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Consulta: creatorFacets:"Habermann,Gustavo"
Registros recuperados: 11
Data/hora: 08/06/2017 23:49:16
CO2 assimilation, photosynthetic light response curves, and water relations of 'Pêra' sweet orange
plants infected with Xylella fastidiosa
Provedor de dados: 61
Autores: Habermann,Gustavo; Machado,Eduardo Caruso; Rodrigues,João Domingos; Medina,Camilo Lázaro.
Plants with citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a disease caused by the xylem-limited bacteria Xylella fastidiosa, have leaves with
water deficiency symptoms and are associated with decreases on the net photosynthesis and transpiration rates. Using healthy and
CVC-affected 'Pêra' sweet orange plants on 'Rangpur' lime rootstock, the leaf gas exchange variables were measured with an
open-gas portable photosynthesis system. All plants were watered and the leaf water potential (Yw) was measured by isopiestic
thermocouple psychrometric technique. The net photosynthesis (A) vs. internal leaf CO2 concentration (A/Ci curves) was
analyzed. The relative effect of stomatal resistance on photosynthesis (S%) and the estimation of carboxylation efficiency were...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: A/Ci curves; Citrus variegated chlorosis; Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck; Photosynthetic photon flux density;
Photosynthetic metabolism; Stomata.
Ano: 2003
Ecological strategies of Al-accumulating and non-accumulating functional groups from the cerrado
sensu stricto
Provedor de dados: 42
Autores: Souza,Marcelo C. de; Bueno,Paula C.P.; Morellato,Leonor P.C.; Habermann,Gustavo.
The cerrado's flora comprises aluminum-(Al) accumulating and non-accumulating plants, which coexist on acidic and Al-rich
soils with low fertility. Despite their existence, the ecological importance or biological strategies of these functional groups have
been little explored. We evaluated the leaf flushing patterns of both groups throughout a year; leaf concentrations of N, P, K, Ca,
Mg, S, Al, total flavonoids and polyphenols; as well as the specific leaf area (SLA) on young and mature leaves within and
between the groups. In Al-accumulating plants, leaf flushed throughout the year, mainly in May and September; for
non-accumulating plants, leaf flushing peaked at the dry-wet seasons transition. However, these behaviors could not be associated
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Aluminum; Community; Herbivory; Mineral nutrition; Phenology; Specific leaf area.
Ano: 2015
Fotossíntese, condutância estomática e transpiração em pupunheira sob deficiência hídrica
Provedor de dados: 63
Autores: Oliveira,Maria Aparecida José de; Bovi,Marilene Leão Alves; Machado,Eduardo Caruso; Gomes,Mara Menezes de
Assis; Habermann,Gustavo; Rodrigues,João Domingos.
Resultados de pesquisa envolvendo aspectos fisiológicos da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), fruteira nativa da América
Tropical, são escassos. Procurando completar essa lacuna, um experimento sob deficiência hídrica foi conduzido em casa de
vegetação, durante um período de 13 dias, utilizando plantas de 12 meses de idade. O objetivo principal foi avaliar as respostas da
pupunheira à deficiência hídrica. As variáveis observadas foram: taxa de assimilação de CO2, transpiração, condutância
estomática e potencial de água das folhas. As coletas dos dados foram realizadas diariamente em laboratório e sob fluxo de 1200
mim-2 s-1. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e de regressão. Verificou-se decréscimo no potencial de água da
folha e nas...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Bactris gasipaes; Deficiência hídrica; Fotossíntese.
Ano: 2002
Gas exchange rates, plant height, yield components, and productivity of upland rice as affected by
plant regulators
Provedor de dados: 86
Autores: Alvarez,Rita de Cássia Félix; Crusciol,Carlos Alexandre Costa; Nascente,Adriano Stephan; Rodrigues,João Domingos;
The objective of this work was to evaluate gas exchange rates, plant height, yield components, and productivity of upland rice, as
affected by type and application time of plant growth regulators. A randomized block design, in a 4x2 factorial arrangement, with
four replicates was used. Treatments consisted of three growth regulators (mepiquat chloride, trinexapac-ethyl, and paclobutrazol),
besides a control treatment applied at two different phenological stages: early tillering or panicle primordial differentiation. The
experiment was performed under sprinkler-irrigated field conditions. Net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, plant
transpiration, and water-use efficiency were measured four times in Primavera upland rice cultivar, between booting and...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Net photosynthesis; Stomatal conductance; Transpiration; Water-use efficiency.
Ano: 2012
Influência da enxertia nas trocas gasosas de dois híbridos de berinjela cultivados em ambiente
Provedor de dados: 75
Autores: Brandão Filho,José Usan T.; Goto,Rumy; Guimarães,Vandeir Francisco; Habermann,Gustavo; Rodrigues,João D.;
Compararam-se os efeitos da enxertia nas trocas gasosas de dois híbridos de berinjela em pé franco e enxertado. Conduziu-se um
ensaio em ambiente protegido, na FCA/UNESP, em estrutura simples, tipo arco com 7 m de largura, 40 m de comprimento e 3 m
de pé direito, cobertos por filme plástico de 100 micrometros. Foram utilizados os híbridos de berinjela Nápoli e Kokuyo,
enxertados em porta-enxerto específico (híbrido Taibyo VF) para esta espécie. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi
inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos (Nápoli pé franco, Nápoli enxertada, Kokuyo pé franco e Kokuyo enxertada)
com dez repetições. A assimilação líquida de CO2 (A), transpiração (E), condutância estomática (g s) e eficiência no uso de água
(EUA), obtida pela...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Solanum melongena L.; Fotossíntese; Transpiração; Híbridos.
Ano: 2003
Leaf gas exchange and yield of three upland rice cultivars
Provedor de dados: 53
Autores: Alvarez,Rita de Cássia Félix; Habermann,Gustavo; Crusciol,Carlos Alexandre Costa; Nascente,Adriano Stephan;
Rodrigues,João Domingos.
Studies of physiological parameters associated with crop performance and growth in different groups of upland rice (Oryza sativa
L.) may support plant breeding programs. We evaluated the role of gas exchange rates and dry matter accumulation (DMA) as
traits responsible for yields in a traditional (cv. ‘Caiapó’), intermediate (cv.
‘Primavera’) and modern (cv. ‘Maravilha’) upland rice cultivars. Leaf gas
exchange rates, DMA, leaf area index (LAI), harvest indexes (HI) and yield components were measured on these genotypes in the
field, under sprinkler irrigation. Panicles per m2 and DMA at flowering (FL) and heading, as well as CO2 assimilation rates (A)
were similar across these cultivars....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Net photosynthesis; Harvest index; Dry matter accumulation rates; Crop growth rate.
Ano: 2015
Leaf heliotropism in Styrax camporum Pohl from the Brazilian cerrado: distinct gas exchange and
leaf structure, but similar leaf temperature and water relations
Provedor de dados: 61
Autores: Habermann,Gustavo; Machado,Silvia R.; Guimarães,Vandeir F.; Rodrigues,João D.
Styrax camporum is a common shrub species from the cerrado regions of São Paulo State, Brazil. Although its leaves do not have
a morphologically delimited pulvinus, the apical leaves are oriented parallel to the sun (paraheliotropic leaves), most notably
around noon. Horizontal leaves at the base of shoots are oriented perpendicular to the sun's rays (diaheliotropic leaves). The
ecophysiological significance of this is not fully understood. We investigated how paraheliotropism influences daily CO2
assimilation (A) and other gas exchange rates, water relations, leaf temperature (Tl), and how these relate to leaf structure as
assessed by anatomical leaf descriptions. Paraheliotropic leaves had greater A and stomatal conductance (g s), which led to
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brazilian savanna; Ecophysiology; Gas exchange; Leaf movements; Leaf temperature; Photosynthesis;
Ano: 2008
Rooting of healthy and CVC-affected 'Valência' sweet orange stem cuttings, through the use of plant
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Habermann,Gustavo; Alvarez,Rita de Cássia Félix; Modesto,Júnior Cesar; Fortes,Andréa Maria Teixeira;
Rodrigues,João Domingos; Ono,Elizabeth Orika.
Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) is a disease caused by Xylella fastidiosa. Using different concentrations of plant regulators,
such as auxins (indole-3-butyric acid) and gibberellic acid biosynthesis-inhibitor (paclobutrazol), physiological rooting capacity of
healthy and CVC-affected stem cuttings were evaluated in order to investigate the importance of plant hormone imbalance and
xylem occlusion in plants with CVC. The percentages of dead, alive and rooted cuttings, cuttings with callus and mean number of
roots per cuttings did not show statistical differences in response to the distinct concentrations of synthetic plant regulators. There
were differences only between healthy and CVC-affected cuttings. This showed the importance of xylem occlusion and...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: IBA; Paclobutrazol; Xylella fastidiosa; Root initiation; Citrus sinensis.
Ano: 2006
Seed germination performances of Styrax species help understand their distribution in Cerrado areas
in Brazil
Provedor de dados: 53
Autores: Kissmann,Camila; Habermann,Gustavo.
In this descriptive paper, we described germination responses of Styrax pohlii, S. camporum and S. ferrugineus seeds at 5, 10, 15,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 °C. We also assessed the percentage germination (%G) of S. pohlii seeds with different seed water
contents because, as a forest species, it seems to have recalcitrant seed behavior. Intrigued by the capacity of seeds of this species
to germinate directly from puddles formed on poorly drained soils of riparian forests, where it typically occurs, we also tested the
effect of de-pulping fruits on germination of S. pohlii seeds under hypoxia and normoxia conditions. In addition, we checked
whether distinct concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) could break S. ferrugineus seed dormancy, a typical seed...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hypoxia; Styrax pohlii; S. camporum; S. ferrugineus; Temperature; Desiccation seed tolerance.
Ano: 2013
The role of matrix effects on the quantification of abscisic acid and its metabolites in the leaves of
Bauhinia variegata L. using liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry
Provedor de dados: 61
Autores: Silva,Carolina M. Santiago da; Habermann,Gustavo; Marchi,Mary R. R.; Zocolo,Guilherme J.
Phytohormone analysis using liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry is a very important tool for studies
involving plant metabolism; however, this analysis can be affected by matrix composition. Although it is necessary to understand
this effect to produce reliable results, it has been widely neglected in analyses of plant hormones. Leaf extracts from Bauhinia
variegata were obtained by solvent extraction followed by solid-phase cleanup. The extract was analyzed with liquid
chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) in negative ionization mode, using the
multiple reaction monitoring mode with two or three transitions to enhance analytical quality control. Although deuterated
standards were used as...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: ABA-β -D-glucosyl ester ABA daily variations dihydrophaseic acid LC-ESI-MS/MS phaseic acid.
Ano: 2012
Variação sazonal da fotossíntese, condutância estomática e potencial da água na folha de laranjeira
Provedor de dados: 63
Autores: Machado,Eduardo Caruso; Medina,Camilo Lázaro; Gomes,Mara de Menezes de Assis; Habermann,Gustavo.
Em espécies perenes podem ocorrer variações nas taxas de trocas gasosas e nas relações hídricas em função da variação das
condições ambientais, durante os diferentes meses do ano. Avaliaram-se, em laranjeira ´Valência´ enxertada sobre quatro espécies
de porta-enxerto, mantida sem deficiência hídrica, as taxas de fotossíntese (A) e de transpiração (E), a condutância estomática (g)
e o potencial da água na folha (psi f ), medidos nos períodos da manhã (9h00 às 11h00) e da tarde (13h00 às 15h00) nos meses de
janeiro, março e julho em Campinas - SP. As espécies de porta-enxertos não tiveram efeitos sobre as variáveis medidas.
Independente do porta-enxerto A, g e <FONT FACE=Symbol>Y </FONT>f foram menores no período da tarde. A
queda de A deve estar...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Citrus sinensis; Trocas gasosas; Transpiração; Crescimento.
Ano: 2002