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Section A
Read the following passage carefully.
America has a highly developed health care system, which is available to all people.
Although it can be very complex and frustrating at time, it has come a long way from
the health care organizations of yesterday. Previously, most health care facilities ware
a place where the sick were housed and cared for until death. Physicians rarely
practiced in hospitals and only those who were fortunate could afford proper care at
home or in private clinics. Today the level of health care has excelled tremendously.
Presently the goal of the health care is to have a continuum of care for the patient; one
which is integrated at all levels. Many hospitals offer a referral service or discharge
plan to patients who are being discharged. Plans for the patient are discussed with a
discharge planner. The discharge planner is a person who is trained in assessing what
the patient’s requirements for health care will be after discharge from the hospital.
This enables the patients to continue their care at a level which is most appropriate for
them. items reviewed for discharge planning include but are not limited to therapies,
medication needs, living arrangements and identification of specific goals. A few of
the options that are available for persons being discharge from an acute care hospital
can include home health care, assisted living facilities, long term care of hospice.
According to Growing Old in American (1996), “Home health care is one of the
fastest growing segments of the health care industry.” Alternatives for home care can
meet both the medical and nonmedical needs of a patient. These services are provided
to patients and their families in their home or place of residence. Home care is a
method of delivering nursing care and other therapies as required by the patient’s
needs. Numerous alternatives are available for persons seeking health care at home.
With transportable technologies such as durable medical equipment, oxygen supply
and intravenous fluids, there are countless possibilities for treatment within the home
setting. As stated in the continuum of Long Term Care, “Home health programmers
range from formal organizations providing skilled nursing care to relatively informal
networks that arrange housekeeping for friends.” This has allowed for home care to
quickly become an essential component of the health care delivery system in the
United States.
In a home health care situation the primary caregiver is usually not the physician. The
physician is communicated with by phone and with documentation from the
caregivers. The primary caregivers are usually the nurses and other team members
who are involved directly with the patient’s care. But, the original order to begin home
care must be initiated by the physician if skilled care is to be obtained. According to
the 1995 Guide to Health Insurance for people with Medicare, “Medicare pays the full
cost of medically necessary home health visits by a Medicare approved home health
agency.” This coverage must meet specific criteria, but it can be a relief to family
members to know that their loved ones can be taken care of at home without worrying
about the expenses.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions by
choosing the most appropriate option.
1. In America today , health care system is _____________
(a) Continuous and integrated
(b) Complex and disappointing
(c) Available to the poor only
(d) lucrative only to the physicians
2. Those persons who are discharged after acute ailments __________.
(a) Are not allowed to revisit the hospital again.
(b) Get discharge plans that include therapies and home-care assistance
(c) Can seek the help of the physicians at any time.
(d) Are neglected at home
3.In America, the continuum of long term care implies_________.
(a) Health care for the whole life
(b) Nursing care from an informal sector only
(c) Health care for the patient form skilled persons.
(d) Nursing care in the designated hospitals
4. Home care is to be started by __________
(a) The primary caregiver
(b) The nurses
(c) The physician
(d) Nurses and the other team members
Answer the following questions as briefly as possible.
1.Who is the discharge planner?
2.What facilities do the patients get after they are discharged from the hospitals?
3.What do you understand by “Home Health Care”?
4.What is provided to the patients seeking health care at home?
5.Who are primary caregivers?
6.Who is to initiate the skilled care of the patient at home?
Pick out words from the passage which are similar in meaning to the following 2M
2.Ways of treating diseases
Read the following passage carefully
Fasting is said to bring a host of benefits, provided it’s done under medical
supervision. Doctors explain how to go about it. Food is to the body what fuel is to a
motor vehicle. It provides energy, helps repair and rejuvenation and confers many
other benefits. A lot of research has been done and is being done on fasting. When one
fasts, the digestive organs get rest and all body mechanisms are cleansed. While
fasting, the natural process of toxin excretion continues, while influx of new toxins is
reduced. The energy usually used for digestion is redirected to immune function and
cell growth. Fasting helps you heal with greater speed, cleanses your liver, kidneys
and colon, purifies your blood, helps you lose excess weight and water, flushes out
toxins, clears the eyes and tongue and cleanses the breath.
Another research says fasting, even occasionally, helps in de – toxification. Through
fasting we restrict digestive activity and so energy is utilised to clean different
systems. Fasting improves metabolism, improves concentration and mental clarity.
Fasting, if understood and done under supervision, has tremendous benefits and
impacts one at various planes; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Specifically it
serves as an aid to effective de – toxification, helps in repair and rejuvenation, offers
rest to the gastro- intestinal system and promotes mobilization of excess fat
The crucial point to note is the difference between fasting and starvation. Research
suggests there are major health benefits to calorie restriction. Among other things it
slows down the aging process. According to the US National Academy of Sciences,
other benefits includes stress resistance, increased insulin sensitivity ad increased
Glucose is the body’s primary fuel source and is essential for the brain’s functioning.
When denied glucose for more than 4-8 hours, the body converts glycogen stored in
the liver into a usable form of fuel and supplements it with small amounts of protein.
This will last for up to 12 hours before the body turns to glycogen stored in muscles. If
glucose is still denied at this point, the body continues to use fat for as long as it is
available. If the fast is not broken, starvation occurs, as the body begins to use protein
for fuel. Death can occur if fasting is pursued to the point of complete starvation.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it in points only
using abbreviations wherever necessary. Supply a suitable title .
Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words using the notes made 3M
Section B
Your school is holding a summer camp for training students in hockey and basketball.
Write a notice for the school notice board of Anand prakash vidalaya, Allahabad. You
are the sports secretary of the school.(word limit 50)
You are the Manager William Corporation Calcutta. Draft an advertisement seeking
Applications for the post of Computer Programmer from the eligible Candidates the
Qualification should be MCA with bilingual Competence. 50 words.
As sports Incharge of A.C.C public school, secundrabad, write a letter to the secretary
of the sports Authority of India, Delhi, requesting him to send details of scholarship
admissible to different categories of students of the school,who have achieved
excellence in various sports.
Write a letter to the editor of “the hindu’ about the mosquito menace due to stagnant
water in your locality. Give suggestions to improve the situation. You are
Raman/Renu living in rajaji nagar Tirunveli.
Children upto the age 12 years have been participating in TV programmers bearing a
lot of stess and neglecting their studies at such a prime time of their life. Write an
article in 150-200 words on ‘ How far is it justifiable, for children to participate in TV
programs’ you are sukra/sukanya
As compared to the older generation the youth of today are greatly inclined to pursue
adventurous activities either for money or for fun. There is a latest craze for joining
reality shows, rafting, rockclimbinb, moungzinddfinb etc. write an article in 150-200
words on which life you would prefer more safe or adventurous.
Section C
There is one error in each sentence, mark the place and mention it
Tests and examination are not confined to school alone.
They are widely use at various
Government, and non- government level.
Business and industry, too is using tests.
Tests are used for the selection of few candidates (d)
Whom pass the criteria of selection
A success of a doctor is tested by his skill
In diagnosis and cure. If he pass this test
His patient is extremely happy about it.
In the following passage one word is missing in each line. Find the missing word and
write it in your answer sheet as shown in example. Don’t forget to underline your
There was a rich old man who in a palace.
e.g. who lived in
There also lived nearby poor man in a hut.
He on crumbs of food given by other.
But he cheerful and never complained.
Once it happened that the poor man
Had to eat for a long while. So he
Went to the rich old man help.
Q.8 Choose the most appropriate option from those that have been given below.
1. (i) It is not an ordinary but an unique situation.
(ii) It is not the ordinary but a unique situation.
(iii) It is not a ordinary but a unique situation.
(iv) It is not an ordinary but a unique situation.
2.(i) The person you saw yesterday is my relative.
(ii) Person you saw yesterday is my relative.
(iii)A person you saw yesterday is my relative.
(iv) The person you saw see yesterday is my relative.
3.(i) He is a professional writer, a only one in the town.
(ii) He is the professional writer, a only one in the town.
(iii) He is a professional writer, the only one in a town.
(iv) He is a professional writer, the only one in the town.
Section D
Q.9 Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow
Eternal, I rise impalpable out of the land
And the bottomless sea,
Up word to heaven, whence vaguely
Formed altogether changed and yet the same
(i) Which process enables rain to take its birth?
(ii) What is vaguely formed?
(iii)‘Impalpable’ – signify this
Q.10 Answer any three questions (within 30-40 word )
(i) Why has King Tut’s body been subjected to repeated scrutiny?
(ii) Bring out the odd ways in which Khuswant Singh;s grand mother behaved just
before her death?
(iii)What is so particular about the address-- 46 Marconi Street?
(iv) What do you know about Ranga?
(v) What put Albert Einstein on the verge of nervous breakdown?
Q.11 “We can over come all the hurdles if we do not give up.” illustrate the statement with
examples from- We Are Not Afraid to Die……….
Q.12 (i) What is the guilt plaguing Sir Simon, the ghost; how does this reflect in his
(ii) What do you know about Mr. Otis? Give an analysis of his character in brief 6M