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Review 9
1. An elementary school child is given a test designed to determine whether or not she should be placed in a
class of "gifted" children. The test is probably
a) an intelligence test b) an achievement test c) a personality test d) a vocabulary test
2. Standardized tests designed to predict how well you will do in college are MOST appropriately called
a) aptitude tests b) intelligence tests c) personality tests d) predictive tests
3. At the end of her calculus course, Mary takes a test to determine how well she has mastered the material. Her
calculus test is primarily
a) an achievement test b) an intelligence test c) an aptitude test d) a test of her math potential
4. Information about where a particular score on a test falls in relationship to some group is given by
a) standardization information b) test outcome data c) test reliability d) test norms
5. Sawyer scored at the 40th percentile on the mathematical component of the ACT Assessment. This means
that, for the mathematical section of the ACT,
a) he incorrectly answered 40% of the questions on the exam b) he obtained a raw score of 40 c) he
scored higher than 60% of the sample used to establish the test norms d) he scored lower than 60% of the
sample used to establish the test norms
6. If a test yields nearly identical scores when it is retaken after a 2-month interval, the test is said to be
a) valid b) reliable c) significant d) standardized
7. Which of the following statements regarding acceptable levels of test reliability is accurate?
a) Reliability estimates must be equal to or higher than .50. b) Reliability estimates must be equal to or
higher than .70. c) Reliability estimates must be .50 or higher for a personality test, and .70 or higher for a
test of mental ability. d) There are no absolute guidelines about acceptable levels of reliability.
8. If a test accurately measures what it was designed to measure, we would say that the test is
a) valid b) empirical c) normative d) consistent
9. Lanette is arguing with her professor that questions on her last test were not covered during lectures or in the
textbook. Lanette is basically arguing that the test did NOT have
a) criterion-related reliability b) test-retest reliability c) criterion-related validity d) content validity
____ 10. Dr. Clarke designs a test she believes will predict an individual's ability to perform in managerial positions.
When Dr. Clark administers her test to 100 managers at Aldor Corporation, she finds that some of the best
managers do well on the test, but others do quite poorly. Dr. Clarke should probably conclude that her test
a) lacks criterion-related validity b) lacks content validity c) is not well standardized d) is unreliable
____ 11. Silas took the College Aptitude Test (CAT) when he was a junior in high school, and he attained a very high
score on the test. When Silas was in college, he was suspended his first year, and when he was readmitted, he
ended up dropping out because he was doing poorly in all his classes. When Silas went for career counseling,
he retook the CAT, and again he earned a very high score. Based on Silas' experience, you might conclude
that the CAT has
a) been poorly standardized b) high reliability, but low validity
d) low reliability, and low validity
c) high validity, but low reliability
____ 12. If a test designed to measure extroversion correlates negatively with measures of social discomfort, correlates
positively with measures of sociability, and has low correlations with measures of intelligence, you could
conclude that the test has
a) low construct validity b) low test norms c) high construct validity d) high reliability
____ 13. At the beginning of the semester, all the students enrolled in Tommy's fitness class are required to take a test
designed to assess their current fitness level. The test assesses each student's fat to muscle ratio, asks a
number of questions about lifestyle and personal habits, and also measures aerobic function and stress
response. In this case, it appears that the preliminary fitness test
a) has been well standardized b) is likely to have high construct validity c) is likely to have low
criterion-related validity d) is likely to have high reliability
____ 14. The man responsible for developing the first intelligence tests designed to predict the school performance of
children was
a) Alfred Binet b) David Wechsler c) Lewis Terman d) Jean Piaget
____ 15. Maranda tells you that her 12-year-old cousin recently completed an intelligence test that translated raw
scores into deviation IQ scores. Maranda knows that her cousin's score was 75, but she is not sure what this
means. You should tell her that her cousin
a) answered 75% of the questions correctly on the test b) scored below the mean for 12-year-olds
c) scored above the mean for 12-year-olds d) scored at the mean for the average 9-year-old
____ 16. Monica recently completed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and was told that her deviation IQ score fell
at the 50th percentile. This means that
a) Monica's score falls below the average for the test b) Monica's IQ score would be 100 c) Monica's IQ
score would also be 50 d) Monica answered half the question on the exam incorrectly
____ 17. IQ scores do NOT routinely increase as we get older because
a) an IQ score is indicative of our relative standing in our particular age group b) we do not accumulate that
much more information as we get older c) the tests are not designed to measure increases in knowledge as
we get older d) the tests for adults are not comparable to the tests for children
____ 18. Gunnar is 50 years old, and he has only completed the sixth grade when he was in school. For the past 30
years, Gunnar has been a successful fisherman who has five fishing boats. Recently, he took part in an aging
study conducted by a university near his home, and he was told that his IQ score was only 65. Based on the
definition for mental retardation, provided by the American Association on Mental Retardation, Gunnar
a) does not meet the definition because he does not show deficits in daily living skills b) does not meet the
definition because his IQ score is too high c) would be classified as having mild mental retardation
d) would meet the criterion for moderate to severe mental retardation
____ 19. The form of mental retardation that is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome is
a) phenylketonuria b) hydrocephaly c) psychosocial d) Down syndrome
____ 20. Terman's longitudinal study of gifted individuals has shown that gifted children
a) tend to be below average in physical and emotional health b) tend to be above average in physical and
emotional health c) become adults who are no more successful than average d) tend to conform to
society's traditional view of the gifted
____ 21. The fact that the correlation in IQ scores between identical twins reared apart is lower than that between
identical twins reared together suggests that
a) environmental factors can have an influence on intellectual development b) environmental factors have
no impact on intellectual development c) genetic factors have no impact on intellectual development
d) identical twins often do not have the same genotype
____ 22. Of the following, the one that would constitute the strongest evidence for environmental influence in
intelligence would be similarity in IQ between
a) parents and their biological children b) identical twins reared together c) adopted children and their
foster parents d) adopted children and their biological parents
____ 23. The average IQ of this year's graduating class at Bradbury High is 112 points. The average IQ of the
graduating class from 25 years ago was 107 points, and the average IQ of the graduating class from 50 years
ago was 101 points. This trend is consistent with
a) heritability b) shifts in reaction range c) the Flynn effect d) reciprocal determinism
____ 24. Which of the following statements regarding differences in IQ is NOT supported by research findings?
a) Group differences in average IQ can be influenced by environmental factors, even if the heritability of
intelligence is high. b) The average difference in IQ between minority groups and whites is largely a
function of genetic factors. c) Children from the lowest social classes score about 15 points lower on IQ
tests than do children from the highest social classes. d) The average IQ for many of the larger minority
groups in the United States is about 3 to 15 points lower than it is for whites.
____ 25. Which of the following appears to be the most responsible for ethnic differences in IQ?
a) genetic differences between ethnic groups b) culturally biased tests c) poor rapport between a
nonminority test giver and a minority test taker d) the cultural disadvantages associated with a lower-class
____ 26. Reasoning capacity, memory capacity, and speed of information processing are referred to by Horn as
a) generative intelligence b) abstract intelligence c) fluid intelligence d) level-two intelligence
____ 27. The most recent (1986) revision of the Stanford Binet test suggests that the "modern" trend in mental ability
testing is to
a) place greater emphasis on generalized intelligence b) reaffirm the concept of mental age c) put more
stress on the assessment of specific abilities d) make tests more global in character
____ 28. The correlation between reaction times and IQ scores is
a) very high (greater than 0.90) b) moderate (between 0.50 and 0.60)
d) very week (less than 0.10)
c) modest (between 0.20 and 0.30)
____ 29. The perspective on the investigation of intelligence that focuses on the process of intelligence rather than the
amount of intelligence people possess is the
a) testing perspective b) cognitive perspective c) behavioral perspective d) psychoanalytic perspective
____ 30. Ira has never done well on conventional tests designed to measure reasoning and logical-mathematical
abilities, but when new and complex situations arise at his job, he is always the one who seems to come up
with novel and effective solutions for the problems. According to Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of
intelligence, Ira shows
a) high analytical intelligence, but lower creative intelligence b) high creative intelligence, but lower
analytical intelligence c) high practical intelligence, but lower creative intelligence d) high creative
intelligence, but lower practical intelligence
____ 31. According to Howard Gardner, IQ tests have generally emphasized which of the following?
a) spatial and linguistic skills b) verbal and mathematical skills c) analytical and practical skills
d) academic and interpersonal skills
____ 32. Counselor Troi is from the planet Beta-Z. Betazoids are empaths who have the ability to easily infer other
people's moods, temperaments, emotions, and intentions. According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple
intelligence’s, Counselor Troi should score high in
a) interpersonal intelligence b) intrapersonal intelligence c) spatial intelligence d) bodily-kinesthetic
____ 33. Davis is a gifted violinist who has been playing the violin since he was two. He started writing his own music
when he was four. However, Davis has a difficult time expressing himself with words, and he struggles with
all his written assignments for his classes at school. The theory of intelligence that could best be used to
account for Davis' different levels of performance in these areas is
a) Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence’s b) Spearman's g-factor theory c) Sternberg's triarchic
theory d) Thurstone's theory of primary mental abilities
____ 34. Which of the following is NOT one of the essential components of emotional intelligence?
a) accurate perception of emotions b) open expression of all emotions c) awareness of the impact of
emotions on decision-making d) effective regulation of emotions
____ 35. Which of the following statements regarding the creative process is MOST accurate?
a) Creativity generally emerges out of normal problem-solving efforts. b) Most creative breakthroughs
depend on unconscious thought processes. c) Creativity cannot be learned; you either have it or you don't.
d) Creativity usually involves sudden flashes of insight and great leaps of imagination.
____ 36. In convergent thinking, one attempts to
a) utilize a hypothetico-deductive reasoning strategy to solve a problem b) work from the very specific to
the very general in solving a problem c) narrow down a list of alternatives to solve a problem d) involve
a relevant schema in order to solve a problem
____ 37. One of your professors has assigned a small-group term paper that needs to be completed by the end of the
semester. The professor has allowed each group to select their own topic. During the early stages, when your
group is first trying to think of potential topics, it would be best to have group members who were skilled in
a) convergent thinking b) transformational logic c) field dependence d) divergent thinking
____ 38. The question: "How many uses can you think of for a shoe?" would MOST likely appear on
a) an intelligence test b) a test of creativity c) an aptitude test d) a personality test
____ 39. Which of the following is a widely used test of creativity?
a) Remote Associates Test
Record Exam
b) Thematic Apperception Test
c) Iowa Test of Basic Skills
d) Graduate
____ 40. According to your textbook, creativity tests may have limited value. Why is this the case?
a) The tests are not very reliable. b) It is basically impossible to define creativity. c) Creativity is a
subjective judgment. d) The tests measure creativity out of context.