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GAC013 Science II: Scientific Principles
Assessment Event 4: Assignments
Students Name:
Chungwon Lee
Teachers Name:
Grace Choi
Centre Name:
Hanyang GAC
July 23 2012
Task 1.1
Science in Everyday Life
SM Page 3-4
Topic 3. Watch the sky at sunset. Which colors do you see? Which are closest to the earth and which
are highest in the sky? How long does it take the sun to disappear behind the earth?
GAC013: AE4
Chungwon Lee
I watched the sky for 4 days from 4 Jul 2012 to 8 July 2012 at my home and in the Hanyang
University, which are good locations to check the sunset and the weather easily. First day, the sky was
dark in the early morning because of a little rain in Seoul. So I could not see the sun in the morning.
The rain stopped at lunch time. The sky was cloudy and the color was bright gray. At 12: 36 pm, the
sun was highest in the sky. In dinner time, the sun disappeared from my sight at 19:57 pm. The
second day, the color of sky was too dark gray. I could not see the sun on this day because of rain.
Until lunch time, the rain continued. At lunch time, I watched a little bit of the sun when the sun was
highest in the sky at 12:37 pm. In the evening, the sun set at 19: 57 pm. On 6 July 2012, it was very
cold and the sky was dark with deep blue color. It rained heavily on this day. For this reason, the sun
rose, but it hid behind the cloud and I could not see the sunset.
On the final day, the weather was different from previous three days. It was very hot. But I could not
see the sunrise. The sky was clear. The sun was highest at 12: 37 pm and disappeared behind the
horizon at 19: 56 pm.
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Chungwon Lee
Photo by Chungwon Lee
Topic 4. Hard boil an egg and describe the differences between it and a raw egg. Spin both types of
egg on a table top and describe what happens.
First, I prepared two eggs. One was raw and another was boiled hard. And then, I spun both eggs at
the same time.
Figure 1 (L : Boil, R: Raw)
Figure 2 (Boil eggs)
As a result, when I spun both eggs, the boiled egg was faster than the raw egg. I tried to spin both
eggs 10 times, but results were same. I think that if an egg is put in boiling water, eggs will be
changed from a liquid to a solid such as jelly. Therefore, the boiled egg becomes heavy which causes
fast spin.
Figure 3 Process of Experiment
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Photo by Chungwon Lee
Topic 7. Ride a bike and describe how you make it work. Look at the gears and figure out how some
make pedaling easier.
The main component of a bicycle is wheels. Those enable a bicycle go anywhere. A bicycle works by
rotating a pedal and wheels. First, person sits on a bicycle seat. You grab the handle by hands. And
then, you push the pedal into rotation. In addition, the gears help you control the speed of your bicycle.
With these, the bicycle will be easier to move.
Topic 11. Examine the parts of a flower. Describe their position, color and size.
The rose is a common flower. It has various colors: Red, White, Yellow, Blue, Pink and etc. General
size of the rose is about 30cm to 120cm. Flowers are separated into four parts. Those are the root, the
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Chungwon Lee
stem, the leaf, and the flower. The color of the stem and the leaf is green. The stem is very thin and is
the longest part. There are many petals in a flower.
Topic 12. Play a musical instrument. How does that instrument create sound? How can you change
the sound it makes?
The clarinet is made of wood. It is the longest instrument. When I play this instrument, the sound is
magnificent. If I just blow the air into the clarinet, sound can be heard. Moreover, I can change
various sounds by blocking holes. It is easy to change the sound.
Task 4.2
Genetically Transmitted Problems
SM Page 41
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GAC013: AE4
Chungwon Lee
There are a lot of diseases in the world. Among them, I choose the leukemia. Leukemia is a type of
cancer of the blood cells. The name comes from the Greek leukos, which means "white" and aima,
which means "blood". It is a type of cancer of the blood or blood-producing cells. A person who has
leukemia suffers from an abnormal production of blood cells, generally leukocytes white blood cells.
Recently, many people got this disease all over the world.
When you get the leukemia, the initial symptoms are weariness, bruises, fever, weight-loss and not
feeling hungry. People get the trouble phenomenon. Generally people get the leukemia when they are
tired by red bruises or the petechial, which stops bleeding when you get hurt. However, the leukemia
can be transmitted to children by HTLV-1 and ATLL. The rate of transmission is 10% to their child.
Those are main reasons of the leukemia and kinds of virus. The leukemia patient donates his blood,
and HTLV-1 and ATLL will be moved to another person’s body. Not only males get the leukemia,
but also females, too. Irène Joliot-Curie, who was famous in physics, died from the leukemia. The
cause was that she studied the radiation long time. For this reason, she got the disease and died. (208
Referenced Links:
Nancy Mueller. “The Epidemiology of HTLV-I Infection” Springer 2.1(1991):37-52. Web. 12 July 2012.
Task 4.18
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1) Diagram of a Conical Volcano
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Chungwon Lee
2) Table Historical Eruptions
Location Date of
eruption damage/number
of death
What is ‘the ring of fire’?
The ring of fire is an area where in the Pacific Ocean occur volcanic eruptions, and large numbers of
earthquakes. It is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and
volcanic belts and/or plate movements. The Ring of Fire has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75%
of the world's active and dormant volcanoes.
What is the main theory about the cause of volcanic activity and earth
quakes in this region?
It caused that when the magma rises upwards by the pressure of gas, a volcano erupts that is dissolved
in it. In addition, it occurs when the magma go to upwards due to push exerted by the more injection
of new magma.
Earthquakes occur along fault lines in either Convergent or Divergent plate boundaries. When two
separate tectonic plates rub against each other, the rough edges act like sand paper and rub on the
other one, shaking the plate, and making an earthquake.
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Referenced Links:
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