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Industrial Revolution Guided Reading—Ch. 25/Sec. 4
World History
1. Give the glossary definition of “laissez faire”:
a. Why were government regulations bad in the view of the people who supported this economic policy?
2. Adam Smith defended the idea of a ______________________ or _________________________________
without government interference for these three reasons he called __________________ laws of economics:
3. Define “capitalism”:
4. How were the ideas of Rev. Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo connected?
5. Utilitarianism was a unique philosophy introduced by Jeremy Bentham. Describe utilitarianism in your own
6. How did JS Mill want to specifically use utilitarianism to help society? Give 3 examples:
7. Define “socialism”:
8. Use both paragraphs under “Marxism: Radical Socialism” to fill in the following to give the basic idea behind
Karl Marx’s and Friedrich Engels’ 23-page pamphlet The Communist Manifesto:
Human society was divided between the middle class ( ____________________________) and the workers
(__________________________________). The wealthy controlled the ________________ of the goods while
the poor did the actual __________________.The Industrial Revolution had made the middle class
______________ and the workers ___________________. The only way out of this for the workers was to
9. Compare and Contrast these two economic systems:
9. According to Marx, what would eventually happen to government after the workers took over the factories
producing what society needed? (This is an important idea to remember because it will bring about conflict
during the 20th century.)
10. Complete the following: In The Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels stated their belief that
Time has shown, however, that _____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ and a desire for _________________________________
may be as __________________________________________________________________________________.
11. What was the driving concept behind unions that made them successful?
12. Why did skilled workers lead the way in forming unions?
13. Why did governments oppose unions?
14. If governments and owners opposed unions, how did unions finally get what they wanted?
15. Briefly describe how the labor reform movement helped to lead to rights for these groups:
a. slaves:
b. women:
c. public school advocates:
d. prisoners: