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HMB Invertebrates II and Fishes
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The molluscs:
a. do not have a larvae stage.
b. lack a digestive system.
c. have bodies divided into segments.
d. possess a soft body covered with a mantle.
2. Chitons, snails, clams and squid all belong to this phylum:
a. Mollusca.
b. Gastropoda.
c. Bivalvia.
d. Platyhelminthes.
3. Which are not correctly paired?
a. Gastropodia - chitons
b. Cephalapodia - squid
c. Bivalvia - mussels
4. The visceral mass of molluscs does not contain the
a. circulatory system.
b. excretory system.
c. nervous system.
d. head-foot.
5. The digestive system of molluscs is found in the:
a. head.
b. foot.
c. mantle.
d. visceral mass.
6. The odontophore of molluscs is part of the:
a. digestive system.
b. nervous system.
c. excretory system.
d. defense system.
7. The nephridium of molluscs is part of the:
a. reproductive system.
b. excretory system.
c. nervous system.
d. digestive system.
8. The structure used for secreting the shell of many molluscs is called the:
a. foot.
b. visceral mass.
c. mantle.
d. tentacles.
9. The radula functions to:
a. filter feed.
b. assist in reproduction.
c. scrape algae off of rocks.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
d. assist in osmoregulation.
The outer layer of the molluscan shell is called the ____ layer.
a. foot
b. periostracum
c. nacreous
d. prismatic
The molluscan shell does not contain the:
a. perostracum.
b. prismatic layer.
c. narceous layer.
d. mantle.
A shell highly prized by Native Americans and characterized with a sheath foot comes from:
a. scaphopods.
b. gastropods.
c. bi-valves.
d. cephlapods.
Animals covered by eight overlapping shells on their dorsal surface are
a. chitons.
b. octopuses.
c. shrimp.
d. crabs.
Most intertidal chitons are considered
a. grazers.
b. predators.
c. scavengers.
d. filter feeders.
Intertidal chitons and snails use the ____ as a means of attachment to the rocks.
a. foot
b. mantle
c. visceral mass
d. head
Molluscs that live in a tusk-like shell that is open at both ends belong to the class:
a. Polyplacophora.
b. Scaphopoda.
c. Cephalopoda.
d. Gastropoda.
Some gastropods have external shells composed of:
a. two valves.
b. eight overlapping valves.
c. a series of internal chambers.
d. one valve.
Which genus of gastropod has been reported to have caused human fatalities?
a. Cyphoma
b. Cassis
c. Conus
d. Busycon
Nudibranchs belong to the class ____ of the phylum Mollusca.
a. Gastropoda
b. Cephalopoda
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
____ 24.
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
c. Bivalvia
d. Polyplacophora
The ____ have cerata on their surface for gas exchange.
a. nudibranchs
b. limpets
c. scaphpods
d. chitons
The opening of the shells of some gastropods is protected by the:
a. parapodia.
b. setae.
c. operculum.
d. head.
The most common planktonic stage of marine gastropods is the:
a. trochophore larva.
b. veliger larva.
c. megalopa larva.
d. zoea larva.
Molluscs having two jointed valves or shells belong to the class:
a. Gastropoda.
b. Cephalopoda.
c. Bivalvia.
d. Polyplacophora.
Most bivalves are:
a. predators.
b. parasites.
c. filter feeders.
d. grazers.
The valves of bivalves are opened and closed by the action of:
a. siphons.
b. adductor muscles.
c. longitudinal muscles.
d. myomeres.
The siphuncle of nautiloids is used for:
a. regulating respiration rate.
b. providing propulsion.
c. regulating water and gas content within the chambers.
d. capturing food.
Chromatophores are specialized cells in cephalopods that are responsible for:
a. bioluminescence.
b. changing colors.
c. regulating buoyancy.
d. maintaining osmotic balance.
Which of the following has not contributed to the evolutionary success of arthropods?
a. jointed appendages
b. water vascular system
c. well-developed sense organs
d. hard exoskeleton
The exoskeleton of arthropods is composed of:
a. chitin.
____ 30.
____ 31.
____ 32.
____ 33.
____ 34.
____ 35.
____ 36.
____ 37.
____ 38.
____ 39.
b. silica.
c. cellulose.
d. calcium carbonate.
All of the following apply to the subphylum Chelicerata of the phylum Arthropoda except:
a. they have chelicerae.
b. males are smaller than females.
c. body is composed of three parts.
d. they have three pairs of antennae.
The chelicerae take the place of:
a. reproductive organs.
b. antenna.
c. mouthparts.
d. claws.
Of the marine arthropods, in which group only does the male carry the eggs?
a. Mandibulates
b. Crustaceans
c. Decapoda
d. Sea spiders
The most abundant subphylum of marine arthropods is:
a. Chilcerata.
b. Insecta.
c. Crustacea.
d. Pycnogonida.
Arthropods having two pairs of antennae belong to the subphylum:
a. Chelicerata.
b. Insecta.
c. Crustacea.
d. Pycnogonida.
The molting process is a means for arthropods to:
a. remove winter coat.
b. slough off attached anemones.
c. grow.
d. develop a new color pattern.
The crabs, lobster, and true shrimp are members of the order:
a. Stomadapoda.
b. Decapoda.
c. Euphausiacea.
d. Ampipods.
Which of the following is not a decapod?
a. shrimp
b. lobster
c. crab
d. krill
An important food source for baleen whales is:
a. shrimp.
b. krill.
c. lobster.
d. crabs.
____ can dominate the zooplankton community of temperate waters.
____ 40.
____ 41.
____ 42.
____ 43.
____ 44.
____ 45.
____ 46.
____ 47.
____ 48.
____ 49.
a. Copepods
b. Amphipods
c. Barnacles
d. Shrimp
Barnacles live a(n) ____ lifestyle.
a. planktonic
b. infaunal
c. nektonic
d. sessile
The beach flea Talitrus is a member of the order:
a. Stomadapoda.
b. Decapoda.
c. Euphausiacea.
d. Ampipoda.
Lophophorates having a bivalved shell belong to the phylum:
a. Phoronida.
b. Mollusca.
c. Brachiopoda.
d. Bryozoa.
Which is not a lophophorate?
a. Phoronida
b. Ectoprocta
c. Brachiopods
d. Echinodermata
Animals often called moss animals because of their white encrustations or fuzzy growths are:
a. phoronids.
b. bryzoans.
c. brachiopods.
The primary feeding type for lophophorates is:
a. scavengers.
b. attach predators.
c. herbivores.
d. filter feeders.
Spiny skinned organisms that have a water vascular system belong to the phylum:
a. Echinodermata.
b. Chordata.
c. Bryozoa.
d. Arthropoda.
Echinoderms exhibit modified ____ symmetry.
a. asymmetric
b. bi-lateral
c. radial
Echinoderms' structure is based on their:
a. endoskeleton.
b. exoskeleton.
c. water vascular system.
d. spines.
Small structures used for removing debris from the surface of sea stars are:
a. madreporites.
____ 50.
____ 51.
____ 52.
____ 53.
____ 54.
____ 55.
____ 56.
____ 57.
____ 58.
b. spines.
c. tubercles.
d. pedicellariae.
Water enters the water vascular system of echinoderms through the:
a. spines.
b. mouth.
c. madreporite.
d. tubercle.
Brittle stars are members of the class ____ of the phylum Echinodermata.
a. Asteroidea
b. Ophiuroidea
c. Echinoidea
d. Holothuroidea
Those echinoderms with a test are of the class:
a. Holothuroidea.
b. Asteroidea.
c. Ophiuroidea.
d. Echinoidea.
The class of echinoderms that releases tubules or eviscerate is called:
a. Holothuroidea.
b. Asteroidea.
c. Ophiuroidea.
d. Echinoidea.
An ancient class of echinoderms whose members are suspension feeders is called:
a. Asteroidea.
b. Crinoidea.
c. Ophiuroidea.
d. Echinoidea.
____ are sea stars that have greatly affected coral reefs in the past by their feeding habits.
a. Crown of thorns
b. Purple sea urchin
c. Red sea urchin
d. Serpent stars
Teeth-like structures found in the mouths of sea urchins that are used for rasping algae are called:
a. tube feet.
b. Aristotle's lantern.
c. pedicellariae.
d. ambulacral groove.
Sea cucumbers belong to the class:
a. Asteroidea.
b. Ophiuroidea.
c. Echinoidea.
d. Holothuroidea.
The process by which sea cucumbers protect themselves from predators by releasing their internal organs is
a. regeneration.
b. cryptic behavior.
c. evisceration.
d. deposit feeding.
____ 59. The tunic of tunicates is composed of:
a. a cellulose-like substance.
b. chitin.
c. silica.
d. calcium carbonate.
____ 60. An example of an invertebrate chordate belongs in the subphylum:
a. Vertebrata.
b. Urochordata.
c. Chelicerata.
d. Crustacea.
____ 61. Larvacean tunicates feed by means of:
a. a mucus bubble that surrounds them.
b. feathery appendages.
c. sharp teeth.
d. sucking on benthic deposits.
____ 62. A sea squirt uses its ____ for food collection and gas exchange.
a. siphon
b. pharynx
c. tunic
d. mantle
____ 63. ____ are important as food in parts of Asia, and fed to chickens in Brazil.
a. Sea squirts
b. Salps
c. Larvaceans
d. Cephalochordates
____ 64. The lancelet looks like a fish but is considered an invertebrate because it:
a. lacks lungs.
b. lacks a nerve cord.
c. lacks a backbone.
d. both b and c
____ 65. The arrowworm's role in the planktonic community is:
a. herbivore.
b. detritivore.
c. carnivore.
d. omnivore.
____ 66. Arroworms immobilize their prey with:
a. tetraodotoxin.
b. stinging cells.
c. engulfing with their mouth.
d. oral tentacles.
____ 67. Arrowworms' role in the ecosystem is to:
a. channel nutrients up the food chain.
b. link primary and higher consumers in the food chain.
c. prevent grazers from population explosions.
d. scavenger.
____ 68. Which of the following is not a characteristic of salps?
a. Free-swimming lifestyle
b. Incurrent and excurrent siphons
c. Radial symmetry
____ 69.
____ 70.
____ 71.
____ 72.
____ 73.
____ 74.
____ 75.
____ 76.
____ 77.
____ 78.
d. Bioluminescence
The earliest fish are represented today by:
a. hagfish.
b. lamprey.
c. sharks.
d. both a and b
What characteristic does not describe a vertebrate?
a. notochord
b. backbone
c. exoskeleton
d. gills or lungs
Fishes that lack paired fins and jaws belong to the class:
a. Myxini.
b. Chondrichthyes.
c. Cephalospidomorphi.
d. both a and c
The nictitating membrane protects the ____.
a. mouth
b. ear
c. eye
d. gills
The feeding mode of hagfishes is considered:
a. predation.
b. scavenging.
c. suspension feeding.
d. a and b
Hagfish are caught commercially for their
a. oil.
b. mucus.
c. meat.
d. hide.
A defense mechanism of hagfish is ____.
a. to tie into a knot to prevent them from being swallowed
b. foul odor
c. abundant mucus
d. detection by the semicircular canals followed by avoidance
The feeding mode of lampreys is considered:
a. parasitism.
b. scavenging.
c. predation.
d. grazing.
Ammocoetes, the larval forms of lampreys, feed:
a. on suspended particles.
b. on other fishes.
c. on benthic deposits.
d. by parasitizing other fish.
The largest known fish is:
a. the blue whale.
b. the whale shark.
____ 79.
____ 80.
____ 81.
____ 82.
____ 83.
____ 84.
____ 85.
____ 86.
____ 87.
____ 88.
c. the megamouth shark.
d. the great white shark.
The skin of sharks is covered with scales called:
a. placoid.
b. cycloid.
c. stenoid.
d. ganoid.
The forward thrust of swimming sharks is created by:
a. the pectoral fins.
b. the pelvic fins.
c. the dorsal fin.
d. the caudal fin.
A fish in which a sharp spine is associated with the dorsal fins is the:
a. spiny dogfish.
b. sea bass.
c. hagfish.
d. sea horse.
The claspers of cartilaginous fishes are used for:
a. clasping onto prey.
b. clasping onto the sediment.
c. reproduction.
d. propulsion.
Sharks obtain neutral buoyancy by producing an oil called:
a. buoyancy.
b. squalene.
c. Omega-3.
d. fish oil.
Squalene is produced by the ____ of sharks.
a. kidneys
b. heart
c. livers
d. muscle
The majority of a shark's brain is devoted to processing signals of:
a. touch.
b. olfaction.
c. taste.
d. electricity.
About 2/3 of a shark's brain is used for:
a. control of body movement.
b. processing electrical currents from the water.
c. olfaction.
d. vision.
The nictitating membrane of sharks is used to:
a. protect the gills.
b. line the mouth.
c. cover the eye.
d. detect smells.
Neuromast cells are associated with the ____ of sharks.
a. eyes
____ 89.
____ 90.
____ 91.
____ 92.
____ 93.
____ 94.
____ 95.
____ 96.
____ 97.
b. lateral line
c. nostrils
d. brain
The neuromast cells are part of the system to ____.
a. process light
b. sense electrical currents in the water
c. control balance
d. detect vibrations
The ampullae of Lorenzini are specialized organs for detecting ____ that are found in sharks.
a. smells
b. vibrations of the water
c. tastes
d. electrical output
The spiral valve is a specialized structure found within:
a. bony fishes.
b. sharks.
c. sea turtles.
d. lampreys.
The rectal gland of sharks is involved in the excretion of:
a. urea.
b. sodium chloride.
c. calcium and magnesium.
d. trimethyamine oxide.
The kidneys of sharks excrete ions of:
a. urea.
b. salts.
c. calcium and magnesium.
d. trimethyamine oxide.
A shark reproduction scheme in which the embryos develop within eggs that supply all their nourishment
inside the oviduct of the female is called:
a. ovoviviparous.
b. viviparous.
c. spawning.
d. oviparous.
Which of the following is not a measure to avoid a shark attack?
a. Swimming where people, fish and/or blood are in the water
b. Swimming at night, dusk or in murky water
c. Swim with erratically behaving schools of fish
d. Avoid splashing or wearing shiny jewelry
A unique feature of skates and rays is the
a. gill slits.
b. adipose tissue.
c. flat bodies.
d. spiracles.
The forward thrust of swimming rays is created by:
a. the pectoral fins.
b. the pelvic fins.
c. the dorsal fin.
d. the caudal fin.
____ 98. The spiracle in conjunction with a ventral gill in skates and rays is an adaptation that allows them to:
a. be nekton.
b. have a bottom existence.
c. position their mouth ventrally.
d. avoid detection by predators.
____ 99. Most skates are:
a. ovoviviparous.
b. oviparous.
c. live bearers.
d. viviparous.
____ 100. The toxins of stingrays are considered:
a. proteins.
b. carbohydrates.
c. fats.
d. lipids.
____ 101. A first aid for stingray injury is:
a. place injured area in cold water or apply ice packs.
b. pore ammonia over injured area.
c. place injured area in hot water.
d. apply MSG to injured area.
____ 102. The subclass of Chondrichthyes with an operculum is called:
a. sharks.
b. skates.
c. rays.
d. chimaeras.
____ 103. A bony fish that lives in the marine environment that was once thought to be extinct is the:
a. coelacanth.
b. African lung fish.
c. sturgeon fish.
d. mud skipper.
____ 104. The coelacanth gave rise to the ____.
a. ray-finned fish
b. chimaeras
c. tetrapods
d. dogfish
____ 105. The skin of the subclass Chondrosti is covered with scales called:
a. placoid.
b. cycloid.
c. stenoid.
d. ganoid.
____ 106. Tails that have equally sized upper and lower lobes are called:
a. heterocercal.
b. ganoid.
c. cycloid.
d. homocercal.
____ 107. Fishes that are very active swimmers have a ____ body.
a. fusiform
b. laterial compressed
c. globular
____ 108.
____ 109.
____ 110.
____ 111.
____ 112.
____ 113.
____ 114.
____ 115.
____ 116.
____ 117.
d. flattened
Fishes that exhibit a sedentary lifestyle have ____ bodies.
a. fusiform
b. laterial compressed
c. globular
d. flattened
Utilizing pigments to camouflage is common in ____ fishes.
a. flounder
b. tuna
c. pelagic
d. reef
Which of the following is not a camouflage device?
a. chromatophores
b. iridophores
c. thigmotaxis
d. obliterative countershading
Countershading is a common form of camouflage in ____ fishes.
a. coral reef
b. eel grass bed
c. pelagic
d. deep sea
Which of the following does not use a swim bladder to regulate buoyancy?
a. mackerel
b. sea bass
c. grouper
d. sheepshead
Snappers swim by:
a. flexing only the area before the caudal fin.
b. flexing only the posterior portion of the body.
c. using only their fins.
d. undulating the entire body.
Which function below is not performed by the gills of bony fishes?
a. extract nutrients from the water
b. extract oxygen form the water
c. eliminate carbon dioxide from their body
d. aid in osmoregulation
Most sodium chloride is excreted from marine bony fishes through:
a. the kidneys.
b. the gills.
c. diffusion.
d. the feces.
The mechanism for gas exchange in the gills includes:
a. chloride cells.
b. rete mirable.
c. countercurrent multiplier system.
d. swim bladder inflation.
The gill rakers of anchovies are modified for:
a. respiration.
b. excretion of salts.
____ 118.
____ 119.
____ 120.
____ 121.
____ 122.
____ 123.
____ 124.
____ 125.
c. filtering plankton.
d. crushing their fish prey.
The sucker of clingfishes is modified from:
a. the mouth.
b. the pectoral fins.
c. a disc on top of the head.
d. the pelvic fins.
Deoxygenated blood is initially collected by the:
a. dorsal aorta.
b. sinus venosus.
c. atrium.
d. bulbus arteriosus.
Bony fish usually do not need to adjust pupil size because:
a. their eyelids protect their eyes from bright light.
b. the quantity of light is relatively low.
c. they can move their lens forward and backward.
d. a in conjunction with c
The nervous system of fish includes:
a. olfactory pits.
b. taste receptors.
c. eyes.
d. a, b, and c
The laterial line is part of the system to ____.
a. process light
b. sense electrical currents in the water
c. control balance
d. detect vibrations
The majority of bony fishes show the ____ reproductive strategy.
a. viviparous
b. oviparous
c. internal fertilization
d. ovoviviparous
Fishes that reproduce in fresh water and migrate out to sea as adults are considered:
a. catadromous.
b. anadromous.
c. polyandrous.
d. polygynous.
____ are a good example of a catadromous fish.
a. Lampreys
b. Salmon
c. Freshwater eels
d. Hagfish
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
____ 126. All molluscs have radula.
____ 127. Snails, limpets and abalone are all gastropods.
____ 128. Most cephalopods are benthic deposit feeders.
____ 129. Crustaceans have paired antennae.
____ 130. Chitons roll up into a ball for protection when removed from a rock.
____ 131. Scaphopods use tentacles on their heads for capturing their prey.
____ 132. All gastropods are grazers.
____ 133. All gastropods are covered by one external shell.
____ 134. The tentacles of nautiloids do not bear suckers, while those of squid do bear suckers.
____ 135. The invertebrate phylum having the greatest species diversity is Arthropoda.
____ 136. In chelicerates, the abdomen and telson are fused.
____ 137. Sea spiders belong to the subphylum Crustacea.
____ 138. Most large crustaceans exchange gases through their exoskeletons.
____ 139. A common larval form of barnacles is the cyprid larva.
____ 140. The feeding device of bryozoans is called a lophophore.
____ 141. Tube feet of sea stars are used for feeding in addition to locomotion.
____ 142. Sea cucumbers belong to the class Echinoidea.
____ 143. Sea urchins are mostly carnivores.
____ 144. The skeletons of both hagfish and sharks are made of the same cartilaginous material.
____ 145. All hagfishes are considered hermaphrodites.
____ 146. All sharks must swim continuously or they will die.
____ 147. Sharks are positively buoyant in seawater.
____ 148. The eyes of sharks are designed for optimal color vision.
____ 149. Fertilization is internal in sharks.
____ 150. The annual risk of death from lighting is 30 times the risk of death from shark attack.
____ 151. The discharge of the electric organ of electric rays delivers over 300 volts.
____ 152. The fins of bony fishes are more maneuverable than those of cartilaginous fishes.
____ 153. Fast moving fishes tend to propel themselves by undulating their entire bodies.
____ 154. Marine bony fishes have blood that is just as salty as seawater.
____ 155. Unlike cartilaginous fishes, bony fishes do not have a keen sense of smell.
____ 156. Cone cells of fishes are adapted for black and white vision.
____ 157. Most bony fishes swallow their prey whole rather than chew it.
Match the phylum with the distinguishing features.
a. Exoskelton, jointed legs
b. Foot, mantle
c. Lophophore, large colonies
____ 158. Mollusca
____ 159. Arthropoda
____ 160. Ectoprocta
Match the phylum with the distinguishing feature.
a. Torpedo-shaped body
b. Worm-like body
c. Clam-like body
____ 161. Phoronida
____ 162. Brachoopoda
____ 163. Chaetognatha
Match the words with the most closely associated term.
a. organic material filtered from seawater
b. all types of feeding represented
c. plankton filter feeders
____ 164. Urochordata
____ 165. Cephalochordata
____ 166. Echimodermata
Match the molluscan class with its most closely associated characteristic.
a. eight plates
b. head foot
c. stomach foot
____ 167. Gastropod
____ 168. Polyplacophora
____ 169. Cephalopod
Match the molluscan shell layer with its relative position.
a. inner layer
b. outer layer
c. middle layer
____ 170. Periostracum
____ 171. Prismatic
____ 172. Nacreous
Match the characteristic of the coleoid group with the group.
a. eight arms
b. ten arms in five pairs
c. small internal shell
____ 173. Cuttlefish
____ 174. Octopus
____ 175. Squid
Match the characteristic with the organism it is most closely associated with.
a. Photophore
b. Chelicerae
c. Mandibles
____ 176. Horseshoe crab
____ 177. Crustaceans
____ 178. Krill
Match the class with its most closely associated habitat.
a. Sessile on solid substrate
b. Sand beaches
c. Pelagic
____ 179. Copepods
____ 180. Barnacles
____ 181. Beach fleas
Match the words with the most closely associated organism.
a. Bilateral flattened
b. Five arms
c. Radial oval test
____ 182. Sea stars
____ 183. Sea urchins
____ 184. Sand dollars
Match the words with the most closely associated organism.
a. Eel-like
b. Sessile
c. Barrel-shaped plankton
____ 185. Sea squirts
____ 186. Salps
____ 187. Lancelets
Match the animal with the swimming method it is most closely associated with.
a. moving caudal fin back and forth
b. wave across fin
c. moving fins up and down
____ 188. Skate
____ 189. Ray
____ 190. Shark
Match the body form with its most closely associated species.
a. flattened
b. snakelike bodies
c. fusiform
d. globular
Moray eels
Match the reproductive type of sharks with its characteristic.
a. development in mother's uterus without an egg
b. egg released outside of body
c. egg hatched in mothers uterus
____ 195. Oviviparity
____ 196. Ovoviparity
____ 197. Viviparity
Match the word with the one it is most closely associated with.
a. iridophores
b. chromataphores
c. obliterative
____ 198. Pigments
____ 199. Structural Colors
____ 200. Countershading
Match the words with the terms they are most closely associated with.
a. blend with environment
b. aposematic
c. vertical lines
____ 201. Disruptive coloration
____ 202. Cryptic coloration
____ 203. Bright colors
Match the swimming type with the appropriate type of fish.
a. only area before caudal fin is flexed
b. flexing only the posterior portion of the body
c. undulating entire body
____ 204. Elongate fish
____ 205. Swift swimmers
____ 206. Encased in dermal skeleton
Match the osmoregulatory function with the most closely associated organ.
a. Excretion of magnesium sulfate
b. Removal of most excess salt
c. Magnesium, calcium and sulfate ions eliminated
____ 207. Chloride cell
____ 208. Kidney
____ 209. Gut
Match the swim bladder filling mechanism with the appropriate term.
a. gulping air and "spitting it out"
b. gas gland
____ 210. Herrings and eels
____ 211. Gases diffused into blood
Match the fish with its feeding type.
a. Anchovies
b. Grouper
c. Surgeonfish
____ 212. Carnivore
____ 213. Herbivore
____ 214. Filter Feeder
Match the hermaphroditism with the appropriate term.
a. Changing from females to males
b. Having both male and female gonads simultaneously
c. Changing from males to females
____ 215. Synchronous
____ 216. Protogyny
____ 217. Protandry
218. How can one account for the use of stinging nematocysts by some species of nudibranchs?
219. What is the advantage of having planktonic larval forms of sessile animals?
220. What are the various types of bivalves and how do they differ in their life habits?
221. How do wood-boring bivalves digest their woody, cellulose-filled food?
222. Unlike other decapods, hermit crabs are covered by a very thin and light exoskeleton that does not confer
much protection against predators. How is this a selective advantage for the hermit crabs?
223. Name the three animal phyla that feed and respire with a lophophore.
224. What are the various functions of the mantle in molluscs?
225. What features of cephalopods have allowed some species to grow to large sizes relative to gastropods?
226. Describe the method by which nautiloids regulate their buoyancy.
227. What are the reasons for the evolutionary success of arthropods?
228. Outline why the crustaceans are considered the most important arthropoda in the marine environment.
229. How could you distinguish between a bivalve from the phylum Mollusca and a brachiopod?
230. Even though echinoderms are considered advanced invertebrates, they are radially symmetric in a way similar
to the simple cnidarians. What advantage does radial symmetry confer upon echinoderms?
231. Why is it especially important that some echinoderms, like the sea stars, maintain an aboral surface free of
debris and settling larvae?
232. Echinoderms appear to have little biomass and are often not very abundant, but they often have become an
apparent ecological nuisance. Give some examples of their effects.
233. Even though hagfishes lack jaws, they are still able to consume their dead or dying prey. Explain the feeding
habits of these fishes.
234. Even though the caudal fin of sharks tends to direct the fish downward when beating (due to the heterocercal
tail) the shark still manages to remain at a fairly constant level. Explain.
235. Compare a shark and a bony fish with regard to how they maintain buoyancy.
236. How are the eyes of sharks well adapted to the environment in which they live?
237. How can sharks use the ampullae of Lorenzini to discern between healthy and injured prey items?
238. Compare sharks and bony fishes with regard to how they ingest their food. Which is the more advanced
239. How does the spiral valve within the shark intestine aid in efficient digestion of food by sharks?
240. How do marine biologists know that sharks and bony fishes evolved in freshwater but then later migrated to
the marine environment?
241. Outline how marine fish regulate their osmotic balance lower than the salinity of the surrounding seawater.
242. What are the adaptations of skates and rays for living on the bottom? Contrast these adaptations to those of
the bony flatfishes such as halibut.
243. Why do ichthyologists consider sturgeon fishes to be a fairly old group of fishes?
244. Most bony fishes are considered to be much more efficient at maneuvering than cartilaginous fishes. Explain
why this is so and how it arose.
245. Seasonal migration is common among marine fisheries. Describe the types and indicate why migration may
246. What advantage does bright coloration confer upon venomous fishes?
247. How can human activity drastically affect the reproductive success of salmon?