Download a huge lake of hot liquid rock beneath the surface. This boiling hot

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Scientifically Speaking
The largest volcano in the world is located in
history compaxes to the explosions that have
the western United States. The last explosion
occurred in Yeÿ9wstone. The damage caused
occurred 600,000 years ago. It blew away
by yet another explosion would be hard to
about sixty miles of mountains. It buried
nineteen western states under several feet
A thin rock surface in Yellowstone covers
of ash. It also covered parts of Canada and
a huge lake of hot liquid rock beneath the
surface. This boiling hot pool of liquid rock is
Mexico with ash. The blast wiped out almost
evew living thing N a Wide area. That
about forty-five miles across and eight
miles deep. It has lifted Earth's crust about
explosion was 1,000 times greater than when
Mount St. Fielens blew.
one-third of a mile higher thma it would
normally be. This heat creates the hot springs,
This giant volcano is sit{lug under
geysers, and mud pots in this popular national
Yellowstone National Park. It is just about
the size of the two-million-acre park. The first parle
known blowup happened ovm" sixteen million
years ago. This volcano has blown up about
a hnndred times since. The blasts occur about
600,000 years apart. No known volcano in
Where is the lake of hot liquid rock?
a. sixty miles beneath the surface
b. in Canada
c, beneath the rock crust in Yellowstone
d, above the rock crust inYellowstone
Where is the largest volcano in history located?
a, Mount St. Helens
c. Canada
b, Yellowstone National Park
d, both a and b
Which of these features is present at Yellowstone for people to observe?
a. geysers
c. exploding volcanoes
b. mud'pots
d. both a and b
4, What is the purpose of the passage?
a, to inform readers
b. to ask questions
©Teacher Created Resources
c. to entertain readers
d, to stop a volcano
g503 6 Daily Wmvn- Ups: Nonfiction Reading
Scientifically Speaking
.+' ]
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Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system
fast that its day is only about ten hours long.
in distance ÿom the sun. It is by far the
However, the rapid spinning makes belts of
lm'gest object in the solar system, other than
winds circle the planet. These belts created
the sun.. Jupiter contains more than twice the
a giant storm called the Great Red Spot,
mass of all the other planets combined. If
which has been blowing over the planet for
Jupiter were hollow, more than 1,000 Earths
more than three hundred years. The average
could fit inside this gas giant. Jupiter's mass
temperature on Jupiter is about 225°F colder
is about 318 times the mass of Earth. Jupiter
than Earth.
is sometimes considered to be a "failed sun."
Jupiter has sixty-three lcnown moons and
However, it is at least eighty times too small
thousands of huge rocks orbiting the planet.
to ignite as a star.
There are four main gases in Jupiter's
The first four moons were discovered by
Galileo. Two of them are a little smaller than
atmosphere. Beneath layers of these gases,
Earth's moon in diameter. One of them is the
Jupiter has oceans of liquid nitrogen about
largest moon in the solar system. It is larger
12,000 miles deep. Beneath the oceans, there
than the planet Mercury. Jupiter' s fourth
is probabiy a solid core of rock and iron about
moon is about the size of Mercury. The
the size of Earth. Jupiter spins on its axis so
remaining moons are much smaller.
1. According to the passage, what is probably at the center of Jupiter?
a. helium
c. ammonia
b. rock
d. methane
2. What produced the Great Red Spot?
c. rapid spinning of the planet
d. both b and c
a. oceans
b. beits of wind
According to the passage, how maw ]noons orbit Jupiter?
a. sixty-three
b. ten
'ÿ: "
c. twenty-four
d. fifty-one
4ÿ Why would Jupiter be impossible for humans to live on?
a. It has the largest moon in the solar system.
b. Its days are ten hours long.
c. The average temperature is too cold.
d. all of the above
#5036 Daily Warm-Ups: Nonfiction Reading
©Teacher Created Resources