Download Different Cultures through Religions

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Different Cultures through
• Refers to a person’s
total way of life.
• Including
Cultural Perceptions
• It makes each person who and what they are in the
• When it comes to different cultures they may have
customs that shock, intrigue us as humans. We may
disagree with these customs.
• The perceptions of Cultures have created many
misunderstandings and conflicts in the world.
• One of the key aspects
to understanding
cultures is religion.
• Different religions can
control what people
eat, wear, or how they
act in their daily lives.
• Followers: Indigenous peoples
including Shinto, and some forms
of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and
• Central Beliefs: refers to the belief
that non-human entities are
spiritual beings, or at least
embody some kind of lifeprinciple.
• Different spirits include:
• Animals
• Plants
• Places
• Ex: Inuit Tribe in Canada,
• Followers: Hindu
• Gods: There are 1,000’s of Gods and
Goddesses. (Polytheism) Brahma is the
chief god.
• Central Figure: No central figure, but
the Brahmins are the religious leaders.
• Karma: Persons behavior in life on
earth will determine that persons form
in the next life.
Sacred Objects: Ganges River in India and the Cow
is a sacred animal.
Texts: Vedas
Caste System: Strict separation of classes; no
marriage or association with other “castes”. This is
now banned in India, but still occurs.
Areas of Concentration: India and Nepal
• Followers: Jews
• Believe: One God
• Central/ Sacred Figures:
Abraham and Moses
Sacred Site: Jerusalem and
the Wailing wall.
Text: Torah and Talmud
Areas of Concentration:
widely scattered, however,
an overwhelming majority
are located in the United
States and Israel
•Philosophy: referred to as this and
most don’t believe in a “God”
• Basic philosophy: Based on selfdenial and mediation.
•Sacred Figure:
•Indian prince named Siddhartha
Guatama also known as Buddha
which means “The Enlightened
•Sacred Text: Pali Canon
• Buddhism: Concentrated in China,
Tibet, Japan, Australia, Laos,
Cambodia, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka
• The Dalai Lama- Buddhist monk,
leader of the Tibetans (more about
his struggles in Tibet soon)
Buddhist Temple
and Stupa
• Confucius = Politician, advisor to the king.
• Way of life taught by Confucius.
• Was so successful that the king gave him his
own province.
• Others were jealous and convinced the king
to throw Confucius out.
• Once Confucius dies, people began to write
down many of his thoughts.
• Philosophy goes well with communism
because a major premise is “obey your
government” & “humans are teachable”
Followers: Shinto
More of a way of life than a religion
Native Religion in Japan (not an “official” religion of Japan)
Creation story: Spirits created & then lived on the Japanese islands
Kami = supernatural force inclusive of gods, spirit figures, & human
• Followers go to shrines to worship kami
Taoism (Daoism)
• Emphasis on living in
harmony with Tao
• Prefers little (govt
involvement) anarchism &
laissez-faire government.
• Emphasize: compassion,
moderation & humility
• Text: Tao Te Ching
• Official Deity: Jade Emperor
• Largely influences Chinese
• Not truly a religion, has
some religious aspects.
Map of Christianity
• Followers are Christians
• Believe in one God
• Central/Sacred Figures:
Jesus, Peter, Paul
• Text: Bible (New Testament)
• Sacred Site:
– Jerusalem and Bethlehem
• Areas of Concentration:
• North and South America
• Europe
• Russia
• Australia
• New Zealand
• The Philippines
• Sub-Saharan Africa
Map of Islam, Hinduism, and
• Followers: Muslims
• Believe in one God
• Sacred/ Central Figures:
– Allah (God) and the Prophet
• Sacred Site: Mecca, Medina
and Jerusalem
• Sacred Text: Qu’ran (Koran)
• Areas of Concentration:
The Middle East
United States
Central and South Asia
Followers: Sikh
Believe: In one God
Mix of Hinduism and Islam
Sacred/ Central Figures:
– God and the founder Guru
• Sacred Places: The Golden
Temple in Pubjab, India
• Areas of Concentration: India,
SE Asia, Pakistan, UK, Europe