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Modules 5-7 Review
Directions: Use the word bank in each section to answer the review questions. To answer the questions, use your
readings, assignments and notes, as well as the internet. The answers will only be used once. Save your work and
submit it as an assignment. Print your completed work to use as a study guide as you prepare for the EOC.
Underlined words: Throughout the review sheet several words are underlined. These are key US
History terms. Study Tip: Look up the words and create your own glossary to help you better succeed!!
NC EOC Goal 4 Review: Westward Expansion Following the Civil War and the growth of industry in the
United States, many Americans headed west to find better economic opportunities. The Transcontinental
Continental Railroad and favorable laws passed by Congress, helped bring Americans across the continent.
Use the Review Activity #1 word bank to complete the fill in the blank statements below.
Dawes Severity Act
Word Bank: Review Activity #1
Helen Hunt Jackson
Little Big Horn
Manifest Destiny
Wounded Knee
As America recovered from the Civil War, there were many factors __________________ them to the
west. Many Americans believed in the idea of __________________, the idea that Americans had the God
given right to expand from sea to shining sea. This belief would bring the US Army into direct conflict with the
Native Americans who had already been pushed west of the Mississippi River. The Native Americans fought
several wars against the United States Army as they moved into their lands. At the Battle of
____________________, the Sioux defeated the U.S. Army under the leadership of General George Custer.
In the end most Native Americans ended up on reservations. The last Native American battle took place at
__________________ where over 300 Sioux were killed.
Not all Americans liked the way Native Americans were treated. Inspired by Harriet Beecher Stowe
who pointed out the problems with slavery in her book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, ____________________ wrote the
book, A Century of Dishonor, where she pointed out how poorly the US government was treating the Native
Americans. The US government tried to “Americanize,” Native Americans by making them
________________ into US society. The _________________________ was an attempt to assimilate by
dividing reservation land into plots, and forcing Native Americans to “own” their own private land. It was a
failure because the Native Americans would not give up their cultures. As a final blow, the Native American’s
way of life was completely destroyed with the purposeful slaughter of the __________.
Use the Review Activity #2 word bank to complete the fill in the blank statements below.
Barbed wire
Chinese Exclusion Act
Homestead Act
Word Bank: Review Activity #2
Morrill Land Grant Act
Oklahoma Land Race
Promontory Point
Refrigerated Cars
Transcontinental Railroad
Refrigerated Cars
Farmers were encouraged to move out west with the promise of 160 acres of free land with the
__________________ and the __________________________ which also provided money for agricultural
and technical colleges. In addition, with the removal of the Native Americans, the ______________________
encouraged settlers to race for land. Farmers used many new inventions such as the windmill, steel plows,
and mechanical reaper on their land. Later, _________________ became a problem between ranchers and
farmers. The fences created an obstacle and ended the open range for ranchers. However, railroads helped
cattle ranching become profitable. _______________ made it easy to get meat to distant markets in the East.
Some African Americans, called _____________________, moved out west, seeking racial tolerance.
1/3 of the “cowboys” in the west were either African American or Latino. The __________________ was the
most important invention to western development. The ___________ and the Chinese labored on the two
sides of the transcontinental railroad until they met together at _______________________. Each of these
ethnic groups faced discrimination, but the Chinese suffered the most discrimination. Later it developed into
law with the ________________________ that prohibited all Chinese from immigrating to the US. Farmers
experienced many hardships out west including living blizzards, dust storms, and living in ____________
homes made from dirt and water. Because of the hardships, women gained new roles and freedoms.
NC EOC Goal 5 Review: Becoming an Industrial Society: During the late 1800s US industry expanded.
The influx of immigrants provided the cheap labor needed to run factories. Industrialization helped the US
economy grow and encouraged Westward Expansion. Despite the economic growth for industrialists, both
farmers and urban workers dealt with the negative effects of industrialization. This would inspire reform
movements to find a balance between the success of industry and basic rights for the average American.
Use the Review Activity #3 word bank to complete the fill in the blank statements below.
Direct Election of Senators
Cross of Gold
Word Bank: Review Activity #3
Interstate Commerce Act
Income Tax
William Jennings Bryan
William McKinley
Farmers faced major debt as they bought new farming machinery. Farmers formed ________________ as
social organizations but soon these developed into political and economic meetings. Looking for help, farmers
often formed ______________________ to assist each other in storage and transportation costs. Through
their political work, they were able to lobby for the __________________________ that prevented railroads
from giving secret rebates or refunds. The Granges eventually became the ________________ Party. Their
first candidate for president was _____________________, a great orator, who gave his famous speech,
“_______________” where he compared the gold standard to being crucified upon a cross like Jesus. It
seemed as if Bryan was going to win the election, but in the end the farmers and the industrial workers failed to
unite in advocating for certain issues and ____________________ won the election. The defeat in the
election ended the Populist Party. (Many ideals of the Populists would re-emerged in the Progressive Era.)
The Populists were successful in getting two Constitutional Amendments passed. The first was the 16th
Amendment which allowed the government to collect an ____________________. The other was the 17th
Amendments which allowed for the ____________________.
Use the Review Activity #4 word bank to complete the fill in the blank statements below.
Word Bank: Review Activity #4
Know-Nothing Party
Ellis Island
Grandfather Clause
Industrial Revolution
Jim Crow
Marcus Garvey
Northern and Western
Plessy v Ferguson
Return to Africa
Tuskegee Institute
Southern and Eastern
Immigration to the US skyrocketed during the late 1800s-early 1900s. The “Old” Immigrants arrived
before 1890 primarily came from ____________________________Europe, while the “New” immigrants
came mostly from ________________________Europe and Asia. The _______________________- not only
increased immigration, but it also caused the migration of people from the country (rural) to the city (urban.)
Immigrants usually arrived either at _____________ in New York or Angel Island in San Francisco. Typically
immigrants were either escaping from political persecution, poverty, or were in search of a better life.
There were some in the US who didn’t like immigrants known as _________ who were interested in
preserving America for Americans. Together they formed the American Party or “ __________________” to
oppose immigration and restrict them from taking jobs away from Americans.
Conditions for African Americans in the Late 1800s: Many African Americans were denied the right to vote
during this time period as a result of extreme racism in the form of laws such poll taxes, literacy tests, and
_____________________ (poor, uneducated whites could vote under this). Segregation was enforced by local
and state laws. These are known as ___________ laws. This was also supported at the federal level in the
Supreme Court case of ______________________ in 1896 which said that separate but equal was legal.
Change was contagious during this time period and African Americans caught on to it. The two most
prominent figures were Booker T Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. Booker T. Washington established the
____________________ that provided __________________________ training to African Americans,
establishing his belief that Blacks should first gain economic equality before seeking political and social
equality. WEB Dubois started the Niagara Movement which eventually became the ___________. Dubois
stated that economic equality was not enough, and the Blacks should seek social equality and equal rights
first. Another radical figure during this time period was _________________ who claimed that there never
would be racial equality and suggested African Americans __________________.
Use the Review Activity #5 word bank to complete the fill in the blank statements below.
American Federation of Labor
Collective bargaining
Gospel of Wealth
Haymarket Square Riot
J.P. Morgan
Word Bank: Review Activity #5
John D. Rockefeller
Knights of Labor
Labor Unions
Farmers and Workers
Robber Baron
Railroad and Shipping
Sherman Anti-Trust
Big Business:
Major business leaders:
Andrew Carnegie controlled the __________________industry
____________________ controlled the Oil Industry
 ______________________ became a leader in banking.
 Cornelius Vanderbilt made millions in the ______________________industries.
Their goal was to form ________________ which enabled them to gain wealth by controlling all of one
industry. This was a legal practice until the ______________________ Act was passed that made monopolies
illegal. Rockefeller was criticized for his attempt to monopolize the oil industry and is seen as a
___________________ or someone who did not help others with his money. Carnegie believed in what he
called the _______________; the idea that it was the responsibility of the wealthy to give back to society
through charitable donations. For this reason, Carnegie is known as a “Captain of Industry” or as someone
who uses his business for the good of others.
Labor Unions Form: Workers suffered unsafe working conditions, low wages, and long hours. To end this
treatment, ______________ were formed to help protect workers’ rights. Samuel Gompers formed the
________________________ that would only accept skilled labor. Terrence Powderly formed the
__________________ that accepted workers both skilled and unskilled workers. Labor unions did a lot to help
increase wages, decrease work hours and improve working conditions using methods like ___________,
______________, and other protests. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) used _______________
which allowed workers to negotiate with their employers for improvements. However, the labor movement lost
support after a peaceful demonstration turned violent in Chicago. This was known as the
___________________________. Labor unions continued to lose their influence with the use of
________________ or court orders that stopped strikes and forced protesters to return to work. During the
late 1800s government often sided with business over labor.
More Calls for Reform: In the late 1800s and early 1900s, many people demanded changes in American
life. These people, called Progressives, complained that businessmen had too much to say about what laws
were passed. Big businesses sometimes gave money to ___________ in return for special favors and support
of laws that helped business over workers. The Progressives pointed out that both ________________ were
not being treated fairly by the government or industry.
A group of writers/journalists nicknamed ____________________ described various corruptive practices of
government and big business. They wrote articles, books and pamphlets exposing poor working conditions,
low pay, and mistreatment of workers. The Progressive movement originated out of the failed
________________ movement.
Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson all supported the Progressive
movement and made significant changes to American life.
NC EOC Goal 7 Review: The Progressive Movement: While the Populist movement made limited progress
in fixing the ills of society, the Progressives would pick up where they left off and help to improve conditions.
During the early 1900s the Progressives and Muckrakers successfully lobbied the government to make
significant improvements.
Use the Review Activity #6 word banks to complete the statements in the second column—Reforms
and Conditions After the Progressive Movement. Use column 1 to help you understand the practices
before the Progressive Movement and better help you complete the fill in the blanks.
Word Bank: Review Activity #6
Clayton Anti-trust Act
Secret Ballot
Direct Primary
Mann-Elkin Act
Upton Sinclair
Federal Reserve Act
National Parks
Worker compensation
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
The Jungle
Meatpacking Industry
Pendleton Civil Service Act
Conditions before the Progressive
The spoils system introduced by Andrew
Jackson was used to fill government jobs with
friends or supporters Often, there were many
people were not qualified serving in
government positions, leading to a
weak/ineffective government There were
many qualified people who were not hired by
the government
Voting took place in an open room, instead of
in an enclosed area. Others could see who
you were voting for Political parties/ machines
would often influence people how to vote
Candidates in an election were picked by a
small group of party leaders. Voters had no
say about who could run in an election
Poor working conditions often caused illness,
accidents and other problems at factories
including a 7 day work week with 12-14
Many Big businesses became monopolies.
One company, or several companies working
together, controlled an industry (i.e. oil
industry). The companies charged high prices
because there was no competition to keep the
prices down.
Terrible conditions existed in the processing of
Forests and other natural resources were
being wasted and abused
Presidents and Government supported
industry and business leaders over labor
Reforms and Conditions AFTER the Progressive
The _________________ is passed requiring people to take a
test that proved the person was qualified for the government
This required that people get hired for government jobs based
on _________________
Voting now took place in private where each voter was given a
__________________ that they marked alone while in a voting
The _____________ was used to select candidates In a
primary election, voters can choose candidates they would like
to see run in an upcoming election
States passed _____________________ laws that require an
employer to carry insurance for their workers and take care of
them in case of accident or illness on the job. Working
conditions are also reformed
President T Roosevelt became known as the
______________ because he won many court cases against
big businesses and broke them into small companies. During
Woodrow Wilson’s administration, the _______________ was
passed and gives the government stronger power to regulated
and break up monopolies
One of the muckrakers, _____________, wrote a book called
_____________ describing unsanitary conditions in
______________________. Sinclair’s book shocked Teddy
Roosevelt and the rest of the nation. Congress soon passed
______________________ and the ________________
requiring the government to take action against companies
whose products were impure, unsafe or wrongly labeled.
T. Roosevelt took the lead on preserving our natural heritage
and scenic beauty getting several laws passed promoting
_________________. Lands were set aside to create our
_______________. (Think: Yellowstone)
President Howard Taft followed President Roosevelt’s lead.
He supported the ___________________which increased the
government regulation of railroads and strengthened the
Interstate Commerce Commission. President Woodrow
Wilson helped to stabilize US currency with the creation of the