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Ph 103: Fundamentals of Physics III
Chapter 26 Worksheet: Properties of Light
Electromagnetic Waves:
1. A helium neon (He-Ne) laser emits light with a wavelength of 633 nm.
a) What is the wavelength of the light in SI units? (1 nm = 10-9 m)
b) What is the frequency of this light?
c) What color is this light?
d) A different type of laser, used for industrial applications such as cutting stainless
steel, the neodymium-YAG (or YAG) laser, emits non-visible light with a wavelength
of 1064 nm. What is the wavelength of this light in SI units?
e) What is the frequency of the light emitted by the neodymium YAG laser?
f) What type of light is this?
g) How does the energy of the wave of He-Ne light compare with the light from the
YAG laser?
h) How does the speed of the He-Ne laser light compare with the YAG laser light?
Ph 103: Fundamentals of Physics III
Chapter 26 Worksheet: Properties of Light
Transparent Materials
2. A certain material is transparent to visible and has an index of refraction of 1.8
a. How fast does light emitted from a He-Ne laser travel through this material?
b. What is the frequency of the He-Ne laser light in this material?
c. What is the wavelength of this light in the material?
3. In a different transparent material light travels at 70% of its speed in vacuum.
a. What is the speed of light in this material?
b. What is the index of refraction of this material?
c. What is the frequency of the He-Ne laser light in this material?
d. What is the wavelength of this light in the material?
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