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Curriculum Vitae
Glenn B. and Cleone Orr Hawkins Chair of Political Science, University of Wisconsin, 2001John G. Winant Visiting Professor of American Government, Oxford University,
Hilary & Trinity Terms, 2015
Distinguished Fellow, Rothermere American Institute, Oxford University, 2009Faculty Affiliate, La Follette School of Public Policy, 2008Andrew W. Mellon Professor of American Government, Oxford University, 1985-2001
Acting Warden, Nuffield College, 2000-2001
Professorial Fellow, Nuffield College, 1985- 2001
Associate Professor of Political Science, Florida State University, 1984-1985
Resident Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 1977-1984
“Modern Eras and Alternative Futures: The American Elections of 2016 in the Longest
Run”, with Regina L. Wagner, The Forum 15(2017), Issue 1.
THE AMERICAN POLITICAL PATTERN: Stability and Change, 1932-2016 (Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 2016).
“The 2014 Midterm in the Longest Run: The Puzzle of a Modern Era”, with Regina L.
Wagner and Pär Jason Engle, The Forum 13(2015), Issue 1, Article 1.
“The Evolution of Mass Ideologies in Modern American Politics”, with William J.M.
Claggett and Pär Jason Engle, The Forum 12(2014), Issue 2, Article 2.
THE AMERICAN POLITICAL LANDSCAPE, with Richard H. Spady (Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 2014).
“The Catholics and the Others: The Denominational Backdrop to Modern American Politics”,
with Richard H. Spady, The Forum 11(2013), Issue 4, Article 1.
“V.O. Key, Jr.: Key as Political Thinker”, in Michael T. Gibbons, ed., Encyclopedia of Political
Thought (Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014).
“Resolved, the president should be elected directly by the people: Con”, in Richard J. Ellis and
Michael Nelson, eds., DEBATING THE PRESIDENCY: Conflicting Perspectives on the
American Executive, 3rd ed. (Washington, DC: CQ Press, forthcoming, 2013).
“Public Opinion among Political Elites: The Insiders Poll as a Research Tool”, with
James A. Barnes, The Forum 11(2013), Issue 2, Article 2.
“Politics and Social Class in the South”, in Larry J. Griffin and Peggy G. Hargis, eds.,
CULTURE (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012).
“The Master, the Acolytes, and the Study of American Politics”, and “Partisan Change in the
Postwar South”, the latter with Richard Johnston, in Angie Maxwell and Todd G.
Shields, eds., UNLOCKING V.O. KEY, JR.: “Southern Politics” for the Twenty-First
Century (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2011).
"Where Are We in History? 2010 in the Longest Run," with Pär Jason Engle, The Forum
8(2010), Issue 4, Article 1.
THE AMERICAN PUBLIC MIND: The Issue Structure of Mass Politics in the Postwar United
States, with William J.M. Claggett (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010).
“The Pure Partisan Institution: National Party Conventions as Research Sites”, in L. Sandy
INTEREST GROUPS (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).
“Institutional Structure and Democratic Values: A Research Note on a Natural Experiment”,
with Amber Wichowsky, The Forum 7(Issue 2, 2009), Article 2.
“The Nomination and the Election: Clearing Away Underbrush”, with Amber Wichowsky, The
Forum 6(Issue 4, 2008), Article 3.
“Where Are We in History? Political Orders and Political Eras in the Postwar U.S.”, The Forum
5(Issue 3, 2007), Article 4.
“Nelson W. Polsby: A Scholarly Appreciation”, The Forum 5(Issue 1, 2007), Article 1.
THE END OF SOUTHERN EXCEPTIONALISM: Class, Race, and Partisan Change in the
Postwar South, with Richard Johnston (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006).
[ Best Book Prize, Section on Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, APSA; V.O. Key Prize for
best book on Southern Politics, SPSA; selected for “6th Annual Year in Ideas” by the New
York Times Magazine; see below]
“Orders and Eras in American Politics”, for ‘Polity Forum on Periodization’, Polity 37 (October,
2005), 541-547.
University Press of Kansas, 2003).
THE STATE OF AMERICAN POLITICS (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), editing and
introduction. Author of “The Search for a New Center”, Chapter Two.
"The Transformation of Southern Politics, Revisited: The House of Representatives as a Window",
with Richard G.C. Johnston, British Journal of Political Science 31(October, 2001), 601625. [Party Politics Prize, APSA, 2001; see below]
CONTESTING DEMOCRACY: Substance and Structure in American Political History, 17752000 (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2001), editing with Anthony J. Badger.
Author of Preface; “Economic Growth, Issue Evolution, and Divided Government, 19552000”, Chapter Nine; and Conclusion.
“Who, What, When, Where, and How,” Review Essay, Journal of Policy History 12(No. 4,
2000), 513-526.
"From Social Welfare to Cultural Values: The Puzzle of Postwar Change in Britain and the
United States," with Marc D. Stears, Journal of Policy History 11(No.4, 1999), 331-366.
"Are there any New Democrats? (And by the way, was there a Republican Revolution?)",
Chapter 1 in Colin Campbell and Bert Rockman, eds., The Clinton Legacy (New York:
Chatham House, 1999).
"American Exceptionalism," Annual Review of Political Science 2(1999), 445-463.
PARTISAN APPROACHES To Postwar American Politics (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House,
1998), editing and introduction. Author of "Partisan Elites, 1946-1996," Chapter Three.
"The Mid-Term Election of 1994: Upheaval in Search of a Framework," Chapter Two in Dean
McSweeney & John E. Owens, eds., The Republican Revolution on Capitol Hill (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1998).
PRESENT DISCONTENTS: American Politics in the Very Late Twentieth Century (Chatham;
NJ: Chatham House, 1997), editing and preface.
Author of "We Are All Southern Democrats Now," Chapter Seven.
POSTWAR POLITICS IN THE G-7: Orders and Eras in Comparative Perspective (Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press, 1996), editing and introduction. Author of "The United
States," Chapter One; "Synthesis," Chapter Nine; "Conclusion," Chapter Ten.
THE TWO MAJORITIES: The Issue Context of Modern American Politics (Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1995), with William J.M. Claggett.
"The Senate Quintet," Review Essay, Journal of Politics 56(February, 1994), 253-260.
"Temporal Eras in Political History," Forum, Journal of Policy History 5(No. 4 1993), 461-474.
THE END OF REALIGNMENT? Interpreting American Electoral Eras (Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1991), editing and introduction. Author of "The Notion of an Electoral
Order: The Structure of American Politics at the Accession of George Bush,"
Chapter Three. [Franklin P. Burdette Prize, A.P.S.A., 1990; see below]
IS AMERICA DIFFERENT? A New Look at American Exceptionalism (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1991), editing and introduction. Author of "What is the American
Way? Four Themes in Search of Their Next Incarnation," Chapter Eight.
"Roberto Michels, Vilfredo Pareto, and Henry Jones Ford: Classical Insights and the Structure
of Contemporary American Politics," International Political Science Review 12(July,
1991), 186-219.
"Life and Death as Public Policy: Capital Punishment and Abortion in American Public
Opinion," with William J.M. Claggett, International Journal of Public Opinion Research
3(Spring, 1991), 32-52. [American Association/World Association of Public
Opinion Researchers Prize, 1991; see below]
" 'Reform' in the American Experience," Corruption and Reform 6(No. 1, 1991), 1-24.
" 'Exceptionalism' in American Politics?", PS: Political Science & Politics 22(September, 1989),
"The Election of 1988 and the Structure of American Politics: Thoughts on Interpreting an
Electoral Order," Electoral Studies 8(April, 1989), 5-21.
"Scholarship on Presidential Selection in the United States," Review Essay, American Political
Science Review 82(September, 1988), 955-963.
BIFURCATED POLITICS: Evolution and Reform in the National Party Convention
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988).
"Republicans and Democrats as Social Types: Or, Notes Toward an Ethnography of the Political
Parties," Journal of American Studies 20(December, 1986), 341-354.
The Changing Structure of American Politics, Inaugural Lecture (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1986).
"The New Cultural Politics," PS: Political Science & Politics 18(Spring, 1985), 221-231.
"The Democratic Party Salvation Industry," Public Opinion 8(June/July, 1985), 45-49.
QUIET REVOLUTION: The Struggle for the Democratic Party and the Shaping of Post-Reform
Politics (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1983). [E.E. Schattschneider Prize in an
earlier form, A.P.S.A., 1980; see below]
"Reform and Alienation: The Decline of Intermediation in the Politics of Presidential Selection,"
Journal of Law & Politics 1(Fall, 1983), 93-132.
"Continuity & Change, Predictability & Chance, in the Politics of Presidential Selection," and
"Predicting the Outcome in 1984," PS: Political Science & Politics 16(Fall, 1983), 649655 and 689-694.
PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS: Readings on Nominations and Elections, 2nd ed. (New York: St.
Martin's Press, 1983), edited with James I. Lengle; 1st ed., 1980.
"Anti-Party Politics," The Public Interest 63(Spring, 1981), 95-111.
"The National Conventions of 1980: Political Scientists as Professional Observers," PS:
Political Science & Politics 14(Winter, 1981), 46-49.
"Primary Rules, Political Power, and Social Change," with James I. Lengle, American Political
Science Review 70(March, 1976), 25-40. [Jack L. Walker Award, A.P.S.A., 1997; see `
Intermittent reference, biographical, and bibliographic entries, book reviews, and interpretive
comments, in various locations.
THE LONG WAR OVER PARTY STRUCTURE: Political Parties and Representative Democracy
in American Politics, with Regina L. Wagner.
WIDENING GYRE: The Transformation of the American Party System, 1952-2012.
Samuel Eldersveld Career Achievement Award, Political Organizations and Parties Section,
American Political Science Association, 2015
V.O. Key Prize for ‘Best Book on Southern Politics’, Southern Political Science Association,
‘Best Book of 2006’, APSA Section on Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, 2007.
The End of Southern Exceptionalism selected for “6th Annual Year in Ideas” (2006) by The New
York Times Magazine
Party Politics Prize for ‘Best Paper at the Previous Annual Meeting’, Political Organizations and
Parties Section, APSA, 2003.
Party Politics Prize for ‘Best Paper at the Previous Annual Meeting’, Political Organizations and
Parties Section, APSA, 2001.
Jack L. Walker Prize for 'An Article of Unusual Significance and Importance to the Field,'
Political Organizations and Parties Section, APSA, 1997.
AAPOR/WAPOR Prize for 'Best Article in the International Journal of Public Opinion
Research,' 1991.
Franklin P. Burdette Prize for 'Best Paper at the Previous Annual Meeting,' APSA, 1990.
E.E. Schattschneider Prize for 'Best Dissertation in American Politics,' APSA, 1980.
The regular program at Wisconsin involves:
Undergraduate Classes: Political Science 104, Introduction to American Government, and
Political Science 184, Honors Introduction to American Government.
Graduate Classes: “The Changing Structure of American Politics”, “Macro Theories of
American Politics”, and “The Politics of Presidential Selection”
Regular presentations at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association and
the Policy History Conference. Selected presentations of an additionally honorific
character might include:
“The American Elections of 2016. Where are We in Political History?”, Perspektiven zur
Präsidentschaftswahl 2016, Institut fur Demokratieforschung, University of Goettingen,
“Examining the Nomination Process: How Did We Get Here? Where are We Going?”, Lind
Initiative in U.S. Studies, University of British Columbia, 2016.
“Party Balance, Partisan Polarization, and Policy Conflict: The Evolution of American Politics,
1932-2015”, John G. Winant Lecture, Oxford University, 2015.
“Party Balance, Partisan Polarization, and Policy Conflict: The Modern World, 1932-2014”,
opening plenary panel for the Policy History Conference, 2014.
Paul Burstein, American Public Opinion, Advocacy, and Policy in Congress, and Byron E.
Shafer, The American Political Landscape, Political Economy Colloquium, Department
of Sociology, Indiana University
“The Three Worlds of Postwar American Politics”, Ruth K. and Shepard Broad Lecture, Florida
International University, in honor of the creation of the School of International and Public
Affairs, 2012.
“The Mid-Term of 2010 in the Longest Run”, Panel inaugurating a new section on Politics &
History, Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, 2011.
“The Master and the Acolytes”, Keynote Lecture for “Unlocking V.O. Key, Jr.”, Second Annual
Blair Legacy Series Conference, University of Arkansas, 2009.
“Did 1968 Change History? Two Perspectives”, Plenary Lecture, with Nelson Lichtenstein,
Policy History Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 2008.
“Where are We in History? Political Orders and Political Eras in the Postwar U.S.”,
Cambridge University Press/Journal of American Studies Lecture, annual meetings of
the British Association for American Studies, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2008.
“A Matter of Faith? The Past, Present, and Future of Religion in U.S. Politics”, Roundtable with
David Campbell, Larry Bartels, Corwin Smidt, and Eric Uslaner at the annual meetings
of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, 2007; selected as
its first podcast by the association.
“The 2004 Presidential Election: How Much Do Issues Influence the Vote?”, with Larry
Bartels, Thomas E. Mann, and Benjamin I. Page, Brookings Institution/Princeton
University Briefing, Washington, D.C., 2004.
“Mainsprings of America: Institutions Meet Culture”, Keynote Panel, Policy History
Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 2002.
“Presidential Selection in the Television Age”, John D. Lees Memorial Lecture, American
Politics Group, P.S.A., Keele, England, 2000.
"The Clinton Presidency: Looking Forward and Looking Back," annual colloquium on American
Politics, U.S. Embassy, London, England, 1999.
"American Exceptionalism," Roundtable, American Political Science Association, 1998.
"Rethinking Political History," Plenary Panel, Organization of American Historians, 1997.
"The Structure of American Politics at the Accession of George Bush," Plenary Lecture, British
Association for American Studies, 1991.
"The End of Realignment," Plenary Session, American Political Science Association, 1989,
organizer and presenter.
"Reform," main paper from the American side at conference of American and Soviet political
scientists, Moscow/Leningrad/Tallin, 1989.
Program Chair, Biennial Policy History Conference, 2014.
Editor, The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics, 2007-2015.
Editorial Board, Journal of Policy History, 1994Chair, Selection Committee, V.O. Key Prize for the best book on Southern Politics of the
Southern Political Science Association, 2011.
Chair, Selection Committee, Leon Epstein Prize of the POP APSA section, for best book on
political parties, 2011.
External Assessor, Department of Political Science, Florida International University, 2010.
Chair, Selection Committee, E.E. Schattschneider Prize of APSA, for best doctoral dissertation
in American government and politics, 2007.
Selection Committee, Franklin P. Burdette Prize of APSA, for best paper at the previous annual
meeting, 2006.
Selection Committee, Leon Epstein Prize of the POP APSA section, for best book on political
parties, 2005.
Editorial Board, Annual Review of Political Science, 2003-2006.
Editorial Board, Journal of American Studies, 1986-1999.
Current member of: American Political Science Association; Political Studies Association of the
United Kingdom; American Historical Association; American Sociological Association;
Organization of American Historians; Midwest Political Science Association; Southern
Political Science Association
Budget Committee, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin, 2014Awards Committee, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin, 2001-2013.
Board of Directors, Honors Program, University of Wisconsin, 2007-2010.
Drafting Author, “Academic Program Review, 1997-2008, Department of Political Science”,
University of Wisconsin, 2009.
Convener, American Politics faculty, University of Wisconsin, 2006-2008, 2014-2015.
Recruitment Committee, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin, 2002-2006.
Board of Overseers, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, 2003-2006.
Acting Warden, Nuffield College, 2000-2001
American Studies Steering Group, Oxford University, 1991-2000.
Building Committee, Oxford American Institute, 1996-1999.
The result was a major contemporary building, housing an Americanist library and
gathering all Americanist teaching at Oxford, the product of some years of planning,
fundraising, and liaison.
Member, Social Studies Board, Oxford University, 1989-1999
Chairman, Politics Group, Nuffield College, 1993-1997
Member, Modern History Board, Oxford University, 1989-1993
Honorary M.A., Oxford University, 1985, in Politics
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1979, in Political Science;
Peter B. Odegard Prize for Outstanding Dissertation Proposal
B.A., Yale University, 1968, in Political Science;
Magna Cum Laude, Departmental Honors with Exceptional Distinction;
Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Sigma Alpha
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