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1. What happened as a result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
2. Describe the national boundaries that existed in Africa at the end of the
19th century?
3. Why did thousands of Boers move north in the Great Trek?
4. What forces lead to European imperialism?
5. What is true of Africa before Imperialism.
6. What is Paternalism?
7. What is Assimilation?
8. The European policy of paternalism reflected the belief that:
9. How did Europeans use paternalism to govern people in colonies?
10. How did Menelik II keep colonial interests out of Ethiopia?
11. What was the main cause of inadequate food supplies in Africa during
12. Explain the main difference between European colonies and protectorates in
13. List which African colonies that were governed by indirect control?
14. What was the goal of direct control?
15. What did indirect control and direct control have in common?
16. What was the goal of direct control?
17. What was the main reason for the Crimean War?
18. Who was involved in the Crimean War and what was the outcome?
19. In 1907, what country was divided into spheres of influence by Russia and
20. By 1914, the Ottoman Empire had
21. What is Muhammad Ali’s significance?
22. Who combined efforts to build the Suez Canal?
23. Why was India called the "jewel in the crown"?
24. Who were the Sepoys?
25. List the causes of the Sepoy Mutiny.
26. One result of the Sepoy Mutiny was:
27. What was a Raj?
28. Identify countries located on the Pacific Rim
29. Malaysia became the world's leading exporter of
30. The main reason for British colonization of Singapore
31. What set the stage for Vietnamese resistance against the French?
32. Who was Queen Liliuokalani ?
33. Which U.S. business interest group pushed for the annexation of Hawaii?
34. Why did some U.S. business leaders want Hawaii to be annexed to the United
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2. World History
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