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Ch3 Review
Use the figure for Exercises 1–10, suppose a || b and c || d.
1. 1 and 5 are what kind of angles?
2. 9 and 8 are what kind of angles?
3. Which angle could you show is congruent to 11 to prove a || b?
4. If m6 = 50, then find m11. Justify.
5. If m2 = 70, then find m6. Justify
6. If m1 = 130, then find m5. Justify
Find the values of the variables.
10. If a||b and b
Draw a diagram.
and c
^ d, and d || a, then what is the relationship of lines b and d?
Determine whether the following pairs of lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither.
11. y = 2x + 1
12. y = x + 4
13. y = 4x + 1
2x + y = 7
3x + y = 2
4x + y = 3
14. What is the equation of the line parallel to y = x  1 that contains the point (1, 2)? Graph it.
15. What is the equation of the line perpendicular to y =
x + 1 that contains the point (2, 1)?
16. Line AB contains points (2, 1) and (1, 8). What is the equation of the line parallel to line AB
that contains point (0, 2)?
Constructions- Practice! Know how to construct with compass and straight edge:
- a congruent segment
- a congruent angle.
- a angle bisector.
- a parallel line.
- a perpendicular bisector and perpendicular line that goes through a given point.
1) What are Skew Lines?
2) What are Parallel Lines?
3) What are Perpendicular Lines?