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A) Map of Ancient Greece
1) The Minoan civilization was the first Greek civilization. Their capital city was called “Knossos”. What
island is this located on?
2) Greek civilization was centered around “city-states”. These were cities that operated like individual
countries. How many city-states do you count in total within the regions of Thessaly and Peloponnesus.
3) Two of the most powerful city-states were Athens and Sparta. How far away was Athens from
4) Why might Greek city-states have developed to become so different despite being so close to each
B) Geography of Ancient Greece
1) What geographic features do you notice in this image? (Do not include things made by people)
2) How did these geographic features lead to Greece developing into vastly different societies?
3) How could this geography both help and hurt ancient Greek society?
C) Ancient Sparta
1) Ancient Sparta was one of the strongest city-states in Ancient Greece. According to this primary
source, what job did Spartans train for?
2) Spartans captured slaves called “helots” and forced them to work in Sparta. What advantage did this
provide to Spartan soldiers?
3) Why would Spartan soldiers have an incentive to continue invading other Greek lands?
D) Ancient Athens Art
1) What is this an image of?
2) How would you describe the character in the image? Perfect or Realistic? Explain.
3) Why do you think the artist would want to show the human body in this way?
4) How is this artwork also a representation of the Olympics?
E) The City of Athens
1) This image shows the acropolis: a large mound towards the center of Athens. What importance did
the Athenians give to this site? How do you know?
2) The large building at the top of the acropolis is called the Parthenon. What might this building have
been used for?
3) What major contributions did the Ancient Greeks provide to modern day Greece as seen in this
F) Athenian Government
1) What do you see in this image?
2) What form of government do you think is being portrayed in this image? How do you know?
3) Who is not represented in this image? Why do you think that is?
G) Greek Amphitheatre
1) What do you see in this image?
2) What might this space have been used for?
3) What contribution to future society could this image represent?