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American History Chapter 14 Test Review
Why did the Southern states prefer to buy manufactured goods from Britain rather
than from the Northern states here at home?
Why did Southern states fear the outlawing of slavery?
What details explain how the Underground Railroad was able to be so successful in its
fight against slavery?
What is one similarity and one difference in the lifestyles of free African Americans
in the North and slaves in the South?
What was the underlying issue the Missouri Compromise was intended to address?
Was it successful or not?
Before the outbreak of the Civil War, how did President Lincoln balance his views on
slavery and his goal for the nation?
Why do you think Jefferson Davis thought it was important to capture Fort Sumter?
How did differing goals among people in the United States lead to the Civil War?
Where did most Southerners live by the mid-1850s?
What was the North’s point of view on slavery by the 1850s?
Describe slavery’s role in the Southern economy?
What were slaves actually doing when they resisted slavery?
What were some ways in which slaves resisted slavery?
What was the name of the slave rebellion that ended in the slaves returning to Africa?
What means (how did) did Harriet Tubman and others use to help slaves reach
freedom in the North?
How does the book describe the lifestyle of free African Americans?
What problem did the Missouri Compromise solve?
What led to violence in Kansas in 1854?
Why were people outraged at the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dred Scott case?
How did John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry affect the nation?
Describe both Lincoln’s and Douglas’s views on slavery?
What was one of the main reasons Southern states seceded from the Union?
What battle officially started the Civil War?
What did the North hope to achieve by fighting the Civil War?
In what region of the United States were most of the nation’s cities located by the
American History Chapter 14 Test Review
1. ANS:
British goods were cheaper than Northern goods.
2. ANS:
Possible answers: Slavery was profitable to the Southern economy. The goods an
enslaved person produced brought in at least twice as much money as the cost of
owning a slave.
3. ANS:
The Underground Railroad was an organized, secret system. Both whites and African
Americans helped slaves escape to the North or to Canada.
4. ANS:
Possible answers: Different: Many free African Americans in the North found jobs
and bought property. Slaves were not paid for their work. Alike: Both slaves and free
African Americans struggled for their freedom.
5. ANS:
Possible answers: The Missouri Compromise was intended to address the issue of
balance of power between free and slave states; it was successful for a while because
it maintained the balance by allowing one free state and one slave state to join the
Union at the same time.
6. ANS:
Lincoln put his goal of keeping the nation united above his goal to end slavery. He
announced that he did not want to split the country and that he did not want the North
and the South to be enemies.
7. ANS:
Possible answer: Jefferson Davis knew that the Northern forces would be a “powerful
opposition” to the Confederacy. The Confederacy had already taken control of most
forts and military property in the South, but Fort Sumter was still under Union control
and could be used as a threat.
8. ANS:
Possible answer: People fought hoping to achieve different goals. In the Civil War
some people were fighting to end slavery, some to preserve slavery, and some to
preserve the Union.
9. ANS:
farms and small towns
10. ANS:
Most Northern states had outlawed slavery.
11. ANS:
Slavery was profitable.
12. ANS:
fighting for their freedom
13. ANS:
holding back on work
breaking tools needed to work
pretending to be sick
14. ANS:
Amistad rebellion
15. ANS:
Underground Railroad
16. ANS:
They lived in fear of losing their freedom.
17. ANS:
Northerners did not want more slave states than free states.
18. ANS:
Northerners and Southerners disagreed over the results of the slavery vote.
19. ANS:
The Court said African Americans had no rights.
20. ANS:
It further divided the North and South.
21. ANS:
Lincoln opposed slavery, but Douglas thought slavery had its place.
22. ANS:
They wanted to keep slavery.
23. ANS:
battle at Fort Sumter
24. ANS:
an end to slavery
25. ANS: