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Matter, Mixtures, and Chemical Reactions
Define the following:
1. Chemical formula
2. Element
3. Physical property
4. Subscript
5. Atoms
6. Chemical symbols
7. Matter
8. Products
9. Chemical property
10. Reactants
1. Colloids are heterogeneous mixtures.
2. Malleability, conductivity, and state of matter are all examples of chemical properties.
3. When mixing sugar and water, the water is the solute.
4. Mixtures cannot be separated because a chemical reaction has occurred, and the substances
have changed.
5. Melting, boiling, or change in phase are all evidence of physical changes.
6. Burning is considered a chemical reaction.
7. Elements are made up of two or more kinds of atoms.
8. Compounds are not molecules.
9. A molecule has to have at least one atom in it.
10. When a new substance is formed, it is evidence of a chemical reaction.
Build an inspiration chart with the following terms:
Homogenous, heterogeneous, colloid, suspension, solute, solvent, ex. salt water, ex. Fog or mayo, ex.
1. NH3
2. CH4
3. NaCl
4. CH20
Draw the following:
3 CH2 + 3O2  3CO2 + 3H2
1) What are the reactants?
2) What are the products?
3) How many carbon atoms are in the reactants?
4) How many oxygen molecules are in the reactants?
5) How many hydrogen atoms are in the reactants?
6) How many hydrogen atoms are in the products?
7) How many hydrogen molecules are in the products?
8) What compound is in the product?
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