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Acupunct Electrother Res [ta] OR Acupuncture in Medicine [ta] OR Advances in
Mind-Body Medicine [ta] OR African journal of traditional, complementary, and
alternative medicines [ta] OR Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine [ta]
OR Alternative Medicine Review [ta] OR American Journal of Acupuncture [ta] OR
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine [ta] OR The Australian Journal of
Holistic Nursing [ta] OR "Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses' Association)"
[ta] OR BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine [ta] OR British Homeopathic
Journal [ta] OR Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine [ta] OR Chinese Journal
of Natural Medicines [ta] OR Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice [ta] OR
Complementary Therapies in Medicine [ta] OR Complementary Therapies in Nursing
and Midwifery [ta] OR Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine eCAM
[ta] OR "Explore (NY)" [ta] OR Fitoterapia [ta] OR Forsch Komplementarmed [ta] OR
Forschende Komplementarmedizin und klassische Naturheilkunde [ta] OR Holistic
Nursing Practice [ta] OR Homeopathy [ta] OR Integrative Cancer Therapies [ta] OR
Integrative Medicine [ta] OR International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms [ta] OR
International Journal of Yoga Therapy[ta] OR Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian
Studies [ta] OR The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine [ta] OR
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies [ta] OR
Journal of Complementary and
Integrative Medicine [ta] OR Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine [ta] OR
Journal of Ethnopharmacology [ta] OR "Journal of Evidence-based Complementary &
Alternative Medicine" [ta] OR Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy [ta] OR Journal
of Holistic Nursing [ta] OR Journal of Integrative Medicine [ta] OR Journal of
Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics [ta] OR Journal of Medicinal Food
[ta] OR Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy [ta] OR Journal of the
Society for Integrative Oncology [ta] OR Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
[ta] OR Journal of Natural Medicines [ta] OR Natural product communications [ta]
OR Phytomedicine [ta] OR Phytotherapy Research [ta] OR Planta Medica [ta] OR Zhen
Ci Yan Jiu [ta] OR Zhongguo Zhen Jiu [ta] OR Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi
[ta] OR
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi [ta] OR Zhong xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao [ta] OR
Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi [ta] OR alternative medicine [tw] OR integrative medicine
[tw] OR alternative therapies [tw] OR complementary medicine [tw] OR
complementary therapy [tw] OR complementary therapies [mh]OR complementary
therapies [tw] OR orthomolecular therapy [mh] OR orthomolecular OR ((megadosage
[ti] OR megadose [ti] OR megadose therapy [ti] OR megadoses [ti] OR megadosing
[ti] OR megadosis [ti] OR high dosage [ti] OR high dosages [ti] OR high dose [ti]
OR "large dosage" OR "large dose" OR "large dosed" OR "large doses" OR adjuvant
[ti] OR unorthodox [ti] OR unconventional [ti] OR supplement [ti] OR
supplementation [ti] OR high daily intake [tw]) AND (vitamins [mh] OR vitamins
[tw] OR vitamin [tw] OR vegetables [mh] OR minerals [mh] OR minerals [tw] OR
androstenedione OR andro [tw] OR arachidonic acid [tw] OR ascorbic acid [tw] OR
vitamin c [tw] OR biotin [tw] OR boron [tw] OR bromelain [tw] OR bromelains
[tw] OR calcium [tw] OR carotene [tw] OR carotenes [tw] OR carotenoids [mh] OR
choline [tw] OR chromium [tw] OR colloidal silver OR conjugated linoleic acid OR
copper [tw] OR docosahexaenoic acid [tw] OR dha [tw] OR epigallocatechin gallate
OR EGCG OR folic acid [tw] OR inositol [tw] OR iodine [tw] OR iron [tw] OR larginine [tw] OR magnesium [tw] OR manganese [tw] OR molybdenum [tw] OR niacin
[tw] OR niacinamide [tw] OR phosphatidyl choline [tw] OR lecithin [tw] OR
potassium [tw] OR pyridoxine [tw] OR riboflavin [tw] OR retinoid [tw] OR
retinoids [tw] OR retinoic [tw] OR retinal [tw] OR selenium [tw] OR silicon [tw]
OR thiamine [tw] OR tocopherol [tw] OR tocopherols [tw] OR vanadium [tw] OR
vitamin a [tw] OR vitamin d [tw] OR vitamin e [tw] OR
vitamin k [tw] OR zinc
[tw] OR phytomedicine OR micronutrient [tw] OR micronutrients)) OR
(antioxidants AND dietary supplements) OR (diseases category [mh] AND dietary
supplements) OR (dietary fats AND unsaturated fatty acids) OR (diseases category
[mh] AND omega-3 fatty acids) OR ((adjuvant [ti] OR complementary [ti] OR
unorthodox [ti] OR unconventional [ti] OR supplement [ti] OR supplements [ti] OR
supplementation [ti]) AND (co-enzyme Q10 OR ubiquinone OR carnitine [majr] OR
carnitine [ti] OR glutamine [majr] OR glutamine [ti] OR phenylalanine [majr] OR
phenylalanine [ti] OR glucosamine sulfate [majr] OR glucosamine sulfate [ti] OR
chondroitin sulfates [majr] OR chondroitin sulfate [ti] OR (chondroitin OR
glucosamine AND joint diseases) OR lipoic acid [ti] OR "medium chain"
triglycerides OR phosphatidylserine [majr] OR phosphatidylserine [ti] OR
melatonin [majr] OR melatonin [ti] OR "melatonin treatment" OR dhea [tw] OR
taurine [majr] OR taurine [ti] OR lysine [majr] OR lysine [ti] OR tyrosine
[majr] OR tyrosine [ti] OR gamma-oryzanol [tw] OR fatty acids [majr] OR fatty
acids [ti] OR amino acids [majr] OR amino acids [ti] OR s-adenosylmethionine
[majr] OR s-adenosylmethionine [ti])) OR (selenium vitamin e select) OR "mind
body" OR mind-body therapies [mh] OR mindfulness-based stress reduction OR yoga
OR ayurveda OR medicine, ayurvedic OR ayurvedic OR ayur veda OR ayur vedic OR
siddha [tw] OR guggal [tw] OR guggul [tw] OR "balint group" OR "balint group
work" OR "balint groups" OR cyberbiology OR (eye movement [tw] AND
desensitization [tw] OR emdr) OR bach e [ps] OR flower remedies OR (bach [tw]
AND flower) OR flower essences [tw] OR heliotherapy OR cayce [tw] OR sophrology
OR wit and humor as topic [mh] OR laughter therapy OR ("past life" AND therapy)
OR meditation OR kundalini OR (mental OR guided OR visualization OR rehearsal
AND imagery) OR hypnosis OR hypnotherapy OR simonton [tw] OR biofeedback OR
neurofeedback OR self-help groups [mh] OR support groups [tw] OR (group
psychotherapy AND cancer) OR autogenic training OR transpersonal psychology OR
relaxation therapy [tw] OR relaxation techniques [tw] OR ("progressive
relaxation" AND (pain OR anxiety)) OR psychoneuroimmunology OR psychosomatic
medicine [tw] OR aversion therapy OR art therapy [tw] OR music therapy [tw] OR
dance therapy [tw] OR drama therapy [tw] OR dramatherapy OR psychodrama
journaling OR animal assisted therapy[tw] OR (pet therapy [tw] AND animals [tw])
OR feng shui OR syntonic OR religion and medicine [tw] OR mental healing [tw]
OR spiritual healing [tw] OR alternative healer* OR faith heal* OR special
healer* OR shamanism OR shaman [tw] OR santeria OR witchcraft OR voodoo OR
magic [mh] OR prayer* [tw] OR praying [tw] OR spirituality OR psychospiritual
OR holistic nursing [tw] OR pastoral care [tw] OR alcoholics anonymous OR
kirlian [tw] OR ear candle* OR native american traditional medicine OR korean
traditional medicine OR chinese traditional medicine OR chinese medicine [tiab]
OR oriental traditional medicine OR east asian traditional medicine OR kampo
medicine OR tibetan traditional medicine OR qi [mh] OR ch'i [tw] OR yin-yang
[mh] OR acupuncture therapy OR acupuncture analgesia OR acupuncture points OR
acupressure OR acupuncture OR electroacupuncture OR auriculoacupuncture OR
auriculotherapy OR "dry needling" OR trigger point injection* OR transcutaneous
electric nerve stimulation OR acumoxa OR fu zheng [tw] OR huangdi neijing OR
moxibustion OR qi gong [tw] OR qigong OR tai chi [tw] OR aikido [tw] OR
medicine, traditional OR traditional medicine [tw] OR primitive medicine [tw] OR
folk medicine [tw] OR folklore OR folk [tw] OR traditional indigenous OR home
remedies [tw] OR home remedy [tw] OR traditional healer* OR unani OR tibbi
[tw] OR tibb [tw] OR traditional african medicine OR curanderismo OR tibetan
medicine OR kampo OR ((aboriginal OR aborigines) AND (medicinal OR medicine))
OR arabic medicine [tw] OR la'au OR yoruba OR homeopathy OR homeopath* [tw]
OR homoeopath* [tw] OR materia medica OR homeopathic formularies OR homeopathic
pharmacopoeias OR environmental medicine [tw] OR restricted environmental
stimulation therapy OR radiesthesia OR naturopathy OR naturopath* [tw] OR
anthroposophy OR eclecticism OR holistic health [tw] OR ((wholistic OR holistic)
AND (health [tw] OR medicine [tw] OR nursing)) OR kneipp [tw] OR kneipp S [ps] OR
((bowen [tw] AND family) AND (therapy [tw] OR systems OR technique)) OR
phytotherapy OR chinese herb* OR herbal drugs [tw] OR herbal medicine OR
medicinal plants OR chinese herb nephropathy OR plant extracts estrogen-like OR
plant extracts/tu OR (plant extracts/pharmacology AND humans [mh]) OR botanicals
OR (botanical AND (supplementary OR supplemental OR medicine [tw] OR medicinal
[tw] OR remedy [tw] OR remedies [tw] OR therapy OR therapeutic use OR management
[tw] OR treatment [tw] OR antineoplastic* OR preparation [tw] OR preparations
[tw])) OR herbal OR herbals OR herbalism OR antineoplastic agents, phytogenic OR
phytoestrogen* OR pharmacognosy OR herb-drug interactions OR artichoke extract OR
(bitter orange [tw] AND oil [tw]) OR black cohosh OR (bromelain [ti] OR
(bromelain AND pineapple [tw]) AND (therapy OR therapeutic OR treatment)) OR
bromelain/tu [mh:noexp] OR (anti-inflammatory OR antiinflammatory AND bromelain)
OR (flax [majr] AND (tumors OR cancer/pc OR cancer/dh OR plant extracts)) OR
ginkgo biloba OR bilobalides OR ginkgolides OR (cannabis [tw] OR marijuana [tw]
OR marihuana [tw] AND medical) OR cannabis/tu OR (therapeutic use OR
antiinflammatory OR oral administration AND ellagic acid) OR hypericum OR (st AND
john AND wort) OR garlic OR (allicin AND sulfinic acids/tu [majr]) OR ginseng
[tw] OR panax OR astragalus plant [majr] OR golden seal OR goldenseal OR
glyconutrient* OR pomegranate [tw] OR (honey [mh] AND therapy) OR (resveratrol
AND (therapy OR therapeutic)) OR (extract OR extracts AND (butterbur OR butter
bur OR grape seed [tw])) OR guarana OR (human growth hormone AND aging [majr]) OR
5-Hydroxytryptophan/tu [majr:noexp] OR (alpha-lipoic acid AND therapeutic use
[sh:noexp]) OR acai [tw] OR ba wei di huang wan OR bear-bile OR berberine OR
borage oil OR arnica OR cetyl myristoleate OR "citrus pectin" OR (cinnamon [tw]
AND (antioxidants [mh] OR oils)) OR (clove AND (oils OR extract* OR infusion)) OR
cordyceps OR (chamomile OR cranberry AND (plant extracts OR diseases category
[mh])) OR echinacea OR flax seed [tw] OR saw palmetto OR "urtica dioica" OR
kava OR hawthorn [tw] OR "horse chestnut seed" OR witch hazel OR bilberry OR
ginger [tw] OR garcinia OR aloe vera OR capsicum OR feverfew OR (green AND tea
[mh] OR green tea [ti]) OR tea tree oil OR (root[tw] OR roots [tw] AND
licorice) OR yohimbe OR yohimbine/tu OR rhodiola OR valerian OR heliotrope [tw]
OR bee pollen OR myrrh OR cat's claw OR uncaria tomentosa[tw] OR evening
primrose OR dong quai OR fenugreek OR (lavender AND (oil OR oils OR odors)) OR
maitake OR grifola frondosa OR marshmallow OR mulberry leaf extract OR olive
leaf extract OR pine bark extract OR (hoodia AND appetite) OR psyllium OR
stanol therapy OR tumeric OR turmeric OR curcumin OR mistletoe OR iscador OR
mahonia aquifolium OR (oleum AND menthae AND piperitae) OR thunder god vine OR
peppermint oil OR milk thistle OR "silybum marianum" OR silymarin OR silybin OR
ma huang OR (mushroom* AND (medicinal OR therapy OR antifungal OR
antineoplastic)) OR purple sweet potato anthocyanin OR ephedra OR padma [tw] OR
hoxsey [tw] OR essiac [tw] OR kombucha OR (pau OR palo AND arco) OR
(avellanedae OR impetiginosa AND tabebuia) OR pc-spes OR (treatment OR therapy
AND pumpkin seed*) OR pygeum OR (diet OR dietary AND rice bran [tw]) OR red yeast
rice OR sam-e OR tinospora OR phyllanthus OR nutriceutical* OR nutraceutical* OR
diet fads OR (probiotics OR prebiotics OR synbiotics AND therapy) OR
(macrobiotic AND diet) OR pritikin [tw] OR mcdougall [tw] OR gerson [tw] OR
(kelley [tw] AND diet therapy) OR (proteolytic enzymes [tw] AND (diet therapy OR
oral administration) AND cancer) OR (wigmore [tw] AND diet) OR livingstonwheeler OR (atkins [tw] AND diet) OR (low-carb OR low-carbohydrate AND diet) OR
((omega-3 OR fish oil OR (n3 OR n-3 AND (oil OR oils OR PUFA OR fatty acid OR
fatty acids))) AND (diet OR dietary OR supplement* [tw])) OR (diamond [tw] AND
diet) OR ketogenic diet* OR ((fasting [majr] OR fasting [ti]) AND diet therapy
[sh]) OR high fiber [tw] OR high fibre [tw] OR macrobiotic diet OR
mediterranean diet OR paleolithic diet OR asian diet [tw] OR (food OR foods
[tw] OR diet OR dietary AND cultural) OR (fruit [tw] OR fruits OR plant [tw] OR
plants AND juice AND (prevention OR therapy)) OR (ornish [tw] AND diet) OR
vegetarian diet OR vegetarianism OR vegan OR vegans OR veganism OR wssf OR watersoluble soybean fiber OR phytosterols OR phytosterol [tw] OR ((soy OR soybeans OR
soybean [tw] OR soybean proteins) AND (prevention OR therapy)) OR isoflavones OR
isoflavone [tw] OR ipriflavone OR genistein OR (anti-oxidant OR anti-oxidants OR
antioxidant OR antioxidants [tw] OR consumption OR treatment OR therapy OR
prevention OR therapeutic AND (flavonoid [tw] OR flavonoids OR bioflavinoid* OR
bioflavonoid*)) OR (antioxidants AND blueberr*) OR (health food OR functional
food* AND therapy) OR (functional food [tw] AND antioxidants) OR coley toxins OR
compound 714-X OR antineoplastons OR (creatine AND huntington disease AND
(therapy OR therapeutic)) OR (shark [tw] AND cartilage) OR (powdered AND
cartilage AND wound) OR (therapeutic OR prevention OR therapy AND shiitake) OR
(stevia AND sweetner) OR stevia [ti] OR edetic acid OR edta [tw] OR
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [tw] OR (intravenous AND ozone AND therapy [tw])
OR ozonotherapy OR ozone/tu [majr:noexp] OR "ozone therapy" OR oxymedicine OR
hyperoxigenation therapy OR (hydrogen peroxide AND (intravenous OR infusions)
AND (dosage OR therapy OR therapeutic use)) OR ((hyperbaric oxygen therapy [ti]
OR hyperbaric oxygenation[majr]) NOT (wounds OR wound healing OR decompression
sickness OR diving)) OR immunoaugmentative OR revici [tw] OR cell therapy [tw]
OR organotherapy OR tissue therapy [mh] OR tissue therapy [tw] OR (t tn [tw]
AND vaccinat*) OR (enemas OR enema AND coffee) OR dibella [tw] OR greek cancer
cure OR (hydrazine sulfate AND (therapy OR antineoplastic agents AND cancer) OR
krebiozen [tw] OR laetrile OR urine therapy [tw] OR (livingston [tw] AND
therapy [tw]) OR (maggot [tw] AND therapy [tw]) OR (cancer OR neoplasms AND
pannon) OR reishi [tw] OR staphage lysate OR cellasene OR (chacon [tw] AND
cancer) OR chelation therapy OR (noni juice OR morinda citrifolia OR mth-68 AND
(antineoplastic agents OR cancer OR analgesic OR antihelminthic)) OR chitosan
weight loss OR (treatment [ti] OR therapy [ti] AND insulin [ti] AND potentiation
[ti])) OR (thymus extract OR pancreatic extract AND therapeutic use) OR
apitherapy OR apitherap* OR neural therapy [tw] OR prolotherapy OR neuraltherapy
OR electrodiagnostics OR iridolog* OR iridodiagnosis OR (mora [tw] AND
therapy) OR bioresonance OR expressive writing [tw] OR (maruyama [tw] AND
vaccine) OR neuroacoustic [tw] OR revici OR naprapathy OR spinal
manipulation OR chiropractic [mh] OR chiropractic [tw] OR massage OR
osteopathic medicine [tw] OR (manipulative OR manipulation AND osteopathic) OR
(tui [tw] AND na [tw]) OR tuina OR shiatsu [tw] OR reflexology [tw] OR
reflexotherapy OR rolfing [tw] OR applied kinesiology OR energy polarity
healing OR pranic healing OR (body centered [tw] OR body oriented [tw] AND
psychotherapy) OR (approach OR psychophysical OR bodywork OR body AND trager
[tw]) OR (alexander [tw] AND technique) OR feldenkrais OR applied kinesiology
OR pilates OR post isometric contract OR hold relax [tw] OR (amma [tw] AND
therapy) OR (conductive AND education [tw]) OR ((craniosacral OR cranio-sacral)
AND (therapy OR treatment)) OR effleurage OR myofascial release OR gravity
inversion [tw] OR hellerwork OR hippotherapy OR hydrotherapy OR balneotherapy
OR balneology OR ammotherapy OR sand bath* OR finnish baths OR mud pack* OR mud
therapy OR mud bath* OR thalassotherapy OR climatotherapy OR speleotherapy OR
(jin [tw] AND shin [tw]) OR (hawaiian AND lomi) OR manual lymphatic drainage OR
manual lymph drainage OR (meridian AND therapy [tw]) OR mesotherapy OR
myotherapy OR neurocranial restructuring OR neuromuscular integrated action OR
reichian OR petrissage OR watsu OR colour therapy [tw] OR color therapy [MeSH
Terms] OR color therapy [tw] OR aromatherapy OR heat therapy [tw] OR
electrotherap* OR holotropic OR (saline [tw] AND nasal irrigation) OR alternate
nostril breathing OR unilateral forced nostril breathing OR biofield OR healing
art [tw] OR therapeutic touch [tw] OR healing touch [tw] OR caring touch [tw] OR
reiki OR (natural [ti] AND healing [ti]) OR huna [tw] OR external qi healing
OR psychic healing OR (psychic AND surgery [tw]) OR sensory deprivation [tw] OR
(polarity AND therapy [tw]) OR chronotherapy OR vitalism OR bioelectromagnetic*
[tw] OR biomagnets OR bioelectromagnetism OR magnetics/tu [mh:noexp] OR
electromagnetics/tu [mh:noexp] OR transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation OR
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation OR trigger-point-therapy OR
myofascial trigger point pain electrotherapy OR bobath OR electrostimulation OR
blue light treatment [tw] OR holographic repatterning OR ((ultrasound [tw] OR
radiofrequenc*) AND induced hyperthermia [mh:noexp]) OR thermochemoradiotherapy
OR (magnet [ti] OR electromagnetic [ti] AND therapy [ti]) OR infrasound therapy
OR (therapy OR treatment AND millimeter wave*) OR ion generated [tw] OR ion
generating [tw] OR ion generator [tw] OR nccam OR nccih