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Objective – Predict and test the behavior of light interacting with various fluids (e.g., light transmission through
fluids, refraction of light).
It’s Bent II – Procedures
(a lesson plan from UEN)
Does the thickness of a liquid affect refraction?
The thickness of the liquid in a cup.
Analyze (Analysis)
Observe (Observation)
Four straws
Four transparent cups
Small amount of water, vegetable oil, corn syrup, and shampoo
1. Using four transparent cups, place about ½ cup each of water, vegetable oil, corn syrup, and
shampoo in a cup. Place a straw in each cup and, on your worksheet, draw what you see. On your
worksheet, write your discovery about what each straw looks like in liquids of different thicknesses.
Objective – Predict and test the behavior of light interacting with various fluids (e.g., light transmission through
fluids, refraction of light).
Names _______________________________________________________________________
Absent _______________________________________________________________________
It’s Bent II – Worksheet
With a transparent object (air, water, clear glass) almost all light passes through. As light passes
from one transparent material to another at an angle (from air to water, or air to glass), the light will
slow down and appear bent. This is called refraction. A good example of this is placing a pencil in a
clear glass of water. The part of the pencil above the water appears to be broken off from the part
below the water. Light shining through a glass or Pyrex® baking pan filled with water demonstrates
DO NOT use the straws to blow in the liquids. If done,
you will not be able to use that liquid to complete the lab
activity. Your group will not be able to complete the lab
for not following instructions.
I. Gather (collect data/evidence)
Complete the table & diagram as you do the light activity.
Rate the thickness of the liquids (+ - thin; ++ - a little thicker than water; +++ - thick;
++++ - very thick).
Corn Syrup
Objective – Predict and test the behavior of light interacting with various fluids (e.g., light transmission through
fluids, refraction of light).
Draw a picture of your straws in the different thickness each fluid.
Corn Syrup
II. Reasoning (Analysis/Analyze/What does the data I gathered mean?)
III. Communication (Conclusion/This is what my data means)
Come to a conclusion and use your evidence from Part II to support your conclusion. This is your
answer to the question – Does the thickness of a liquid affect refraction?