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The Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty lasted over 400 years
from 206 B.C. to 220 A.D.
Han Contributions
The Han were great inventors.
They invented many new technologies.
In 132 AD, a Han inventor invented the
world’s first seismograph, an instrument
that measures earthquakes.
First seismograph
Seismograph Today
The Han probably made paper for the
first time in 100 B.C.
The emperor found out about paper
about 200 years later in 100 A.D.
Chinese paper
Han Art
The Han also developed the arts.
Landscape and portrait paintings were
Han authors wrote many essays and
Han authors also wrote history, which is
why we know about them.
Han Religions
The Han made Confucianism the official
religion of China.
Han rulers also supported Daoism
which teachers the key to happiness is
accepting life as it is.
Chinese Trade
The Chinese product most in demand
by other people was silk.
The trade route from China to Arabia
and Europe takes its name from silk. It
was called the Silk Road.
Traders traveled from China with silk.
They returned with lumber, horses, and
other products the Chinese people
Map of the Silk Road
The Silk Road
The Chinese used the Silk Road to export
their silk.
Export means that they sent their goods to
other lands to be sold.
The Chinese also imported what they needed
from other countries.
Import means goods that are brought in.
The Chinese made profits, or money gained,
from their exporting on the Silk Road.