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Anatomy Lab quiz #2 guide
Use list on page 54 and 55 for items to identify on Slides and Models
For bone identification here’s the list of items.
Frontal: frontal squama, supraorbital margin, supraorbital foramen, frontal sinus,
Temporalis: zygomatic process, mastoid process, external auditory meatus,
temporal squama, internal auditory meatus, mandibular fossa, styloid process,
carotid formen
Occipital: foramen magnum, external occipital protuberance, occipital condyle,
jugular foramen
Sphenoid: greater wing, optic foramen, sella turcica
Ethmoid: Cribiform plate, olfactory foramina
Maxilla: alveolar process, incisive foramen, palatine process
Zygomatic; temperal process
Palantines: horizontal plate
Sutures: coronal, saggital, squamousal, lambdoidal
Fontanels: anterior (frontal), posterior (occipital0
Mandible: mental foramen, coronoid process, condylar process
Vertebratae: body, vertebral foramen, transverse process, spinous process,
transverse foramina, facets for articulation with ribs (thoracic only), recognize types:
cervical (include atlas, axis: dens), thoracic and lumbar
Sacrum: sacral canal, sacral hiatus, auricular surface, sacral promontory
Ribs: body, head, neck, superior facet, inferior facet
Clavicle: sternal extremity, acromial extremity, conoid tubercle
Scapula: body spine, supraspinous fossa, infraspinous fossa, acromion, coracoid,
medial border, lateral (axillary) border, inferior angle, superior angle, glenoid cavity
Humerus: head, anatomical neck, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, intertubercular
sulcus (bicipital groove), surgical neck, body (shaft), deltoid tuberosity, capitulum,
radial fossa, trochlea, coronoid fossa, olecranon fossa, medial epicondyle, lateral
Ulna: olecranon, coronoid process, trochlear (semilunar) notch, radial notch, head,
styloid process.
Radius: head, radial tuberosity, styloid process, ulnar notch
Carpal: Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate,
Hammate (silly lovers try positions they totally can’t handle)
Phalanges: (singular phalanx): proximal, middle, distal
Illium: iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, posterior
inferior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, greater sciatic notch, iliac
tuberosity, auricular surface
Ischium: ischial spine, lesser sciatic notch, ischial tuberosity, obturator foramen,
Pubis: superior ramus, inferior ramus, pubic symphysis
Femur : head, fovea of the head, neck, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, linea
aspera, medial condyle, lateral condyle, medial epicondyle, lateral epicondyle,
patellar surface
Tibia: lateral condyle, medial condyle, tibila tuberosisty, medial malleolus, fibular
Fibula: head, lateral malleolus
Tarsus (tarsals): talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, cuniforms
Phalanges: proximal, middle, distal
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