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Ancient Civilizations
Mesopotamia (3000-1000 BC)
A. In General
B. Society/Religion
C. Government
III. Egypt (3100 BC-500 BC)
A. Nile
B. Unification & Prosperity
IV. Conc.
Key Terms
Code of
Nile River
Great Pyramid
Requirement/Extra Credit Opportunities
“Chris Carter’s Student Body Language,” Friday
9/14 7:30 PM at WSCC theater
Peter Yarrow: Saturday 9/29, 7:30 at Ramsdell
Theater in Manistee
For free tickets call WSCC box office: 843-5507
To do: Attend the event & write a summary (one
page, single-spaced, typed, 250 words); due:
one week after the event
More than one: five points can be added to your
discussion grade
Two Important Civilizations
Mesopotamia & Egypt
Why here?
Access to water!
1. Mesopotamia = a Greek word meaning
“between the rivers.”
2. Rivers: Tigris & Euphrates
– The Rivers flooded periodically & flood
control was important.
Their Influence On Us Today
• Number system with a base of 60
(combinations of 6 & 10)
60 seconds in one minute
60 minutes in one hour
360 degrees in a circle
360 days in year (extra month added
every six years)
24 hours in one day
Their Influence On Us Today
Sumerians invented “Cuneiform” which was the
first efficient system of writing.
•It was partly pictographic and partly an alphabet.
Sumerian Cuneiform Tablet
(ca. 2121 BC)
Society & Religion
• Religion dominated daily life & people constantly
tried to placate the gods.
• This was reflected in their architecture.
(At the top was a temple for a god)
1. They were polytheists.
2. A major role/function
was to explain “natural
– “Gloomy” & vague
afterlife; no reward for
virtuous living.
3. Enlil-An important god
who influenced success
or failure of crops by
controlling weather.
Mesopotamian Society
• Slavery was practiced; one could be enslaved
due to debt or prisoner of war.
• About 80-90% of the population farmed.
• Marriages were typically arranged by
Government in Mesopotamia
1. There were 10-12 separate city-states in
3000 BC; each was led by a “king.”
2. Leadership was very unstable; rulers rose &
fell based upon their popularity (usually based
on success of crops).
3. Kings acted as representatives of the gods;
no separation of church & state.
Hammurabi (Babylonian King)
(1792-1750 BC)
Hammurabi was able to
unify all of Mesopotamia
under his rule
Hammurabi and the law code
Code of Hammurabi
(ca.1750 BC)
• If a man commits robbery and is captured, he
shall be put to death.
• If the robber is not captured, the man who
has been robbed shall, in the presence of the
god, make a list of what he has lost, and the
city and the governor of the province where
the robbery was committed shall compensate
him for his loss.
– Insight: Protection of Private Property
Code of Hammurabi
(ca.1750 BC)
• If a man accuses another man of murder but
cannot prove it, the accuser shall be put to
• If a man bears false witness in a case, or cannot
prove his testimony, if that case involves life or
death, he shall be put to death.
– Insight: Honesty
Code of Hammurabi
(ca.1750 BC)
• If a son strikes his father, they shall cut off his
• A widower cannot seize his dead wife’s
dowry, but must save it for her sons.
– Insight: Family Values
• If a noble has broken another noble’s bone,
they shall break his bone. If he has
destroyed the eye of a commoner or has
broken the bone of a commoner, he shall pay
one mina of silver.
– Insight: Rich & poor are treated differently
Code of Hammurabi
(ca.1750 BC)
• A wife can divorce her husband for adultery,
but only if she has been chaste; if not she is
to be thrown into the river along with her
• When she deserves it, a man may pull out the
hair of his wife, mutilate or twist her ears, with
no liability attaching to him.
– Insight: Women are NOT equal to men
The Code’s Significance?
1. No equality under the law (for women
and/or commoners)
2. Laws provide a code of ethical behavior; no
reward for ethical behavior
Role/Function Of Laws/Religion
Mesopotamia Religion explained natural events; Polytheistic;
Laws were written & provided
uncertainty &
ethics; but Church/State were one instability
Egypt’s Influence On Us Today
1. A new, less clumsy writing tablet:
2. Toothpaste!
a) Ingredients: lead, powdered flint, incense,
and honey (ca. 1500 BC)
Rosetta Stone
• Discovered in 1799;
deciphered 1822
• Included writing in
demotic script, and
The Gift Of The Nile
Most of Egypt is a desert, but the Nile...
1. flooded every year which added nutrients to soil.
2. made the land “livable;” 5-15 miles on either side
of the River.
3. created a dependable and efficient transportation
In contrast to Mesopotamia’s instability, the Nile
provided stability and prosperity to Egypt.
Unification Brings Prosperity
Egypt was believed to be first
unified between 3100-2850 BC
He was also known as Narmer
Statistics & the Great Pyramid
Built about 2600 BC
480 feet high and 750 feet long
Built with 2.3 million limestone blocks
Each block weighed about 2.5 tons
Each block was hand-chiseled to fit in
place perfectly
• Built with a labor force of about 100,000
men working for 20 years
Ancient Civilizations
Mesopotamia (3000-1000 BC)
A. Society/Religion
B. Government
III. Egypt (3100 BC-500 BC)
A. Nile
B. Unification & Prosperity
IV. Conc.
Key Terms
Code of
Nile River
Great Pyramid