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Unit 1 Cornell Notes
Lesson 1
Name __________________________________________ Per ___
What is science?
How is science different from other fields of study?
SWBAT.. Distinguish what characterizes science and scientific explanations from other forms of
knowledge and recognize creativity in science.
What does science
Natural events and conditions.
The Natural world: biology – life
Geology – earth
Astronomy/ Earth – outer space
Physical – energy and all nonliving matter
Testable ideas – results are measured and compared and can be proven wrong.
What is a scientific
It describes a natural process. It relies heavily on evidence gained from direct observation and
testing. Others can test it and prove it wrong.
Based on Empirical evidence - observations, measurements, and other types of data scientists
gather by using their 5 senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste or touch
How is scientific
Look at the empirical evidence.
Is the explanation logical?
What other tests could you do to support it?
Evaluate the explanation.
How do scientists
show creativity?
In designing experiments.
In explaining observations.
Lesson 2
Scientific Knowledge
How do we know about the world we live in?
SWBAT.. identify examples of scientific knowledge and describe how they may change with new
Theories – well supported explanation about the natural world.
What are some
Survived a lot of testing.
types of scientific
Explain observations; can be used to make predictions.
Example: plate tectonics
Models – representation of something in the natural world that is too large, too small, or
difficult to study.
Can be physical, math equation, or computer program
Anything familiar that helps scientists understand anything not familiar.
Can represent past, present, and future events.
Laws- describes a basic principle of nature that always occurs under certain conditions.
Example: law of gravity
What makes good
It can adapt to explain new observations.
What makes a
good source?
Good source: any place that relies on its reputation; government, university, or nationally
recognized research institutions. (NASA, Mayo Clinic)
Bad source: anyone trying to sell you something, old publications
Lesson 3
Scientific investigations
How do scientists work?
SWBAT.. summarize the processes and characteristics of different kinds of scientific investigations.
What are some
types of scientific
Observations – information from our senses
Create a model
What are some
parts that make up
Purpose – problem or question
Hypothesis – educated guess about results
What are the parts
of the scientific
Experiment – step by step, reproducible
Analyze observations and data
What are some
ways to confirm
that an
investigation is
Peer review - other scientists look at it
How can you
evaluate the
quality of scientific
Most reliable is published in scientific journals or from government or academic webpages.
Replication – other scientist repeat it and get the same results.
Lesson 4
Representing Data
In what ways can you organize data to fully understand them?
SWBAT.. use tables, graphs, and models to display and analyze scientific data.
How do scientists
make sense of
Organize data into tables
What do graphs
A visual representation of data.
What types of
models can be
used to represent
Physical models – you can touch
Toy cars, models of buildings, maps, globes
They represent things to small or large to see.
Graph and analyze the data
Mathematical Models
Speed = Distance / Time
What are some
benefits and
limitations of
Benefits - they allow scientists to change variables without affecting or harming the
subject that they are studying. Crash-test dummies study the effects of car accidents on
Limited - information is left out
Lesson 5
Science and Society
How does science affect our lives?
SWBAT.. describe the impact that science has had on society and the role of scientists throughout
history and today.
What does science
The way we think.
The way we live our lives.
Medicines, technology, transportation, foods
Who contributes to
People who contribute to science come from all backgrounds, fields of interest, and skill
Those who do scientific research
People in many fields
using your Cornell notes, answer each of the following questions with at least 2 complete sentences.
Remember to check for three: spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
1. How is science different from other fields of study?
Science explains the natural world. Science depends on testable ideas and empirical evidence. Scientists are
creative when they design experiments and explain their observations.
2. How do we know about the world we live in?
We know about the world we live in by reading, and making observations.
Theories, models, and laws help us explain things that happen in nature and can adapt to explain new
3. How do scientists work?
Scientists do experiments, make observations and create models to help solve problems or answer questions
about the natural world. Scientists follow the scientific method; identify a problem, research, make a
hypothesis, experiment, analyze observations and data and come to a conclusion.
4. In what ways can you organize data to fully understand them?
Scientists organize data into data tables, graphs, and models so they can analyze it.
Models can be physical, mathematical or computer models.
5. How does science affect our lives?
Science affects the way we think and how we live our lives. Science has improved medicines, technology,
transportation and foods.