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Chapter 5 section 3 Objective Questions
1. Explain how the ratification of the new Constitution would happen
a. For the Constitution to become law, 9 out of the 13 states had to ratify
(approve) it.
b. Each state had to hold a special convention that would cast the ratification
vote because the state legislatures were not likely to approve a document
that limited their powers.
2. Compare and contrast the positions of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist.
Fedealist: those who favored the
-wanted a strong national gov’t
-George Washington, James Madison &
Alexander Hamilton argued that even if
there were problems with document it had
to be approved
-Several Federalist wrote a series of essays
called The Federalist Papers to win
support for the Constitution in the state of
New York
-In the Federalist, No. 10 Madison
explained that the new federal gov’t would
not ever be controlled by on faction (a
group that is concerned only with its own
interest) b/c the U.S. was so big
Antifederalist: those who opposed the
-they believed it threatened the power of
state gov’t and the rights of individuals
-rallied around older revolutionary figures
as Patrick Henry of Virginia
-Gained support in rural regions where
protecting commerce was not as important
-Believed that the president would be
another king
-Feared the new federal court system
3. Identify the reasons that the Federalist won approval of the Constitution.
1. Federalist drew in the widespread
feelings that the Articles of Confederation
had serious flaws.
2. Federalist were united around a specific
plan-the Constitution.
3. Federalist were a well-organized
national group in regular contact with one
4. Federalist had George Washington and
the constitution was created under the
leadership of the nations greatest hero and
most respected public figures.
What Anti-Federalist didn’t do/have
1. Economics problems/Shays Rebellion
2. Anti-Federalist were only united in
opposition to the Constitution no
constructive plan to offer.
3. Anti-Federalist tended to be local and
state politicians who could not coordinate
their activities on the national level.
4. Outline arguments for and against a Bill of Rights.
Against Bill of Rights
-Most Federalists believed these were
unnecessary; if gov’t and the people were
the same, why did the people need to
protect their rights from themselves?
For Bill of Rights
-Thomas Jefferson was in favor of the
Constitution but insisted that the Bill of
Rights be included
-Serving in Paris as ambassador to France
but wrote letters to friends encouraging
specific protection for the rights of the