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Learning about Government System of
Submit by humas3on December 09, 2010| Comment(s) : 0| View : 9725
Pipit R Kartawidjaja (left) giving guest lecture session with M Faishal Aminuddin
One of the thing that can be learned from Germany Government System is that there are
separation of the government (executive and legislative) and state administration. The
government is the maker and regulator of policy, while state administration is the executive
and manager of the policy, or the executor of law. This is conveyed by Pipit R Kartawidjaja, a
public staff in LASA Brandenburg and Indonesia-Berlin Institute office, on Monday (6/12),
when presenting a guest lecture entitled "Pemerintah Bukan Negara" in the Political Science
Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences (FISIP), Universitas Brawijaya
The scope, function, and role of state administration should be regulated and explained in a
specific Law. In Germany, state administration work is regulated by a State Administration
Procedure Law (Verwaltung fur Fahrengesetz). While in Indonesia, there are Draft of
Government Administration Law (RUUP AP) but it is not yet ratified.
Furthermore Pipit said that clear separation of government and state administration make
them able to work more professionally and not affected by the risk of practical politics. In
Indonesia, for example, there are two kinds of employee, state servant and honorer staff,
which is still under the control of political position. In Germany, State Administration staff is
divided into two groups: Civil Servants (Beamte) and Public Servant (Angestellte) which is
separated from the government.
Other positife effect of the separation is that there are efficiency and legal certainty of the
implemented laws. After the regulation is made and ratified by the government, it can be
implemented by State Administration. Aside from a more detailed laws, called Ermessen, or
limited discretion space to interpret the Law. In Indonesia, although a Law has been ratified,
it still has to wait for technical apparatus such as Government's rule and Decree from the
related Minister.
The guest lecture, moderated by Political Science lecturer, M Faishal Aminuddin, is attended
by all Political Science students and opened by the Head of the program, Wawan Sobari
MA. In his opening speech, Wawan Sobari said that it is important to learn more about the
state administration in Germany. Pipit is the right speaker, in the capacity of expert of
government and election.
Besides, he is also a practitioner who can describe the technical aspect and details of state
administrion in Germany, in his position as a public servant in Landesagentur fur Struktur
und Albeit (LASA) or State Office of Structure and Works in Brandenburg, Germany. This
office is a state office working under the supervision of 6 related ministry.
The guest lecture is held related to bureaucratic reformation agenda. bureacracy nutrality
has always been a sensitive issue. Politicization of bureaucracy on general election to
regional head election can't be discussed clearly. This is because there are practices that
equate state and government.
Besides, the unification and work method of state and government raises uncertainty for the
performance of the state employee. They have always been a part of political changes
without doing significant improvement for the optimalization of their duty as state and public
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