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Reproduction Mini Test
1. In the female where are eggs produced?
2. Where does a baby develop in a female?
3. How long does a human female have her period?_____________________
4. How does a female know she is pregnant?
5. Where is sperm stored?
6. Where does the egg and sperm get fertilised?
7. How long is it between periods in a human female? __________________
8. What is another name for afterbirth?
9. How long is a female pregnant for?
10. Where is the follicle present in the reproductive system? ______________
11. What is the first cell called after fertilisation ________________________
12. What does the follicle on the ovary release? ________________________
13. What does the term farrowing mean? _______________________________
14. What part of the male reproduction system produces sperm ______________
15. What is the other name for vas deferens ______________________________
16. The part between the vagina and the uterus is the ______________________
17. Another name for the corpus luteum is the __________________________
18. Another name for the oviduct is the ________________________________
19. A zygote cell divides into two. These cells divide into__________________
20. A group of cells that are all the same is called an _____________________
21. When the group of cells become different they are called a ______________
22. All mammals feed their young _________ and have ___________________
23. What does the hormone progesterone tell the body?___________________
24. What does colostrum contain? ____________________________________
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