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. One thing have I desired of the Lord,
that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the
Lord & to enquire in His temple."
"My eye is over the righteous & My ear is open unto their prayer. Who is he that can harm you if ye be
followers of that which is good? If God be for us, who can be against us? For God hath not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power & of Love & of a sound mind. For behold, there shall be many battles of David yet to fight, but I will
be with you to strengthen you & help you. Therefore fear not.
"My testimony to the World is the most important thing. Give & it shall be given unto you. And hold not
unto your own lives. Seek not your own lives, but seek ye first the Kingdom of God & His righteousness, & all these
things shall be added unto you. For the weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty through God!"
"And ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, & ye shall be witnesses unto Me.
Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. For I am with you always, even
unto the End of the World. Be not afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you, saith the Lord."
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. For it is a fearful thing
to fall into the hands of the living God. So fear not that little punk Satan, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, & I
will direct your paths. Stand back & watch Me fight, saith the Lord. For I am a consuming fire that shall destroy all
your enemies, for I control all things & there is no power ordained but the powers that are ordained of Me."
"The Lord heareth the righteous & His ears are open unto their cry. Your enemies shall be as dust under
your feet & nothing can stop the Work of the Lord & His children. You will give testimonies before magistrates,
lawyers & I will vindicate your word, because your testimony is Truth.
"Fear not, little children, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Be strong in the
Lord & in the power of His might so that you can be strong in the time of trial. Encourage one another, share the
Word, the true Word that giveth life unto the church. You are the church that I have chosen to give testimony to the
"Be not afraid of their faces, for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. Blessed are they which are
persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you
and shall persecute you & shall say all manner of evil against you falsely. Rejoice & be exceeding glad, for great is
your reward in Heaven. For so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you.
"Be not afraid of thine adversary. For he has been defeated from the beginning of the World. From the
beginning of the foundations of the World, he has been defeated. His cause shall not prosper, but My cause shall
prosper, for I have defeated him. All the children of the Earth shall bow down to thee. Thou art a good & mighty
people. They shall fall by thy side, none shall prosper against thee!"
I got the Good Thots quote, "If I could hear Jesus praying for me in the next room I wouldn't fear a
thousand foes, and He is praying for me. He ever liveth to make intercession." (Heb.7:25)
"If ye were of the World, the World would love his own. But because ye are not of the World, but I have
chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hateth you. Blessed are ye when ye are persecuted for
righteousness' sake. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you & persecute you & shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice & be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in Heaven. For so persecuted
they the Prophets which were before you.--Prophets just like you."
"If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept My saying, they will keep
yours also. Think it not strange that they have come to attack you, but I will keep you. Fear not, for those that are
with you are greater than they that are against you."
"Fear not, little flock, for no weapon that is formed against you shall pro
sper. Stand back and see Me fight! Stand strong in the power of My might. Put on the whole armour of God that ye
may stand against the attacks of the Enemy. Be strong, I say unto you, and fear not, for they shall come to nought
that are set up against you. For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to
gainsay nor resist. Fear not, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the World. If God be for you, who can
be against you? Said I not that this is the victory that overcometh the World, even your faith?"
"I have allowed this affliction that thou mightest be a better vessel, pure, white, that thou mightest be a
better vessel for My Kingdom. That all men may see and wonder and know that it is I, the Lord, that hath done this
thing. Fear not the flames, fear not the fire, for it shall only burn away the chaff and bring forth the pure gold, the
Truth, and bring to surface the light, and bring out into the open the pure gold of My Truth and My Love and My
Words for My people. Fear not the flame, fear not the affliction, fear not the test, for thou shalt come out strong and
do exploits. And thou shalt be called by My name!"
"Fear not, only believe. Fear not the words which thou hast heard. Fear not, only believe. Look not at the
waves but look at Me. Fear not, only believe. Have I not said unto thee if thou wouldst only believe, thou shouldst
see the Glory of God? Fear not, only believe."
"Oh ye of little faith, wherefore dost thou doubt? For I am thy God, Who can deliver thee even from the
fiery furnace. I shall be with thee in the wilderness, & when thou walkest through the fire, I shall be with thee.
Even if thou be faithless, I am faithful, I cannot deny Myself!"
"Fear not, little children, for it is your Father's good pleasure to deliver you."
"Fear not, for I am thy God. I will help thee, I will always sustain thee with the right hand of My
righteousness. Fear not little children, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Is there any
thing too hard for Me? Jesus is the same, yesterday, today & forever & ever!"
"For behold, I am with thee even unto the End of the World. Therefore fear not, I am with thee always.
Look unto Me & I will never fail thee."
"Hold fast that which thou hast, let no man steal thy crown--the crown of thy testimony, the fruit of thy
labours, the fruit of the Words of David. Hold fast! Be bold as a lion! Go forth in the power of My might & watch
Me fight. The battle is not thine, but Mine, saith the Lord. I will redeem the souls of My servants & none of them
that trust in Me shall be desolate.
"For I have been young & now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging
"Ask of Me & I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance & the uttermost part of the Earth for thy
possession. Lean not to thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Me & I will direct thy path. Step by
step as ye follow Me, I will show you more & more, for I will be more unto you than a light & better than a known
"It is a war of the spirits, but My Spirit shall prevail! For I shall send you a legion of Angels, a mighty
Army to defend you. For who can stand against the mighty Hand of God? For ye are My children & I love you, and
I will be with you unto the End."
"Stand back & see Me fight, saith the Lord. For ye have been called to the Kingdom for such a time as this,
that ye may be witnesses & defenders of the Words of your father David. Therefore go forth with boldness. Fear not,
for I am with you. I shall give unto you in that hour the words to speak. Be ye therefore vessels fit for the Master's
use, pouring out the oil of the Spirit, pouring out the Words of David & the sample of your father David.
"Count it as a great privilege to go into this battle for your Father, as a defender of the Truth, as a defender
of His lambs. Let your light so shine before men that they may see the glory of your Father. I shall be with you & I
shall do it. Ye are not to fear. I shall empower all my little ones who shall testify for Me. They shall have strength
that they know not of, for it is My strength & My power that shall be given in that hour. Rejoice therefore that ye
can be testimonies of the fruit of thy father David. For it is a great honour & privilege to defend his Words, which
are My Words in this last generation."
God Is in Control!
I saw a picture of the Lord with a sword coming out of His mouth, like a bright light. It's a sharp sword
that's just searing, a weapon to cut down everything before Him. It's like He will fight with the sword of His
Then I also got a picture of how we are like an ox goad to the World, He made us to be like a thorn in their
foot, they cannot cast us out of their shoe. We're like an irritant that is constantly there to prick their conscience.
That's just the way God has made us. We're an irritant to the Devil's kingdom, & the Lord keeps us & confounds
them. Thank You Lord!
Also I saw England, & how God has to have things like this happen to judge nations & kings; & He will
actually rebuke kings even for a little baby's sake. There was a lot of encouragement in that vision, that everything
is in the Lord's hands.
When we were praying, I had a picture of the Lord with the Disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee when the
storm came. He was sleeping & the disciples were panicking & shouting & thinking that they were going to perish.
When they woke up the Lord, He chided them & then turned & rebuked the wind & the waves & made the sea as
calm & as smooth as glass. The interpretation that I got is that those who are there shouldn't worry. They see all
these accusations coming in & all these supposed difficulties, but they're not to look at the wind & the waves,
because the Lord is there in their boat & He is going to calm the storm & take care of all the difficulties right at the
right time.
"The Devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.--Whom resist steadfast in faith,
nothing wavering. For all things work together for good to them that love Me & are called according to My purpose.
All these things are done as an ensample unto them that they may know. For a wicked & sinful generation seeketh a
sign, & the sign that they shall receive is that I am the Lord thy God & the Father of this Nation, & they shall know
that a Prophet has been among them. For the Words I have spoken will come to pass!"
I was getting that this is somehow a part of God's plan to really confirm to our enemies that they who dig a
pit shall fall into their own pit. Our enemies think they have a purpose & a plan, but it says that "No weapon that is
formed against thee shall prosper." I got that the Lord is allowing it to somehow use it against our enemies. Also
that it's going to be like a sign or proof that we're His children.
I got verses 7-11, 13 of Psa.140: "O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head
in this day of battle. Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked, further not his wicked device; lest they exalt
themselves (like lest they try to establish a legal precedent against us--& I also got how Grandpa breaks all their
precedents). As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them. Let
burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire, into deep pits, that they rise not up again. Let not an evil
speaker be established in the Earth; evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him. Surely the righteous shall give
thanks unto Thy Name, the upright shall dwell in Thy presence."
It kind of goes along with the story about Elijah & the prophets of Baal, because it was a contest to see
Who was the most powerful--God or Baal. The followers of Baal tried everything, they cut themselves, they went
through this whole process of trying to manifest their god, & then Elijah just called fire down from Heaven & it was
a testimony. I got that about this trial, that it'll be used as a testimony in our favour.
I had a vision of the whole courtroom being filled with the host of Heaven, & a lot of the spirits came down
to be around all of us & even around the prosecutors. I saw two huge Angels on each side of the judge. I was a little
surprised because I thought those Angels should be around Pearl & Johnny, but the Lord was showing how those
Angels will be on each side of the judge to make sure that this case will be handled according to His Will.
"God can do anything but fail. The difficult He does immediately, the impossible takes a little longer. So
never give up, never take no for an answer. Where there is a will there is a way. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.
The Lord can do anything, if we will just give Him a chance. God can do anything, anything, anything, God can do
anything but fail. He can save, He can heal, just believe & He will. God can do anything but fail. Got any rivers that
you think are uncrossable, got any mountains that you can't tunnel through? God specialises in things thought
impossible & He can do what no other friend can do."
I saw a vision from Heaven's Girl about how when the Angels & Grandpa & Abner were going to the
Family Home, evil forces came up out of the ground & tried to knock them down, but those devils couldn't hurt
them. All they could do was just hinder them & slow them down, but the evil forces couldn't hurt them. They
couldn't do anything to them because the Spirit of the Lord was there & the Angels were counteracting them & they
were protecting them all the way around.
The Lord was bringing to mind how Dad always talks about our Guardian Angels & how they are always
pictured as big wide strong Angels that are guarding us. And the Lord reminded me of that Letter, "God's in
Control" & that picture in Heaven's Girl where there is a force field of Angels around us. It's like the Lord has
allowed this for a reason, but He is in control & as we keep fighting & staying strong & not failing to do our part in
fighting this battle, He will help us to win the victory. But we must always remember that He is in control & nothing
happens without His permission & that He'll be ever present to help us.
John Chapter 9 came to mind, about the man who was born blind, & I was trying to think what that had to
do with this situation. Then the thing that came to me was that his blindness was for the glory of God, so that His
power could be manifested. This situation is like a parallel, the court case & everything is so that the Lord's power
can be manifested in their deliverance.
I received the Daily Might about how our enemies are like little kids just playing with matches, but we've
got lightning bolts!
"The Word of God is quick & powerful & sharper than any two-edged sword, casting down imaginations &
every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. For we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places! But, as I have told you before,
greater is He that is in you than he that is in the World! And this is the victory that overcometh the World, even our
I had a little vision of our enemies who go into the court room & try to start saying something against us,
that they will come out saying something else, something that's in our favour, or they will make little
blunders.--Like going in purposely to begin to attack, but then they just change & they stand there afterwards & say,
"Why did I say that?" Like the Lord just took control of their mouths, as if they were puppets or something.
(Someone else got the same thing.)
I had a picture of the courtroom and I could see our witnesses on the stand and Angels standing beside
them. And I got the story of when the Lord revealed to Elisha's servant the host of Angels around them.
(2Kgs.6:16,17) Also how when Stephen was about to give his witness, the court saw him as having the face of an
Angel. (Acts 6:15)
I had a similar picture. The opposition's witnesses were dark, but ours were bright and there were halos
over their heads.
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are mighty
through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations & every evil thing that vaunteth itself
against the knowledge of God! Not by flesh, not by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts."
I got the verse, "He causeth the wrath of Man to praise Him." I also got how the Lord stopped the mouths
of lions for Daniel, & He's going to stop the mouth of this lion who goes about seeking whom he may devour. And
I saw the picture of "He Stands in the Gap" where it's a courtroom scene & the guy that's accusing the Family is the
I also got the story of when Jesus was coming into Jerusalem & all the people were calling out, "Hosanna!
Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord." And then the leaders were saying they needed to be quiet, but
Jesus said if they didn't call out, God would raise up stones to cry out. I got that the Lord is going to raise up His
praise of the Family, even if we don't say it right or they won't let us speak, the Lord could raise up stones to say
good things about us.
I also received, "They can't stop our rain!" And when someone said, "I will uphold thee with My right
hand," I got, "and with My left hand I shall smite your enemies." Like the Lord has us in His right hand, but with
His left hand He's smiting our enemies. "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God!"
"For behold, thou shalt be brought before kings and magistrates as a witness against them, for I will be with
thee in that day. For behold, such a great multitude hath risen against thee and against thy little ones, but I have
prayed for thee that thy faith fail not. For behold, none of them shall touch thee, and none of them shall touch thy
little ones, for it were better that a millstone would be hung around their necks and they be cast into the depths of the
sea. I Myself will arise and defend thy little ones, for they are Mine! And none shall stand against thee, for I will
deliver thee, saith the Lord. Behold, be not afraid of this multitude that hath risen against thee, for more are with
thee than are with them."
I was getting the story of Elisha--about how God opened the eyes of his servant and he saw the Armies of
While we were praying, I got a vision of a big hand, like the Lord's hand, coming down, literally pressing
down on & pushing back our enemies. The verses I received along with it were, "Which is a manifest token of the
righteous judgement of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer.
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. And to you who are
troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven, with His mighty Angels."
It's like our enemies have had their say & talked about what they want to, but then the Lord is going to push
them back & really allow His power to be shown through this whole thing with His Angels & Heavenly counsellors.
Our Angelic Helpers!
I got a picture, & I kept getting it at different times when different people were praying. It was a picture of
a court case, similar to the one in He Stands in the Gap, with the righteous judge sitting there, & there was an Angel
on the side of our defence, & the Devil was on our accusers' side. Those who were actually fighting against us were
just like snivelling demons or creatures. But there was a real bright light coming from the right side of the courtroom
where Pearl & her defence were sitting. There was a real contrast between the two sides!
I had a vision that goes along with the verse, "We are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses."
were so many angelic forces in the courtroom that it was impossible for any of the Enemy's devices to get in. That is
one of the reasons why the prosecuting attorney was really shaky, because all God's forces were there, battling for us
in the Spirit.
Right after we finished praying, I looked up at this host of Angels who were standing there next to
Australia. They were holding up all these imps that were trying to get to land. They were fighting them & casting
them off into the sea, & the land was clean.
Fight the Good Fight of Faith!
"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents & harmless as
doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the councils, & they shall scourge you in their synagogues,
& ye shall be brought before governors & kings for My sake, for a testimony against them & against the Gentiles.
And when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak, for it shall be given you in that same
hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
"Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear Him which is able to
destroy both soul & body in Hell. For have I not said, `Think not that I have come to send peace on Earth'? I came
not to send peace but a sword, for I am come to set a man at variance against his father & the daughter against her
mother & the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's foes shall be they of his own household. He
that loveth father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, & he that loveth son or daughter more than Me is not
worthy of Me. And he that taketh not his cross & followeth after Me is not worthy of Me."
I was feeling how the children in these cases really are all our children. We have to really fight for each
child. They're all "ours," & as times get darker, we're going to be standing against the System more & more, & we
have to be willing to lay down our lives for each of the children.
I received a couple of verses: One was that "He would bring to nought the wisdom of the wise." Also the
verse that says, "He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."--but I received the opposite, "He
did many mighty works there because of their belief!" The word that kept coming to me was "aggressive," that we
have to be aggressive. We have to be aggressive like David was with Goliath, he just went out & slew him!
I was reminded of the prophecy that was given at the Summit '92 Meeting, about how the children are the
Lord's. We say they're ours, but they're really His! I thought about how the Lord must be fighting mad about this &
ready to fight back. Also I got, "Precious are the children in the Lord's sight"--how each child is such a jewel, each
one is such a precious stone in His sight.
"I will praise His Word, in God have I put my trust. I will not be afraid of what Man can do unto me. Have
mercy upon me, O Lord. Consider my trouble which I suffer from them that hate me. Thou hast lifted me up from
the gates of death, that I may show forth Thy praise."
I felt like Dad & Mama are fighting back, & they've called us to unite together to fight. And our words are
going to be like fire there, & they're going to devour the enemies & anything they say against us. I felt like the time
has come for us to rise up & fight back--like the two witnesses in Rev.11, our enemies will be defeated.
"When the Enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him! For
the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down
imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. Fight the good fight of faith!
Resist the Enemy and he will flee from you!"
In the beginning, I received from the Lord that He would deliver them if we would do our part, and then the
word that I got was "conviction," that our part is to have conviction. I also got that the Lord is doing this as a sample
to us and to the World. The idea was that if we really stand up, and if Pearl and the Family there really stand up and
have conviction, then the whole Family will see how the Lord will deliver us when we stand up for the Truth. The
whole World will take notice!
I had the feeling that this is going to really unite the people. Australia is a real laid-back, easy-going place,
& it's so easy to get lulled to sleep, that lethargic spirit. But this will be something that will rally the Family together
to fight & get united.
I received something basically along the same lines, "That the trying of your faith is more precious than
gold," that through this experience the Lord is going to strengthen the Family & strengthen the brethren, & give
them more conviction & more dedication & more commitment.
Also I got, "A soldier learns to fight through the battle," & that the Lord is using this to strengthen us as a whole.
Right at the beginning I got the verse, "They shall speak with the Enemy in the gate." (Someone else got
that verse too.) I got that in relation to how the lawyer asked for our children to testify in court. I also got the verse,
"Out of the mouths of babes & sucklings hast Thou ordained strength." Also, "Go, stand & speak in the temple to
the people all the Words of this life." I was praying about it & I had the impression that they really need to fight to
get the Truth out.
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the tearing down of strongholds &
everything that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Christ. For we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this World. Therefore gird up the loins of your
mind, be sober & vigilant, prepare ye for battle. But the battle is not yours but Mine, saith the Lord, & I will repay."
I had a vision of the Family being the forces of David coming up over a hill, & the sound of us pulling out
our swords & rattling our sabers was like the sound of battle that was reaching Dad's ears, & this is what he'd been
missing. (See "Prophecies for Dad's Healing!", par.33-37, GN 498.) He'd been wanting to hear the sound of the
battle & us praying here for these different things. The sound of battle is already increasing & getting louder &
louder & reaching Dad's ears, & this is what he's really been longing for.
I got the Letter, "Hong Kong Goolagong," for Australia, where all those Aboriginal spirits are, so maybe
we should really rebuke them. (Those present rebuked & prayed against all those spirits.)
I received the verse, "Offenses must needs come, but woe unto them through whom they come!" In these
persecution situations it's not these little people who are behind it, it's actually the Devil behind it all, trying to stir
them up. But I had this real peaceful feeling like the Lord was in perfect control, and He was going to use it to stir us
up, to get us really on the attack and really fighting, really conquering territory as a result of this.--We'll really be
gaining a lot of ground, like that verse, "The Lord shall arise upon thee and His Glory shall be seen upon thee" in the
Last Days. He's stirring us up now to shine for Him and fight for Him and for the Truth, so people will see that and
they'll have to make their own decisions.
I saw a picture of Gideon when he was going down the mountain to fight the Midianites. It's like right now
the newspapers are really coming out against the Family and they are like millions, like the sands of the sea, but just
like what Gideon's 300 did, we can put them all to confusion if we just launch an attack and go forth in the power of
the Lord, have the Lord on our side, and go fearlessly against the Enemy. I got the verse, "The Lord is not limited by
many or by few."
The interpretation I received for that picture was that before Gideon went to fight, he had to purge his
troops and send all the weak people home. That's sort of like what's happening in the Family. The Lord's been
purging the troops, so now we can give our all and really fight the enemy, because we are like Gideon's 300 who are
sold out and on fire.
"Go thou & fight the battles of the Lord, for thou shall not fail, for I am with thee. For I will bless them that
bless thee & curse them that curse thee. Stand back & see Me fight, for they have touched the apple of Mine eye."
Nehemiah 4:14,15,20: "Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight
for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses. And it came to pass, when our
enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to
the wall, every one unto his work. Our God shall fight for us."
I got the quote from "Be as Wise as Serpents!": "Run & hide; but if you're caught, turn & fight!" That's
what we're doing now, we're fighting! (ML#2469:23)
"He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves & sharpens our skills. Our antagonist is our helper."
I got the verse: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints," but it came to me that it meant
that they have stood up to fight this battle, they haven't run from the battle, & this is precious in the Lord's sight.
They have stood up to defend His name & have been willing to die to themselves to defend the Lord's name.
"When the Enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Resist the Devil & he will flee from you. Fight the good fight of faith."
I kept getting, "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you." It seemed like the attitude of many of the
Family in Australia before was that they were just there because they didn't make it on the field, & they had a
defeatist attitude. But I got the impression that everyone in Australia has got to know that the Lord has chosen them
to be there, even if they're only there for another month or another year, whatever their vision is. And just like our
brethren in North America, the Lord has a whole new ministry for them there. They have to know that the Lord has
chosen them, & if they have that faith, then the Lord can do mighty things through their faith. "That whatsoever ye
shall ask of the Father in My name, He will do it." They need to really stand on the Lord's promises.
"Have not I said that I would bring you before kings, magistrates and rulers as a testimony and as a witness
of My name? Even so this shall be for the strengthening of your faith and the strengthening of your little ones.
For even as ye have called unto Me, so shall I deliver you out of the hand of the ungodly; and I will turn to nought
their devices, for no device that is devised against you shall prosper, but it shall be brought to nought. For ye are
My children and it delighteth Me to give you liberty from those that would set you in bondage.
"Behold how the children dance before the king, behold how they rejoice to be children of David, even so
shall they dance before Me forever. For I am their Father and they are My children and I care for them and they are
Mine. They are the precious jewels of My Kingdom, and they shall stand before Me as lights. And this that is done
unto them this day shall be for the strengthening of their faith, so that they shall abide closer to Me and shall never
stray nor part, for I have drawn them unto My bosom and I have called them Mine. No man shall take out of My
hand that which is Mine.
"Fight for My children, for they are My children and they are thy children, and even as ye fight for these
children and for these little ones, so shall I set them free that they may serve Me forever. So shall it be a testimony
unto these that have tried to take them away, for they shall know that I am on the side of My children. I am on the
side of these My children and I have set My face against those that would do evil unto My children."
Prophecies about Our Lawyers
"I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, there is nothing too hard for Me. Behold, they cannot stop My rain.
As Gamaliel of old who stood up for My children, I will raise up a new Gamaliel who will stand up for My children,
who will deliver them out of the hands of the Enemy. The Enemy shall come in like a flood, but I will raise up a
standard against him. Stand back and see Me fight!"
"I will be with thy mouth & teach thee what thou shalt say." I got that for the lawyers, that they are like
Aaron speaking for Moses, they're speaking for us. Like Aaron was the spokesman before Pharaoh for Moses, they
would be our spokesmen, & the Lord would really be with their mouths & teach them what they should say.
When we were praying for our lawyers, I had a little vision of the Lord coming down & giving them both a
mantle. It was nothing of them, but the mantle was put on both of them, & they went up there with real boldness, &
it was just the Spirit. Everyone could recognise that it was the Spirit, & they were really turned on that they had
gotten this mantle.
"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Great peace have they
which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them."
This last verse I got mainly for the lawyer and the barrister*, that they will really grow in love for the
Family. (*barrister: A barrister is a lawyer who is licensed to plead in the Higher Courts under the English system of
"I have chosen him and I will put My Words in his mouth, and I will speak through him and he shall speak
for thee. Behold, even though he be a little one against all the forces that rage against him, because he hath come to
the Kingdom for such a time as this, I shall mightily empower him and I shall anoint him. And he shall not be the
same man. I shall put a new heart within him, I shall take out the old heart of stone and put a new heart within him, a
heart of My Love. For he doth search, he doth seek for the Truth, he hath found it in thee. Only be thou faithful to
feed and care for this sheep and he shall fulfill My Will, he shall speak before the judge for thee."
When we prayed for our lawyer, I got a picture of a man standing there with a sword coming out of his
mouth, and I got these words: "And a sharp sword goeth out of his mouth, which is the sword of My Spirit, casting
down imaginations & every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God." I got that the Lord was
really going to anoint our lawyers to fight.
I also got another picture: We were holding up our hands in prayer, but sometimes we'd put our hands
down, at which time the prosecuting attorney would get stronger. So we had to really keep praying & keep our
hands up, so our lawyer would be anointed & be able to sock it to our accusers.
Bible Stories Come to Life!
Daniel in the Lions' Den
I got the story of when they threw Daniel into the lions' den, but Daniel didn't get hurt. But the men who
arranged to have him thrown in were exposed, & the king threw them in the lions' den instead. (See Dan.6:4-24.)
(This story was mentioned three other times in different prophecies from around the World.)
The Midianites
I was reminded of the story of the Midianites who turned on each other & destroyed themselves.
(Jdg.7:19-23) They were trying to destroy God's children but they destroyed themselves. And then right after that I
was thinking that perhaps the Lord could take Valerie's daughter away from her. She's still young enough (a teen), &
she could be ripped right out of Valerie's hands & put in a foster home, so Valerie could feel the pain she's trying to
inflict on others. And the daughter could suffer for the lies she (the daughter) is spreading.
I got the same thing about the battle of the Midianites. I don't really know the story of the Midianites, but I
got that, "The Midianites have set the battle in array against us. O God, rise up & fight for us." Like they set
themselves in array in the valley against the Army of the Lord. There were so many enemies that it was impossible
to defeat them physically, but Gideon prayed & the Lord defeated them supernaturally.
And this case looks like the same thing--our enemies have spent lots of money & time in collusion to lay
the groundwork against us. Now the Lord is going to have to win the battle for us.
(This story was referred to two other times, a total of four times.)
Baby Jesus
I had a vision of when the spirit of Herod had risen up against the child Jesus. But God whisked Him
away & protected Him. And then God's wrath fell on them, but the child Jesus escaped. (See Mat.2:1-16.)
It's like we are the child Jesus, the Family & all of our children are this little child who Herod keeps trying
to wipe out, but the Lord keeps delivering us & we escape. Then the Lord takes him (Herod, our enemies) out of
the way.
(Four other people from different Areas received this same parallel.)
Baby Moses
I got the story of little baby Moses (see Exo.2:1-10).--How God kept Moses from being killed by the
Pharaoh. His mother really loved him & fought for him & the Lord kept him & preserved him with just a little ark of
reeds, & he grew up into a real leader for God's kingdom. The Lord had a plan for baby Moses to serve Him.
Similarly how, like Mama said, the Lord has a plan for Pearl's baby to serve Him in the Lord's Family of today. The
Lord is going to keep the baby, just like He kept Moses, & He won't let the baby be destroyed by the System.
(Three other people received the same parallel!)
Elijah & the Prophets of Baal
I got the story of Elijah: "It came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the
Prophet came near & said, `Lord God of Abraham, Isaac & Israel, let it be known this day that Thou art God in
Israel & that I am Thy servant & that I have done all these things at Thy Word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this
people may know that Thou art the Lord God & that Thou hast turned their heart back again.' Then the fire of the
Lord fell & consumed the burnt sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the dust, & licked up the water that was in the
trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces & said, `The Lord, He is the God, the Lord, He is the
God.' And Elijah said, `Take the prophets of Baal, let not one of them escape,' & they took them & Elijah brought
them down to the brook Kishon, & slew them there." (See 1Kgs.18:17-40.)
(Two other people got this parallel also!)
Elisha & His Servant
I got the story in 2Kgs.6: Elisha's servant was trembling & afraid because of the armies of the Syrians
who were surrounding their city. Elisha said, "They that be with us are more than they that be with them" & he
prayed for the Lord to open the eyes of his servant, & He showed the servant Elisha's secret Army, this whole
battalion of Angels who were fighting on his side. We have a battalion of Angels like that too. That's who we have
on our side & we shouldn't forget that. (See 2Kgs.6:8-18.)
(Eight other people in different Areas around the World received this same parallel!)
More on the Importance of Prayer!
"Their wickedness shall not exact upon My little ones! For when My children come before Me, at My
throne of grace, I will hear their prayers. I will be with them in time of need, for I long to hear the prayers of My
children. I long to see their faith, the faith that I have given them. I want to see it put into practice. For faith is the
victory that overcometh the World!"
I received the story of Grandmother, where she asked the Lord why all the Chinese Christians in one
village were killed, and the Lord said, "Because the people prayed not for my missionaries." Thank the Lord that
now we can learn the lesson beforehand & pray, & the Lord is going to do it! TYJ!
As we were praising the Lord, I saw a mist of clouds roll away from over the situation, like it was binding
the Enemy & clearing the air for the Lord to work. I was thinking about how sometimes it really helps to pray
against the evil spirits of the country.
I got the first verse of "Somebody Prayed:"
"Prayer hands outstretched over oceans & mountains
Help me press onward when I am afraid,
Thirsty souls drink at the life-giving fountain-Somebody, somewhere, has earnestly prayed."
I got when Jesus was being tried, & Pilate's wife had a dream & warned her husband (the judge) to have
nothing to do with harming this just man. The Lord can do the same in this case, He can send someone to speak to
the judge's heart about this.
I also got for Pearl & her brother Johnny, "He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the
day of Jesus Christ. When the Enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard
against him." Our prayers are the standard that will be lifted up & Jesus will hear them.
I received the verse, "I sought the Lord & He heard me & delivered me from my tears"--like because we've
been crying unto the Lord with our whole hearts, that's why He's going to hear us. And even though He will protect
us, we still need to put our whole hearts into prayer & keep persevering in prayer.
I got that the Lord was saying He wouldn't let even one child be lost, & also about the Good Shepherd who
left the ninety & nine & went out after the one.--I got an impression about the power that we have, that there's
nothing like it in the whole World. We can be called together worldwide to pray for something like this & to fight
for it. There's no one else in the World who has that much power, that much blessing.
"The Word shall be a lamp unto your feet & a light unto your path. Call unto Me & I shall answer thee &
show thee great & mighty things that thou knowest not. Is there anything too difficult for Me that I cannot do? For
as ye ask, so shall ye be given, as ye do approach Me in boldness, & in boldness come before My throne of grace, I
will grant the petitions that ye ask."
I got a story from the Good Thots where the famous atheist was going to speak & all the Christians in the
town got together & had prayer to confound the man; & when he got up to speak, he couldn't concentrate or even
remember what he was going to say. He ended up not saying anything. It was a direct answer to prayer. (Good
Thots, "Communion with God, Prayer," #124.)
(This story was received several different times in different Areas.)
I had a vision of a sheepfold, & most of the sheep were in the fold, but some were not in yet, they were
hanging around in the open gateway. The fold was the fold of obedience. The wolves were around outside & the
sheep were all bleating & it was really confusing. Then all of a sudden the Shepherd came & He was really big.--It
was Jesus, & the wolves were really afraid.
The interpretation I got was that the Lord was doing this to make us more united & more obedient. We
have to pray, we can't fight it ourselves, we just have to obey & go inside the fold of obedience & prayer, & then the
Lord will do the rest.
"For I am the God of all flesh, is there any thing too hard for Me? Ask Me of things to come, and
concerning My sons command ye Me! For have I not said that I would do it? If I fail to care for My Own I am worse
than an infidel. If ye ask anything in My name, I will do it!"
I got the verse, "Ye shall be brought before magistrates." I feel like perhaps the Lord really wants us to
focus on the judges, because they're the ones making the decision. The Devil is the prosecutor, he'll always be there
spouting his lies. But then the judge has the final decision, & we need to pray for his wisdom.
I got the story about when Judah was being ruled by King Jehoshaphat & the enemy was going to attack
them. They just really prayed & then they got instruction to send musicians before them to battle. As soon as they
started praising the Lord in song, the Lord sent ambushments on their enemies & then when they arrived there, they
were all in confusion & they fled & were defeated. (See 2Chron.20:1-30.)
I received the quote, "Weep for them that weep," in regards to what Dad & Mama said about thinking
about your own kids, as though those particular kids were your very own, to be desperate & pray with all of our
I had a little picture of Aladdin's magic lamp, like the Lord was saying, "Rub Me!" Our prayer is rubbing
the lamp, & the Genie is Jesus. Once you rub it, the genie will do what you command Him to do. Our genie is
Jesus, & our prayer is the "rub."
"For the Lord, the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting & His Truth endureth to all generations. Ask Me
of things to come, concerning My sons & concerning the works of My hands, command ye Me. For where two or
three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."
I had a picture of someone getting in this prayer closet to pray. It was an actual closet & they got in & shut
the door & sat down on this little stool. And with this vision I got the verse about getting in your closet & "Thy
Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
Earlier as one of the Teens was praying, I had the impression that it was like Heaven's Girl, we were stirred
up & praying just like she was. The story of Heaven's Girl is coming to life now. Through our prayers the Lord is
going to do mighty things, mighty miracles!
When we were praying against the spiritual forces, I got part of the verse where it talks about the prince of
the power of the air & the spirit which now worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience, & I saw a picture
of God's Angelic forces & the Devil's forces. Right then someone claimed the verse in their prayer, "Whatsoever ye
shall loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven, & whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven," like
our prayers were loosing the Angels' forces & binding the Devil's forces. I also felt it meant we shouldn't be afraid
of the spirits that are now working in the children of disobedience, the backsliders.
I was getting that it's preparation for greater unity for the Family. Because we have greater unity now, we
have greater power in prayer.
"He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of Mine eye! I will curse them that curse you. I will send out My
judgements and My consuming fire upon those who try to touch you. For these are My little ones who are ordained
from the foundations of the Earth to serve Me and not to serve Man. These children are not Michael's (backslidden
ex-husband of Lamb), but Mine! If I care not for My Own, I am worse than an infidel, but I will care and I will
protect them!
"Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened! Continue to come
to Me in your prayers, asking Me specifically, and I will answer specifically. When ye pray, things will happen and
things will be different."
"I will contend with them that contend with thee. The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous
runneth into it and are safe. The unrighteous are judged, they have no place of refuge because they are not of the
Lord. Our God, the Lord, will bring the judgments of Egypt and the plagues of Egypt upon them. If thou wilt but
pray and seek Me with all thine heart, I will guide and protect the Family and will keep thee in the hollow of My
wings. I will confound the Enemy and all the devices of the Evil One. When the Enemy shall come in like a flood,
the Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard. Have faith, stand strong upon the Word and thou shalt be strong in
the time of adversity."
"This poor woman cried & the Lord delivered her out of all her troubles. The Lord is nigh unto all them
that call upon Him, that call upon Him in truth. The meek shall He guide in judgement. The spiritual warfare
depends on you!"
I saw a picture of Lamb, & as we were praying for her, the Lord was pouring out His Spirit, & then a few
people quoted, "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit." We need to pray for her, that the Lord will help her
not to go in her might nor in her power, but in His Spirit. She needs the support of our prayers. She needs help
because whatever she does, whatever she says has a lot of weight in this situation. So it was encouraging that our
prayers were helping pour out the Lord's Spirit upon her.
I got real strong about continuing to pray frequently for this case. We received a couple of verses like
that--"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."--"Believing that God is the rewarder of them
that diligently seek Him." I got that we need to keep seeking Him for it.
"When the Enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him!"
Because that's exactly what they're doing, they are flooding the court with all their lies. The Spirit of the Lord will
lift up a standard, but a lot depends on us, because the Lord goes a lot by our prayers.
"The Devil flees when he sees the weakest Saint upon his knees."
"Prayer is powerful, when we pray things will happen & things will be different. God answers prayer, for
the effectual fervent prayer of righteous men & women & of the children of David availeth much. For these are My
children, the righteous of the Lord, who shall stay within My Kingdom."
The time that we have to pray until June is like doing a Jericho march, going around the walls & praying
without ceasing, & when the time comes, the Lord will make the walls (of the System, their lies & false testimonies)
fall down, & everybody will know about it.
One of these cases is happening in Australia, a country that Dad has talked about (in "Hong Kong
Goolagong" etc.) & it is full of evil spirits & pests, but "where sin abounded, grace did much more abound."
(Rom.5:20) The Lord can do miracles.
The Lord gave me this verse, "But I give myself unto prayer." (Psa.109:4b)
"Unto you who pray has the Sun of Righteousness arisen, with power in His wings!"
"The Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Therefore come out
from among them & be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. Do not
compromise with them.
"One can chase a thousand, but two can put ten thousand to flight. All you must do is call on the Hosts of
Heaven, and I will drive out all the evil forces."
"Call upon Me & I will answer thee & I will show thee great & mighty things which thou knowest not.
Come boldly unto My throne of grace to find the help that you need in time of trouble. For he that cometh to Me
must believe that I am & that I am the rewarder of them that diligently seek Me.
"If you cry unto Me with a whole heart, you will receive a wholehearted answer, for this is a mighty battle
for My Work in this country. You must continue to call upon Me & I will answer you & I will show you great &
mighty things which ye know not."
("Prophecies of Protection & Deliverance from Our Enemies' Attacks" to be continued in FSM 218!)
Copyright 1996 The Family