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Study guide for hydrosphere unit
1. Deep ocean currents are created _______________________________ .
a. as cold, salty surface water sinks and less dense deep water rises.
b. by frictional drag of the wind against the surface of the ocean waters.
c. as surface waters squeeze between narrow passages separating ocean basins.
d. when Earth’s magnetic field imparts a charge to the surface waters.
2. Which of the following correctly describes the distribution of Earth’s freshwater?
a. 50% glaciers & icecaps, 30% groundwater, 10% rivers & lakes, 10% biosphere
b. 69% groundwater, 30% rivers & lakes, 1% all other freshwater
c. 69% glaciers & icecaps, 30% groundwater, 1% all other freshwater
d. 80% glaciers & icecaps, 10% groundwater, 5% rivers & lakes, 5% all other
3. By what two ways can we tell that there may be an El Niño?
a. Sea surface warms in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Trade winds strengthen
b. Seas surface cools in the western equatorial Pacific, Trade winds strengthen
c. Sea surface warms in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Trade winds weaken
d. Sea surface warms in the western equatorial Pacific, Trade winds weaken
4. Nonpoint pollution of our streams and rivers is harder to control than point
pollution. This is because nonpoint pollution ____________________________ .
a. has very large volumes of pollution coming from a single source
b. carries numerous diseases and hazardous medical byproducts
c. results from small amounts of pollution from multiple places
d. is unrelated to streams and rivers
5. Which of the following could be a result of exponential human population growth?
a. It could cause a decrease in the amount of waste and pollutants in the water
b. It could cause an increase in the amount of water available for the population.
c. It could cause an increase in cases of waterborne diseases and a decrease in the
amount of water available.
d. It could cause a decrease in the amount of water needed for survival.
6. Which of the following is NOT a way that humans alter the quantity water flowing
through a watershed?
a. By using water for industrial and irrigation uses
b. By building dams
c. By constructing impervious surfaces (parking lots, roads, etc.)
d. All of the above affect quantity and flow of water
Questions 7-13: Match the following terms with the correct letter in the diagram.
7. unconfined aquifer
8. water table
12. Confined aquifer
9. infiltration
13. spring
10. runoff
14. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of water quality?
a. pH levels
b. Dissolved Oxygen levels
c. Water temperature
d. Type of sediment at the bottom of the stream
15. Which of the following correctly describes the distribution of Earth’s water?
a. 97% freshwater and 3% saltwater
b. 97% saltwater and 3% freshwater
c. 20% glaciers, 70% oceans, 5% groundwater, 5% surface water
d. 25% glaciers, 25% oceans, 25% groundwater, 25% surface water
16. The water in your drinking glass may have been part of
a. a primordial (very early) ocean
b. a dinosaur’s blood
c. the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age
d. all of the above
17. Which of the following best describes the most important interaction of Earth’s
saltwater with other Earth systems?
a. the ocean interacts with the geosphere to cause plate tectonics
b. the ocean redistributes thermal energy to the geosphere
c. the ocean interacts with the biosphere to influence climate and weather
d. the ocean interacts with the atmosphere to influence climate and weather
18. Freshwater is considered a limited resource because
a. most large cities depend on surface water for their water supplies
b. only a very small percentage of Earth’s water consists of surface water
c. groundwater is often pumped out of the ground faster than is can be replaced
d. all of the above
Matching – Match the ocean layers/currents terms with their definitions or examples in
problems (19-22).
(a) gyre (b) global conveyor (c) bottom layer
(d) upwelling
19. a closed-loop current pattern that is restricted to one hemisphere of an ocean basin
20. a closed-loop current pattern that extends throughout all ocean basins
21. the cold, dark layer below 1000m; also present at the surface in the polar regions
22. the upward movement of cold ocean water that brings nutrients to surface
Multiple choice – Select the best answer for problems.
23. The ocean’s surface layer
a. Forms gyres
b. is the top 10% of the ocean
c. does not mix much with the cold bottom layer because the surface layer is less
d. all of these describe the ocean’s surface layer
24. Deep ocean currents
a. are caused by the global wind belts
b. are started by cold, salty water in the polar regions
c. form a closed circulation loop called gyres
d. have upwelling and downwelling
25. Shallow ocean currents
a. are caused by the wind
b. have upwelling and downwelling
c. form gyres
d. all of the above
26. El Nino
a. illustrates the climatic link between the atmosphere and the ocean
b. occurs when normally strong trade winds weaken across the Pacific Ocean
c. involves the eastward movement of warm water from the western Pacific
d. all of these describe el nino
27. Which of the following is true about sediment size and transport?
a. only fine sediment can be transported by a stream
b. fine sediment moves as suspended load and coarse sediment moves as bed load
c. suspended transport of sand includes rolling, pushing and bouncing
d. fine sediment moves as bed load and coarse sediment moves as suspended load
28. Which of the following is true about the slope of a stream channel and the velocity
of flow?
a. the steepness of the slope does not affect the velocity
b. the steeper the slope, the slower the velocity
c. the steeper the slope, the faster the velocity
d. the steepness of the slope affects only lateral velocity
29. The faster the velocity of a stream, the greater the amount of sediment that can be
transported and the larger the particles of sediment that can be transported.
a. True
b. false
30. If the carrying capacity of a stream is reduced, the stream will
a. deposit sediment beginning with the largest particles in the sediment load
b. stop eroding and continue to transport its existing sediment load
c. begin downcutting
d. deposit sediment beginning with the smallest particles in the sediment load
31. Nonpoint pollution is hard to control because
a. it often involves very large volumes of water coming from a single source
b. “nonpoint” means that there is no point in trying to control it
c. it is caused by small amounts of pollution from many places
d. it contains high levels of pathogens
32. Most nonpoint pollution comes from
a. water put back into lakes and rivers by wastewater treatment plants
b. untreated stormwater flow (runoff) draining from paved areas and farm
c. slowly moving nutrient-rich water
d. phosphorus in laundry detergents
33. Water pollution can affect ecosystems through
a. the accumulation of toxic materials along food chains (snail-fish-eagle)
b. the acute toxicity of chemical spills into rivers and streams
c. threats to human health from consumption of water and toxic-laden fish
d. all of the above
34. What affects the density of ocean water?
a. temperature and salt content
b. dissolved oxygen
c. sediment
d. rocks
35. Major ocean currents distribute
a. cold water everywhere
b. heat away from the equator toward the poles
c. saline water throughout the ocean
d. algae and plankton
36. Water heats up slowly and cools down slowly, this property causes
a. coastal climates to be moderate-winters are warmer and summers are cooler.
b. polar climates to be moderate
c. eutrophication
d. no change in coastal climates
37. floods can occur when
a. the water table is low
b. groundwater has not been recharged
c. soil is made of sand is permeable
d. the water table is high
38. consequences of aquifer depletion include all of the following except
a. subsidence
b. saltwater intrusion
c. clean freshwater
d. dry wells and streams
39. dams can have all of the following negative effects except
a. increased downstream output of rivers
b. extinctons
c. eutrophication
d. sediment accumulation in reservoirs instead of in floodplains
40. Why might South Carolina sue North Carolina over water?
a. North Carolina is selling water for too much money
b. rivers from North Carolina are polluted and water is depleted when it reaches South
c. North Carolina has not treated water before it reaches South Carolina as agreed
d. there is no reason to sue
41. Porosity is
a. how quickly water can flow through
b. how poor a city is
c. how much pore space is in a substance
42. Permeability is
a. how you do your hair
b. how poor a city is
c. how much water can come through
d. how quickly water can flow through a substance
43. Groundwater and surface water interact in all of these ways except?
a. surface water infiltrates the ground and becomes groundwater
b. rivers, streams, and lakes can be a source of ground-water recharge
c. groundwater near/at Earth’s surface can be a source of rivers, streams, and lakes
d. the ocean evaporates and starts the water cycle
44. How can groundwater and surface water be negatively affected?
a. withdrawal of water from streams can deplete groundwater
b. surface water pollution can cause groundwater to be polluted
c. polluted groundwater can cause lakes and streams to be polluted
d. all of these are ways that ground and surface water can be negatively affected.