Download Volleyball Team of FIA and FEB Winning in Rektor Cup X

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Volleyball Team of FIA and FEB
Winning in Rektor Cup X
Submit by humas3on March 22, 2013| Comment(s) : 0| View : 5182
Para Juara Rektor Cup X
Female Volleyball Team of Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) win the Rektor Cup of
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Volleyball Activity Unit. The team win the competition after
defeating FMIPA team with the score of 3-0, on Friday (22/3) in UB volleyball court. The
winning once again reinstate the female team of FIA as the winner, after last year's win.
Meanwhile on male category, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) win the competition
after a tough match with FT team. FEB also manage to keep their winning title from last
year, this time with the score of 3-1.
Chairman of Volleyball Activity Unit, Septi Maulia Fitriastuti said that on the event of Rektor
Cup X there were not many problems, only the bad weather on Tuesday that caused the
match to be delayed to Wednesday.
"I hope that next year it can be better, because the objective of Rektor Cup is to improve the
solidarity of UB students," as said by the students of Accounting 2010 generation.
The Rektor Cup X is officially closed by the Head of Administrative Bureau of Students Affair
Dra. Ernani Kusdiantina, MM. Dra. Ernani advised that the event can be a way to strengthen
the solidarity among students.
"Sports can reduce the stress of academic activities, keep on improving the achievement
from national to international level," she said.  [rian/translated by yasmeen]
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