* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Course Content Form PIMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Effective Term: Fall 2008 BUS 299 Introduction to Co-op: Business Credit Hours: 1.00 Lecture Periods: 1.00 Lab Periods: Description: Principles of job success. Preparation of job-related objectives, individual progress and advancement on the job, labor relations, role of management, and evaluation of student work experience. Emphasis on attitude adjustment. Corequisite(s): BUS 299WK. Information: May be taken two times for a maximum of two credit hours. If this course is repeated, see a financial aid or Veteran's Affairs advisor to determine funding eligibility as appropriate. Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Discuss the need for skills in oral and written communication and the importance to job success. 2. Describe the techniques for managing time and energy for job efficiency. 3. Identify stress in work situations and begin to develop techniques for coping with stress. 4. Find and relate information on some career fields to career goals. 5. Write a resume and plan an employment interview (real or simulated), and observe (real or filmed) or successfully complete such experience(s), where available. 6. Identify some basic principles and theories learned in courses completed, and apply them to problems encountered in real work situations. 7. Identify problems which arise in work situations and develop some techniques for successful solution to them. Course Outline: I. II. III. IV. V. Communication Skills A. Importance in job success B. Oral skills developed C. Written skills developed Time and Energy Management A. Identifying resources and their uses B. Techniques for managing, for job efficiency Stress and Its Management A. Types of job stress B. Causes of stress C. Characteristics of stress D. Techniques for managing job stress Careers: Information and Its Uses A. Review of careers in field of study B. Sources of career information C. Uses of career information D. Career objectives E. Career plans Placing Yourself on the Job Market A. Identifying varied job markets B. Selecting job markets appropriate to your potential C. Aspects of presenting oneself on the market: 1. Job information 2. Resume writing 3. Backing up the resume 4. References 5. The interview VI. Principles, Theories, and Practices in the Career Field A. Application in the work situation B. Ongoing discussion C. Understanding through application VII. Problems in the Work Situation A. Problem (types) identified B. Ways of dealing with problems encountered--ongoing discussion each session