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Free-living marine Nematodes from San Antonio and Cormoranes sandy
beaches (Rio Negro, Argentina), 2006.
Catalina Pastor1, Virginia Lo Russo1
1 CONICET- CENPAT, Boulevard Brown 2915, U9120ACD, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
Corresponding author(s): Catalina Pastor ([email protected])
Received {date}; Revised {date}; Accepted {date}; Published {date}
Citation: Combination of authors, year of data paper publication (in parentheses), Title,
Journal Name, Volume, Issue number (in parentheses), and doi of the data paper.
Resource Citation
Epacanthion; Patagonema; Oncholaimus
The aim of this database is collecting all the registered data of free-living marine Nematodes
species from San Antonio and Camarones sandy beaches during March 2006.
Keywords: Nematodes; free-living; marine; San Antonio Oeste, Cormoranes; Río Negro;
Patagonia; Argentina, Occurrence, Specimen
Project details
Project title: Biodiversity meiofauna communities in sandy-silty beaches in the provinces of
Río Negro and Chubut (“Biodiversidad de comunidades meiofaunísticas en playas
areno-limosas de las provincias de Río Negro y Chubut” )
Personnel: Catalina Pastor
Funding: Proyecto PNUD ARG 02/018 Subproyecto AB55 (2006-2007).
Study area descriptions/descriptor: The project objectives were to perform first time in
Argentina, an inventory of marine meiofauna taxa coastal in urban and natural beaches.
Studying them, using multivariate methods and studying how these relate to environmental
variables. Trying to observe the biogeographic patterns from 40 ° 43 'Lat S (Río Negro
province) to 45 ° 59' Lat S (Chubut province).
Design description: This project proposed: a) To contribute to the biodiversity knowledge of
meiobenthos (nematodes) on Rio Negro and Chubut province coasts. b) Characterize using
communitarian structures of meiobenthos the degree of disturbance that the San Antonio city
coast and Cormoranes beach natural coast presently has. c) To form two doctorate grant
students in meiobenthos (Nematoda) related to impact assessment studies; e) To transfer and
to teach about meiobenthos (Nematoda), which is not yet very well known in Argentina.
Data published through GBIF:
Taxonomic coverage
General taxonomic coverage description: This data base covers the two clases of
free-living marine nematodes: Enoplea and Chromadorea. All nematodes has been identified
to genera or species.
Taxonomic ranks
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Enoplea, Chromadorea
Common names: Nematodos
Spatial coverage
General spatial coverage: This sampling of San Antonio and Cormoranes beaches, 2006,
was at three different tidal levels in each locality, six different sites in total.
Coordinates: 90°0'0''S and 90°0'0''N Latitude; 180°0'0''W and 180°0'0''E Longitude
Temporal coverage: March 4, 2006 - March 5, 2006
Natural collections description
Parent collection identifier: CNP-NEM
Collection name: SACONEM
Collection identifier: Catalina Pastor
Specimen preservation method: Glycerin
Method step description: Taxonomic identifications of Nematoda were obtained using light
microscope (Zeiss Photomicroscope or Olympus BX51 equipped with differential
Interference Contrast) and/or photographed by a digital camera (NIKON D80 with adapted
software). The specimens are deposited in Centro Nacional Patagónico
(CENPAT-CONICET), Chubut, Argentina.
Study extent description: The study took place in two localities (San Antonio and
Cormoranes beaches) and in three tidal levels (high, medium and low) on each locality, so six
sampling sites in total.
Sampling description: Marine nematodes were extracted from samples using the
elutriation/decantation LUDOX TM (colloidal silica polymer) method at a specific gravity of
1.15, quantifying only organisms that pass through a 500 um and are then retained by a 63
um mesh. Samples were evaporated to anhydrous glycerol and permanent slides made
(Somerfield & Warwick 1996). The classification followed for the systematic position of the
meiofauna taxa was Hulings and Gray (1988).
Quality control description: All data were gathered from the primary information source
(Nematode collection CENPAT, CNP-NEM). The identification are supported by the
technical report and by the scientific papers associated with the project.
Dataset description
Object name: Darwin Core Archive Free-living marine Nematodes from San Antonio and
Cormoranes sandy beaches (Rio Negro, Argentina), 2006.
Character encoding: UTF-8
Format name: Darwin Core Archive format
Format version: 1.0
Publication date of data: 2015-05-06
Language: English
Metadata language: English
Date of metadata creation: 2014-08-14
Hierarchy level: Dataset