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La manifestation de l’Epouse séparée au temps de la Moisson
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
2 Timothée 3 :1-9
1 Or sache ceci, que dans les derniers jours il surviendra des temps fâcheux;
2 car les hommes seront égoïstes, avares, vantards, hautains, outrageux, désobéissants à leurs
parents, ingrats, sans piété,
3 sans affection naturelle, implacables, faux accusateurs, calomniateurs, incontinents, cruels,
méprisant ceux qui sont bons,
4 traîtres, téméraires, enflés d’orgueil, amis des voluptés plutôt qu’amis de Dieu,
5 ayant la forme de la piété, mais en ayant renié la puissance. Or détourne-toi de telles gens.
6 Car d’entre eux sont ceux qui s’introduisent dans les maisons et qui mènent captives des
femmes sottes chargées de péchés, entraînées par des convoitises diverses,
7 qui apprennent toujours et qui ne peuvent jamais parvenir à la connaissance de la vérité.
8 Or de la même manière dont Jannès et Jambrès résistèrent à Moïse, ainsi aussi ceux-ci
résistent à la vérité, hommes corrompus dans leur entendement, réprouvés quant à la foi
9 mais ils n’iront pas plus avant, car leur folie sera manifeste pour tous, comme a été celle de
ceux-là aussi.
2 Corinthiens 6 :11-18
11 Notre bouche est ouverte pour vous, ô Corinthiens! notre coeur s’est élargi:
12 vous n’êtes pas à l’étroit en nous, mais vous êtes à l’étroit dans vos entrailles;
13 et, en juste récompense, (je |vous| parle comme à mes enfants,) élargissez-vous, vous aussi.
14 Ne vous mettez pas sous un joug mal assorti avec les incrédules; car quelle participation y at-il entre la justice et l’iniquité? ou quelle communion entre la lumière et les ténèbres?
15 et quel accord de Christ avec Bélial? ou quelle part a le croyant avec l’incrédule?
16 et quelle convenance y a-t-il entre le temple de Dieu et les idoles? Car vous êtes le temple du
Dieu vivant, selon ce que Dieu a dit: «J’habiterai au milieu d’eux, et j’y marcherai, et je serai
leur Dieu, et eux seront mon peuple» |#Lévitique 26:11,12|.
17 «C’est pourquoi sortez du milieu d’eux, et soyez séparés, dit le Seigneur, et ne touchez pas à
ce qui est impur, et moi, je vous recevrai» |voir #Esaïe 52:11|;
18 «et je vous serai pour père, et vous, vous me serez pour fils et pour filles dit le Seigneur, |le|
2 Corinthiens 7 :1
1 Ayant donc ces promesses, bien-aimés, purifions-nous nous-mêmes de toute souillure de chair
et d’esprit, achevant la sainteté dans la crainte de Dieu.
Philippiens 2 :12-16
12 Ainsi donc, mes bien-aimés, de même que vous avez toujours obéi, non seulement comme en
ma présence, mais beaucoup plus maintenant en mon absence, travaillez à votre propre salut
avec crainte et tremblement:
13 car c’est Dieu qui opère en vous et le vouloir et le faire, selon son bon plaisir.
14 Faites toutes choses sans murmures et sans raisonnements,
15 afin que vous soyez sans reproche et purs, des enfants de Dieu irréprochables, au milieu
d’une génération tortue et perverse, parmi laquelle vous brillez comme des luminaires dans le
16 présentant la parole de vie, pour ma gloire au jour de Christ, |en témoignage| que je n’ai pas
couru en vain ni travaillé en vain.
Témoignages de Frère Didier Rakotobe et de Frère Matthew King
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
p age 1
The Word Bride has separated, we can have our inheritance
La semence est mûre, elle n’héritera pas avec la balle
Dieu a utilisé Frère Julian pour dévoiler des esprits
Aujourd’hui la Semence est séparée de la balle, ils n’iront pas plus loin car leur folie sera
2 Timothée verset 9 : mais ils n’iront pas plus avant, car leur folie sera manifeste pour tous,
comme a été celle de ceux-là aussi.
36 années de blessures pour arriver ici, mais nous sommes victorieux aujourd’hui
Les mouvements du diable ont été dévoilés par l’Esprit de Dieu
Merci à Sr Pam Clarke
Just to add to what was said already here. As you look back down thru the years, it really
makes your heart ache to see and hear Bro. Coleman plummeting his way thru the
darkness and unbelief. Now as we look back at the tapes, and we hear Bro. Coleman say
'he is tired', you can actually see the tiredness, until the Anointing would hit him then he is
gone. We could not understand that in the past, nor did we ever stop to think what happens
to the body after the Anointing leaves it. We enjoyed the blessings and still is, without a
real understanding of the depth of suffering and pain that went/goes along with his
commission. One man (against the religious world) with a vision of what the prophet
said. Oh my, it sure does put a deeper burden in your heart for him.
He has been saying the same thing all the time, and it took 36 years of knocking the devils
left and right to keep the vision alive, knowing one day that we would awake from our deep
sleep, because that was the purpose of the Seven Thunders - to wake her up again etc,
etc. Surely, this man knew what he was talking about.
He never wavered even though it was so easy for him to give up and just throw in the towel.
He could have easily pulled the people to himself, he had enough influence to do it. But he
never did. He never did. Like a true shepherd he pointed the bride of Jesus Christ to the
Life of Jesus Christ. He always stressed the Life, whose Life, our Life in Christ and that's
remarkable.. It takes someone special to God to do that.
The best way I could repay Bro. Coleman for what his ministry has done for me and my
family, is to die out so I can live what he preached.
God Bless you Bro Coleman: You, your wife, your family and the ministry that is standing so
faithfully behind you, will always be in my prayers.
God Bless You Richly
Sis Pam Clarke
Un témoignage qui a fort encouragé Frère Coleman
Aujourd’hui nous sommes prêts pour la manifestation de l’Epouse séparée
Extrait des commentaires du 5 septembre : … pardon et séparation
Extrait des commentaires de mercredi : se repentir devant le ministère
« Dis à Mon serviteur Joseph Coleman que pas une seule goutte de sang de Mon Épouse est sur
ses mains à partir du 1er décembre 2010. Je les ai officiellement rendus responsables d’eux
mêmes. Ils ont bataillé durant ce service. Dis à Mon serviteur Frère Coleman que ce doit être
souligné : Les huissiers, les diacres, les musiciens, les conducteurs de chant, les adorateurs, les
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
p age 2
croyants, tous, tous, tous doivent aller vers le ministère ce soir s’ils sont au courant d’une impiété
ou s’ils ont entendu quelque chose contre Mon ministère dans les 9 dernières années, le
ministère de Jésus-Christ. Cela doit-être confessé s’ils veulent participer à ce Jubilé. Ceci est cet
avertissement final. Ne partez pas ce soir sans cette confession finale. Amen. »
Extr. Des commentaires du 28 nov
Donc, vous savez que Ésaïe 28:16 à 22, verset 17 à 22, n’ont pas été lus à New York le 8 septembre
1985, parce qu’il m’avait dit de seulement les lire au Pays de Galles quand j’ai prêché La venue de
la Pierre de Faîte en novembre 1985.
Puis en août 2000, Il m’a dit : « Avertissement puis jugement : quelque chose est sur le point de se
produire. Mets tous tes papiers en ordre. » Puis j’ai parlé à l’église, et je vous ai donné les
Écritures : le Psaume 1:1-6, Esaïe 28:16-22 et I Pierre 2:1-8.
Donc Église, vous avez été avertis en l’an 2000 : Avertissement puis jugement. Et Dieu a permis
que plusieurs choses se produisent entre 2001 et 2010. Aujourd'hui, Il m’a dit de lire Ésaïe 28 et
aujourd'hui inclure les versets 17 à 22. Donc, la Pierre de puissance est ici et sera ici, soit Michaël
Lui-même, ce David sera ici pour régler toutes les disputes, toutes les histoires, à savoir qui a raison
et qui a tort.
Voyons ce que Malachie 4 dit dans Démonologie
148 You know, there's--there's false. There's a true and a false of everything. If I give you a
dollar, and I say, "Is this a good dollar?" And you'd look at it; it'd have to look pretty much like a
real dollar or you wouldn't believe it. Is that right? So it'll have to be really a good imitation.
And if Jesus said the two spirits in the last days would be so close till it would deceive the very
elect if possible, religious people. Now, remember. Now, there ain't nothing out there in them old
cold--old cold formal outside; they have just a form of godliness. You see? But these two spirits are
real spirits; it'd be so close till it'd deceive the very elect, how it was working side by side in the last
days. Did Jesus say that? He did.
190 Now, notice, here you are. Now, quickly now, 'cause I don't want to keep you no longer.
Here, let's give a little picture here, a little mental picture. Here's a stream right through here, right
down through this way, coming down through life (Now, watch as it channels. Give me your
undivided attention now, so you won't miss this.), right down like this. Now, in this little channel
here dwells mortal beings, you and I. And now, in there, let's look what it is. It's a mass of frolic and
everything else, but once in a while you'll see a light. You see blackness and streaks; that's gaiety
and carrying-on, devils getting the people. Oh, they dress fine, my, and highly cultured as they can
be, polished scholars, but still the devil. But there's borned again setting in there.
192 Now, these people in this channel is influenced from two different sides. Now, on this side
going this a-way there's a trinity. And on this side going this a-way there's a trinity.
Now, when, now the first place, on this side, is souls of the unjust. When a man dies he goes into a
place waiting judgment. Jesus went and preached to them souls that were in prison there. The next
is demons. The next is the devil and hell. Going up, the first... Now, them in there is ghosts, spirits
of dead men that never repented. They're waiting for the judgment. The only thing they know is
frolic and what they did.
Now, up here, these Christians are influenced from above. This is parable. Up here is another
Ghost, the Holy Ghost, the Ghost of a Man, Christ Jesus. The Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost
influences His church in this realm of mortal.
The devil, by these spirits, influence men. Now, look, the next is Angels. The next is God. Now,
every mortal here is influenced by one of these worlds. You see what I mean?
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
p age 3
196 Now, what that woman done, she broke into that realm, and she's speaking to those demonpossessed men who were beginning, the spirits of those fallen angels that repented not back there in
the beginning, and allowed their beings to be possessed of them, and they're waiting for judgment.
And these over here are influenced and born again by the Spirit of God. And the devil has his
prophets, and God has His. See what I mean? It's influence, and there we go. Stop to separate it.
Jesus, when He was here on earth...
212 And today, my dear Christian friend, demons are working on every hand. And God's Spirit's
moving right out on the other hand, to counteract it every time. Hallelujah. There you are.
Newspapers and digests and everything else is declaring it. They're watching it, they can't see what
it is. What is it? It's the foreshadow of the great showdown that's coming pretty soon between God
and devil. Get on God's side and be right in your heart. Amen.
213 Here not long ago I was up at Toledo, Ohio, having a meeting. I'm going to close.
You see what I mean about demons? They are working. They're very religious, just as religious...
Oh, they go to church every Sunday, repeat the Apostles' Creed, and sing the "Doxology," oh, my,
just as religious as they can be. "Brother Branham, you mean that's the truth?"
That's the kind of a spirit that hung Jesus Christ to the cross. And Jesus said, "You're of your father,
the devil."
Now, some of them said, "Oh, Russia's the antichrist." Never. Russia's not the antichrist. The
antichrist's going to be so religious that it'll fool the very elect if possible. Remember, God takes
His men, but never His Spirit; the devil takes his men, but never his spirit. Now, there they are, suit
yourself; I'm only responsible for truth.
217 Demons working... Yesterday I had them in a physical realm; today I'm showing you in the
spiritual realm, where they are in the religious realm, where they were out yonder, called cancer,
and they call this, that, and the other. But I've proved to you by the Bible, they're devils. Now, over
here today, here they are again in the religious realms, very religious, very pious.
If you'll begin, brother, and think. Cain, the very beginning of it, was a very religious man. Esau
was a very religious man. Judas was a very religious man. It's religion. It ain't the outside world; it's
right in the ranks. Watch that: demonology. Maybe a little later on sometime I can get to it a little
more; we're getting late.Condemn no one. Love everybody. If you can't love from your heart, then
Christ is not with you.
Now, this morning we're going to talk--talk about demons in spiritual form in the soul. They're in
the soul as same as they are in the body. And we're bound to admit that we see them in people's
body, such cancers and--and different diseases that's in the human body.
Just recently, even cancer has been declared to be a fourth dimension disease, that it's in another
dimension, sure, it's demonology. Every disease is a fourth dimension disease, the beginning of it.
41 Now, but now cancer in the body or cancer in the soul, the demon can come in either place.
Now, there's many times and many peoples with good thoughts that--and good people who try
many times to--to rest upon some little theology they have or something that they have been taught
since a child, and still find that down in their being, down in their soul, that they still have
something that's not right. You... Many are here this morning, no doubt, wherever you find
Christians gathered together you find people who have those spirits in them that they... It's
undesirable. They don't want them. They say, "Oh, if I could only quit lying. If I could only quit
lusting. If I could only quit this or that." Now, that is devils. And now they come in the form of
religion, many times.
I said, "What are you questioning about?" See? If there's a question in your mind, leave it alone.
Don't do it at all. Just stay with that. When you start to do anything, and if it's a question whether it's
right or wrong, stay away from it. Don't go into it at all. Then you know you're right.
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
p age 4
Now, all things ought to be considered prayerfully first. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness and all these other things will be added." I am positive sure this morning if men and
women could only get into the position of where their soul, their thinking, their attitudes would be
perfect in the sight of God, that would be one of the most powerful churches that ever existed.
46 Watch just a few moments on the physical. Now, we are--have many times, have for years; we
got what we call a lie detector. You can put it on your wrist, set it across your--your head, and you
can get in there and try your best to make a lie sound like the truth, and it'll register negative every
time. Because a human was not made to lie. Lying is a deceitful, hard thing, evil thing. I'd rather
have a drunkard with me any day than a liar (See?), a liar.
And your body wasn't made to lie. No matter how sinful you are, you're still a fallen son of God.
The most sinful person in this city today, God didn't intend you to be sinful. He wanted you to be a
son or a daughter of His. You're made up in His own makeup, but sin has caused you to do that.
And no matter how much you try to impersonate and try to make a lie seem right, they got a
scientific instrument that proves that it's wrong. You can tell it with all the innocence you want to,
but it'll still register negative. Because there's a subconscious down in a human being, and that
subconscious knows what's truth. And no matter what you're saying out here, that subconscious
knows that it's a lie, and it'll register off the subconscious.
47 Therefore, if a man or a woman could ever get their thoughts and their testimony and their
lives so lined up with God (Amen.) until the channel of the Holy Spirit would be perfectly one with
God, what would take place? If the man and the woman could ever get lined up, where with
freedom from their hearts, with faith from their innermost...
Many people come to the altar to be prayed for. They have intellectual faith. They confess their sins
and join a church by intellectual faith. They believe it in their heart--their mind. They believe it
because they've heard it. They believe it because they know it's the best policy. But that's not what
God looks at.
He don't look at your intellectual faith. He looks on the heart, where on the inside, God... And
when it comes from the heart all things are possible then; your confession meets up with your
life; your life speaks as loud as your confession does.
But when your confession says one thing and your life lives another, there's something wrong
somewhere. That's because you got an intellectual faith and not a faith from your heart. And that
shows that outside here is a knowledge of God, but inside here is a demon of doubting. "I believe in
Divine healing, but it's not for me. (You see?) I--it could be so, but I don't believe it." Get it?
Outside you say, "Yes." Inside your conscience says "No." That same scientific thing would prove
that that wasn't right, prove it.
Give me a preacher; give me a Christian; give me a housewife that's a Christian; give me a farmer
or a factory worker that'll put God first in everything, I'll show you a man that'll be successful in the
spite of all the devil can put on him. He seeks God first. We must have first...
But they didn't do it. They were all clouded over because Ahab had a great bright kingdom, and he'd
done a whole lot of things, and had his great fineries, his gold and his silver, and been a great
successful man; yet an unbeliever.
74 What is it? It's enticing spirits coming down trying to subs--substitute something for the
Word of God. God has no substitute for His Word. It's eternal and forever. God has nothing to
substitute faith. Faith has no substitute. Hope will never take the place of faith. Faith is alone, stands
alone. It'll never take the... Hope can never take its place. Hope is a substance. "The things hoped
for is the evidence of the things not seen," or faith is, rather. See? Hope's one thing; faith is another.
Hope hopes for it. Faith has got it. One's intellectual faith, and the other is direct revelation of
God. It'll never take its place.
We're trying, but we're making all these substitutes. We're trying to build great churches and instead
of send missionaries, another substitute. Jesus never ordained anybody to build a church. It never
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
p age 5
was ordained in the Bible. We put up seminaries. They said, "That takes the place of missionaries."
We... Jesus never did tell us to build a seminary. They're all right. Education, trying to get that to
take the place, it'll never do it. Jesus' commission was to go into all the world and preach the Gospel
to every creature till the end time. So all the substitutionaries we have will never take the place of
the genuine.
So just because we can be emotional, don't mean that we're saved. Because we go to church don't
mean we're saved. Don't believe those enticing spirits. A real Spirit of God, a real Word of God is
the Truth of God which is the Seed of God will produce God in your life. You'd be godly, saintly,
90 Amongst a lot of people we find, where emotions and so forth, there becomes tattlings, and
backbitings, and all kind of ungodly things. Brother, that's sulfuric acid in the church; it's demon
power. Spirit of men and women who get among one another and try to push off and say, "This
one's not right, and this one's not right, and that's not right." If you'll chase it down, nine times out
of ten, it's the very person making the stir that's not right. Amen. God hates discord among
brethren. Be reverent. Be holy. Love God. Stand by Him. And as long as you know your life is
divvying up with the Bible with purity of heart, purity of thought, love towards your brother,
trying your best to upbuild the Kingdom of God and doing those things, dressing right, living
right, talking right, going to right places; then you can have all the emotions you want to, and
everybody will believe it.
Jesus said, "You're the salt of the earth, if the salt lost its savour, it's henceforth good for nothing but
to be cast out and trod under the foot of man." If you're just salt alone, it's no good. But if you got
the savour in it, you'd be salty and the world will be thirsty. You get salty; they'll be thirsty.
And so do you know that you're not right with God when you're still backbiting, lying, and doing
everything. You can't be right with God. I don't care how many churches you belong to, until your
soul becomes converted. Brother, that's old fashion, but that'll boil down and put soup in your soul.
99 Tried to put his arm in. He's got to have someone to direct him how to put his arm in. Then
when he gets his arm in his little jacket he knows he's all right.
That's the way it is with every born again Christian, when he really gets into God, he watches his
life with God's Word and he realizes he's lined up with every bit of it. He's got long-suffering,
gentleness, quietness, meekness, power, faith, love, joy, peace. He ain't tossed about like a troubled
seas. He ain't worrying about every little thing. He ain't jumping here and there like a bottle stopper
on a windy ocean. He's set. His heart's pure. His thoughts is pure. His intentions are pure. His
alternative's right. And he knows he lines up with the Word of God. All hell can't move him.
He's lined with the Word of God. He's got Divine love, purity in his heart for every man and
woman. – Mount Severance…– He's got his... He's abstained from the things of the world. They're
dead to him. He don't want them no more. Why, you couldn't make a Holy Ghost girl put on a pair
of them ungodly looking clothes and get out there for nothing. No, sir!
101 Now, there's no need to go and tell her she's wrong, 'cause she won't believe you, because
that's all she knows. That's her joy.
Le travail de Frère Coleman : séparer les esprits séducteurs
I'm only building. The hour is close at hand when you're going to see something happen,
when something is going to take place. And all this background here has only been laying a
foundation for a short, quick Message that will shake the whole nations.
C’est ici maintenant ! Le temps de l’adoption, une Pyramide manifestée !
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
p age 6
Billy, ce sera comme la stature d’un Homme parfait.
Message : Lève-toi et resplendis… 28 février 1982 Le temps de la cérémonie est ici !
Réunions spéciales sous la tente à Porto Rico, un symbole du minstère de la tente : la Parole parlée.
Qu’a dit Malachie 4 au sujet de la tente ?
Then when God came down and dwelt in a sanctified body, virgin borned of a woman, that God
Himself... You know what God did? He--He did nothing but just... He placed His Tent among ours.
God dwelt in a Tent called Jesus Christ. He just pitched His Tent with us, become... (I'll preach on
that in the morning, so I better leave it alone.) Now, that--how God tent--or dwelt with us...
SUNDAY_ 63-0317E
89-3 {137} Grace produced the Person of Jesus Christ. And we find this Book now... God
stretched His tent, come from God to become a man. He changed His strain from the Almighty to
be a man to take on the form of man, so He could die to redeem man. Wait till we see Him, when
there's nobody worthy. See?
La promesse que Dieu va dresser sa tente : la Voix de l’Archange ! Cela arrive aujourd’hui !
Après que la semence est séparée de la balle, l’Epouse est prête pour Elohim se révélant dans l’Arc
en Ciel.
Citation : Sept Voix Vivantes 30 décembre
Vous êtes des épitres écrites, vous ne pouvez rien y ajouter, la Parole de Dieu manifestée…
Jésus se manifestait en eux, dans leur chair. Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter un addendum à une épitre !
Si c’était bon pour l’alpha, c’est bon pour l’oméga
Le secret : la Parole est dans l’Epouse, le Logos et la pensée de Christ pour savoir ce qu’il veut qui
soit fait avec la Parole et elle le fait en son Nom !
Elohim et le Logos ensemble. Actes 5 : guéri dans l’ombre de Pierre : une Epouse adoptée
Ephésiens 4 amènera l’Epouse à la perfection. Le reflet sera la perfection, le ministère de l’Etoile
du matin, dans votre lieu d’épreuves, à vous les vainqueurs !
Avertissement final du Saint Esprit pour une Ecriture sur la muraille :
Expérience surnaturelle pendant les commentaires. Le frère a vu une boîte sous la pyramide, dans
l’église, où s’envolaient tous les esprits qui ont été dévoilés… Ecriture sur le mur :
Dis à Mon serviteur que l’enfer lui-même est sorti de son église ! Il doit les avertir que la
boîte sera fermée ce soir. Cette grâce ne se reproduira plus. Laissez aller ce qui n’est pas de
Dieu ! Je ne laisserai plus Mon serviteur attendre.
Extraits des commentaires du 5 décembre 2010
p age 7