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DOMAIN NAME: Technology Application
DOMAIN OBJECTIVE: Understanding the range of technology that can influence patient experience and
how to integrate into experience efforts.
1. Strategy – clear goals, vision, objectives, strategy to get to the vision; project and program
management – the details. Pace, given how quickly technology evolves. Strategy should be a broad
view – no one technology is going to solve it all. Technology is part of new workflows and enables
and influences strategies (see #2). Looking at the issues holistically – can’t just solve for a unit;
need to take the patient-centric view. Interoperability, integration, focusing on patient engagement
and their experience.
2. Users and workflows – gathering and meeting the user requirements; working within the
environment/constraints. Business driven and IT supported; Understanding the ‘art of the possible’
with the technology – how might that influence the workflow? Teams: IT Ops, Clinical staff. How
will the technology be used – the ‘so what’ – how to integrate into a real-world patient flow or
activities. Usability, durability, practicality. Understanding patient expectations and ‘requirements.’
Automation of existing processes isn’t enough – processes need to be refined first and technology
supports those processes. Also involving people who do the work on a daily basis – will the
technology fit/support the goals and processes? Managing information – what is already being
captured? How is it going to flow into other systems (vs. collecting it again from patients, for
example). How is the information that is being collected being used? What standards exist to
facilitate interoperability for information flow? Reporting – using the information that is being
gathered and understanding the impact. Reporting requirements per federal requirements.
3. Identifying the technologies that can play a role in the patient experience (physical presence, as well
as, virtual --telemedicine (rural & urban communities), social media, mobile, gaming, remote
monitoring, telecommunications, health IT, etc. ). This can include technologies that are and ARE
NOT being used.
4. Resourcing: Elements to consider – hospital size, hospital type, culture, readiness of organization
(resources (human, technology, dollars), compatibility of different technology components &
integration, Stakeholders; buy in. Cross-functional synergies and constraints.
1. Strategy – Outcome: Ratified charter document
 What are hospital’s overall PE priorities
 What areas need improvement the most
 Review of lessons learned and existing documentation from past efforts
 ID measurable goals objectives for the overall PE initiative; critical success factors
 Documenting strategies (charter, roadmaps)
2. Workflow – Outcome: Workflow and system redesign and technology needs to meet these
a. Current State
i. Evaluate current workflows
ii. Evaluate current systems
iii. Evaluate current technologies
b. Brainstorm/blue sky ideas for where technology can be applied; the art of the possible
c. Future state? Ideal state?
3. Resources/elements to consider – Outcome: Reality check; assessment of where we are and what
is available as well as what is needed to support the project? Gap assessment.
a. Hospital size, budget, culture, environment
b. Competing priorities
i. Project prioritization - PMO
ii. IT priorities near and long term
c. Stakeholders and resources (organizational assets) available to PE initiative
4. Technologies – Outcome: Technology and implementation plan
a. Focus areas/usage models
i. Pre-arrival
ii. In hospital/clinic
iii. Post discharge/home
b. Identifying use cases
c. Documented business requirements
d. Documented functional requirements
e. Technology evaluation and selection
f. Vendor selection: RFI/RFP process
g. Implementation and testing plan
h. Technology training and education plan
i. Security and privacy safeguards/practices
(Provide a list of all suggested materials)
1. Case studies for use cases/phases of the patient experience
2. White papers
a. Patient Engagement and Their Experience: The Virtual Touch Points
b. The Crossroads of Telehealth, Electronic Health Records & Health Information Exchange
3. Articles
a. The Future of Healthcare is Social
b. Meaningful-Use-Stage-2-Final-Rules-Address-Patient-Engagement
c. Patient Engagement Requires Right IT Tools
d. Building Out Your Health IT ROI – The Value to the Enterprise and the Patient
e. Patient Engagement & The Bottom Line
4. Reports
a. Transforming Health Care: The Role of Health IT
b. Best-Care-at-Lower-Cost-The-Path-to-Continuously-Learning-Health-Care-in-America
c. measuring-impact-patient-portals
d. Customer Experience in Healthcare: The moment of Truth. Innovative Ways to Improve
the Patient Experience
e. Digital Differences between clinicians
f. Connectedness and Continuity: Patient-provider relationships among low-income
g. Mobile Health Applications: 2012 Study
h. Mobile Social and Fun Games for Health
i. A Survey of Stakeholder Views: Meaningful Consumer Engagement
5. Video
a. Get The Essential Tools to Manage Your Child’s Care Online
6. Other
a. Patient Portals Resource Center
b. The Social Life of Health Information and the Internet
c. Social Media in Healthcare: The Modern Link to Effective Patient Engagement.
1. What are some critical inputs to developing a strategy?
2. What is the purpose of a project charter? What are the key elements of a charter document?
3. How do we define what project success looks like?
4. What are the key considerations to forming a strategy around using technology to improve
patient experience?
5. What is the proper relationship between strategy and technology - does technology ever drive
6. Explain how the patient experience team can take a patient-centric view when making decisions
about technologies that overlap, duplicate functionalities or compete with one another.
7. When is automating existing processes an appropriate strategy?
8. What should be considered when selecting a technology for a particular audience and purpose?
1. Future State workflow needs to be defined as part of a project. What are the other 2 states to
consider, and what is their role in determining the Future State?
2. What is the relationship between workflow and technology? Which drives the Future State, and
which supports it?
3. What are the preferred methods to capture the “voice of the customer” and define the
requirements when engaging potential users of new technology?
4. How does the phrase, “business driven and IT supported” impact the day to day work of the PX
5. Is automating the current process a good idea? If not, why?
6. Explain how standards, regulations, and federal requirements can force our process in a
direction we did not plan or anticipate.
7. Can technology be applied without regard to an assessment of the work processes and flow?
Resources/elements to consider
1. What are some factors when putting strategies into action to help ensure their success?
2. What is the relationship of IT to the implementation of a new technology?
3. How do we prioritize our constraints in light of a desired technology roadmap?
4. How do we define ROI in non-financial terms? How do we justify our plan to the CFO?
5. List the three primary resource elements to consider when planning a technology
1. What are prerequisites to determining which technology(ies) to apply to an area?
2. Which are key considerations when evaluating technologies?
3. What is the life expectancy of a specific technology and how do we create a plan that addresses
migration to succeeding technologies?
4. What is the role of the technology vendor in shaping the technology plan?
5. What are the pros and cons of a “best of breed” versus “single source” approach to technology
6. List four technologies that can impact patient or family engagement and improve their